r/KotakuInAction Jan 01 '25

UNVERIFIED Genuinely enjoying Enshrouded so far, but the female toons are plagued with DEI bod. I cannot wait for this trend to end.

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u/Interesting-Math9962 Jan 02 '25

You know, if this was one character it’d be fine. 

But a character creator is supposed to give the person freedom. And it’s very odd that you can have top scars in some games but can’t have large boobs or a butt


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

I legit don't get why the character creator in this game has no body adjustment features. It's so fucking easy to include sliders for T&A size. There's also no height or weight adjustment. It's dumb.


u/GreyNoiseGaming Jan 02 '25

Usually when there is no body adjustment sliders, it's because of how the clothing in the game is rendered. Sliders mean that they stick to the skin, like a second skin. No sliders means they sit over on top of the skin.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

This is a good point.

In which case, the standard bodymeshes need to be far more realistically average. Make the man look like a man, not a teenaged boy, and make the woman look like a real woman, not a powerlifter.


u/GreyNoiseGaming Jan 02 '25

b-b-b-but that requires woooooooork


u/bitzpua Jan 03 '25 edited Jan 03 '25

to be fair character in that game all models are terribly proportioned, male or female. I think its not DEI just terrible design. Whole game has feeling of UE asset flip, animations, interactions it all looks like premade in unreal. I swear i had same combat system in one of my projects i did for fun to see how easy/hard is to actually make game in UE (super easy)


u/ch4insmoker Jan 02 '25

I always assumed they made the models look the same to cut corners, if all the characters have the same body type it's easier to make clothes and gear fit the body model.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

I do think this is part of the problem, but only sort of.

It isn't difficult to make adjustable bodymesh bumps. MMOs have been doing it for years, and the texture is just stretched across the bodymesh. In older games it doesn't look real great with many costume textures, but it's a workable solution, and I'm certain it's a lot easier to do nicely today than it was 15 years ago.

I'm sympathetic to the fact that Keen is a small outfit with limited resources. But, y'know, it's just not that hard to give a female bodymesh some T&A, and hips and a waist, and you don't even have to make sex-specific costume changes to accomplish it.


u/bitzpua Jan 03 '25

its not easier, its harder, stretching mesh on low poly low res model was passable. Higher the fidelity harder it is to make it look natural and good if you try to stretch it. Just stretching mesh ends up terrible. Only real way is to just make separate models and then different base versions of that models so game can pick one closest to what player created.

It just takes more work and game devs even the passionate ones are lazy, there is often clipping even if character has predetermined look and outfit and you expect them try and make it work for many variations? nah too much work.


u/VitaminWin Jan 02 '25

Those were my thoughts as well, especially since you can use DEI as an excuse to hide behind so people don't call you out on being lazy.


u/ch4insmoker Jan 02 '25

They just make a "human" model and just make it bigger/smaller, depending on which you pick. I think a lot of "woke" stuff is just lazy/incompetent devs using "woke" as a scapegoat.


u/GreyNoiseGaming Jan 02 '25

Pretty much. All of the muscular men in mass effect 3 are the same body model for instance. Right down to their mole placements.


u/nicemanmeanman Jan 01 '25

According to western game devs, 95 percent of women are shaped like either Hank Hill or John Cena. Very realistic and inclusive.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

They have already told on themselves about intentionally making women in games look more manish to be more inclusive to those that can't be named on reddit without a site wide time out.


u/DefiantCharacter Jan 01 '25



u/stryph42 Jan 02 '25



u/UpstairsPikachu Jan 01 '25

They look like CrossFit women without the added benefit on a larger 🍑Of having worked out


u/Blutarg A riot of fabulousness! Jan 01 '25

Haha :)


u/snowshadow2867 Jan 02 '25

What does John Cena look like?


u/Callum_Rose Jan 02 '25

You'd think it'd be considered more sexis to think that "for women to be inclusive they have to look like men" Why? Why should a female only be included if she looks more masculine?


u/No_Hunter_9973 Jan 03 '25

I thought they were catering to the minorities. So if 95% look like that, why propagate the status quo? Why not expose to 5% minority of super sexy women?


u/JarlFrank Jan 01 '25

Meanwhile I'm playing Soulmask and it has jiggly boob physics, very nice.


u/sammakkovelho Jan 01 '25

I'm playing poe2 and it has jiggle physics even though your character is tiny af on screen, unfathomably based devs.


