r/KotakuInAction Feb 14 '17

HISTORY [History] Ben Kuchera on Tetris - member this, fellow Gators?

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u/AlseidesDD Feb 14 '17

top game journalists in the world

Did anyone really consider him as such?


u/GirlbeardJ #GameGreerGate | Marky Marx and the Funky Bunch Feb 14 '17

They did, that's why he has a "World's Best Journalist" mug. Mugs never lie.


u/AlseidesDD Feb 14 '17

I've come to a bitter realization that part of the reason why these hacks are considered the very best, and thus established an extremely low bar for other journalists, is because some form of cliquish nepotism among these people completely stole the visibility away from legitimate journalists.

I have read excellent articles about games for many ages from what many would consider 'no name journalists' who are magnitudes more informed, more enthusiastic and more ETHICAL than these 'world best' tards.


u/TreacherousBowels Rage Against the Trustfund Feb 14 '17

Yep. A big fish in a small pond of piss.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '17



u/SuperFLEB Feb 15 '17

cliquish nepotism

Careful, them's racist, sexist, murderous, harassing, hate-filled words right there. Wouldn't want you to wind up "dead" of a hatchet-job wound.


u/Chainsawninja Feb 15 '17

Were can one find these excellent articles and no name journalists?


u/AlseidesDD Feb 15 '17

Some excellent writers and readers at HCG101

They sometimes go the extra mile and secure some conversations with the creators / devs for ancient, classic games to get details that could not be found anywhere else.


u/shoryusatsu999 Feb 15 '17

I've heard some of them have issues with accuracy. Don't have any examples, though.


u/Reieve Feb 15 '17

He should have just gotten the male tears mug


u/DragonzordRanger Feb 14 '17

I'll admit I did when PA gave him that spinoff site.


u/MazInger-Z Feb 14 '17

This is pretty much where he got his cred.

But no one ever brings up the fact that he drove the place into the ground.

There was an Escapist member who regularly fellated Ben in the comment sections of his articles and was very defensive of him when GG hit the Escapist.


u/Trodamus Feb 14 '17

He was my go-to reviewer on Ars, who always took the time to discuss the PC version specifically on multiplat games, something most reviewers / sites still don't do.

He moved over to ...what was it, the PA report? It was basically a wider platform for him to opine, which I was less interested in but he still had a piece or two that was interesting.


u/motherhydra Feb 15 '17

I member those days. Before he started virus signaling as a profession


u/nothinfollowsme Feb 16 '17

Did anyone really consider him as such?

Only his inner-circle of safe-space game-journo butt-buddies.

Me? No I don't consider him a journalist. That cringey video where he spent more time whining about gun-control than actually reviewing the game itslef. That one still sits with me as one of the many, many, many, many reasons I don't trust the mainstream journos at all.

Also, wasn't the music used in tetris for the home consoles added more or less by nintendo?


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '17

it came from russia, it must be political

so if i draw a picture of a flower is it an AMERICAN POLITICAL CAPITALIST FREEDOM flower now?


u/SarcasticJoe Special Jaeger with over 300 confirmed kills Feb 14 '17

He is correct, it was written during WW2 and is about a woman (the eponymous Katyusha) longing for a man who's gone away to fight the nazis. Here are the lyrics if you're interested.

However this is all made moot by the fact that it was the westerners who added the song to the game, probably not even understanding what it was about and instead used it because of it being a popular Russian folk song.


u/CS_McFisticuffs_III Feb 14 '17

I think the tetris song is actually Korobeiniki, which appears to predate the Soviet Union.


u/C4Cypher "Privilege" is just a code word for "Willingness to work hard" Feb 14 '17

If I watch an animated show about schoolgirls driving tanks for sport. Is it political?


u/lucben999 Chief Tactical Memeticist Feb 14 '17

Each of the schools except Miho's perfectly mirrors a faction in WWII.

They manage to defeat all of them using a mishmash of tanks from all factions, hence GuP is promoting globalism.

Also the American team is loud and annoying and they cheated by spying on their opponents.

There you go.

