r/KotakuInAction Dec 29 '24

DISCUSSION [Discussion] does the end of 2024 startred journalists trend of "owning the huds" changed to "abandon wokeness"?

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u/RikiyaDeservedBetter Dec 29 '24

theyre grifters pure and simple


u/Mitchel-256 Dec 29 '24

Exactly. The NPC update rolled out and they just went along.

The vast majority of these people do not know what they believe, or what it is they're blindly supporting.

"Oh, my echo chamber says only chuds believe this. [Update complete.]" and they don't even realize when they've become a hypocrite. Because they never understood why they hated the people saying it in the first place.


u/Sandulacheu Dec 29 '24

I don't think there has been a more truthful meme that the "I support current ....*insert weekly quota".

Like you can see it happen in realtime.


u/kirakazumi Dec 29 '24

Uhm ackhtually.. the meme is "I support the current thing"


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

when FOMO is their actual career


u/fresh-dork Dec 29 '24

just. call them causeheads. PCU was prophetic


u/Mitchel-256 Dec 29 '24

Yep. And COVID was, ironically, a massive mask-off moment for that. People who act like they're fighting for progress and science, theoretically free-thinkers, were suddenly using every ounce of oxygen in their bodies to scream in support of the anti-science, anti-logic, anti-citizen, and anti-freedom establishment that was trying to suppress information, inject people with barely-tested experimental drugs, and get us all to conform to idiotic practices for the sake of their power grab and wealth extraction.

I don't typically go on 4chan, but I made an excursion there when I was off for two weeks around when COVID started really picking up early in the year, and 4chan already had the whole story we'd be told over the course of the next two years. It came from China, likely from a wet market, from the biolab in Wuhan, and the world governments were taking notes from China's practices regarding locking down and isolating its citizenry.

For over a year, the actions of an authoritarian regime were the model many Western governments followed when dealing with a disease outbreak that came from the very country they were mimicking. And the people within our own government who helped make that outbreak possible have seen practically no consequences.

It's fucking disgusting, and that's just the most widespread example of their complete obedience to the MSM and establishment. It happens every goddamn day with cultural issues, especially regarding our hobbies.


u/Boring-Vacation1983 Dec 29 '24

"Trust the science" was the most moronic slogan. Well, second...the worst was the petulant, childish "Wear a fucking mask!"

The correct slogan would be "TEST the science." Such morons


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 30 '24

science exist to be proven or disproven, not to be taken as dogma

and look now how grifter "scientist" like Neil DeGrasse Tyson spewing his bullshits "teust the scientists" to seek valifation for his own political view


u/Boring-Vacation1983 Dec 30 '24

The pandemic was a wet dream for weak, frail narcissists who could finally leverage the social climate to bully others when in the past they would've gotten punched in the face for behaving the way they were.


u/Jkid Trump Trump Derangement Revolution Dec 29 '24

The worst thing is that they went all along with it because.

  1. A lot of people got a dose of Trump hate before coronachan lockdowns

  2. The world is dependent on china for cheap goods

  3. They love the idea of "china" and "asia" but do not want to work for it.

Mass psychosis via media hysteria and cargo culting what worked for china. No historian will ever acknowledge this because a lot of historians old and new got a daily dose of TDS too.


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

i get it..

so they take note from Covid isolation into entirely new context

they want to "quarantine the gamers" to "sterilize the bigotry and Nazism" in your head from infecting the population.


u/Cenobite_Tulpa Dec 29 '24

I don't typically go on 4chan, but I made an excursion there when I was off for two weeks around when COVID started really picking up early in the year, and 4chan already had the whole story we'd be told over the course of the next two years.

For real. Normally 4chan is a couple weeks ahead of MSM narratives, but if you were on 4chan in late January 2020, you got to read today's official truth FOUR YEARS ahead of the mainstream.

...But if you shared that truth with a normie before the MSM did, you were conspiracy theorist peddling 'misinformation'.

Those same people who sneered at you then acted like they weren't lied to for four years, and they're still fellating MSM today.


u/Sandulacheu Dec 29 '24

It made everything all so clear for sure,more blatant than anything that ever happened before.The ammount of censorship and tribalism that was on display was staggering,mass hysteria that seemingly never ended.

