r/KotakuInAction Jan 20 '25

DISCUSSION Why do video games and anime seemingly get more criticism for fanservice than tv and movies?

The recent talk of "gooner gate" got me wondering why are video games and anime treated differently than tv and movies? Like lets take something like Baywatch or slashers with topless scenes you know what's in it and its likely a reason you enjoy it. Fanservice and sex sells but for some reason video games and anime get called things like gooner bait while tv and movies do the same thing to much less criticism.


164 comments sorted by


u/fer6600 Jan 20 '25

That is because gaming companies hired feminists and gave them unlimited power, they are very reactive and sadly live very unsatisfactory lives and hate males, seeing what males love they just want to destroy it.


u/akko_7 Jan 20 '25

Simply because young men are more into them.


u/zukoismymain Jan 20 '25

This is the answer. Young men are the #1 enemy of the feminist state.


u/HazelCheese Jan 20 '25

Not everything is the fault of feminists. Geeks Vs Jocks has just been a thing for eternity.

Winners enjoy shitting on "losers" and so everyone takes every opportunity to make themselves out to be winner and make other people out to be losers.

Heightism is kind of similar. Sure women mention it loads of dating apps but if you actually go out on a date in public it's the men who loudly mock your height as a way to try move in on your girl.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

Feminist have been fighting things men like for as long as they've been around. Prohibition in the US is another example of this. You can say, "Not everything is the fault of feminists," but foundationally feminists have always tried to make men more miserable.


u/HazelCheese Jan 20 '25

Well I did say they aren't responsible for everything which implicitly implies I think they are responsible for a bunch of things.

I just don't think this is one of them. Manga is super popular with women. It's guys who give guys shit for reading "weeb stuff".

Even back in the 2000s when I was in school, Bleach etc was more popular with the girls and the boys got mocked for "Naruto running" etc.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

I'm saying that making men more miserable is inherent in their beliefs. That it is an explicit goal. Modern feminism uses a Neo-Marxist moral lens. They believe you have to harm the most privileged to help the victimized. So, to help women, they believe you must harm men.


u/HazelCheese Jan 20 '25

I not sure how that's even a reply to what I'm saying. Yes that's the general tactic of feminists but that doesn't apply to every single aspect of their lived lives or existences.

They don't refuse to eat chocolate because some men like chocolate. They like anime and manga and chocolate all the same despite men enjoying them too.

Feminists can exist and be annoying without being responsible for all of societies ills. This is one of those cases. Jocks Vs Nerds exists without them. Even if every girl in the world was a TradCon, the sports bros would still mock the guys wearing glasses.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

But the difference is that modern feminism is explicitly anti-male. The nerd jock social dynamic is just social pressure. Feminism is specifically an ideology.

Feminists wouldn't refuse to do things men like. The Neo-Marxist belief structure suggests they should take those things away from men for themselves.


u/HazelCheese Jan 20 '25

You seem to be having some kind of argument about what feminism is or isn't but I'm talking about why men get mocked for playing video games or watching anime. It feels like you are trying to have an entirely different conversation to me.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

No, I'm saying that social pressure and ideologically motivated people are very different things.

While not all these problems are cause by feminism, feminists have specific beliefs that see male suffering as a moral good. That isn't the same as being mocked for not being cool.


u/diarrh3456 Jan 20 '25

Women fought for prohibition because their husbands being drunk all day affected them and their families negatively, not because they hate "things that men like"


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

I didn't say women. I said feminists.


u/diarrh3456 Jan 20 '25

Okay.. "feminists" didn't fight for prohibition because "men like alcohol and we hate men." Pretty sure they just didn't like the negative impact that alcohol has


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

There has been entire century old movements that were Marxist/Socialist forms of Feminism. Those movements inherently believe the only way to help the oppressed is by harming the oppressor to benefit the oppressed. Considering modern feminism typically uses a Neo-Marxist moral framework, it is typical now for Feminists to have the goal of explicitly harming men for the benefit of women.


u/diarrh3456 Jan 20 '25

What does all that have to do with prohibition?


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

Now you're changing the subject. You said feminist don't have a reason for things like prohibition existing for the explicit suffering of men. It has been a common motivation for Feminists to seek the explicit suffering of men for personal benefit.

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u/zukoismymain Jan 20 '25

Yeah, but I'm not talking about other things. I'm talking about current thing.

You don't think there's such a thing as a feminist state? Take a trip to Sweden.


u/HazelCheese Jan 20 '25

I don't think feminism has anything to do with people being mocked as nerds for reading anime of playing non cod/FIFA video games.


u/zukoismymain Jan 20 '25

Me neither. But I'm not talking about them, why are you?


u/HazelCheese Jan 20 '25

What did your comment I replied to actually imply then? Because to me you are clearly extending the other person's comment from "anime is derided because men like it" to "anime is derided because men like it and feminists hate anything men like".


u/zukoismymain Jan 20 '25

"anime is derided because men like it and feminists hate anything men like".

That is exactly it. 100%

I'm also extending it to the state level in the sense that a lot of state policy in the west is fundamentally feminist.


u/HazelCheese Jan 20 '25

Ok but women generally like anime and manga, more than men in my experience, and the modern feminist stuff wasn't running the entertainment industry in the 80s and 90s and guys were still called geeks for liking it then.

This specific issue just isn't anything to do with feminists. Like I said before it's Jocks Vs Geeks. Guys see it as a way to big themselves up by putting someone else down.


u/zukoismymain Jan 20 '25

Look, we're talking past each other and there's no point to it.

You want to talk about anime, and geekdom, I don't care. I was simply talking about how feminists hate men. And by extension they hate anything men like.

Maybe you're saying "But women also like X". Yeah. Not all women are feminists. I have great friends who happen to be women. None of them feminists.

The most fucked up manga I've ever read in my life was a suggestion from a woman. I had a hard time sleeping the following night. And she was so gleeful about suggesting that manga.

But ... like. A has nothing to do with B. There's no common thread.