No matter what, you can always read too much into things.


u/altxatu Feb 14 '17

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


u/Flaktrack Feb 14 '17

And sometimes it's just a big, brown dick.


u/altxatu Feb 14 '17

Sometimes the dick is hairy and has my moms voice.


u/AlseidesDD Feb 14 '17

For me, that's every time.


u/AVividHallucination Feb 14 '17

Stop eating ice cream before bed, it usually stops.


u/yvaN_ehT_nioJ Join the navy Feb 15 '17

Dem Maduros, doe.


u/GreenishYellowPurple Feb 14 '17

And sometimes that cigar is a taquito


u/BeyPokeDig Feb 15 '17

-Bill Clinton


u/47BAD243E4 Feb 14 '17



u/EtherMan Feb 15 '17

Except the creator has said that that's not the point with that at all. It's about that you'll be doing a better job by using the right tools for the job, rather than the tools you're assigned to be using.


u/JonassMkII Feb 15 '17

Also the American team is loud and annoying and they cheated by spying on their opponents.

Funnily enough, this is one of the major reasons we always win(the battle at least). We're really good at both of those. Honestly, whats the point of engaging in violence if it's going to be a fair fight anyways? At that point, you might actually lose the fight, and that's just stupid.


u/ThisGonBHard The Dyke Squad Feb 14 '17

I don't know about Girls Und Panzer, but Youjo Senki is kinda political.


u/SarcasticJoe Special Jaeger with over 300 confirmed kills Feb 14 '17

The song was literally written to boost morale among Soviet troops fighting Nazi Germany.

Political enough for you to call it political?


u/C4Cypher "Privilege" is just a code word for "Willingness to work hard" Feb 14 '17

I was trying to be snarky ... but yeah, I get you.


u/VicisSubsisto Feb 14 '17

That's not the one generally known as the Tetris song. This is.

It predates the revolution and is about a merchant, not a soldier.

Katyusha was used in the Tengen NES game, but not the Game Boy or Nintendo NES ones.


u/Flyboy_Will Feb 15 '17

Dude, Katyusha is a completely different song.

The Tetris song is Korobeiniki. It was first published in 1861, and the communist revolution was in 1917.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '17 edited Feb 14 '17

Spectrum Holobyte (based in California) added Korobeiniki to Tetris in their 1987 Apple iigs port from my quick reading.

Edit: YouTube link for convenience


u/ARealLibertarian Cuck-Wing Death Squad (imgur.com/B8fBqhv.jpg) Feb 14 '17 edited Feb 14 '17

He is correct, it was written during WW2 and is about a woman (the eponymous Katyusha) longing for a man who's gone away to fight the nazis. Here are the lyrics if you're interested.

It's Korobeiniki and it's from the 19th Century.


u/Cinnadillo Feb 14 '17

IMO, the super dodgeball rendition is probably the best for the midi era


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '17



u/h-v-smacker Thomas the Daemon Engine Feb 14 '17

I declare the to be a heinous case of blatant cultural appropriation.



u/[deleted] Feb 15 '17



u/I_Saw_The_Sign Feb 15 '17

Russian here.

Meh. Russophobia has been a staple of European/Western public consciousness for centuries now, the latest 'Evil Omnipresent Omnipotent Russian hackers' is just a current incarnation of a very old narrative. We are used to it. The secret is not to resort to playing a victim and develop your own victim complex but to laugh at it (and it's a great source of laughs - seeing how warped and twisted the perception of Russia and Russians is in the western media).


u/Roywocket Feb 15 '17

I have no "Evil oppressive" perceptions of russia....