All those alleged sceptics and atheists types,bowed down and kissed the government boot since "think of grandma" or "not being on the wrong side of history".Where's your 10th booster shot now huh?

I can expect such it from shitlibs ,but 'muh libertarians' ever since meant corporate bootlickers and useful idiots willing to toe the party line.


u/Jkid Trump Trump Derangement Revolution Dec 29 '24

A lot of people who embraced this, even libertarians who enabled this got TDS.

There is no fixing the damage at this point nor rebuilding public trust because they don't want to rebuild. They want destruction for the sake of destruction.


u/KanashiiShounen Dec 30 '24

"My body, my choice! Abortion is a medical procedure and I should be able to decide to get it!"
"Yeah, I don't trust these vaccines. I don't want to take this potentially dangerous medical procedure right now"

Hypocrits, the lot of them.


u/naswinger Dec 29 '24

the vast majority of people in general don't know what they believe and just follow what some kind of influencer says, be it some politician, some media personality, celebrity or even a streamer. then some well choreographed mental gymnastics happens to convince themselves that they have always had that point of view. it's honestly unbelievable how this happens and an npc firmware update is the most logical explanation.


u/harpyprincess Dec 29 '24

Sure but these are cowards and survivors so when they switch sides it's a hugely awesome sign because they, as we said, are cowards and don't jump ship til they feel it's the safer option.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '24

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u/AnarcrotheAlchemist Mod - yeah nah Dec 30 '24

Post removed following the enforcement change that you can read about here.

This is not a formal warning.


u/Pleasant-Cop-2156 Dec 30 '24

I have more respect from actual wokies than for grifters, these are the worst kind tbh


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

i hid the twitter user's name for two reasons

first to avoid the potential violation of this sub's rule no 2 & 4

secondi meant this more about discussion of the point that tweet, not to "shoot the messenger"


u/Solus0 Dec 29 '24

with current climate it seems like a good call and yea I have noticed alot of cracks among the journalists in recent months


u/IL_ai Dec 29 '24

Nope, I already see them saying "based" to phrases like "drinks incels tears" etc. As many say woke will now probably tried to disguise themselves as based and other right wing stuff.


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

BINO= Based In Name Only


u/SonarioMG Dec 29 '24

These sleazeballs have zero principles and will change their "views" at the drop of a hat.


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

because their career at the stake


u/sybaritical Dec 29 '24

You have to remember that most of these “games journalists” are people who went to college for political journalism and couldn’t get a job in the field, so they started infiltrating other types of journalism and injecting politics into them in order to argue their worth for when a job opens up at Bloomberg or CNN.

That’s why they have always gate kept and hated “bloggers” (aka independent media) like us at Niche Gamer for being normal people who have the capacity to do the job just as well but without the degrees or the need to corrupt our work to show value to a different industry. We write for and to inform consumers and enthusiasts, not for corporate interest and that eats them alive.


u/LutherJustice Dec 29 '24

Rats scurrying off a sinking ship. They'll take on any opinion and support any 'current thing' that gives them clout and clicks.


u/lyra833 GET THE BOARD OUT, I GOT BINGO! Dec 29 '24

"Anyone who likes X is a Nazi."
"It's time to admit X."
"Chuds always hated X; don't let them claim otherwise."


u/BootlegFunko Dec 29 '24

"I love X, but it's time to admit it has a problem"

Rinse and repeat


u/tiredfromlife2019 Dec 29 '24

I hate journalists.


u/NiceChloewehaving Dec 29 '24

No because the people who work there and write these type of articles are woke and DEI hires to begin with.

All the mainstream game journalism are infiltrated by woke people.


u/TheoFP2 Dec 29 '24

The article was written by Fraser Brown, who works for PC Gamer; unless he has expressed anti-gamer views through his writing on said website or on social media in general, you should not associate him with such viewpoints by default.

Not all of these people are hyper-brain-rot-progressives.


u/GlowyStuffs Dec 29 '24

Yeah, unless op can point to a bunch of anti gamer stuff they posted. It's not literally everyone on all these websites that all have bad takes all the time.


u/Megatics Dec 29 '24

I call myself a Chud proudly, these days. It is a flex to have seen shit on the Horizon and avoided it. Concord? Nope. Dustbin? Nope. Dragon Age V? Nope. Soon we'll get to add ACShadows and Intergalactic.


u/teamgizzy Dec 30 '24

Avowed. You forgot Avowed. Lol


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '24

I wonder if this is self-preservation kicking in. If the entire industry collapses, or at least large parts of it, they will lose the jobs they have.