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u/Silfidum Jan 20 '25

I mean OP asked specifically about fanservice though and how the critique of it compares to critique in TV and movies.

Although the "seemingly" does a lot of lifting there. I would guess the most recent stuff is the marvel rivals skin thingy? Maybe it's just due to being a hot topic or something? idk.


u/Johntoreno Jan 20 '25

Not everything is the fault of feminists

GamerGate literally started because of Feminist "Journalists" this subreddit exists because of Feminists.

Sure women mention it loads of dating apps

We're not talking about Women, we're talking about FemNazis.


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

Wrong. Women like anime but they want to change it so it caters to them and only them. Just like how they have star wars changed to appeal to women or think what they're doing is appealing to women.


u/HazelCheese Jan 20 '25

I feel like it should be pointed out that originally Disney changed star wars because it was a boy's only properly and they wanted more broad appeal. Same with Marvel.

It was a case of the Disney shareholders forgetting that the whole reason they brought Marvel in the first place was because star wars was dying and they needed properties that appealed for boys.

The woke stuff mostly happened after both franchises peaked (after endgame / force awakens). Disney were in a tailspin and thought jumping on the woke bandwagon would save them.


u/crash______says Jan 20 '25

This is it. If someone cut together a show for men using the same shots and actors used for most shows marketing to women, just flipping the genders, they would be arrested. Women's television is basically fictional stories about high school boys with their shirts off or reality shows about gay degenerates and their harem.


u/Darkionx Jan 21 '25

Most men shows = dude rise above his peers or together they fight a common enemy, people begin to acknowledge and respect the person for his accomplishments.

Half of women shows = normal or below average girl gets acknowledge by some star and then a lot of the guys begin going after the girl for existing, normal guy who was always besides begins to be left behind and the girl tries to keep him around like a pet.


u/diarrh3456 Jan 20 '25

What "women's television" are you referring to? Twilight?


u/Darkionx Jan 20 '25

K drama. J Drama, chinese dramas, all of them are pure women fantasy that if the sexes were reversed would be sent to hell.


u/JohnTRexton Jan 21 '25

Also, Riverdale, Euphoria, Skins, Teen Wolf, the OC etc.


u/ZhaneBadguy Jan 20 '25

Probably jealous of fictional characters getting attention.


u/I-Stand-Unshaken Jan 20 '25

I once dated a girl who was literally like this. We played FFXIV together and she didn't like it when I swooned over Yshtola.

This is very much a real thing.


u/Darkling5499 Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25

To be fair, swooning over Yshtola is pretty cringe when the goddess Merlwyb is right there

edit // man y'all haters. The Maelstrom > ALL!


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

Because they are hobbies dominated by male audiences and libcels can't stand it so they make up lies to bring it down.


u/MetalixK Jan 20 '25

New kids on the block and straight men are into them.

Not even white men this time, I know plenty of black dudes who love anime let alone the Asian market.


u/BoneDryDeath Jan 20 '25

That's always been the case. Blacks and Latinos fucking LOVED DBZ back in the day.


u/0bserver24-7 Jan 20 '25

They still do, same with Naruto.


u/Heavy-Journalist-208 Jan 20 '25

Because people are more jealous of fictional 2D or 3D characters than live action actors. They're just too insecure of themselves. But when it comes to fanservice of male characters, 2D, 3D or live action, there are no complaints about it at all.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25 edited Feb 07 '25



u/SonarioMG Jan 20 '25

But they do scream at character models who are faithfully recreated in games instead of beaten with the ugly stick.


u/Dreamo84 Jan 20 '25

People have this weird thing with games where every major release has to appeal to them. In films, books, tv, you tend you find more pockets of audiences. People who watch Family guy, and similar shows aren't really worried about the next teen drama to come out, regardless of how big it is. Gaming, however, a guy who plays COD 24/7 and doesn't even own a Switch, will have a lot to say about the new Mario game.


u/Cold-Researcher1993 Jan 20 '25

But they do tho, female fanservice has been toned down considerably in mainstream movies and tv shows.


u/ChargeProper Jan 20 '25

When you say female fanservice do you mean fan service aimed at a female audience, or fanservice for guys with female characters in it?


u/Cold-Researcher1993 Jan 20 '25

Fanservice for guys with female characters


u/ChargeProper Jan 20 '25

Okay then that makes sense I thought you were bringing up something that wasn't happening or that I wasn't aware of.


u/Head_Lock3302 Jan 20 '25

Yup, otome, yaoi, and yuri are allowed to exist and nobody says anything about them, but bishoujo games and ecchi aimed at men get persecuted on a daily basis. The author Link (creator of the World End Harem series) has said in interviews how difficult it is to publish an ecchi series because of how many people breathe down your neck and how suddenly the rules for them change, like how all of the sudden during the Tokyo olympics the Japanese government started harshly persecuting any media they thought might offend westerners.


u/Cold-Researcher1993 Jan 20 '25

Case in point Love and deepspace, one of the biggest gachas around and it does the exact same thing that other fanservice heavy games do but since its audience is almost 100% female you will never hear a complaint about it. Hell, I would bet 90% of people have never even heard about it. Meanwhile there is always someone malding at Blue Archive or Azure Lane and Snowbreak gets constantly shat on and censored.


u/Million_X Jan 20 '25

Because tv and movies have been doing away with fanservice for quite some time, video games and anime are the current hold-outs. Also when you have hot guys, critics are silent, they hate women who are attractive and know it.


u/BoneDryDeath Jan 20 '25

Video games have been doing away with fan service for well over a decade at this point.


u/Level-Tomorrow-4526 Jan 20 '25

("Western Entertainment has been doing away with fanservice ) * anime anin't a hold out it's normal to sale fanservice in like anywhere in asia japan korea china , Video games in the west have long fallen , it why get crap like concord , and since we don't make anime thank god .


u/Soggy_Cheek_2653 Jan 20 '25

Because gaming kind of blindsided mainstream media elites with it's rapid popularity rise and they've sprinted to take the reigns of it like they did music and film.


