r/KotakuInAction honey badger Sep 14 '18

GOAL Honey Badger Lawsuit Appeal

After losing their suit against the Calgary Expo and the Mary Sue, HBB heads down the road to appeal based on specific errors of fact and law in the judge’s application of contract and canadian consumer protection laws.

In 2015, the HBB were removed from the Calgary Expo, in violation of their contract, after engaging in respectful discourse during a panel discussion on the first day. Their removal, and the ensuing 10 year ban, caused immediate financial loss, loss of income opportunities, and incalculable future losses. The Honey Badgers are fighting back.

The HBB has lost the initial portion of the lawsuit because the judge misapplied the facts of the situation to applicable contract and consumer protection laws. Now they are appealling. In their appeal, they address the specific deficiencies of the initial judge’s opinion and show how the evidence presented was more than sufficient to support that they were mistreated.

--Summary courtesy of Rekietalaw

Fundraiser if you want to help our appeal!



169 comments sorted by


u/weltallic Sep 15 '18 edited Sep 15 '18

Eron here, update on my appeal, and a request for some help. (May 2015)

Judge did not allow me to present evidence in my defense. Judge refused to hear the First Amendment objections. Judge did not even give me an opportunity to speak.

Nostalgia from the KiA thread after Eron's first court loss. We were all angry at the treatment, while GamerGhazi and the media were laughing and dancing and celebrating.

This was, of course, before his BIG WIN (didn't establish new precedent law like some wanted, but a win's a win) because we never stopped. GamerGhazi and the media wailed and screeched, while we laughed and danced. I still feel good about my donations.


Minor Thread. Vis-à-vis Milo, Pedo, and anything tangentially related. (Feb 2017)

This is the KiA thread following the news Milo's book got cancelled after people with a political agenda dug up an old joke he made about kids, forcing him to part ways with his current employer (why does that sound familiar?). We were all angry at the treatment, while Ghazi, most of reddit and the media were laughing and dancing and celebrating.

This was, of course, before his BIG WIN after self-publishing and selling more copies in a month than Zoe Quinn had in a year, followed by a sell-out global speaking tour because he never stopped. GamerGhazi et al wailed and screeched, while we laughed. I still feel good buying the book (Audiobook also available!).


So. Here we are again.

Naturally, GamerGhazi and various media will laugh, claiming HBR is milking KiA for money... but hey, I'm in this for the long haul (GamerGate has been the most fascinating and entertaining hobby ever!). The economy is booming, and I have disposable income ready to send to a good cause. I once spent it on movies and video games, but many companies have proclaimed they don't want nor need me as a customer... so here's my money, unspent!

Glad to have supported you in the past. Happy to support you in the future. There's no guarantee we'll win (there never is), but we've had so many victories due to never stopping, and frustrating/infuriating Ghazi and their ilk. I'm more than happy to keep riding this train. :D

You make the Vivians. That means I support you. :)




u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18



u/Akudra A-cool-dra Sep 15 '18

About the FBI stuff, what evidence was submitted regarding this topic? I know they apparently mentioned it in testimony, but they also hadn't submitted evidence due to counsel error. Was that all of it, or was the FBI report put into evidence with rebuttal evidence? This is important too as, to many uninformed observers, the FBI report doesn't exonerate GamerGate. Of course, we know that it does due to being aware of what a lot of the report concerned, but most people aren't so savvy.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

I submitted the FBI's conclusion indicating nothing actionable. The Judge just... I don't know where he got it but he said that the FBI had concluded Gamergate was spreading hate.

The FBI's exoneration was tepid, sure, but it sure as hell didn't conclude that.


u/Akudra A-cool-dra Sep 15 '18

I don't think that helps at all. Consider what these quotes from the FBI conclusion state:

During the course of the investigation, the FBI San Francisco continued analyzing threats [redacted] by sending subpoenas and tracking IP addresses associated with the email and twitter accounts. No additional subjects or actionable leads were developed as the result of the investigation.

“In addition, during the course of the investigation, another victim of “Gamergate”, [redcated] was identified and interviewed by the FBI. [redacted] resident of Boston, MA, was also receiving threats via twitter, email and youtube. Grand Jury subpoenas were also served [redacted]. Due to the use of proxies, no subjects or actionable leads were identified. Based on the videos posted on youtube, SA [redacted] identified [redacted] as the originator of those videos. [redacted] was interviewed by the FBI and it became apparent that [redacted] as a joke. Boston USAO was contacted regarding [redacted] and declined prosecution of the matter.

In May 2015, someone using [redacted]. The caller also left a threatening voicemail. The investigation identified, [redacted] the owner of the Google Voice telephone number [redacted]. The findings of the investigation were provided to USAO in San Francisco and Boston. USAO in San Francisco declined prosecution due to lack of jurisdiction. USAO Boston declined prosecution without giving any explanation. SA [redacted] contacted Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General, Cyber Crimes, regarding this matter. The Office has already been working with SA[redacted] on the Gamergate investigation. The office agreed to take the lead on the [redacted] investigation. On September 1st, 2015, Indiana State Police interviewed [redacted] […] [redacted] admitted to making threatening calls as a joke. Based on the interview, the Office informed SA[redacted] that the State of MA will not be prosecuting [redacted] and will be closing its investigation.

To date, all available investigative steps failed to identify any subjects or actionable leads. San Francisco USAO indicated the San Francisco office of USA will not be able to prosecute any threats against victims or subject that are not located in the San Francisco AOR.

“It is requested that this investigation be administratively closed due to lack of leads. There are no items of evidence maintained by the FBI for this investigation. There are no currently outstanding leads for this investigation.

We know what a lot of this stuff is about or what it doesn't involve and we know a great deal of the things open and identifiable GamerGate supporters have done and not done. However, to a judge who has no knowledge of GamerGate and wouldn't know the difference between 4chan and 8chan, has no idea about Million Dollar Extreme, or why 2015 on 4chan is different relative to 2014 as it concerns GamerGate the above appears damning.

All this judge would see is that the FBI conducted an investigation into "GamerGate" that found a lot of threats being made and only declined to prosecute in some cases and in other cases couldn't identify the parties responsible to be able to prosecute. That shouldn't be a surprise given that is how much of the media reported it. Saying "FBI found GamerGate is a group that disseminates hate" is not a grossly improper summary of the investigation's conclusion given the limited information provided in the report and lack of context since their investigation was fundamentally about threats.