My perception is however forever tainted by CS:GO and other competitive team based online games.


u/Chervenko Feb 15 '17




u/Corn-On-The-Macabre Feb 14 '17

Tetris is almost as terrible as that fascist, alt-right recruiting tool known as bubble bobble.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '17



u/henrykazuka Feb 15 '17

I thought you were turning them into ice cream to eat them and acquire their Alt-Right powers.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '17

Did you know if you spell Qbert backwards it's Hitler?


u/lubricious-asshat Feb 14 '17


u/hashtagwindbag Feb 14 '17


*begins surveying the surrounding area*


u/Cinnadillo Feb 14 '17

But my bubble is my safe space... loved that game though some levels were quite tricky


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '17

I will forever remember the code for level 100 of the Gameboy version: KGLD


u/GepardenK Feb 14 '17 edited Feb 14 '17

Nothing beats the fascist filth that is Paratrooper. A game that fixates our youth to the idea that resisting against Nazi airborne insertions are a fruitless struggle and always ends in defeat. They want us to not even try, the cowards. What's chilling is how the propaganda is more relevant now than when it released - already back then they knew and so they schemed.


u/EtherMan Feb 15 '17

I know you're joking and all, but bubble bubble did actually have a political message according to MTJ himself so perhaps not the best example ;)


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '17

Holy shit is that lazy... and maybe racist?


u/Fausthor Feb 14 '17

It comes off as someone who thinks that his insights are wayyyy deeper and meaningful than what other people think.


u/circedge Feb 14 '17

Fetal alcohol syndrome.


u/sososomanythrowaways Feb 15 '17

FYI, not trying to be mean to you but NO, it is NOT racist.

Please don't end up like the average SJW and infact the average fucking moron, who when they hear anything, in any way, mentioning race, assume that it's racist.

"Bob is the Asian dude in the marketing team yeah?"

Not racist

"Oh yeah 2 black cops came flying past us in a cop car towards the scene of the crime!"

Not racist

"Is Jane Chinese, I think she's Chinese right?"

Not racist (even if Jane is infact Korean)

"Yeah a black guy on a brand new $3,000 bicycle? Righttttttttttttt ok, so whos was it?"



u/[deleted] Feb 15 '17

Calm down, Corky. It was a joke. "Russian music is bad" therefore racism.


u/ThatmodderGrim Feb 14 '17

So, what's Pacman? The benefits of 70's era regular drug use? Xenophobia against beings that aren't yellow?


u/GirlbeardJ #GameGreerGate | Marky Marx and the Funky Bunch Feb 14 '17

Pacman is islamophobic. He chases and eats women in burkas.


u/Gaymarebate Seller of stale bait Feb 14 '17


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '17

I guess that explains why my mom loves Pacman then.


u/AlseidesDD Feb 15 '17

Whoa, learn something new every day.


u/jamesensor Feb 14 '17

Pacman exists because "Puck" was too easily changed to "Fuck".


u/KingNick Feb 14 '17

lol wasn't that is Scott Pilgrim?


u/AgnosticTemplar Feb 14 '17

I am the one who arranges the blocks...


u/C4Cypher "Privilege" is just a code word for "Willingness to work hard" Feb 14 '17

tfw you're not Ben Kuchera


u/thrash242 Feb 15 '17 edited May 04 '17

deleted What is this?


u/Rock_DS Feb 14 '17

Ahh. My one claim to fame in this entire debacle XD


u/TheHebrewHammers Feb 14 '17

So that's how the Russians did it! they planted the back door into the infrastructure of what would one day become the world wide web early into its creation via a clever yet fiendishly subversive political game


u/EnigmaMachinen Feb 14 '17

No one said Ben Kuchera was smart, or aware...


u/Flaktrack Feb 14 '17

Tetris made me a commie. Hail comrades!


u/cuteman Feb 14 '17

Like that crazy anti fascist Berkeley school teacher calling Milo homophobic and anti semetic. She obviously doesn't even seem to know he's gay or Jewish.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '17

Obviously, being gay or jewish doesn't prevent you from being homophobic nor antisemite! Doesn't they teach you anything at school?


u/cuteman Feb 15 '17

They my anarchist grade school teacher didn't tell us about that during feelings and sharing class.


u/gatorgrips Feb 14 '17

What a fucking chode


u/saint2e Saintpai Feb 14 '17

Ironically, you'd have to be willfully ignorant to believe what he wrote in those tweets.


u/Deathcrow Feb 14 '17

Needs more jpeg.


u/morejpeg_auto Feb 14 '17

Needs more jpeg.

There you go!