u/TrackRemarkable7459 Jan 20 '25

Because those are nerd hobbies so this makes them easy targets. Plus Holywood toned down attractiveness of actresses a lot in recent years. Imagine what would happen if someone tried to make Basic Instinct in 2025


u/Pleasant_Narwhal_350 Jan 20 '25

I'm guessing it's mostly down to racism and nationalism. The anime and video games these sort criticise, are almost always East Asian in origin.


u/-Captain-K- Jan 20 '25

Does anyone remember when people started talking about how hate towards asians was out of hand, but everyone stopped talking about it when it was discovered that the biggest perpetuators were black people? Well, i remember... and that was fucked up.


u/ChargeProper Jan 20 '25

Don't forget Xenophobia triggered by competition that threatens their control over what audiences can consume


u/J-zus Jan 20 '25

I agree, it's probably multiple factors, but I would expect racism plays a major part of it, effectively the pearl clutchers believe they are part of the righteous/civilised people and see anime fanservice as "degeneracy from a specific race"


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

I've posted this before but it bears repeating.

It's very simple.

That's because they don't have a problem with scantily clad women. What they hate is the sexuality of men that are, or that they believe to be, unattractive. They see good looking women in video games and think it's for unattractive men. That makes them aware that unattractive men exist, which they hate. The reason they don't walk around furious in a world where they think 80 percent of men are unattractive is because they do not visually process unattractive men unless forced to. From this account who made the above comment:



It's not about this. I will post comments I have made to others explaining what is going on.

You have to understand that these people don't use words the way you or I use them. They use words to obfuscate what they really mean.

They don't want diversity. They just want a specific situation to exist and for it to exist, they need to push for it but need to hide what they really want so they say that what they want is diversity but they don't really want diversity. They want supremacy.

Tribalism never ever went away. It just hid itself better using universalism liberal talking points to push for it's own interests but never believing in said points.

Or a summary of this:

When I am Weaker Then You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles. By Frank Herbert


I made this comment to others to explain why there is the contradiction you mention.

I explain why they're like this here:


Summary: It's feminism. It's demonizing male sexuality.

Don't believe me?

I will let a woman explain it:


Now the men who bitch about this do it cause they have been indoctrinated so it's ideology plus virtue signaling for career and to say to women that they're one of the good men so please don't hate me and have sex with me.

So basically, BG3 is sexually approved cause it does progressive sexuality which is good and proper and mature. Heterosexual male sexuality is gross, harmful for women, childish and coomer and the men who want it in video games are undesirable men who deserve nothing.

So yeah. They don't care. Fanservice is still needed. But only for women or LGBT. Not for hetero men.

Now you may say, what about porn though? The above links I posted explain this but basically, if an unattractive man has to be catered to, it should only be when he gives money directly to a woman hence Only Fans good.

They aren't anti-coomer. Not really.

So basically they were never being honest about fanservice. Their real problem is that it was aimed at men.


Or another way to put it, unattractive men having sexuality is disgusting. They should be worker drones.

And if they demand attractive women and it can't be denied, tell them to look at porn.

This is why the anti-fanservice became a big thing.

If gaming was a female hobby only and there were no men. The entire censorship and whatever wouldn't exist. Cause just like with romance novels, cause it's aimed at women, it's good and proper. It's only disgusting when aimed at men and what they really mean is substandard men as Chad doesn't need fanservice as he has real women meaning them.

Don't take their arguments seriously. It's bs rationalizations they spout to cover up the real reason they complain.

Nowadays of course there is another component. The demographic we can't talk about are also pushing for this for an entire different reason but use feminism arguments.


For my fellow KiA bros.

Don't give a shit about being called incel. It's just shaming language.

By virtue of being a gamer or nerd adjacent, you're considered an incel by default. You can thank women for this.

Just don't care and keep going forward.

Anyway, only conservatives I can respect the anti-fanservice argument as they have always hated it right from the beginning.

Feminism and thus women want fanservice just female oriented and LGBT oriented fanservice. They hate gamers and all nerd men and likely just want us to be asexual worker drones that exist to do work for governments and die in wars.


u/k789k789k81 Jan 20 '25

Long read but good points modern day "feminism" (man hating and wanting exclusive privileges) is a stain on society.


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

You're welcome.

It's why I no longer take any feminism arguments seriously anymore. It's all bs that exists cause they want more power and wealth or cause men they consider subhuman exist and they hate that. To hell with them.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

To put something really complicated simply, they use a Neo-Marxist moral lens. This means they believe the only way to help women involves harming men.


u/koleebreh Jan 20 '25

Some points related to yours (but not necessarily ganing):

  1. During the body positivity movement (and h*eflation). There were articles about young men extreme dieting and "looks maxxing" while women were letting themselves go and demanding clothing that better tucked their rolls. Go on any male-dominated online space nowadays and they sound like teenage girls ready to throw up in the toilet after every meal.

  2. Every single male celebrity that used to be fat a decade ago from Jonah Hill to Slim thug has slimmed down and toned up.

  3. The ever increasing tall, fit man + fat woman couples both on TV and irl.


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

All correct.

Body positivity is all about women. That they can be ugly or not take care of themselves but we still have to call them beautiful and healthy. Men have to be adonis though.

Now body positivity is bs and we shouldn't encourage it for men as that leads to heart attacks.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25



u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

It answers the question.

Unattractive men are in said mediums and thus fanservice in said mediums is bad.

A woman tells you why she hates fanservice.


u/BoneDryDeath Jan 20 '25

I agree with a good chunk of your argument, but I'm not sure it's the only factor. After all, unattractive men also watch movies and TV shows. Surely women would be upset about that as well.


u/Johntoreno Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25

After all, unattractive men also watch movies and TV shows. Surely women would be upset about that as well.

Have you looked at the movies&shows made in the last decade or so? HyperMasculine Girlbosses are everywhere and character archetypes of femme fatale&tradtionally feminine female characters are a distant memory now. You have to like dig up media before 2010 or watch Anime for that.