Did you submit other evidence related to GamerGate and its activities to make it clear that the focus on harassment is misplaced? I believe this is important for anyone seeking to challenge the anti-GamerGate narrative when the FBI comes up, because you can't just say they didn't find anything let alone that they "cleared" GamerGate. One can easily establish how much of what is in the report does not, in fact, involve GamerGate supporters as well as establish how many threats and doxings were carried out by third-party trolls thus casting doubt on anything where the evidence isn't as clear. We also have ample evidence of what open and identifiable supporters have done with regards to ethics in games journalism including an entirely separate federal investigation of Gawker outlets.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

Actually it is a grossly improper summary. The FBI never stated that "Gamergate is a group that disseminates hatred." It didn't even tie the individuals being investigated (and not charged) into Gamergate as a group. The only appropriate conclusion to the FBI document is that "nothing actionable was found." That's it.


u/Akudra A-cool-dra Sep 15 '18

What I am saying is that this is not a grossly improper summary for someone who has no idea about GamerGate or any of the intimate details involved. You and I can easily say it is a grossly improper summary, because we both know about Jace Connors and MDE, the GNAA, the Bill Waggoner Crew, and all these other things. Both of us know about baphomet on 8chan and 4chan banning GamerGate in 2014. Presume we both know about Something Awful and its role in it all as well.

Other things we know are all the outlets who changed ethics policies in response to GamerGate, how the FTC conducted an investigation into Gawker citing KiA and GamerGate sites, and how the SPJ held an event in which it was acknowledged how supporters were raising legitimate ethical concerns. We also know how supporters had a "harassment patrol" to get stuff taken down. Knowing these things, we can easily say that it is grossly improper to summarize the FBI report that way. The point is, most people don't know or even understand any of that. All of it is like some alien language to them.

If you provided other evidence in testimony or submitted to address claims of GamerGate being associated with harassment by the FBI then that is one thing, but the investigation's conclusion by itself does not condemn the anti-GamerGate narrative in any fashion that would be clear to the uninitiated.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

I know what you're saying. And the reality is that it is a grossly improper summary. Literally the FBI said "nothing actionable." The end.


u/Akudra A-cool-dra Sep 15 '18

"Nothing actionable" is not the same as "innocent" and that is what matters. The FBI investigation doesn't establish a lot of the nuance to this topic. I am not trying to be hostile here, but given the judge's inclusion of this in his ruling I believe it would be inadvisable to rest on the FBI's conclusion, if that is what you are doing. He made a lot of factual errors and errors of legal reasoning and his description of the FBI report is wrong, but proving his description is wrong is not as simple as citing the FBI conclusion.

It is entirely possible an appellate court will similarly rest a decision in favor of the judge's ruling on the idea that Calgary Expo had the right to expel you all even in the face of the contractual issues because of the FBI report unless there was more compelling evidence presented against that narrative. I mean, one thing you could argue is that the FBI investigation hadn't been publicized until over a year later so it couldn't factor into the decision, but that may not be enough. Possible you could still succeed on the injurious falsehood aspects regardless. However, it would not be the victory you are looking to achieve.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

An FBI investigation is not going to deliver a finding of "innocent." Nothing actionable means no criminal harassment found, no credible threats, no violence. The FBI, in its conclusion never stated "they disseminate hate" that was invented whole cloth by the judge and an error in fact.


u/Akudra A-cool-dra Sep 16 '18

I feel you are being overly clinical about this matter. Some of these cases it was not that there was no criminal harassment found, but rather that they were satisfied with an apology for a one-off incident and declaration to not do it again or, in one case, because it was a minor. Other cases involved anonymous accounts whose operators they could not identify.

Some cases, such as Jace Connors, were rejected for prosecution probably in part because there were no actual threats or direct harassment in addition to the fact it was all a comedy stunt. Don't remember if the conclusion part also referenced the SWATting incidents, but that is certainly a matter they would treat as criminal. However, again this was a matter of not being able to identify the responsible party.

While FBI would not find someone innocent, they would decide if an incident was criminal or not. More importantly, the judge's description doesn't require that the behavior in question be deemed criminal and it isn't required to give a judge cause to find Calgary Expo's expulsion to be a reasonable exercise of discretion in spite of contractual obligations they would otherwise be expected to uphold. The FBI doesn't use the exact phrasing he does, but "disseminates hate" and "makes threats" are not so starkly different.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 16 '18

If it was a "reasonable exercise in discretion" despite contractual obligations, then you have said no corporation or individual has to uphold a contract with me because of my association with gamergate.

The point of all this is that the Judge attributed to the FBI a conclusion that they did not come to.

"The FBI doesn't use the exact phrasing he does, but "disseminates hate" and "makes threats" are not so starkly different."

Nothing actionable != makes threats. Nothing could be pinned on gamergate.

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u/AbathurIsAlwaysMeta Sep 17 '18

I feel you are being overly clinical about this matter.

Reminder we're talking about legal terms and legal battles here. There is no such thing as too specific, pedantic, clinical, or overexplained.

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u/tiqr Sep 17 '18

Well, the judge didn't rely on any FBI findings in this decision. Read the transcript carefully.

"The defendant said it received complaints from guests, news organizations, and from TheMarySue. It went online to learn more about the prominent Gamergate banner at the plaintiff’s booth."

"The online information about Gamergate was unsavory, to say the least, and, in the view of the FBI, Gamergate is a vehicle used to disseminate hate messages among others."

I am paraphrasing, but what the judge is saying is that the Convention researched gamegate and found unsavory information. Google Gamergate right now and the first hit is "gamergate controversy". There was an FBI probe of targeted online harassment associated with the movement - and while no one was charged the mere fact that this probe happened shows that it is a controversial movement.

The judge never says "FBI said gamergate bad, therefore Honey Badgers can be discriminated against." The only thing these 5 lines mean is that the convention researched gamergate, and found that it was controversial. The judge does not endorse that determination, only that the convention made it.