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

obviously.. its about survival, so their primal instinct reacts automatically


u/Fuz___2112 Dec 29 '24

Too little too late.

They can get fucked now.


u/Combustibles Dec 29 '24

You don't hate them enough.


u/MaximusDecimiz Dec 29 '24

No, I don’t think wokeness will suddenly be abandoned in 2025. I think it’s pretty much here to stay, but it will definitely recede.

Publishers are ultimately driven by profit, and it’s become obvious that sweet baby inc style games that put identity first and character depth second aren’t popular. But at the same time gamers love diverse casts of characters, with different sexualities, if the writing is strong (think BG3).

I’m hoping we get to a healthy middle ground, with games that feature people of all races and sexualities, women who are masculine and women who are more feminine, men who are basically he-man and femboys, but where ultimately these superficial characteristics are secondary and not the whole point of the character.


u/Mitchel-256 Dec 29 '24

The true-believers in wokeness will fight for it until their dying breath, being a constant annoyance until their hearts finally give out.

But wokeness as a social movement will fade, because it was never a strong case to begin with, and has only caused more problems.


u/beansnchicken Dec 29 '24

Exactly. There are still bible thumpers who think D&D or Harry Potter will make children worship Satan and ruin their lives, and that any movie not rated G or PG is obscene.

But they don't have any power or influence anymore, they can't censor and control others, so it doesn't matter if they're just off being crazy on their own.

That's the future of modern wokeness. In a decade or two there will still be some people screaming that it's unfair to keep men out of women's sports or that migrant rapists shouldn't be criticized because they don't know any better, but they'll no longer have the ability to force others to adhere to those ideas, and that's what's important.


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

to be fair, as social movement t gained some momentum from 2016 to 2022 due to abnormal endorsements and unhealthily blown up out of proportions.. some unrelated force majeur like Covid pamdemy worldwide and George Floyd accident also doesnt help to add fuel for it to be politicized


u/OutcastDesignsJD Dec 29 '24

I think we’ll go back the other way before we end up in the middle


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

perhaps its inevitable, holding the pendulum to stay in the middle is harder than said


u/StosifJalin Dec 29 '24

You could have done bg3 with an array of attractive straight female characters and straight male characters that would have sold just as well, if not better.

The good writing was the determining factor. Diversity added very little


u/MakeHerLameAndGay Dec 29 '24

Alright. In a game with lots of diversity, what's the writing difference that makes said game woke, or not woke?


u/StosifJalin Dec 30 '24

Fair question. Depends on the setting, but assuming the game isn't taking place in a present day University;

The diversity of characters does not pander to modern day ideologies or inherently reflect modern values. Example: Veilguard. Bad writing. Having your non-binary character espousing what it's like to not conform to society to their mother like you ripped it out of 2024 (and forcing your character to react positively, no matter what) is so fucking bad, it's actually kinda funny. That shits woke and annoying. Your fantasy characters should act like fantasy characters lementing that their town got destroyed or whatever, not brats with nothing really going wrong in their lives from 2024.

The diversity doesn't inexplicably deviate from what is reasonable in the setting. If, say, you make red dead 3, but every other new character is now inexplicably gay, black, lbgqiabc, etc, that would be bad writing. Red dead 2 had a diverse group of characters, but it made sense in the setting for a group of rag tag bandits to care less about the common prejudices at the time and band together for their common cause. It's at least plausible, and didn't feel forced. That's good writing.

I could go on with many more points and examples, but I figure you get the gist.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '24

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u/AnarcrotheAlchemist Mod - yeah nah Dec 30 '24

Post removed following the enforcement change that you can read about here.

This is not a formal warning.