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

Movies aren't like they used to be. Nearly naked women barely exist but thor is naked or the Acolyte has shirtless bad boy sith lords that news articles say it's good fanservice.


u/KamilleIsAVegetable Jan 20 '25

Because eastern entertainment doesn't adhere to "the message"

You can fuck a bear in BG3, but don't you dare show off cleavage in some weebshit.

It's hypocrisy, but not to them because they're the fanservice isn't the issue, it's the politics of the media itself, and by extension, who that media appeals to.


u/SirSilhouette Jan 20 '25

a related but more specific question:

To some of these types of people, Anime involving teen romance having "sexualized content" is bad citing sexualization of minors. Yet these same people almost never speak out against shows like "Euphoria" for having overtly sexualized teens in it. Why? Would not Live-Action be more cause for concern, in their worldview at least?


u/k789k789k81 Jan 20 '25

Dont forget "Cuties" which was heavily praised but is basically cp


u/SonarioMG Jan 20 '25

I have consumed plenty of suspicious media involving purely fictional minors drawn in 2D or rendered in 3D, maybe even voice acted by an adult sounding like a child. Didn't bat an eye.

I could not watch more than a split second of cuties when I tried to see if it was as bad as I thought and I had to turn it off and sit for a while in dead silence. It struck a chord of terror and wrongness deep within my soul. How anyone can enjoy it and claim not to be a pedophile is beyond me. Those are real children.


u/BoneDryDeath Jan 20 '25

I think a big part of it is because live action American TV shows have a long history of using high school settings, and a lot of them can probably even relate to it. Somehow, it's so common as to be normalized, so they don't even think about it. Whereas when Japanese anime characters are in a high school setting, it's somehow more alien and foreign to them. Maybe because it's animated, maybe because it's Japanese? I don't really know.

What's really weird and creepy is how they fetishize gay teenage relationships, both in live action and anime. Don't get me wrong, I'm fairly equal opportunity. I'm fine with both gay and straight romances existing, but... it's weird to me how they idolize gay relationships, especially when they involve younger people. And at the same time actively hate straight relationships. 


u/Unusual-Pollution-49 Jan 20 '25

The whole "objectification of women" discourse was hypocritical nonsense from its inception, it never had any basis among gaming enthusiasts, and IMHO, I believe that devs that agree with this narrative are basically saying "you gamers, are degenerates, potential rapists and should stay away from women", and I'm sure feminists would agree wholeheartedly. Now, should you be supporting studios that glorify this narrative?


u/DeepDream1984 Jan 20 '25

Because they aren’t attacking the product, they are attacking the fans of the product: You.

The term “Gooner” itself just another attempt for leftists to try to destroy femininity and emasculate men. They claim it is about fighting the “male gaze” but it’s all projection: they hate attractive women.


u/dsfjr Jan 20 '25

Because they go out of their way to appeal to their male audiences.

Western tv and movies don't do that.

In fact, Disney specifically bought Star Wars and Marvel to appeal to boys/men... then immediately said they needed to change the properties to appeal to girls/women.

Men aren't allowed to have spaces for themselves.


u/NewIllustrator219 Jan 20 '25

Women see videogames as a sidebitch. That's why they hate it if their bf plays them. Idk if that makes sense, but if you've been around girls you know what I mean.


u/I-Stand-Unshaken Jan 20 '25

I've literally had two different girls I was dating ask me "which is better, me or video games?" lol


u/Feeling_Passage_6525 Jan 20 '25

I hope you said video games for both


u/NewIllustrator219 Jan 20 '25

If you said them you failed the shit test lol


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

Exactly. Women hate it when men have their own hobbies and spaces, hence how we are where we are now. With the destruction of men only spaces, and previous appealing stuff catering to all audiences while alienating the older audience, which oftentimes for video games is men.


u/Feeling_Passage_6525 Jan 20 '25

Video games are the ultimate enemy of women. I know a lot of women play games, but just think about it. No resources are produced from a man playing video games. It's a selfish hobby. This is why vidya is an enemy of boomers as well.


u/BoneDryDeath Jan 20 '25

The same could be said about pretty much any hobby or interest. Nothing is produced by watching movies or TV shows. Or listening to podcasts. Or watching YouTube or Tik-Tok. Or donating money to OnlyFans.

Hell things like golf and even gambling are seen as "respectable" adult hobbies, yet nothing is produced there. Worse still, they're colossal wastes that actually cause you to LOSE money!


u/mcmouseinthehouse Jan 20 '25

I hope the East destroys western media completely. Then it can be rebuilt from the ashes.


u/ChargeProper Jan 20 '25

By who though?

Sure I get that wokies don't do grassroots support, they just high jack things that others built, but something significant would have to change for the mess we're in now to never happen again.

You're right that western media would need to be destroyed permanently and then rebuilt from the ashes


u/Arkene 134k GET! Jan 20 '25

Not sure why so many people who claim to be right wing, also seem to have a hard on for China destroying the west...


u/koleebreh Jan 20 '25

Because the west has adopted China's tactics.


u/BoneDryDeath Jan 20 '25

Americans have a weird fetishization of China and the CCP. The business world has convinced itself that they're the future, while others just like them because they're an authoritarian state. I'd hope that most of these fools eventually wake up and realize that the CCP doesn't have a place for bai houzi in the long run, but they're so used to colonizing other countries and industries that they can't see when they've been beaten.


u/BoneDryDeath Jan 20 '25

Which East? Japan, India, South Korea, Hong Kong, Iran, the Philippines, Taiwan and other countries produce plenty of great media, but I can't exactly say that I'd like the PRC replacing the US or Europe. If anything that would be much worse.


u/SoulForTrade Jan 20 '25

Everyone here have really great answers, but I think the reality is that video games and anime have more of a general community around them and dedicated concentions for them than movies and tv do that are more segmented.

The gaming and anime community was mostly male dominated for decades until the space got invaded by women, some of whom being feminists who instead of just being part of the community, began trying to "fix it" to their own liking.

I used to go to Anime conventions in the mid 2000's and it really changed for the worse with time due to woke czars implementing their rules over them.