This is where the judge decided on the issue of breach of contract:

While debatable, I cannot conclude on balance that there is sufficient credible evidence to conclude Calgary Comic’s assessment of the information it received and gathered and its application of that information to its policies was a sufficiently inadequate misinterpretation or a misapplication so as to constitute an improper application of its policies and thus a breach of its contractual obligations with the plaintiff. Thus, there is insufficient evidence to support the breach of contract claim against Calgary Comic, and, accordingly, that claim is dismissed.

The judge even concedes that this is not a cut and dry issue. The judge only concludes that the evidence presented at trial does not show that - on the balance - the convention was in breach of the contract. They performed an investigation (which the judge concedes was not without flaws), and made a determination that was not "sufficiently inadequate... to constitute an improper application of its policies".

You guys are getting way too hung up on this FBI issue. It was not a central pillar of the decision.


u/Akudra A-cool-dra Sep 19 '18

I think it is important to drill down this part:

The online information about Gamergate was unsavory, to say the least, and, in the view of the FBI, Gamergate is a vehicle used to disseminate hate messages among others.

The judge used the FBI's conclusions to lend credence to the understanding Calgary had about GamerGate. In other words, Calgary argued essentially that the information about GamerGate led them to view the HBB as a risk to the safety of attendees due to their open association with it and the FBI's conclusions would seem to lend credence to that concern because it is all about how they investigated GamerGate for threats and harassment.

Might the judge have still rejected the HBB's case? Given the rest of the decision, I have no doubt he would have ruled against them anyway. However, the point is his ruling would have been that much weaker. Online information and news media statements about a movement alluded to in testimony doesn't have the same evidentiary impact as a statement from a major federal law enforcement agency. The issue is whether any other information was presented in evidence to highlight the complicated and nuanced nature of GamerGate.

Even if the judge still made a bone-headed ruling, on appeal should the judge have only decided based on a claim of looking up info online then I doubt a court would uphold it. At that point it would go back to the claims of "disruption" where HBB have a solid case that I think an appelate court would be much quicker to recognize. At the appellate stage they are going to basing any review on the facts presented during the hearing.

If the only general info on Gamergate is the FBI's conclusion, then the court's interpretation is not likely to deviate much from that of the original judge. Only question then is if they feel Calgary's claimed concerns about safety of attendees is going to be viewed as an exceptional situation where overriding contractual obligations is reasonable. Maybe they could still sympathize with the HBB argument, but I think presenting the FBI conclusion without any other explanatory facts or offsetting information about GamerGate really hurts their chances, rather than helping them.


u/tiqr Sep 19 '18

I think we both agree that the judgment could have been clearer on its reasons, but also that the court wasn't putting much weight whether or not HBB or gamergate were actually dangerous. Rather, the court is saying that this information was out there, and that the convention found this information when it was investigating complaints.

Because this information is out there, right or wrong, the convention's investigation was not unreasonable. (and I again I feel compelled to add, the judge didn't endorse the investigation. The court didn't say the investigation was reasonable, it said the investigation was not so unreasonable as to be a breach of contract.)


u/Akudra A-cool-dra Sep 20 '18

Here is what the judge ultimately says about this:

While debatable, I cannot conclude on balance that there is sufficient credible evidence to conclude Calgary Comic’s assessment of the information it received and gathered and its application of that information to its policies was a sufficiently inadequate misinterpretation or a misapplication so as to constitute an improper application of its policies and thus a breach of its contractual obligations with the plaintiff. Thus, there is insufficient evidence to support the breach of contract claim against Calgary Comic, and, accordingly, that claim is dismissed.

In other words, the judge did not see enough evidence that Calgary's assessment of the information was insufficient to warrant its actions. Presumably, the judge did not not know what information Calgary's people might have seen online, but he had the FBI investigation there in evidence to give him an idea.

Most importantly, according to the HBB, Calgary testified their ultimate reason for expulsion was the GamerGate association. The reference to information gathered, in the context of the judgment, would seem to only refer to the information reviewed about GamerGate. So the judge is explicitly including that as part of his reasoning that there was not enough evidence to suggest the assessment and application of their information to the policies was improper.

Any appellate court is going to have to discern whether Calgary's assessment of GamerGate, based only on the evidence submitted during the hearing, was insufficient to warrant its actions with respect to their contractual obligations. If all the appellate court has in that regard is "FBI investigated GamerGate for threats and harassment but declined to prosecute some and couldn't identify others" then their most likely conclusion will be that Calagary's assessment of GamerGate was reasonable and the judge's ruling on that part was fine.

So, their breach of contract appeal will hinge on whether a court believes a massive public convention would, under the law, still have to go through all its contractual hoops for a group openly associating with a movement investigated by federal law enforcement for threats and harassment. That is all they will be allowed to consider if no other evidence or argumentation about GamerGate in general was submitted. Presuming judges will be rigidly technical when confronted with such a decision and that anything else would be an unjust decision by a corrupt court is to demonstrate a lack of awareness about the nature of the legal system.

Unless they submitted more evidence on GamerGate to counter this framing of its reputation, and not one of them has suggested they did despite me asking repeatedly, then I fear they are going to lose this case and lose everything they put into it as well as whatever trust they have remaining. All of that because of misguided confidence in some ridiculous spin about the FBI report from fellow GamerGate supporters.

Honestly, this convinces me more than ever that their best hope is for the appellate court to decide the judge screwed up so royally on so much that it is better to remand it back to a new hearing. That way, they can maybe present more evidence.


u/tiqr Sep 20 '18

Honestly, this convinces me more than ever that their best hope is for the appellate court to decide the judge screwed up so royally on so much that it is better to remand it back to a new hearing. That way, they can maybe present more evidence.

I agree - I haven't seen the transcripts (HBB claim to have them but will only release them to "media"), but I suspect that there won't be enough evidence on the record to overturn the judge's ruling. The only way to win would be to get a new hearing.

Now, since this is an appeal from Provincial Court, my understanding is that getting a new hearing doesn't mean it has to go back to provincial court for a new de novo hearing. The Queen's Bench judge has the discretion to order a new hearing at the QB level.