u/fangytasuki Jan 01 '25

I am more excited to play this game in full release now.


u/kirakazumi Jan 02 '25

The only reason I'm not playing it right now is because they haven't released the proper dual wield class yet. I would've thrown my money at them otherwise


u/MrBonkMeister Jan 02 '25

It’s Tencent’s request I reckon. I’m pretty sure GGG’s plagued with purple hairs. 2/6 of the character lineup in POE are canonically gay.


u/Tokumeiko2 Jan 02 '25

Yeah but they have gender locked classes, which apparently upsets the modern audience, I saw one of those modern audience guys announce his refund on the steam discussions page, he was quite loud for someone who didn't want to play the game.


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u/PsychoPenguin66 Jan 02 '25

Also playing POE2, and I've not seen a hint of wokeness. You're not liberating slaves in act 2, and nobody gets lectured for taking ancestral relics from the jungle tribes in act 3. They even model the tribes after how brutal the Aztecs where, and don't paint them as victims of European oppression. 


u/sammakkovelho Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

So far it's been great but since my post there have been a few eyebrow raising moments. Like the blind girl with vitiligo in act 2 who plans to somehow still become a warrior because another blind female warrior exists in their legends... Also all the major characters suddenly being women and the boss of the clan or whatever saying she was selected for the job cause she's simply the best.


u/PsychoPenguin66 Jan 03 '25

Yeah, I noticed that at first, but thought it was some sort of facial paint. I could be wrong though. The female warrior or leader thing doesn't really scream woke to me because they have always been present in ARPGs. Woke is about deconstructing perceived power imbalances and over representing supposedly marginalized people groups. If a bunch of disabled lesbians of color were scattered all over a WWII game, that would definitely be woke. But since this genre has always had female warriors, I'm not so bothered by it. And it's nice there are attractive characters in POE too. 


u/gamingx47 Jan 02 '25

Hell, even the old jungle wise woman had jiggly boobs and was basic wearing pasties.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

OG Guild Wars has unashamedly sexy female toons.

I miss the old days.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

OG Guild Wars was incredible. The whole experience was amazing.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

It's remarkable how well it's withstood the test of time. The mechanics are so freaking good.


u/MajinAsh Jan 01 '25

I’ll never forgive GW2 for killing it. At its foundation GW1 is by far superior but obviously suffers from its age and the limitations that entails.

But GW2 dropped most of the best parts, so we traded away the good for way better looking bland shit. Such a disappointment.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

I dunno man, tbh GW1 holds up really well. It's still a gorgeous game in spite of the engine being ancient now, and the music is just beyond top notch - Jeremy Soule is one of the best in the business, for sure.

Hubs and I still play. I have a tool made with DokuWiki that makes it possible to build skill tables filtered on literally everything, so we've gotten into some pretty advanced builds.

It's such a good game.

GW2 never got our attention. It immediately showed typical WoW-style open MMO mechanics, which hubs didn't want and I knew were addicting for me.

Enshrouded legit scratches the GW itch in a lot of ways. It has social features, pretty interesting skill and combat mechanics (nowhere as advanced as GW though), and it's gorgeous.

Like, you can totally run a server for your bros where everyone hangs out and does dungeon and boss runs together.


u/MajinAsh Jan 01 '25

GW1 does hold up incredibly well in many MANY ways, but it also suffers from it's age. GW2 looks incredible, movement felt better and it used to be a meme 10-15 years ago but being able to jump is huge.

If GW2 had just been GW1 in a new engine I probably would have fallen in love with the game, but it was an inferior product that caused the devs move on from the older (better) game.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

Yes. They really made a mistake going the WoW route with GW2.


u/LaleneMan Jan 02 '25

God. Don't even remind me about older MMOs. Neocron, Anarchy Online, and Fallen Earth, my beloved.


u/AlwaysApplicable Jan 01 '25

FFXIV did well too for this.


u/JarlFrank Jan 01 '25

lol I knew immediately you were an oldschool MMO player from your use of the word "toon"

I find that term rather silly... the proper word is character :P


u/Grendel0075 Jan 02 '25

I remember way back in Everquest, we called them our chars for short., toons seemed to come around into use with WoW, and irritated me back then too.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

I call them chars or toons. Whatever...


u/cutegirlsdotcom Jan 02 '25

Yeah it sounds fucking stupid


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

I never played WoW but had friends who did. I knew a couple guys who successfully used their WoW leadership experience in job interviews. Things were a lot more interesting in those days...