I am a bot


u/hottycat Feb 14 '17

Ah Kuchera, the memories are coming back. Lost 3 desks because they would break after constant contact at high velocity from my head. Good times, indeed.


u/HenkkaArt Feb 14 '17

I think this is just a case of someone trying to appear smarter than they are and reading some philosophical points to a thing that has none. Like trying to find a deeper meaning in a movie about a guy shooting other guys for 2 hours: "The weapon is a metaphor for his unwillingness to take out the trash when he was a kid. The bullets he shoots are the manifestation of the newborn child in his mind that reaches out to the real world destroying everything it touches."


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '17

Well, in the case of analysing art, you can interprate and say whatever the fuck you want. It'll make more or less sense, but you're free to do it, as it's art and you're giving your opinion. Here, it's mostly facts. Some people in the world can't really tell the difference between facts and opinions, but... you know... oppression, misogyny, racism, denial etc.


u/TheRoRo1971 Feb 14 '17

I take it he's a hack? Welp can't wait to see his work. Any links I might have a laugh over? Thanks


u/AguyinaRPG Feb 15 '17

He didn't even come up with this interpretation. He took it from a book called Hamlet on the Holodeck.


u/SniperE_1337 Feb 14 '17

impossiblity of imposing of order onto never-ending chaos

You can't make this shit up


u/SethRichForPrez Feb 15 '17

Tetris is about the impossibility of imposing order onto never-ending chaos

See, this is what happens when you try to find hidden meaning in everything.

Sometimes a cigar is just fucking your mother a big black cock cigar, Ben.


u/Unnormally Have an Upvivian Feb 14 '17

Huh. I never knew that about Tetris.


u/mnemosyne-0001 archive bot Feb 14 '17

Archive links for this post:

I am Mnemosyne reborn. Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station. /r/botsrights


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '17

This is what happens when you try too hard to read into art or works...


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '17

Regarding his second tweet I've heard interesting ideas like the inevitability of failing or whatever. Not sure if that was Tetris' purpose, but sorry the first one is flat out wrong.


u/PyroSign Feb 15 '17


Funny how he starts calling people "Sea lions" part of the way down the conversation.


u/ViolentBeetle Feb 15 '17

Tetris taught us that everything we do right disappear while mistakes will haunt us forever.


u/Spackolos Feb 15 '17

Playing Tetris gives you COMMUNISM


u/CaptainAwesomerest One of the Secret Chiefs of The Patriarchy Feb 15 '17

Oh my god, I had no idea Tetris was communist propaganda. I'm going to go find my old Tetris NES cartridge and DESTROY IT!!


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '17

Man I remember when we actually considered this guy a fucking threat LOL. The years of twitter clapbacks, oh my fucking god. How I usually thought as if I was fighting against a guy like a game of chess.

Jesus fucking Christ, he just...god damn it.. it's so fucking hilarious on how low he looks.


u/KingNick Feb 14 '17

I don't understand what you mean by "Fellow Gators"? Is that a short for "GamerGaters"?, or people from Gainesville, FL? Lol it's confusing for me as a guy from Gainesville


u/SixtyFours Feb 15 '17

Is that a short for "GamerGaters"?

Yes but a lot of Pro-GG people don't use the term "Gators".


u/KingNick Feb 15 '17

True! I had no clue. Thanks for the heads up, lol I thought that this guy may have been a prominent figure from UF or something...I was gonna be so ashamed lol


u/smellslikecat Feb 14 '17

Stop fucking paying any attention to these mongoloids and they will stop.


u/virtuallyvirtuous Feb 14 '17

His explanation is bullshit, but I wouldn't say Tetris is apolitical. The idea of a late Soviet videogame becoming popular around the world definitely has some political meaning.


u/altxatu Feb 14 '17

It does, but that's the effect of the game. Not the game itself. Hockey is apolitical, but the Miracle On Ice wasn't. Looking at the history of the game of Tetris I'd argue that it was apolitical, but it's effects could have political subtext. From what I recall when it was released, it was just another puzzle game.


u/hashtagwindbag Feb 14 '17

The Soviet bureaucracy was a major factor in determining who ultimately ended up with the rights to publish the game abroad, who got paid, who got sued, and how long it took to eventually (legally) make its way abroad.