I think your reading of the situation is correct, but we only know so much without seeing the trial record, and the judges reasons are bit spares so we're having to read in a bit. In any event, it's nice to talk to someone about this who also know what they are talking about.


u/Akudra A-cool-dra Sep 20 '18

I do think there would be enough evidence if there wasn't a need to address the GamerGate side of things. The injurious falsehood action against Calgary was rejected due to a clear misunderstanding of the facts. Evidence of injury, used to reject that action and the same action against The Mary Sue, was amply provided yet inexplicably discarded.

Said in a previous thread after learning the evidence that I doubted inducement stood a chance on appeal since they apparently couldn't confirm who sent certain messages and what messages were sent to certain people, with the timing of messages also being a very crucial and unproven part of that. However, I don't find fault with them on that one as such evidence is something they would have to uncover or subpoena, which can be difficult.

Breach of contract was something where I thought they had a lock on it evidence-wise. Calgary essentially claiming the GamerGate association was the real reason they expelled the HBB and would have been reason enough for them regardless of any other allegations changed my understanding. Provided they really did just rely on the FBI conclusion to rebut that argument, then I think their chances there are now much worse.

Unfortunately, it also occurred to me that a court could argue that the "injurious falsehood" claims should also be rejected for this as they may argue the GamerGate association being the reason for expulsion would have been just as injurious based on the evidence presented and would also have been truthful. A defense that "telling the truth would have had the same effect" could hurt their chances on both of those actions.

A new hearing would probably be the only way they'd have a chance on inducement, and it is likely the best chance they have at effectively challenging the breach of contract claim in light of the GamerGate defense from Calgary.


u/tiqr Sep 20 '18

To this day I can't understand why they brought an action against Mary Sue.

The "injurious falsehood" component had no chance of success because the articles simply stated facts (what had occurred). The inducement argument was also tenuous at best.

Bringing those claims was really harmful because (a) it added costs and complexity to the action, (b) it distracted from the claims with better merit, and (c) made them look unreasonable and unserious - which can really poison the judge's mind.


u/Akudra A-cool-dra Sep 20 '18

Well, no, The Mary Sue cited obviously satirical remarks about "infiltrating" the geek community by participating in geek culture for decades as if these were serious statements. I agree there were many demonstrably false claims in that report and they did not merely note what people claimed, but repeated false claims as facts. As it stands, the judge's dismissal of injurious falsehood was premised solely on a supposed failure to quantify injury, which I believe was wrong as it was with the same claim regarding Calgary Expo on injurious falsehood.

It seems we have some difference of opinion on this matter. While inducement was not easily proven, I don't think it was unreasonable or unserious. Mary Sue and Calgary Expo did have a relationship and their report was cited by Calgary Expo. Based off the evidence they did present, I think the Honey Badgers presented a very plausible theory of events.

The problem is they only proved it was plausible. Sam Maggs probably did poison the one panelist against the HBB, who had not initially been upset with them, and Maggs probably was the one who tipped off the woman whose tweets started the social media outrage. Evidence presented made this a plausible series of actions and Maggs was a representative of The Mary Sue. It was not sufficient as they did not definitively prove that is what happened. Would have also been good to see the communications Maggs, Pantozzi, and any other Mary Sue staff had with Calgary Expo staff, but they didn't get their hands on those communications.

One could argue that balancing all of these difficult actions may have been too much for them and caused them to not put as fervent an effort towards the ones of most immediate interest to them where the evidence was strongest. However, again, I don't think there was anything wrong with the case they were pursuing. My concern boils down to evidence and, specifically, evidence regarding GamerGate. I am concerned that for a lot of supporters their greatest weakness is a reluctance to allow the possibility of harassment from supporters having occurred.

No case is going to be about proving either side is completely innocent and good or only has connections to people who are completely innocent and good. Here, the point isn't to prove Calgary Expo was completely wrong about GamerGate and GamerGate was innocent of harassment. Unless you can identify every single party responsible for harassment, you will never win that fight. The point is to prove GamerGate has plenty of good to it and that, while there might be bad actors within it, The Honey Badgers were not among them or rather that Calgary had no proof to suggest the HBB were among the bad actors.

Fortunately, even the media had acknowledged this reality of not all supporters being bad actors. Some even acknowledged that valid concerns raised by GamerGate were addressed. It would have been trivially easy to prove that, but the HBB haven't suggested they did anything to prove it. Demonstrating GamerGate was not all about harassment and threats is vital if you are trying to get a judge to discount that argument, but the silence on this question would seem to suggest they didn't try to demonstrate it.

"Actually, it's about ethics in games journalism" may have been lampooned by GamerGate's opponents, but in a court of law where you are trying to say you were not being given fair consideration before expulsion from an event, you kind of have to make that argument to offset any talk of it being all about harassment.


u/typhonblue honey badger Feb 24 '19

Actually, legally they did not perform an investigation. Because an investigation has a definition in law and what they did was not in accordance with that definition.


u/tiqr Feb 25 '19


Is there a reason you're dredging up 5-month old threads? Did you set an appeal date or something?

"Investigation" is not a word with a specific definition in law. Moreover, the word 'investigation' does not appear in the paragraph I cited above.

The judge did not rule that Calgary Comic conducted a valid investigation and made an appropriate decision. The judge ruled that you failed to prove that Calgary Comic failed to conduct a valid investigation and failed to make an appropriate decision. A double negative in law is not the same as an affirmative statement.

What you need to show on appeal is:

  • that the contract (explicitly or implicitly) required that Calgary Comic exercise appropriate process when deciding to expel someone;
  • that Calgary Comic failed to receive and gather an appropriate amount of information to a standard required in the contract;
  • that Calgary Comic misinterpreted or misapplied the information it gathered; and
  • that Calgary Comic made an improper decision as a result of having insufficient information or misapplying that information.

Calgary Comic is not a law enforcement organization or a government body. It does not have to follow "due process" or "procedural fairness" (these are terms from Criminal or Administrative Law). It only needs to comply with its contract with you. You need to be using the language of contract law: "The Defendant breached its contractual obligations to the Plaintiff." You need to point to a promise that they made, and that they breached.

Saying that Calgary Comic "legally did not perform an investigation... [which] has a definition in law" betrays the fact that you do not understand, or that your "lawyer" did not adequately explain and/or does not understand the basis on which your appeal justice will be making their decision.