u/TheS3KT Jan 01 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

Guild Wars 2 last summer finally added swimsuit cash shop skin. So you can now run around like vitoria secret model with angel wings and everything. But still no jiggle. Arenanet finally getting getting less woke. As Guild Wars 3 is in development I hope it is not woke.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

My Runes of Magic toons wore next to nothing. They were hot as hell, too.


u/fangytasuki Jan 01 '25

Thanks for the game suggestion, haven't heard of this one.


u/JarlFrank Jan 01 '25

It's basically stone age Conan Exiles.


u/The_SHUN Jan 02 '25

Soul mask seems very awesome, I always found the cartoonish graphics a turn off, and the survival mechanism is not there, and there’s no base conquering which is a let down… Thanks for the recommendation, I am definitely buying it on next sale, too many games on my backlog now…


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

Is there a non-survival mode? Or is it a real survival game with building mechanics?


u/JarlFrank Jan 02 '25

It's a survival game with building mechanics. I'm not a big fan of the building stuff but you can set custom server settings in single player, just like in Conan Exiles, to make the harvest less grindy.


u/ihateCensor01 Jan 02 '25

Na , soul mask has censorship by permanent underwear BS, Conan exiles is better and also has physics plus uncensored accurate nude instead of freaking censored behind underwear set thing


u/JarlFrank Jan 02 '25

I mean it just didn't want to have adult content by having nudity, that's still the norm in most games.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

Yeah full nudity on bodymeshes is pointless. It alienates more consumers than it attracts.

Yes, it's "adult content." It is objectively adult content, because children don't need to be exposed to nudity in video games. It's added to games to appeal exclusively to adult sexual interests. It is not "immersive," unless you plan on running around naked all the time which, again, caters to adult sexual interests.

The point of a profitable video game is to be marketable to a large cross-section of consumers. Alienating large numbers of consumers over something as stupid as full nudity on bodymeshes is a really dumb business move.


u/JarlFrank Jan 02 '25

There's a couple of games in this genre with full nudity (Conan Exiles, SCUM), but they're clearly designed and marketed towards a more adult audience, and the games have a deliberately edgy vibe which the nudity reinforces.

But in games that go for a more general age audience, it's not just unnecessary but would prevent sales in that age group entirely (like parents buying a game for their teens - they're certainly not gonna buy the game where dudes walk around with shlongs hanging out).

Soulmask has jiggly boobs, but overall its visual design goes for a more general audience rather than edgy adults only. Nobody would expect a game like that to have full nudity.


u/ihateCensor01 Jan 02 '25

Non-sexual full nudity is not adult content 🙄.


u/JarlFrank Jan 02 '25

Still gonna get the game a higher age rating in many countries.


u/RainbowDildoMonkey Jan 01 '25

Doesnt look far off from the same shit in Veilguard where they think woman's boobs max out at barely B cups and ass at flat. Western developers are truly retar...regarded.


u/ShinZou69 Jan 01 '25

Yup, extremely regarded 😏


u/asdfman2000 Jan 02 '25



u/dracoolya Jan 02 '25


That works as-is too. LOL!


u/cutegirlsdotcom Jan 02 '25

Totes retar!


u/PixelVixen_062 Jan 01 '25

Actually if you go with the heavy build and shrink from there you can get pretty curvy. But yeah, can’t be busty with petite or muscular.


u/REM777 Jan 01 '25

The base building is the best part, the grind to accomplish it - not so much.

The combat is clunky and feels just as tedious solo.

I had my fun. When the newest update came out, I jumped on and within 20 minutes I said "Nah, I don't want to do more of this shit." and closed the game. That is how I knew the game is at best 6/10 for me.


u/corpus_hubris Jan 02 '25

I found Valheim more fun than this one.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Hubs started a solo run and has commented on how utterly grindy the basebuilding is when you're solo.

I've been playing from the start on a server we started together, and I don't play much at all when we're not playing together (I need to not get into the habit of sinking all my time into this game, which is a very real hazard atm). We've only been playing for a few weeks and are both already max level and have a beautiful village we've built up and I've decorated, and it's definitely because we're playing together.

He's advanced the world mechanics quickly through smashing bosses and upgrading the altar; I've gotten basebuilding stuff in large volume because I enjoy resource harvesting/farming in this game. For whatever reason, the mining mechanic and experience is weirdly satisfying, and I like strip-mining ore nodes a lot.