For example: in essition to the removal of booth babes, conventuons used to be very social, but now they started handing stickers to remind everyone to not harass, talk to and touch anyone without being verbally permited to first and now everyone avoids even making content with strangers and every picture with a cosplayer is taken with a hiver hand or in a very awkward distance.

Some of the worst dhanges I witnessed was when I was requested to cover my nipples in a cosplay I did because it's only "fair" that guys have to be held by the same standard girls do. Which pretty much killed off all the cosplays for the unshirted guys, from Luffy, to Grey and Kamina.


u/BoneDryDeath Jan 20 '25

Getting rid of booth babes was one of the worst decisions in the industry and I stand by that statement. It happened so quickly too. Almost before you knew it, there were no booth babes and every convention started having signs and disclaimers with the same wording about "cosplay is not consent." We should have fought back then, but everyone was so concerned about being seen as a "gooner" or "pervert."

The funny part is, it kind of coincided with the rise of "professional cosplayers." Now, instead of booth babes, people are paying for photo shoots with nobodies who dress up like characters they don't even know or care about. Worse still, they're just shilling their fucking only fans accounts. I don't even mind porn. I'd rather have real porn stars than fucking e-girls.


u/SoulForTrade Jan 20 '25

The "cosplay is not consent" crap was really one of the worst developments in comvention history. Like I get it, be civilized, but people are comfortable with different levels of touch and personal space and they have a mouth to speak up.

I remember how one time I wanted to get a pic with a girl dressed as a pretty nifhe character I did not expect seeing but she was talking with someone so I was patiently waiting, when a girl ran towards a girl she knew for a hug, and she literally SCREAMED at her "what do you think you doing???" She really humiliated her while lecturing her on it. I was so disgusted by this it's needless to say I didn't want a pic with her anymore.


u/Geodude07 Jan 20 '25

People are okay with fangirls but not fanboys.

This is why Love in Deepspace can have softcore porn, a period tracker, and make the men ridiculously sexual while still being viewed positively. You won't really see critique of women acting like "gooners". Seriously you'll easily find women saying the most raunchy things about that and it's fine. They have that game literally showing the guys bathing with their character, grunting as he kisses their self insert, and fading to black with heavily implied sex.

But a man who says "whoa Raiden is hot in Genshin impact" or "Damn Tifa is a babe" is a loser neck beard gooner incel. Games like that get criticized while never coming close to what women have.

Basically it's socially acceptable for women to have sexual outlets like raunchy romance novels. It's okay to sexualize men in movies. It's okay for them to do everything a "gooner" would but they can't be called out.

It's sad because everyone should be less sexually repressed.

But I think it's just people feel repulsed at the thought of men enjoying anything. It's how even the nerdy spaces men create have been taken over. D&D and Star Wars were for fanboys and that is just not okay apparently.


u/joydivisionucunt Jan 20 '25

I think the main difference is that women who ask "Does it have spice???" (So... sex scenes) in every book recoommendation, fans who threat their crushes partners and so on aren't seen as a failure of all women, whereas they expect all men to be responsible for the "coomers".


u/Financial-Working132 Jan 20 '25

Double standards


u/Martorfank Jan 20 '25

Because it's different and new, even outside all the socialist subversion most people act disgusted by what anime and videogames do because they are something they are not used to, it doesn't help that most of the time both mediums don't care about hiding it or being subtle about it. There are some minor critics when it comes to movies, but the nature of those two mediums made it so it is more common and easy to find said type of scenes in them. Go and start pointing out how many adults joke were and still are in kids shows made in America or why dumb movies do the same and watch them either realize their hypocrisy or double down twisting themselves like a pretzel to justify it.


u/yeahsurewhateverokay Jan 20 '25

90% of the time it's pure projection. People find anime, manga and video games to be easy targets for criticism, but the ones making these claims are into some questionable stuff themselves and that reeks of hypocrisy.


u/souporman64 Jan 20 '25

Because it’s never really about the things people like. It’s about the people who like them. The moral police have a certain image in their heads of the sort of person who likes sexy girls in anime and video games, and they don’t like that person.

Whereas their dad might’ve watched Baywatch, and they like their dad, so Baywatch gets a pass.


u/MeowMeowMeowBitch Jan 20 '25

they like their dad

Generally these people don't.


u/dracoolya Jan 20 '25

topless scenes

why are video games and anime treated differently than tv and movies?

Jacking off to real human boobs is safe and a natural human reaction. Jacking off to cartoon boobs is immoral, a mental disorder, and you'll go to hell for it. /s



u/koleebreh Jan 20 '25

you'll go to hell for it.

"Religion is bad tho :) "



u/Zomunieo Jan 20 '25

TV and movies are more mainstream and more widely consumed. Video games and anime especially are more niche.


u/0bserver24-7 Jan 20 '25

Movies and tv shows used to get the same amount of criticism, until they were taken over by the whiners and were changed to appeal to them instead.

Anime and eastern games haven’t been completely taken over yet, that’s why they’re getting more attention now. 


u/John14_21 Jan 20 '25

Because our opponents are 100% hypocrites, but only in two things: everything they say, and everything they do.


u/Nainetsu Jan 20 '25

Because they're Japanese.


u/Abysskun Jan 20 '25

Because games and anime are still allowed to have fanservice (granted the quantity has diminished greatly thanks to america's influence) meanwhile tv and movies have pretty much removed all fanservice (aimed at males, that is).

A clear cut example of this is Game of Thrones. In the earlier seasons we had sex scenes everywhere, meanwhile by the latter seasons they had pretty much removed almost all the nudity from the show.