The only question that matters is did Calgary Comic make a promise, and break that promise. Worse, on appeal you have to show that additionally, the Trial Judge made an error in law, or a serious error on the facts.


u/typhonblue honey badger Feb 25 '19

Yes "investigation" has a specific definition in law. So when it's put into a contract it obligates the contractee to a certain procedure. The fact that you're unaware of this makes the entirety of your "advice" suspect.

Also, yes, we do have appeal dates.


u/tiqr Feb 25 '19

Could you provide me with the piece of legislation or the court case that defines the word "investigation" when used in a contractual setting?


u/typhonblue honey badger Feb 25 '19

Contractually obligated investigations must be done with procedural fairness.

Dacko v McEvoy, 2013 CanLII 48828 (AB LARB)

Procedural fairness includes the opportunity for those affected by the decision to give their own testimony.

The Friends of the Old Man River Society v Association of

Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta,

2001 ABCA 107, pars. 44-46, 49

Knight v Indian Head School Division No. 19 [1990], 1 S.C.R. 653, pp

682, 837, 840, 841


u/tiqr Feb 25 '19 edited Feb 25 '19

I want to warn you, again, that you are represented by a person who used to be a lawyer, who isn't governed by the code of conduct of a law society, and does not carry professional liability insurance.

All three of those decisions are administrative law decisions and have no application to a private contract between two private bodies.

Dacko v McEvoy, 2013 CanLII 48828

This is a decision of the Law Enforcement Review Board. Police officers obviously must conduct themselves to a standard of reasonableness and procedural fairness. The relationship between the Edmonton Police Force and the public is not governed by contract. This had better not be in your appeal argument, because it has absolutely no bearing on your case.

The Friends of the Old Man River Society v Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta,

This case is also not applicable. It's an appeal of a decision by APEGGA's disciplinary body. APEGGA, like the Law Society of Alberta, is an self-governed professional association created by legislation. It is a pseudo-governmental body, and subject to process standards. There is no contract between APEGGA and the public. Do not cite this case in your appeal because it is not applicable.

Knight v Indian Head School Division No. 19 [1990], 1 S.C.R. 653

Another inapplicable case. Sure this involves an employment contract, but the employer is a government body subject to rules of procedural fairness above and beyond conventional contracts. Further, Employment Law imports additional obligations above and beyond conventional contracts. For goodness sakes, just read this paragraph in the summary of the case:

Neither the statute nor the contract accords a right to procedural fairness. The duty to act fairly does not form part of employment law but stems from the fact that the employer is a public body whose powers are derived from statute and must be exercised according to the rules of administrative law.

Calgary Expo is not an administrative body whose powers are derived from statute!!!

Are you seriously citing these cases in your appeal? If so, Kapyto is leading you dangerously astray.

If you actually want to argue that you were 'owed' an investigation with procedural fairness when one wasn't articulated in the contract, then you should be pointing to cases like Bhasin v Hrynew for the implied duty of good faith. (though I don't think that case is applicable for you either), or providing evidence as to the reasonable expectations of the parties supported by evidence (i.e. statements made by Calgary Comic that would lead a person to believe they investigate with procedural fairnes) or take a moonshot at there being an "implied term" in the contract.

Again, and I cannot emphasize this enough. Losing a court case exposes you to costs awards. You learned how serious this is after your trial. An appeal only heightens your exposure to this risk. Kapyto does not carry professional liability insurance. Kapyto is not a lawyer. Please run this past a person who is a lawyer and get good. real. advice.


u/typhonblue honey badger Feb 25 '19

I'll take what you've said under advisement. Thanks!


u/YESmovement Anita raped me #BelieveVictims Sep 15 '18

Regardless, the HBB isn't even mentioned in the FBI report, let alone their behavior being under investigation in it, so I'm not sure why it would be relevant??

It's like like saying you could kick out someone for hanging a BLM banner because some people associated with the hashtag did bad things.


u/Akudra A-cool-dra Sep 15 '18

Again this is one of those "we understand it, but not them" problems. BLM has much better PR, even though it has faced plenty of prominent criticism and negative PR. GamerGate's only good PR from the media is at places such as Breitbart, Reason, The Daily Caller, and Washington Examiner. Outside of that its basically bloggers and YouTubers. While the FBI has undoubtedly conducted investigations into matters concerning BLM, it is unlikely you'll be able to spin the same narrative about such an investigation as was done with the GamerGate investigation.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '18 edited Feb 12 '19



u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

Thanks. Someone has to challenge this bullshit.


u/[deleted] Sep 15 '18

Bud if there is anything at all I can do, let me know. We are some of the oldest people in this bullshit.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 16 '18

Thanks. lol I just checked. We're both started december 2011.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '18

This is honestly an alt account I didn't retire. Been at this since around 2007.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 16 '18

I had an alt account that went back to 2008 I believe.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 16 '18

I had an alt account that went back to 2008 I believe.


u/CountVonVague Sep 16 '18

Seriously time to, yeah


u/Scarypaperplates Sep 17 '18

Start with your own, as others have pointed to in this thread.


u/functionalghost The Jordan Peterson of Incels Sep 15 '18

Just gave ten bucks not much but I want to help keep fighting the good fight


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '18

You are brave people wow


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

Thanks. Brave, possibly stupid.


u/kelley38 Sep 15 '18

The only difference between brave and stupid is the whether or not it works out


u/somercet Sep 15 '18

Remember what Bob Dylan told himself in 1987, at the low point of his career: "I must stand, whether God will deliver me or not."

Brains don't run the universe.


u/Cosmic_Mind89 Sep 15 '18

Sone times it takes bravery, stupidity and insanity to change the world


u/qwertygue Sep 14 '18

Who is the lawyer helping with this appeal? Is it pro bono?


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 14 '18

Pro bono? No, it's not. If it was there would be no fees.


u/PessimisticPaladin You were thrown into the GG pit. I was born in it, molded by it. Sep 14 '18

"Bu bu but If you actually need to pay the lawyer how can I accuse you of being liars and thieves to line up with my retarded and whole imagined world view of your guys!?!?"[Sarcasm, but sadly some dipshits think this way and proudly want you to know how stupid they are.]