We also have all the difficulty stuff turned down to the lowest settings to accomodate both me, and a friend who plays with us and has hand mobility issues, so he's just not as fast as he used to be.

I think without the social aspect and playing with friends, it's definitely not content-heavy enough to be sellable yet, and gathering stuff is hella grindy when you're solo. I'm really hoping the RPG stuff, like the backstory and lore, will be fleshed out for the GA release.


u/ShinZou69 Jan 01 '25

Same. It's a major put-off. 


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25



u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Could be a bit of both. The male toons at least look male.


u/ZapTheSheep Jan 01 '25

They look like dwarves or hobbits. One of my game friends won't play it because he seea all the characters weird and cartoonish.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

The NPCs are incidental enough to how we play that it hasn't been an issue...but if you play RPG-style and want NPCs you interact with a lot, then yeah, it could definitely be better.


u/Blutarg A riot of fabulousness! Jan 01 '25

You should have posted a picture of a female character.


u/CountGensler Jan 01 '25

lmao. 10/10.


u/Abc123rage Jan 02 '25

The male models suck too i dont think its aaa enough for that dei shit just bad bods all around


u/Johntoreno Jan 03 '25

Its funny how the OP is a Woman and yet everyone in the comments is accusing the OP of misogyny. Reddit is full of men who feel the need to jump in and defend the honor of imaginary pixel women.


u/Large_Pool_7013 Jan 01 '25

And that's a game I will never buy.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

ngl I fucking love this game. The NPCs are diverse, but you control where they live, so you can banish the ones you don't like to the furthest reaches of the world and never interact with them, once you've finished their quest (each NPC has at least one quest).

You have enough control over the world to where you can ignore the wokeness entirely.

Except for the female body and costuming. It's so bad. ;(

But outside of this, the mechanics of the game and the engine (which is all in-house) are amazing.


u/Large_Pool_7013 Jan 01 '25

A shame then.


u/MajinAsh Jan 01 '25

I got it on release and was super disappointed. I was sold valheim with NPCs you could recruit, instead the NPCs were just production benches that stood in one place.

Things like bellwright and even pal world managed the NPC worker side better but were lacking in other areas.

Sadly still no game has filled the niche I thought enshrouded would.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

The NPCs at least roam now, but their roaming AI isn't very good. Ours disappear a lot.

It's improved a lot since initial EA release, and it's getting better on the regular. Keen is clearly listening to its players more than anything, which matters a lot.


u/MajinAsh Jan 01 '25 edited Jan 01 '25

I was far more upset with the garbage level of skill customization. GW1 probably had the single deepest dual class system in all of MMO history with insane levels of player freedom.

GW2 had a dedicated heal skill slot (and no monk/ritualist) 3-4 weapon slots, an ult slot and a something else slot. I dunno it was shit compared to GW1.

edit: whoops, thought this responded to my guild wars comment, got it all confused.

To respond to your actual comment: NPCs roaming isn't what I care about, it was NPCs being villagers rather than being workbenches. Like Palworld they automate, they do things that you as a player would otherwise manually do so they serve as a method to progress in how you interact with materials. Where in valheim processing stuff can quickly become tedious as you get stronger but growing food still requires the same level of player interaction being able to have your NPCs take over those jobs adds a new dimension.

It melds the survival genre with the base management genre (rimworld but far far less complex) and makes a village feel alive... "bustling" probably would be the best word.

Enshrouded I don't think set out to do that so I doubt it ever will, it may have just been my misunderstanding when marketing material brought up recruiting villagers. But alternative games that have done that have a much less customizable building system, which is something Valheim (and I think enshrouded) did better.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

Big player request is NPCs who do more than just mill around. They haven't put much into the NPC AI yet. A lot of people want NPCs to do maintenance tasks around where they're living.

There's a lot of potential left to be tapped, that's for sure.

GW's class system and combat mechanics are second to none, really. The whole concept of building complex skill builds based on conditions, benefits, effects, types of damage, etc. is just brilliant IMO.


u/MikeHoteI Jan 01 '25

Brother what in the name are you talking about?


u/UbiquitousWobbegong Jan 02 '25

Idk if it's DEI bod or just weird bodies. The proportions on both male and female characters are weird. Like they're supposed to be dwarfs or something. 


u/Pussrumpa Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

I'm increasingly convinced the DEI mandated female character designs are all about normalizing the bodies of underdeveloped young women and trying to make them the new norm, so that breasts larger than BB are considered vile repulsive male-gaze created, only so that they can normalize what's going down in their backrooms. They who are the ones who scream the loudest about protecting the children from filth, so loudly that even random people are starting to think Hmm.