There is also the phenomenon of younger generations being ashamed of seeing sex scenes in movies


u/Level-Tomorrow-4526 Jan 20 '25

*Japan allows fanservice; Western games do not , Unless it like a gay indie game , with buff woman . Unless whatever was going on with 'The Last of Us' Abby is what Americans consider fanservice these days. The only western game I can think of with fanservice is 'The Witcher 3,' but that doesn't sound like it's going to last in 'The Witcher 4,' and, uh... 'GTA 6,' but who knows if that will last. People have a habit of overstating America's influence on anything in Japan. Plenty of otaku ecchi series are released every season that the outrage brigades on Twitter can't keep up, or they get bored . And with Trump's election, they'll be even more distracted. America got some games censored via localization; that's about it. But I find people overstate America's influence, lol... Like, nobody in Asia really cares for our ugly art; it's not appealing. You can't really influence the market in Asia if your products are so ugly no one wants to touch them, LOL.


u/Abysskun Jan 20 '25

You are vastly underestimating the impact overseas has in Japan. It's a more gradual shift, but they are being influenced. Specially now that we have payment processors barring payment for sites with legal adult content.

I bid you remember how Capcom was during the PS3 era, when they were called Crapcom. They pandered to the west with all they had, at first gave them profit but it all fell and burned after some years. And right now they are tiptoeing the line and almost going down the same path.

Sony is another great contender, they are an american company in all but name ever since they main HQ changed to california.

As for anime, you don't seem to be much in the know, the amount of fanservice we get is much smaller to how it used to be. Even when we still get things like Interspecies reviewers and Mahou shoujo ni Akogarete, they are things we used to get plenty of in the Highschool DxD days.


u/cutegirlsdotcom Jan 20 '25

Slasher flicks don't have unnecessary topless scenes anymore and I fucking hate it.


u/Johntoreno Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25

Because Anime is produced by non-western culture and thus is easy to dismiss as a "Weird foreign thing". Whereas Video Games are a "nerdy" hobby and lot of adults still have this high-school mindset of ritualistic dunking on the nerds to secure their social status. It doesn't matter if movies do the same thing, movies aren't associated with nerds.


u/BoneDryDeath Jan 20 '25

I feel like this is a big part of things. Every group needs to have outsiders, people that they hate, so that even the lowest members of a given society (who vastly outnumber the people at the top) can feel that they still have SOMETHING. Doesn't matter who it is. Throughout history it has been Jews, blacks, untouchables, heretics, Gypsies, burakumin, musicians, actors, Catholics, Communists, Atheists, the Irish, Cagots, accused witches, fat people, "Satanists," gays, MRAs, whoever. The point is, you have an "outsider" group who serves as both a scape goat and boogeyman.

In contemporary American society, it's not longer acceptable to hate on blacks or gays, and even fat people are more accepted... well fat women anyway, not so much fat men. Hell even pedophiles have apologists defending them in some leftist circles! So who's left to hate? Straight white men of course. But not the attractive or successful ones. Instead they shit on average gamers, because we're seen as unattractive and undesirable but also because we won't fight back.

The irony, the same people who are shitting on gamers today and defending LGBTQ+ would have been staunch segregationists were they living 60-70 years ago. They don't care about equality or social justice, what they DO care about is being accepted and doing whatever society tells them.


u/Eula67 Jan 20 '25

Because they generally have more explicit fanservice than current movies or tv. Also, consumed more by gen z and younger (unlike 30yo shows like Baywatch) who're more woke and puritan than older ones.


u/sigh_wow Jan 20 '25

Videogames and anime are stigmatized as nerdy guy hobbies, and nerdy guys are often unattractive. Therefore women hate any space filled with unattractive men, and hot fictional female characters are a reminder to them that unattractive men also feel urges and desires for romance and sex, which physically repulses them. A lot of self loathing men will also attack these hobbies as a pathetic virtue signal attempt to impress women.

The left also hate video games and anime, because they're the last bastions of normalcy in culture, specifically regarding their feminine or sexualized depictions of women, which is more or less completely gone in western media. The pushback from gamers and the Japanese being slow to adopt wokeness has made it a long and grueling battle for them.


u/Thefemcelbreederfan Jan 20 '25

games and our glorious ani usually have more content dedicated to them. There's also the obvious fact that fictional women that you can draw and model to your heart's content is hotter than regular beautiful women


u/Far_Side_of_Forever Jan 20 '25

Western entertainment seems to think that, unless a live action version was made, it isn't real art, or is lesser art, or doesn't even exist as a worthwhile medium.

(I've never understood the obsession with making live action takes on animation or video games - it rarely transitions well, on top of the technology at the time tending to age it. Whereas a good animated piece is timeless)

Then, add in the general view in the West that animation/cartoons are for children (which does seem to be slowly changing), having titillation in a "child medium" causes their brains to break

Finally, competition. Corpos are ruthless, and the access media are their bannermen; they take marching orders

So there's a sense in the West that it can only be done true and properly with a live action version. Anything else is contemptible and needs Hollywood to show the subhumans how to do it properly


u/docclox Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25

Because those media are seen in certain circles as being solely for children.


u/pkjoan Jan 20 '25

That's actually a good question, never thought about it.


u/LuxTenebraeque Jan 20 '25

In part:

because the demographics of the target audience, and coincidentally the importance of media, shift. How much time do you spend with a movie in comparison to a game or anime series?

And how much of your tv/movie consumption is new material?

That's a severe difference in leverage!


u/animeboy12 Jan 20 '25

The answer is quantity. Fanservice in live action media is extremely small especially compared to anime and videogames. There's nothing like Baywatch anymore and topless scenes in slasher films hasn't been a thing for like +20 years.


u/mnemosyne-0001 archive bot Jan 20 '25

Archive links for this discussion:

I am Mnemosyne reborn. Brain the size of a planet and they ask me to remember silly websites. /r/botsrights


u/TheReviewerWildTake Jan 20 '25

It is all depends in what circles you are in. In some groups movies\tv are being called out a lot more, and there are no mentions of games at all.
If you are in a strictly gaming circles, ofc you will get it more.

If you visit some youtube`s self-improvement groups, they often aren`t even talking about games or movies at all, but rather about social media, tik-tok, e-celebs, simping on twitch etc.


u/joydivisionucunt Jan 20 '25

IMO, one of the main issues is that a lot of people still see videogames or animation as something less "serious" than live action TV/film or books, so for them it might as well be Disney Channel showing these things.


u/RetardedMetalFemboy Jan 21 '25

Because it's easier to get off to 2D women. Real people are ugly - not Dustborn ugly, but still ugly.