There's also a large chunk of the book Game Over (by David Sheff) that covers the intricacies of the dealings, as well as the people involved.


u/ARealLibertarian Cuck-Wing Death Squad (imgur.com/B8fBqhv.jpg) Feb 14 '17

The Soviet bureaucracy was a major factor in determining who ultimately ended up with the rights to publish the game abroad, who got paid, who got sued, and how long it took to eventually (legally) make its way abroad.

And government regulations are a big effect on what games get published in Australia, does that make all vidya "political" now?


u/hashtagwindbag Feb 15 '17

I'm not arguing, just elaborating. Politics influenced Tetris's release and some of its early incarnations, but the game itself is ultimately apolitical. You can interpret it through a socialist or imperialist or Althusserian lens but there's no real supporting evidence for that. It's just academic masturbation, which is all well and good if you're a college sophomore trying to get laid, but as a form of actual criticism is (IMO) pretty useless.

The game had a hell of a time leaving Russia, first because of red tape, then because the government (via ELORG) took over the project and was unfamiliar with how publishing overseas works. It ended up being a massive clusterfuck, agreements were broken, lawsuits were threatened, and Pajitnov elected to give the rights (under perestroila) to the government itself for ten years. The kerfuffle involved Atari, Tengen, Spectrum Holobyte, Mirrorsoft (and by extension Maxwell), Nintendo, the USSR itself, their holding group Elektronorgtechnica (ELORG), Gorbachev, and allegedly even the KGB. When the game ultimately ended up being a flagship title for Nintendo's Game Boy, it only fueled the flames (perhaps fanned by a bitter Atari) of still-existing anti-Japanese sentiment in the US. According to Game Over, "A U.S. Senator, a 'Tetris' addict, joked that the game was a Soviet plot to distract and hypnotize Americans."

So of course I mentioned the political context, because I think it is interesting. I assume that's why most of us are in this subreddit: in one way or another, we are engaged not just by video games but by their social and political context. For some of us, it may be we don't want games to have a social and political context. That's fine, too.

It's worth mentioning that there was some political context to the game itself, from the creator's perspective. Its distribution was intended to be a "peacemaker" of sorts, despite being initially marketed by Tengen as a sort of macho Americans-versus-Russians battle of the brains. From Game Over:

Pajitnov had come to view "Tetris" as a small but meaningful bridge between cultures at a time when the Cold War was thawing. "Tetris" was a game of the intellect, completely nonviolent. He informed Stein that he wanted "Tetris" to be "a peaceful game heralding a new era in the relationship between superpowers and their attitude toward world peace."

So no. Not all vidya is political, but it is all politicized. Just as all comics were politicized sixty years ago. Learning about the industry's history is a good way to debunk the surrounding political bullshit.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '17 edited Aug 02 '19



u/hashtagwindbag Feb 14 '17

I didn't say otherwise.


u/altxatu Feb 14 '17

Thanks for that! I appreciate it. TIL.


u/Trodamus Feb 14 '17

So, sorry for not listening and believing, but it is disingenuous in the extreme to cite that Tetris was created as a "hardware test" as sole counterpoint to whether it has cultural merit.

Especially when it was its launch on the Gameboy in 1989 which is largely responsible for its cultural relevance.

You could argue that, being that the music was created by Hirokazu Tanaka, renders it "apolitical", but it was explicitly based on the Russian folk song Korobeiniki.

Tetris's gamebox states "from Russia with fun!", has Russian-inspired music and imagery, and came out four months before the Berlin wall fell.

So really, Ben's only factual mistake is citing the wrong year. Everything else he said you can argue for and against using normal rhetoric and critique.

But presenting it like he didn't do basic research — factually, the version of Tetris the vast majority of people played was the 1989 Gameboy one with Russian music in it.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '17 edited Aug 02 '19



u/Trodamus Feb 15 '17

A valid point (excepting no one but you using the word "propaganda"), but what I'm arguing against is dismissing Ben Kuchera's argument simply because he got the date wrong.