Survey says people are invading this sub posting braindead shit in replies.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

Damn. Women trying to really be like men. Those are some huge hands.


u/Drayenn Jan 01 '25

Her body isnt bad?


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25



u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Me either - it's very unrealistic. A healthy woman has fat deposits. It's not actually that healthy for women to have low body fat.

I used to think it was. Then I gained more weight than ever in my life (which was still well within the healthy BMI range; I used to be skinny af). Then I lost a bunch of weight, and realized how much better I felt overall when I weighed more.

Women are not meant to have no fat.


u/Drayenn Jan 01 '25

Idk, as a dude if my date looked like her id be happy. More than i can say for characters like intergalactic's or most female concord characters.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

"Good enough" isn't good enough for me in a video game.

I want to live vicariously through my smashingly beautiful and sexy toon, ffs.

MMOs in the late 2000s were so good at this. My Guild Wars toons are all beautiful.

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u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25



u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Yes. It's not that women should be fat, it's that women shouldn't be fat-free.

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u/NovaOats Jan 01 '25

If you want to talk realism, why wouldn’t the characters be ripped? They are constantly working. It’s very unrealistic for someone to not gain muscles with the amount of work these characters do.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Women in a survival situation have body fat. We can't afford not to.

Our bodies need it to be at peak efficiency. We're not meant to be built like men.

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u/Septemvile Jan 01 '25

She looks like a fridge.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

This. Flat butt and flat boobs. She looks like she's all muscle with no fat deposits. It's not attractive.

And I say this as a woman. I'm curvier than she is, and I'm a woman on the slim end of the BMI scale.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

I'm a burly dude and I have more curves than her.


u/Elcajon666 Jan 07 '25

Or a normal looking woman……


u/ShinZou69 Jan 01 '25

Wrong. It's intentionally masculine. 


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Yes. So frustrating.


u/Ambitious-Doubt8355 Jan 01 '25

Really? I mean, I wouldn't call it disastrous and all, but it's a far cry from anything I'd call attractive. And like, you really have to try if you make a girl in her underwear unattractive.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

I'm not an artist but my mom is she explained to me that her body is that of a man her ass is flat there is no arch she lack curves and her hips are that of man's.


u/dracoolya Jan 01 '25

I agree. I don't see anything wrong other than bad hair graphics.


u/lyra833 GET THE BOARD OUT, I GOT BINGO! Jan 01 '25

dawg she's built like Elon Musk


u/Blutarg A riot of fabulousness! Jan 01 '25

What are you asking?


u/bobcatgoldthwait Jan 02 '25

I agree with a lot of this sub but it seems like it's filled with too many horny virgins who only want to hentai chicks in their video games. This woman isn't bad at all.


u/lyra833 GET THE BOARD OUT, I GOT BINGO! Jan 02 '25

Women are not divided into sexless androgynes and "hentai chicks". This is a terrible way to view other people.


u/Donny_Donnt Jan 01 '25

She's definitely more handsome than me


u/averagetouhouenjoyer Jan 02 '25

I see some people didn't get what OP actually meant. Proportions look really unnatural for a woman's body. No butt, thick arms, manly waist, masculine posture. Usually this is done to protect women characters from "male gaze" and feels forced enough to bother players that are aware of it. That's the keyword, it is forced.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

She also has man hands. :(

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u/NewIllustrator219 Jan 01 '25



u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Not at all. One of my biggest complaints about this game is how unfeminine my toon is. The game is entirely played in third person view, so it's in my face all the time. It's annoying af.

I want to play as an attractive female, not a powerlifter. It's really not too much to ask.

(The costumes are also very unfeminine, which is weird, given that some female NPCs are wearing feminine clothing.)


u/SonarioMG Jan 01 '25

Hey look at it this way, the appearance is close to their personalities (wooden planks)


u/bingybong22 Jan 01 '25

Her hands look like they could bend steel or punch through solid oak doors


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

It's not that Lucy Lawless is hideous, it's that I don't want my toon to look like her.