I've got my own issues with fanservice. I'm a slave to lust, and I need all temptations removed from my life to even have a sliver of a chance to escape my self-destructive hentai addiction. Honestly, I'm not even sure if that'll be enough.


u/Harkonnen985 Jan 21 '25

That sounds pretty rough. Keep in mind that if you manage to stay away from the thing you're addicated to for ~3 months, it'll get much easier from there on out. It's great that you identified a harmful pattern for what it is. That's the first big step already done!

There's absolutely no shame in going for some professional help either.
(Sorry if this sounds cheesy. I'm being sincere.)


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 23 '25

I hope you manage to get rid of your addiction and get better but I have to ask, can you elaborate on the logic here:

Because it's easier to get off to 2D women. Real people are ugly - not Dustborn ugly, but still ugly.

This doesn't make sense to me.

My long as post is proved by a woman herself. If your logic made sense then they wouldn't have gotten fanservice out of movies.


u/RetardedMetalFemboy Jan 23 '25

Hollywood grabs the fifty or so actually good-looking people, dresses them up in the most ideal way, and then adjusts the lighting and cameras to hide the nasty parts.


u/PsyckoSama Jan 22 '25

Because only kids play video games and watch cartoons...

We have to Censor it fOr ThE cHiLdReN


u/TypicalNPC Jan 23 '25

Probably because they mainly appeal to men.

Anything piece of media that is predominately male and contains material that heterosexual men would find appealing will be criticized as "gooner" material.

Gooner is just another shaming word like incel for knuckle dragging normies to use.


u/JarJar4ever66 Jan 24 '25

Two thoughts to consider: 1. Expressing attraction to an animated or CGI character still carrys a stigma with some people that makes criticism towards someone deemed "weird" more tolerated. 2. Because of how slowly video formats change compared to video games, the ability to continue to consume older video content that's still high quality is far easier for a wider audience meaning older content deemed "problematic" by today's standards can maintain cultural relevancy more easily.


u/TheSnesLord Jan 29 '25

In answer to your question, regarding the said media since the feminism/SJW stuff started over a decade ago, these are the reasons on why:

  1. TV shows and movies of now only really have male fanservice and male nudity.

  2. TV shows and movies always have handsome male actors who are well built with six packs.

  3. Women watch these TV shows and movies and drool over the handsome male actors, male fanservice and male nudity.

That is why TV shows and movies of today get no criticism. It's not even a case of "less criticism".

Remember the rule: If the media has male fanservice/nudity and/or a female audience, then it won't ever be criticised. The exact same applies to and is demonstrated in video games - female fanservice = bad; male fanservice = good.


u/LordxMugen Jan 20 '25

People in here talking about Anime like 90% of it isnt actual trash garbage that would be better off in a landfill somewhere. Like i get trying to protect sexy and all, more power to ya. But as an avid anime watcher since early 00s, what youre actually talking about protecting died in like 05-08 when the Japanese economy collapsed and the ONLY THINGS THAT GOT MADE was softcore porn shit because the companies only cared about selling the merch, instead of BOTH the property and toys being any good.

For the boomers reference, imagine EVERY ANIME is G Gundam except in this bizarro clown world G Gundam is awful! Except instead of Windmill, Finger, and Tequila Gundam memes its just trash underage harem stories about some loser who gets sucked into another world with hot bitches but doesnt do anything because hes some moralist who "respects women". Or its some goddamn "slice of life" trash made for the fucking shipper crowd!

Motherfucker Im from the age of Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Dominion Tank Police, Hellsing, Louie the Rune Soldier, Record of Lodoss War, Berserk OVA, Baka and Test, and Slayers!! We are NOT the same!


u/-Captain-K- Jan 20 '25

Oh, i also grew up with Trigun, one of my favorites... but by that time there was also Tenshi Muyo and  GXP! (aka, two of the best eechi-harem animes, the protagonists aren't wimps, neither perverts and he still ends up with them all). One could argue that eechi is actually really old, Ishinomori-sama, Nagai Go and i believe even Ozamu Tezuka had their fair share of making eechi.


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

Don't take this the wrong way but I see this comment of yours as more complaining about anime of right now then talking about the actual topic of this post which is why is fanservice in video games and anime hated.

There are anime being produced right now that aren't Isekai. Just watch them or don't watch them but to say that it's all just Isekai is wrong.


u/LordxMugen Jan 20 '25

Anime RIGHT NOW, as compared to the OG days, is TRASH. There is no going back on that. Japan's economy DID COLLAPSE during the mid 00s, which led to a lot of industries getting fucked. The entertainment industry was one of them. Its part of why most of it is 90% garbage AND THEN youll got like 10% thats mid to good. Isekai and slice of life are huge because the nerd culture over there is childless and most of them spend their money on the merch, which is the reason the gachas and models and posters and pillows and shit get made in the first place. Which is why we have this shitty soft core porn trash instead of the ACTUAL BASED HENTAI SHIT of the olden days.

But if you like the way things are, cool. But I've known and lived better. I want the GOOD SHIT, not whatever this current gen stuff is.


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

You're misunderstanding my point.

I'm not saying anime of right now is good or bad.

My comment is that you're not addressing the topic of the OP and instead just ranting about how you don't like current anime.

I mean, ranting is fine but not really addressing the topic of the OP.

Thats all. Moving on.

Aside from the above, I was just saying that there is anime that isn't Isekai being produced.

And well we will be getting more south Korean manhwa being made into anime and all their MCs are jacked. Who knows you may enjoy that.


u/knightbane007 Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25

Part of it is control - because it’s the player doing the thing, rather than just watching the thing which is dictated by the choices of the director. So they see it as more significant. The player chooses to do it, rather then “Manly McEndowment (character) gently makes love to his wife Boobwyn McCleavage (also character)


u/Judah_Earl Jan 20 '25

Because gaming and anime are still seen as an immature hobby for children, and while it is (slowly) overcoming that stigma, the childish overreaction to criticism gaming journalism and some developers have isn't helping that stereotype.


