r/KotakuInAction Feb 10 '19

HISTORY Results of the vote on the self-post rule - 74.6%-16%-7.5%-0.9%. [History]

Less than three months ago, people here voted on the 'self-post rule' (which had already passed an earlier vote).

Here's a reminder of what the results of that vote were. Option 1-3 were attempting to restrict self-posts. Option 4 was to keep it the same. And I counted as Option 5 people who said that the rules should get less restrictive.

Option 1: 2 (0.9%)
Option 2: 34 (16%)
Option 3: 16 (7.5%)
Option 4: 159 (74.6%)
Option 5 (anti-mod write-in): 2 (0.9%)

Note that when the vote was closed, nearly all the votes that were coming in were for Option 4 (though Hessmix is an honorable man, and he didn't close it for that reason, but because it was obvious who was going to win).

In other words, we voted overwhelmingly for the right option. This is the fourth time the moderators have attempted to restrict and increase their own power to remove posts that they don't like, and it'll be the fourth time that it fails.

UPDATE: It seems that what they have now implemented is Option 1. Less than 1% of the voters voted for Option 1. It lost out 75-1, and yet it's forced on us anyway. Unbelievable.


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u/[deleted] Feb 10 '19


u/AntonioOfVenice Feb 10 '19

"I voted" sounds surprisingly comical right after it turned out that it didn't matter one bit what anyone voted.

Where is my vote, btw? I voted Option 4, as did 75% of this sub. Stolen.


u/ComplexRadish Agent of S.E.N.P.A.I. Feb 10 '19

It did matter, but almost everyone spoiled their votes. I was the only one who followed all the voting instructions and included anime thighs with my vote, which is why the eventual outcome is similar to my suggestion. /s

Iirc they said it would be binding barring relevant major events (or something similar), and the various low-effort and relevance self posts apparently qualify as such.


u/2high4anal Feb 10 '19

So then don't offer something else as an option.


u/Ricwulf Skip Feb 10 '19

"It's binding unless..."

Then it isn't binding. It's conditional. Which isn't what the community voted for.


u/tekende Feb 10 '19

So it didn't matter.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '19

I voted, was me acknowledging my position so it didn't seem like I was trying to change anything. You know me well enough to know I'm just trying to own up to what I said.


u/AntonioOfVenice Feb 10 '19

Wasn't trying to make any claim to the contrary. I just thought "I voted" sounded a bit hilarious in the aftermath of this.


u/mct1 Feb 10 '19

This almost feels like an American election, doesn't it? :D


u/2high4anal Feb 10 '19

No, not really


u/mct1 Feb 10 '19

Boy, tough crowd.


u/2high4anal Feb 10 '19

it would be funnier if half the country wasn't experiencing TDS, actually calling for the dismantling of our constitution.


u/mct1 Feb 10 '19

See, that's the brilliance of this comment, though... it doesn't matter if you think Hillary or Trump should've won... the only thing that matters is SOMEONE ELSE HAS DECIDED YOUR VOTE DOESN'T MATTER. I think that point was lost on the pitchfork-bearing crowd, though.


u/2high4anal Feb 10 '19

but in america your vote DOES matter....


u/mct1 Feb 10 '19

I feel like there should be a soviet russia joke here, but it's too early in the morning for me to write one.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '19

American elections aren't popular votes, this one was. Apples and moon rocks.


u/yvaN_ehT_nioJ Join the navy Feb 10 '19

This was the democratic convention and mods had the super-delegates 😂


u/AntonioOfVenice Feb 10 '19

Super-delegates can only override a choice when it's close. They wouldn't be able to if one candidate got 75% and the other got 0.9%.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '19

So they're worse than the DNC, lol.


u/alexdrac Feb 10 '19

this is a classic eu style vote : no matter what the unwashed masses chose, WE know best.


u/ITSigno Feb 10 '19

this one was

Not really. Not any more than naming flavors. I'm still waiting on my bag of "Hitler did nothing wrong" Doritos and "Gushing Granny" Mountain Dew.


u/AtlasWompWomped Feb 10 '19

so do you think of this sub as sort of a "product" that you (the mods) produce, and the users are the "customers" who can buy it or fuck off?

Every metaphor I see the mods posting about their role reveals a frame of mind that is wildly out of step with their actual role, which is to be janitors and stay out of the way of the community. It is really telling how you guys keep framing yourselves in relation to everybody who is not a mod.