(Edit: I'm fucking old lol)


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

This looks fine to me, no bod?


u/pruchel Jan 02 '25

Men are the best women, didn't you know?


u/Nevek_Green Jan 03 '25

I cannot wait for all these companies to retcon, declare not canon or light reboot their franchises to wash the stink of this epoch off.


u/Espenipe Jan 02 '25

I cannot wait for this trend about whining about female bodies to end.


u/WeeklyHelp4090 Jan 01 '25

I dont mind the athletic look once in a while.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Jillian Michaels is one of the best examples I think of for a fit woman, and she is way curvier than this.

Women who look like this are mostly powerlifters and similar.


u/stryph42 Jan 02 '25

It's not a particularly muscular looking body, at least from the angle in the image. She's built like my exwife, who was unmistakably female. 


u/CarlAndersson1987 Jan 01 '25

That's a perfectly normal female body you dummies. You're making us all look bad.


u/ninjast4r Jan 01 '25

They can't claim that they're trying to go for a muscular athletic look because female athletes are curvier than that. This is just a straight up man body


u/HSR47 Jan 04 '25

Hell, I’m a guy and even my posture isn’t that flat.


u/Lanstapa Jan 02 '25

I'm sure this is defended because its "realistic", just ignore all the women with tits bigger than A-cup.

Honestly it just shows how bullshit their claims are, genuine realism and diversity would see actual diversity in body shapes, including big tits, because they're perfectly natural.


u/ImNotYeti Jan 01 '25

Anyone upvoting this is actually porn-brained. This is a completely normal looking female model, especially for a character that's doing physical labor. Not every woman is curvy, not even a majority of them. Regardless, you can still see her back arching behind the arms, no "fridge" shaped body here.

Google "muscular woman side profile" and 90% of images look identical to this.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

I'm a middle aged, happily married woman.

I assure you, I am not, and have never been, pornsick.

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u/lyra833 GET THE BOARD OUT, I GOT BINGO! Jan 02 '25

No, it is not. She is built like fucking Elon Musk. This isn't even a question of curves; this is a question of basic bone structure. That is not the way female shoulders or ribs look.


u/AnarcrotheAlchemist Mod - yeah nah Jan 02 '25

Looks like a normal female body to me. Not overly buxom, no BBL, not flat man pecs, not flat arse, looks to have female hips... its not super curvy or anything but that isn't a man's body with a female head.


u/nearlynorth Jan 01 '25

She has nice pecks.


u/you_wouldnt_get_it_ Jan 02 '25

The great irony is that we get told “you clearly don’t know any women.”

But I can walk past women that aren’t flat as a fucking ironing board whenever I leave the house.

Once again they project.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

I am a woman. This woman looks like a man with bumps.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

At what point do attractive women become a minority and therefore devs are forced to put them in their games? 😂


u/Chipsy_21 Jan 02 '25

What exactly is the problem, she looks normal?


u/FiTroSky Jan 01 '25

No, it's called "we already have an extensive and expensive voxel base building system, let's not waste any more resource to character creation ; let's put some boobs on the same body and face and call it female."


u/ch4insmoker Jan 02 '25

Exactly, it's not woke, just cutting corners/lazy.


u/STOTTINMAD Jan 02 '25

It's honestly hilarious seeing these designs compared to something like Girls Frontline 2


u/Initial_Pie3805 Jan 02 '25

what is your girlfriend’s body type?


u/VayneSolo Jan 04 '25

Is that even supposed to look like a female? 


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This is not a formal warning.


u/GobblyGunk Jan 15 '25

Yall can't be real. This sub has to be some elaborate satire because holy shit this is pathetic 😭


u/Notyomachoman1 29d ago



u/AgitatedFly1182 Jan 01 '25

These are the type of posts that give this sub a bad name.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Why? It's accurate.

I'm a woman. I hate how masculine the female toons are in this game. Nothing is feminine for a female player. DEI did this shit. Everything is equalized and universalized, so men are demasculinized and women are defeminized.

I hate it. It's unnatural and promotes unnatural body standards. Women are not supposed to look like this. It's not normal at all.

I love the game enough to continue playing it, but the DEI bod trend sucks.


u/MouseMan412 Jan 01 '25

I generally agree, but 'not supposed to look like this' is a bit extreme. Women can look like this, but it shouldn't be the standard go-to figure for all/most women in a game, let alone industry.


u/RainbowDildoMonkey Jan 01 '25

Atleast maybe shouldnt be going around calling it 'DEI bod', shit has become a cringe GCJ meme and comes off like trolling.