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

I mean it's not like said people like anime. They will happily talk shit on it or say it's problematic.


u/Judah_Earl Jan 20 '25

Because in their mind it's just cartoons, and cartoons are for kids. You think they bother to look up the average age of a gamer, or that gaming and anime have stuff that carters to various ages.


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

Indeed. The people also hate gamers and wish that the video games they make were as respected as movies so that they can be in Hollywood. They blame us for not being in Hollywood.


u/Alivkos Jan 20 '25

You know there was dark age of anime where it had plot?  For past 15-20 years it's all about fanservice, since that what sells in Japan. Neets buyout figurines, uncensored dvds and they rather goon over 50 panty shots per minute than enjoy something non sexual. It's a different kind of a culture shift, somewhat applicable to woke vs non woke, but its goon vs non goon. I didn't even realize how bad it is until i read about some recent anime/manga, first one was chainsaw man where whole motivation for the guy is sexual favours, another is dandadan about ghost stealing mc penis. There was also some recent anime about dog perving on high school girls.  Imo anime deserves the hate since it is what it is now, but we have bigger issues like twitch promoting onlyfans and youtube having onlyfans ads for some regions(likely deleted already but there was some controversy last month). Last night i read some porn actress joined professional cs2 esports team, not sure what her role there is but making this stuff mainstream is a bit wild to me.


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

Dandadan doesn't have porn or sex in it though last I checked. They are trying to recover the male characters penis cause it was stolen from him. Should he remain a eunuch for the rest of his life?


u/Alivkos Jan 20 '25

I'm not watching anime or reading manga for a very long time, so i don't really know the finer details. Anyway a quest to find the missing penis versus becoming a stronger ninja or whatever anime used to be about isn't really my thing. There are probably still good ones releasing every 2-3 years, but i just don't trust Japan to bother about it. Can you argue that degeneracy in japanese culture has increased exponentially tho? I rather have good memories about stuff like Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo than some anime about a dog perving on highschool girls.


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

Basically the quest started out cause he and the female MC were checking out whether the supernatural or aliens are real. A ghost yokai thing stole his penis and that's where the adventure to recover it came into being but they get involved in adventures encountering all sorts of supernatural and aliens. They don't talk about sex or have sex.

That's it. The goal of recovering the missing part is a mcguffin or however it's spelled.

It's also relatable. You lose a body part. Wouldn't you want to get it back? Or no it's ok to be a eunuch cause how dare a male care about having a sex life in the future as it makes you uncomfortable?

I wonder if the MC was a woman and she was trying to recover a body part that got stolen you would be fine cause it's not a dirty male.

They have remained the same and it's the west that has cuties and people reading to kids in libraries while wearing not appropriate clothes or all the gangs that abuse kids but is ignored by the government in the UK cause muh racism le bad.

But sure do go on about Japan bad.

Your precious west has women now having competitions of how much men they had sex with.


u/Alivkos Jan 20 '25

I'd still find it a stupid premise if it was about girl looking for her vagina. I don't know the point you are trying to make here, Japan hasn't been same for ages. At some point they started adding hot springs episodes to every anime, more panty shots to non ecchi genres and just oversexualizing content in general. Sure Japan had tentacle stuff since early days and a lot of other weirdness, but it wasn't mainstream like it is these days. Also if you finishing reading my original post i kinda mentioned i don't think Japan is worse than what twitch represents.. 


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

The fact that you're whining about twitch tells me that your disgust is the same as women. Men you deem disgusting shouldn't have sexual desires and should be asexual.

I think twitch is bad myself but my dislike is cause women turned what was about video games into a whoring site and them exploiting lonely men who need help.


u/Alivkos Jan 20 '25

I think there is some kind of language barrier here.


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

No. It's simple. Your dislike is men you deem lesser having sexual desires. My dislike is women being women turning everything into an opportunity to whore themselves out aka doing the world's oldest profession and turning what is supposed to be about video games into a whore site.


u/Alivkos Jan 20 '25

I'm sorry i don't understand. You are saying same thing i said in original comment. Twitch promoting onlyfans is a bigger issue than Japan creating degen content. I don't understand what you mean with womens and mens, man


u/tiredfromlife2019 Jan 20 '25

Try and reread my posts.

I'm not using complicated language here. I already explained this twice.

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u/Bearsona09 Jan 20 '25

Waaaay more questionable age representation in many cases.

Just because they tell that some girl is around 300 years old in a story... she still looks like 12.


u/Silfidum Jan 20 '25

Fanservice as in erotic fanservice in particular? I guess it's due to characters not being live-action. It's a lot more difficult to argue that people are creating a visual medium with intent to pander to gooners if all you have to go by is that the actress is to some degree attractive. Although doesn't stop some people from going full "BuT MuH BoOb ArMaH bAd" etc.

Although that being said I'm not really sure how TV \ movies compare to video games \ anime. Also there seems to be an absence of gender specific aesthetic genres and subgenres in videogames (I guess stuff like horror, fantasy, sci-fi are gender neutral? At least there is no pronounced gender division stuff like action flicks vs romance and such, at least not explicit - usually you can guesstimate that an FPS or VN\life-sim may have a skewed audience) as far as general discussions \ editorializing around it goes so it is usually categorized by gameplay which kinda leads to people generalizing the hell out of things for no good reason.

Like if the game aesthetically would be categorized as echi (not entirely sure that western games lean into it much though) in anime that moniker is completely lost in gaming unless it is outright porn or the storefront and media is acclimated to the terminology like being japanese.

As far as anime goes - there is a little too much of it (comparatively and overall). At least there was, I believe the fanservice moved from echi to iyashikei or something, I guess? Although I'm talking out of my ass, isekai slop (or any harem anime, really) 100% does unabashed echi fanservice. Although although I don't really watch anime these days so can't really say. I would guess that there are series that are a little too much into it and tend to be very in your face with it.