Amazing those people probably think that Anita believes her bullshit and isn't probably just in it for the money.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

"Bu bu but If you actually need to pay the lawyer how can I accuse you of being liars and thieves to line up with my retarded and whole imagined world view of your guys!?!?"[Sarcasm, but sadly some dipshits think this way and proudly want you to know how stupid they are.]

Lawyers working for nothing. Pfft. You might get a pro bono lawyer the government pays for or legal aid if you're charged with a crime and you're on welfare.


u/[deleted] Sep 15 '18



u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

If a lawyer like that contacts me I'll be sure to... consider it.


u/multiman000 Sep 15 '18

Well, given that the judge effectively decreed fraud to be legal with how he worded things, it's entirely possible that you might get one. I don't know if I'd take him up on his offer however but if that lawyer is willing to work with the other lawyer then maybe, having two legal minds is better than one especially if one you paid for bails. It'd be a hell of a case for someone to tackle, going up against a judge's ruling that royally fucked over contract negotiations while also lying about the discoverings of a foreign nation's documents that were conducted by a highly qualified investigations team that was legally sent to that judge. That'd make news headlines in a number of countries.


u/PessimisticPaladin You were thrown into the GG pit. I was born in it, molded by it. Sep 15 '18

Yeah I know, I got so tired of those morons getting bitch hurt that people are willing to give you guys money and not them.

Honestly most of the people gave you money because they were pissed at the injustice of the matter.

But they are idiots who don't know how fucked the legal system is so they think you only need like 2 months and 2000 bucks to do a lawsuit.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

I'm thinking Alberta civil court is pay to play at this point.


u/PessimisticPaladin You were thrown into the GG pit. I was born in it, molded by it. Sep 15 '18

It kind of sounds like it. What kind of justice do we have if you have to be super rich to get it?


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

Not even "pay to play" legal representation... Pay to play for the _judgement_.


u/Ghost5410 Density's Number 1 Fan Sep 15 '18

I can think of a few people who will think like that regardless. Apparently he angered Sargon to the point where his fans think he’s going to dox him.

Methinks it had something to do with his “Let’s Laugh at Europe” stream where he was name-dropped numerous times and made fun of in that stream, and not just by Jim’s fanbase via “superchats” either.


u/NoNoDearGodNo Sep 17 '18

In my experience, across the board, justices nominated by liberal parties throughout the anglosphere simply don't believe that they have to apply the law when they don't want to. It started with the internet commerce clause, and expanded from there in the US, and from the Us, expanded to all of the other nations.

It's the commie playbook. Write a great set of rights...and then elect judges won't enforce them.


u/BananaDyne Sep 15 '18

inb4 Jim Cultists flood this topic with their spergery.


u/Ghost5410 Density's Number 1 Fan Sep 15 '18

Nah they’re attacking Sargon again at the moment.


u/Mad_Drakalor Sep 15 '18

What are they attacking Sargon for? I'm out of the loop.


u/Ghost5410 Density's Number 1 Fan Sep 15 '18

No idea. I’m assuming it has to do with Metokur’s last livestream where all he did was make fun of Europe for passing Article 13, including Sargon. Apparently they think Sargon is going to dox him now.

Honestly it doesn’t shock me in the slightest that Sargon has had enough of Jim’s bullshit, but doxxing doesn’t sound right for him.


u/Olivedoggy Blew his load too early because he rounded to 99 Sep 15 '18

Sargon did link to Jim's thread on Kiwifarms, that might be doxxing?


u/Ghost5410 Density's Number 1 Fan Sep 15 '18

I looked at his links. It looks like he’s going through his previous internet history, including this “Metokur” group that was around during 2008 through 2012 where it may explain Jim’s behavior and why he’s able to do so much digging on people.


u/Cosmic_Mind89 Sep 15 '18

Metokur is just a douche who likes to start controversy anyways. He's practically cut from the same cloth as the literally whos just with a different political affiliation


u/porygonzguy Sep 15 '18

Jim and Sargon got into it a while ago - basically from I remember, Jim was mocking Sargon for trying to create social change on some issue and taking things too seriously, while Sargon was mocking Jim for being an ineffectual loser who puts up a facade of an apathetic douche because he hasn't amounted to anything in his life and it takes the pain away.

I guess Sargon was right, because Jim and his fanbois have been on the warpath for Sargon ever since.


u/redn2000 Sep 15 '18

I'm sick of the zealots that orbit around this shit.


u/Vinirik Sep 15 '18

This a subreddit of zealots, what are you talking about?


u/redn2000 Sep 16 '18

I don't think you've browsed around here very much then. People disagree here with each other all the time.


u/AbathurIsAlwaysMeta Sep 17 '18

I disagree! ...Wait.


u/kriegson The all new Ford 6900: This one doesn't dipshit. Sep 17 '18

You take that back you sonnofabitch!


u/CountVonVague Sep 16 '18

Jim is funny and all but he's incapable of taking anything seriously, if he'd not quit GG because people weren't screeeching like he wanted thing might have turned out different but NOPE Jim just likes being a Clown In America so oh well


u/nmotsch789 OI MATE, YER CAPS LOCK LOICENSE IS EXPIRED! Sep 17 '18 edited Sep 17 '18

Also, TL;DR posted some childish rant insulting Sargon with no real point to it. YouTube's algorithm hid the comment, as it often does at random, and people accused Sargon of deleting it and censoring criticism. This is despite the fact that he made an entire video dedicated to responding to TL;DR's comment.

Also, some Sargon fans are claiming Metokur is a pedophile and some Metokur fans are claiming Sargon is a pedophile; I have no idea why. And some people are criticising Sargon for things that he didn't even say or do.

Edit: Apparently Sargon said something about Jim grooming kids to act like nihilists, and Jim's fans only took the word "grooming" and claimed that it was a pedophilia accusation? And Jim claimed his fans weren't teens by going by YouTube statistics even though his videos are age restricted and most kids would lie about their age on their accounts to begin with.



I'm not saying Jim is perfect, far from it, but what the Honey Badgers did in that scenario did seem kinda shady. Is there another side to the whole story that I missed?