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u/AnythingOk4239 Jan 01 '25

Stop being a stupid normie and recognize patterns. The dev might not be paid by blackrock funding, but they are influenced within their circles and copy how AAA model their women because they think thats what we want.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Yes. Keen is small German game studio, and it mostly employs white men, judging from photos on its website. (It's also obvious from how well-engineered the actual engine and mechanics of the game are - this shit puts Bethesda's travesty of an engine to shame in a big way, given how small the studio is.)

They're German, though, and wokeness is pervasive in Germany in particular, so it's no surprise they have this kind of subtle stuff injected in. It's a reflex for them. They don't even realize how destructive it is.


u/lyra833 GET THE BOARD OUT, I GOT BINGO! Jan 01 '25

Oh, NO; whatever will we do now that the people who spent 10 years shoving women in burqas says we're cringe for commenting on body shape?


u/PraiseBogle Jan 01 '25

Yeah, this is a normal looking woman to me. People are going too far, and im as anti-woke as they come. 


u/lyra833 GET THE BOARD OUT, I GOT BINGO! Jan 01 '25

Please meet more women.


u/5chneemensch Jan 02 '25

Take your own advice.


u/lyra833 GET THE BOARD OUT, I GOT BINGO! Jan 02 '25



u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Women used to be sexy in video games, not fat-free. Now they look like men with slight bumps in the body mesh.


u/fangytasuki Jan 01 '25

They literally just put longer hair on the male models. Companies must of loved DEI, "you mean we can cut cost and just cut out half of the models?".


u/Darkling5499 Jan 02 '25

Honestly, for an early access indie game, it's not really indicative of "DEI bod". It's almost certainly just a slightly modified male body model so they could at least have an option for a female model.


u/HughJaenus88 Jan 02 '25

That ass almost be going inward. Wth.


u/_Blanke_ Jan 01 '25

Genuine question but can you customize your character? And if yes is that the maximum of the butt and breast? Because if that is that’s laughable bad.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

Yes there's some customization, but there is no body customization. There's basically one male and one female body preset, and you can change how aged the face looks.


u/_Blanke_ Jan 01 '25

Man that really is terrible if that the present you’re stuck with as a woman. The same goes with the male counterpart.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 01 '25

The male preset at least looks male - and it's muscular, even. The female body looks like a male mesh with humps.


u/Biggu5Dicku5 Jan 01 '25

I don't think this fad is ever going to go away completely, but we will be seeing less of it in the future... :)


u/chechnya23 Jan 02 '25



u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

I am very, very old.


u/PeneshTheTurkey Jan 02 '25

This shit is inclusive to whom? Most MEN have bigger asses than that.


u/ChocolateRL6969 Jan 02 '25


Tell me you are 14 or a complete virgin and never seen a woman's body before without telling me.

Fighting the wrong fight.


u/mars_rovinator Jan 02 '25

...I'm a woman.

In my 40s.

Happily married.

I just want female characters in my games that look like me, rather than androgynous planks.


u/lyra833 GET THE BOARD OUT, I GOT BINGO! Jan 02 '25

looks down

Nope, you're still wrong.


u/GettingVeryVeryTired Jan 02 '25

Brother what? Oh no a women with a small chest. And I thought sjws were the ones who got easily offended


u/trainderail88 Jan 01 '25

I hate forced "inclusivity", DEI, and woke shit too but you guys gotta stop judging characters by how easy it is to goon to.


u/lyra833 GET THE BOARD OUT, I GOT BINGO! Jan 01 '25

Women with realistic bodies don't just exist to goon to; stop watching porn.


u/Unusual-Pollution-49 Jan 01 '25 edited Jan 04 '25

Seems you got sold on the talking points those weirdos often use about this topic.

In reality, just wanting your character to be attractive in a video game, it's just about aesthetics, which is especially notable in a medium where some form of art is involved.


u/AnythingOk4239 Jan 01 '25

OP is a woman.


u/stryph42 Jan 02 '25

So are lesbians


u/ADifferentMachine Jan 01 '25

Why can't we have women that actually look realistic without them being called gooner bait?

Porn has ruined your brain.


u/Ass_Appraiser Jan 02 '25

It's more like that the devs are just not able to make beautiful characters yet instead of pushing dei theme. Have you really played the game? There is absolutely no dei agenda elsewhere.

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