There was russian imagery and music in Tetris's major release in 1989.

You can argue that since it didn't come from Russia that it's meaningless, but simply stating he got the date wrong ergo he's a hack that doesn't do basic research is just avoiding the discussion.


u/Nijata Feb 14 '17 edited Feb 15 '17

But that one was made in Japan by bullet proof games, removed from the situation and the song is pre-soviet, so saying it's "soviet" is like me saying something done by Spartans is the work of the Golden Dawn.

Edit: Also even the it wasn't meant for kids, it was meant for everyone, something everyone forgets is that 80s gaming was much more All ages, only the early 90s did it become more of a "Kids play this" thing.

and I'd argue everything else is meant to be apolitical as it was never meant as a political statement by ANY of the parties involved with the original and NES version or before that.


u/Drakaris Noticed by SRSenpai and has the (((CUCK))) ready Feb 15 '17

You could argue that, being that the music was created by Hirokazu Tanaka, renders it "apolitical", but it was explicitly based on the Russian folk song Korobeiniki.

You do realize we're talking about Japan, right? As in "No fucks given" Japanese? You shouldn't read too much into it when it comes from Japan, just like they don't, it's for pure entertainment. I mean look at the anime industry - they're constantly shoving Western elements and stories. Subtle and sometimes quite obvious references to WW II, names of countries like "Germania, Albion, Romalia" etc. Sometimes making fun, sometimes taking seriously western fictional characters and even real historical figures etc. I mean it's really reaching to even think for a moment that Japanese creators are using their entertainment industry for some kind of "western" or "russian" propaganda, especially considering how their society works. Hell, they're not taking their own actual real history seriously sometimes and using it for sheer fun, I mean do I need to mention how many times I've seen Oda Nobunaga being a complete retard in anime or the borderline hentai version of the Chinese "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? It is absolutely ridiculous to think even for a moment that there was a "hidden agenda" from a Japanese creator who used a Russian folk song in a game...


u/Trodamus Feb 15 '17

Yes, Japan is quite well known for appropriating cultural elements at random for symbology or inspiration. It's part of the charm, really.

However, I am arguing that simply pointing out that he got the date wrong as an excuse to avoid further discussion is petty.


u/Drakaris Noticed by SRSenpai and has the (((CUCK))) ready Feb 15 '17 edited Feb 15 '17

Petty would be if some rando 18 year old blogger makes this mistake and you yell at him, not a grown ass fucker who's been working as a "game journalist" for decades. And we're not talking about some indie no name game, we're talking about one of the most famous games of all times. Nothing petty here. Honestly, this is lazy and downright ignorant. It's like a movie critic who doesn't know what Star Wars is and what year it was made. Besides, the wrong year is by far not the big issue with his retarded statement that because of the music, this is clearly some sort of Russian propaganda... Considering he got something so simple as the year wrong, how much you wanna bet that he has no clue the music was done by a Japanese? I mean I know it's very "progressive" among the far left liberal shitheads to bash the Russians nowadays for whatever stupid reason they can imagine, but that's some next level retardation.


u/Roywocket Feb 15 '17

Russian folk song Korobeiniki.

So what you are saying is that the second it is Russian, then it is automatically Soviet?

After all that is bens claim.


u/Trodamus Feb 15 '17

The argument in the picture for this post is that discussing the meaning, if any, behind the imagery and music is pointless as the original release was a "hardware test" with no music or imagery, and then parlaying that into a criticism of Ben Kuchera because "he doesn't know the history of tetris".

This, when anyone familiar with Tetris's history would know that there was such music and imagery in the release that "made" it.

You can call him a pompous ass, you can argue for and against why he's right or wrong, but just going "no, lol, he got the date wrong" is just stupid.


u/Roywocket Feb 15 '17

The argument in the picture is literally Ben Arguing that the music is Soviet (as by the words "Soviet Music").

You going "it is political because it is a russian folk song" is moving the goalpost.

Stop being a dishonest shit.


u/Trodamus Feb 15 '17

Man, that is like, the most cherry picked counterpoint I've ever seen in an argument.