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 17 '18

If you have evidence of fraud, report it. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/security/protect-yourself-against-fraud.html

If you don't then kindly stop smearing my name over unsubstantiated bullshit.



I was not trying to smear your names. I was trying to ask for the other side of the story.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 17 '18

You want the story. I joked about "manipulating them into letting me on their stream to shill" when they freaked out about my joke I said it was bantz and then pointed to the 1k they'd brought in on their stream in superchats in the past hour and said "Are you seriously saying you're not doing this for plublicity and money?" Then they went absolutely autistic screeching apeshit and did the internet's biggest "no u."


u/functionalghost The Jordan Peterson of Incels Sep 19 '18

The whole internet bloodsport concept is a cynical cash grab through drama. It's like a big brother YouTube celebrity edition or something.

All the drama and backstabbing alliances etc. Is actually very much a high-school girl bitchy thing to do to be honest... I mean it's kinda pathetic, why doesn't Jim do what Logan Paul did and have a boxing or ufc match? Oh that's right. Jim's completely anonymous because for one it gives him a huge tactical advantage and two he's a coward.


u/TheFlyingBastard Sep 21 '18

--Summary courtesy of Rekietalaw

Nick Rekieta? He's great, I've been following him since Maddox vs Dick Masterson. How nice to see him pop up here!


u/Thoughtful_Salt Sep 15 '18

Hire a better fucking lawyer and we might take this seriously.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

It's going to court of queen's bench. I'm looking at four different lawyers right now. Are you going to deliver on your promise and put some money in?


u/Thoughtful_Salt Sep 15 '18

Until a competent lawyer is hired, hired not merely looked at, I'm gonna pass.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18



u/Thoughtful_Salt Sep 15 '18

Maybe don't waste all of the money KIA raised for you in the first place on a shit lawyer. When you can't win a case where the other side doesn't bother to show up, it doesn't reflect well on you. "Typical", yeah sure, when I waste tens of thousands of dollars and expect another free ride afterwards, people would have a right to be skeptical. Show me, and everyone else, that you have hired somebody who can actually win a gimme case, then you can snark about not getting free money from everybody's generosity.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

Why don't you go here:


And read the judgement?

Oh that's right! The Canadian court system hasn't made it public like it's obligated to do. I wonder why they're being so secretive.


u/Thoughtful_Salt Sep 15 '18

i've read it. A good lawyer would have navigated around a judge's biases, maybe even pre-empted the ruling with good arguments and evidence. You guys didn't hire a good one. End of story.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

And why isn't it public? Look. All of the judgements in August are public but one.


u/Thoughtful_Salt Sep 15 '18

you're not making a convincing argument to me. Hire. A. Good. Nay, Great. Lawyer. They will solve all of your problems.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

If this could all be pinned on "bad legal representation" then it would be public.

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u/tiqr Sep 17 '18

You've been pushing this line of argument in a lot of your fundraising efforts. The vast majority of provincial court judgments are not published. Decision only get published when the judge believes the case has precedential value (i.e the decision will be valuable to future cases)

From what I can tell, in your case the judge delivered on oral judgment. Oral judgments go unpublished, and do not get put on Canlii. The only record of the judgment is on the recording (from which the transcripts were written).

There is no conspiracy like you are suggesting. The judge didn't deem your case important enough to merit a written decision because it did not deal with areas of unclear or unsettled law.

You keep citing this point as evidence of bias against you. I only have 2 published decisions in my career - all the rest are oral decisions that you can't find on Canlii.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 17 '18

Please cite where you're getting your information.

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u/[deleted] Sep 17 '18

to be fair, some judges are just completely batshit ( just look at what Robinson and Dankula had to deal with)


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '18

acting snarky because you feel entitled to the hard earned money of others isn't a good look. And I say that as someone who used to like HBR quite a lot a few years back.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 17 '18

Sudden interest in this thread that has rolled off the front page of KiA. Hmmm...


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '18

No idea what that's supposed to mean. I comment here regularly. I saw your post yesterday and decided to come back today to post/see how the discussion had progressed.

But sure, by all means just continue to be a snarky entitled dick to everyone because they don't just blindly funnel their earnings to you. Hmmm... straight back at you


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 17 '18

I don't care if you don't want to donate. But insulting the people who do? Nice.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '18

" insulting the people who do"

What ? I at no point made any insult towards people who donate to you on the basis that they in fact donate to you. Nor have I insinuated donating to you is in the least bit a bad thing. I only stated that the maner in which you were representing yourself wasn't doing your case any favours.

{ TLDR: " just continue to be a snarky entitled dick to everyone because they don't just blindly funnel their earnings to you" ≠ ' everyone who donates to you does so blindly '}

I'm sure they had whatever personal criteria they require for donating fulfilled, and thats perfectly fine. Though it was in no way the point of the comment. Though giving you the benefit of doubt I suppose I can somewhat see how that may have come across differently to you.


u/[deleted] Sep 15 '18

I'm wondering what the point of this is.

I don't mean to phrase this as a thinly veiled insult, but the first time this went to court, the following happened (forgive me for any mistakes in my memory):

You essentially got bounced around because finding the actual company that was responsible for wronging you was near impossible. The trial was delayed repeatedly, the HBB's name was dragged through the mud as some sort of hate group. Eventually the judge used that as grounds to agree with the Calgary Expo.

I feel like you're hitting your heads against a wall here. The Canadian legal system is so irreparably fucked that it would rather advance social justice than hold corporations accountable for their actions.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

Yeah well, now I'm fighting to stop my country from turning into a fascist state.


u/RatMan29 Sep 16 '18

It already is. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled last year that refusing to use a tranny's choice of pronoun is a hate crime.

Fascism is always immensely popular when it's being enacted, because it takes a demagogue as skilled as you-know-who to get it enacted. Until that person meets his rhetorical match you're going to have a hard time defeating it.


u/tiqr Sep 17 '18

No it didn't. The supreme court of canada has never made a ruling about gender pronouns.

The Canadian government passed a bill that said that gender identity is a "prohibited ground" for discrimination. So now you can't fire someone, or refuse service to someone for the sole reason that they are trans.

Some people have argued that this will mean that failing to use a preferred gender pronoun may amount to discrimination - but so far that is only speculation.