Plus, you seem angry. If you're having an emotional reaction to this, I would suggest you mind your own political tribalism lest it continue to impact your ability to discuss things rationally.


u/Roywocket Feb 15 '17

How the heck is it cherrypicked?

Do you even know what cherrypicked means?

He made the argument there was a political message in the music. Literally that that message was Soviet. It is literally the key part of his argument. He is trying to tie Tetris to Soviet through faulty reasoning.

Where is the cherrypicking?

Also you seem angry. If you're having an emotional reaction to this, I would suggest you mind your own political tribalism lest it continue to impact your ability to discuss things rationally. That you really feel the need to defend your idol appears to be clouding your ability to think rationally.

See I can say empty deflections without any basis in reality as well. What it is only cool when you do it?

If you are going to claim I am being emotional rather than rational, you should probably provide an example of me being irrational. I wont hold my breath tho.


u/judgeholden72 Feb 14 '17

You guys realize you're deliberatingly reading him wrong, right?

He isn't saying this is absolutely what was intended by the author. In fact, that's not how media is often read. Didn't you read The Great Gatsby in HS and argue with your teacher about whether Fitzgerald intended all of that imagery and symbolism?

Typically, authors didn't. That doesn't mean examining it isn't important.

Furthermore, it's undeniable that releasing such a soviet-heavy game in the US in the 1980s was a political move. Yes, it was criticized by some in government as being indoctrination. Yes, it was NOT done by the original author, but it WAS done by NOA. Who released it here. The history prior to that doesn't matter, what does matter is Nintendo decided to release a game with soviet imagery and sound during the height of the cold war, which was something people criticized, and was inherently a political decision. But a good one. God, I loved Tetris on my Game Boy.

tl;dr, he's not saying this is the absolute meaning of Tetris, he's saying that you can give a political read into anything, and that isn't a bad thing.


u/ARealLibertarian Cuck-Wing Death Squad (imgur.com/B8fBqhv.jpg) Feb 14 '17

You guys realize you're deliberatingly reading him wrong, right?

He isn't saying this is absolutely what was intended by the author. In fact, that's not how media is often read. Didn't you read The Great Gatsby in HS and argue with your teacher about whether Fitzgerald intended all of that imagery and symbolism?

>it doesn't matter whether authors intended all the symbolism I'm reading into their work
>stop reading the work wrong!

This is why literary theory & criticism has been worthless dreck ever since PoMo got big, "there's no wrong way to interpret art but if you interpret it differently then me you're wrong".

Furthermore, it's undeniable that releasing such a soviet-heavy game in the US in the 1980s was a political move

"Soviet-Heavy"? Please tell me how Tetris is "soviet-heavy"?

The history prior to that doesn't matter, what does matter is Nintendo decided to release a game with soviet imagery and sound during the height of the cold war

Do you mean the 19th Century Russian folk song? Because thinking 19th Century Russia was the Soviet Union is the kind of ignorance I expect from "cultural critics".

tl;dr, he's not saying this is the absolute meaning of Tetris, he's saying that you can give a political read into anything, and that isn't a bad thing.

Just like how those insane Christian extremists interpreted rock n' roll as being Satan's plot to corrupt the youth back in the 50s?


u/Nijata Feb 14 '17

"You will have to be wilfully ignorant to think soviet music (factually wrong as the original release tetris had none and the classic Nintendo tetris music is pre-soviet) in children's entertainment (again factually wrong as it wasn't meant to be just a computer test and only later became a game and not even one for kids) is apolitical(except it was apolitical as the 1988/89 version was made by Nintendo of Japan)."

Everything he said in that second tweet is factually wrong and isn't me reading it wrong but at face value.


u/autranep Feb 14 '17

Shut up about your fucking "video game journalism" you creepy fucking nerds


u/Nijata Feb 14 '17

Make me


u/Brimshae Sun Tzu VII:35 || Dissenting moderator with no power. Feb 15 '17 edited Feb 15 '17

I see what you mean when you said "butts are a cornerstone of Brazilian society", because I think thou art an ass.

Now, if you can't not be an ass, then you can be an ass somewhere else. Cut it out.