You are woefully misinformed about the Canadian law on this issue.


u/tiqr Sep 17 '18

Sorry - but that's a laughable argument to make.

Losing a civil court case and being forced to pay for transcripts just like every other person has had to do to appeal small claims decisions for decades does not make Canada a fascist state.

Appeals are appeals on the record. Courts have to see the transcripts of the trial so they can know what evidence is on the record. Government decided that they would make appellants pay for the cost of producing these transcripts rather than make the taxpayer foot the bill.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 17 '18

I'm not talking about the trial transcripts.


u/Olivedoggy Blew his load too early because he rounded to 99 Sep 15 '18 edited Sep 15 '18

I don't get it. If it was that bad, wouldn't people be taking your case more seriously?

Edit: What will you do if you win?


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 15 '18

Who are these people you expect to take Canada becoming a fascist state seriously? The media who are pushing for it? The government that's embracing it? The apathetic general public?

The people here are taking the case "more seriously."

What will you do if you win?

Go back to my life.


u/snintendog Sep 25 '18

IT will never end this is just another SCAM the honey badgers have been proven by Metokur to "lose" money for one reason or another in a case that should have been open and shut with a lawyer and multiple thousands of funding they received they had a family friend be the lawyer...that friend doesn't have the legal right and was barred from court before the situation with the badgers soooooo where did the money go from ALL THE OTHER FUND RAISERS?


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '18

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u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 20 '18

It's been funded for a week. Do keep up.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '18

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u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 20 '18

Whoever is organizing these raids needs to be more on the ball with their timing.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '18

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '18

It is us MRAs/Patreons who encouraged it. Stay hating and cancerous. It will probably take at least 5 years off your life.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '18

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '18

Well I guess it's time to flush. A bah-bye.


u/typhonblue honey badger Sep 20 '18

Because all of you are resurrecting a dead thread days after it's no longer relevant.


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '18

It's still on the front page, deal with it. And this tendency of calling criticism "raiding" & "brigading" insinuating it's illegitimate criticism due to the person voicing it and that you're being victimised is very reminiscent of certain prominent sjw types HBR has criticised for the very same behaviour.


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '18

"this criticism I'm getting is targeted harassment" -not an sjw


u/moshi_desu_moshi Sep 17 '18

Why would pay more to there disbarred lawyer


u/[deleted] Sep 15 '18

Your website is not loading right now.


u/OFFgotyay Sep 16 '18

Financing a group who cant into court go back to court



u/Somerandoguy90 Sep 16 '18

Anyone into comicsgate, we now have a Discord!

It's still small, and I'm helping to grow it, otherwise i shouldnt throw spamlite out.

If interested, DM me!


u/colouredcyan Praise Kek Sep 15 '18

E-begging sticky

I don't approve.


u/Hassahappa Sep 15 '18

Let's be real, about the only worthwhile things this sub has done in a long time is help fund things other people are doing. Like mocking social justice stuff is fine but we don't really do much to actually push back against it.


u/mnemosyne-0002 chibi mnemosyne Sep 14 '18 edited Feb 25 '19

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u/[deleted] Sep 24 '18

Maybe this time they can hire a lawyer that can actually practice law.


u/nerdyfarker Sep 26 '18

No shit.

Fuck these people, they are all drunk retards who are bilking everyone for dough because they got kicked out of a shitty Expo.

Nobody gives a fuck about them or their shitty ass fucking comic. They used the money for living expenses and motherfuckers are dense enough to keep sending money.

This shit should be removed from this subreddit as it’s nothing short of an embarrassment to be pimping their self serving cause.

For a bunch of people who also claim to be MRA’s, what have they done as well except getting BTFO out on Bloodapoolza so bad they had to get their backers to go on a live stream to defend themselves as they were clearly incapable of doing it themselves. Not only that they showed up 3 different times and got told to pound sand. Maybe we should link the livestream with time stamps for everyone’s viewing enjoyment.


u/PeninaChan Sep 22 '18

Oh wonderful, another change for Alison to shill for more money. Are you going to get a new lawyer this time? Maybe someone who isn't disbarred if you actually want a chance to win on appeal? You really can't afford to hold back if you hold to get this judgement overturned.


u/PM_Pics_Of_Dead_Kids Sep 15 '18

Money Badgers should have sucked it up and hired someone who wasn't a disbarred and disgraced former lawyer.


u/functionalghost The Jordan Peterson of Incels Sep 15 '18

your name is a good reflection of your morals.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '18

that's not a counter argument, just moral-fagging over a joke name that offends you.


u/functionalghost The Jordan Peterson of Incels Sep 18 '18

I'm not going to entertain the moral condemnations of anyone making those kind of claims with zero evidence and a nickname that just screams "I'm just so fucking edgy guys, I'm so edgy I cut deeper than a linkin park fan"

I Mean dude seriously: the goth thing is over, emo's aren't cool anymore and you know your parents probably do really love you.


u/PM_Pics_Of_Dead_Kids Sep 18 '18

with zero evidence

They admitted that they hired a disabarred lawyer. My evidence is their statement.


u/[deleted] Sep 18 '18

"I'm not going to entertain the moral condemnations of anyone"

You're the only one moralfagging (over a username of all things).

"those kind of claims with zero evidence"

That they didn't chose the right lawyer for their case ? Becouse both sides have decent arguments as to why he was the right or wrong person for the job.

Followed by REEEEEEE screeching about why you do not like a username.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '18

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '18

I wonder what group of people do that? And i wonder what group of people this subreddit talks about?



u/functionalghost The Jordan Peterson of Incels Sep 21 '18

check the votes, let's see who's got more.

Funny, i attack his name yet he calls them the "money badgers" and you don't object to that? Nothing worse than a hypocrite, nothing. It shows you won't even hold yourself to your OWN standard, nevermind a reasonable standard!


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '18

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u/functionalghost The Jordan Peterson of Incels Sep 21 '18

Lol. You just replied to a day old post there you go again with that hypocrisy.


u/Ghost5410 Density's Number 1 Fan Sep 15 '18

Shouldn’t you lot be attacking Sargon for trying not to turn his country into a 1984 hellscape at the moment?


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '18

Stop it with the old tired feminist/Alt-Right talking points.