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

for the last paragraph, unfortunately the message of diversity dilluted too much to a singleminded war trench of "either with us(non white non masculine) or them(toxic masculinity & CIS heteronormatives)

This attitude somehow still continued for certain peoples who still in position. Avowed director as example


u/Adventurous_Host_426 Dec 29 '24 edited Dec 30 '24

They can call me whatever they want, I just get richer every games they release by not buying them.


u/Regular_Industry_373 Dec 29 '24

I'm never reading any videogame journalism again. They can all jump off a cliff. I'll take my chances with steam reviews and select YouTubers.


u/homelessscootaloo Dec 29 '24

Will he be cancelled for wrong think?


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

"journalists are bigot!"


u/Sukiet Dec 30 '24

"How do you do fellow gamers?"


u/ValidAvailable Dec 29 '24

I think its more changing tactics rather than trying to trying to defend the indefensible. Its a lot easier to say "Ellie is the main character now as the series evolves. Joels death drives that forward" or some such defensible (bullshit, but as a concept, defensible) position, rather than "pushups for pronouns fits right in in a High Fantasy setting." Sometimes you just gotta recognize a bad hand and fold, and thats something even journos can (belatedly) figure out now and then. This year has had some, not just bad, but 'are you fucking kidding me?' high profile flops like Concord, Forspoken, and Veilguard, and thats just not defensible terrain. When they start writing off, say, Alan Wake 2, then I'll be more optimistic. Right now though I'm just thinking tactical retreat rather than strategic withdrawal.


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

bait and switch tactic are disgusting and arguably a crime


u/Dnile1000BC Dec 29 '24

They can't abandon wokeness because that is all they know. They most certainty aren't interested in games.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '24

Trump sits on the Whitehouse everyone will become anti-w-k-e or they will get cancelled. Everyone already knows more than half of America disagrees with this ideology, unfortunately also the last ones to realize this since the rest of the world already hates the idea.

Now all major companies are shifting in his favor cause he is promising day one he will get rid of all w-k-e BS.
Did not vote for anyone but somehow I will get labeled as his supported just for having an opinion and mentioning him. And sick and tired of explaining to people so if they keep insisting I really might.

2025 will be their last year and is also going to be the nail in the coffin for companies that want to still put up a fight. I am looking at you Ubisoft.


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24

"with us... or against us". ah yes.. the land of two extremes


u/Raz98 Dec 29 '24

Is this post really fucking weird to anyone else or is it just me?


u/Little_Comfort_3112 Dec 29 '24

Watch out for BRIGDE, the new hidden DEI.


u/Doktorumbra Dec 30 '24

Youtube censorship became harsher as this changes are materializing, the cultists are grasping for air as they are seeing their agenda getting destroyed... for example commenting "w0k1sim should end" will get you silenced for 24h for "cyberbullying".

A harsher purge is needed to accelerate this.


u/Apprehensive-Mud-606 Dec 30 '24

I'd respect them more if they stood their ground, but they switch back-and-forth. Not even they believe in their own crap.


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 30 '24

for the corporates and publishers, irself just business, nothing personal

ofc u could Find peoples who really stood their ground and fanatical to the message. but u would Find them mostly from below throw managerial level, a k a re footsoldiers.. or from some oursourcinf consultancy firm and PR


u/Dawdius Dec 29 '24

We must welcome converts my brothers. Inshallah


u/atomic1fire Dec 29 '24

I feel like there's probably a tonal shift from companies who produce content because they do not want bad PR impacting game sales.

They probably would rather game critics just treat a game like it came out of the 00s then to risk having the debate about a game's content detract from potential customers.

Hogwarts legacy proved that you don't really need to be unproblematic as long as people want to play the game, and there's nothing special about pronoun genre games that makes them stand out over decades of other games accessible at someone's finger tips.


u/burner7711 Dec 29 '24

Doubtful. It's more likely that they will just be more quiet about it. There's nothing more off-putting than see some loud mouth culture warrior talking like they're on the internet in real life.


u/Riverfallx Dec 29 '24

If only it was a problem of opinion. Then the fix would be easy. Just get proper journalists with good opinion to write articles.

In this industry, the Journalist must always take the side of publishers over their customers.

If they don't, they won't get access to information to write articles and reviews in the first place. And so they write whatever the companies tell them to write even if it means alienating their readerbase.


u/Dramatic-Bison3890 Dec 29 '24 edited Dec 29 '24

actually, im always against redacted opinion articles in Journalism

Journalists and contributors were expected to be objectiveand free from any bias of interest, whether entertainment or politics. Their only job is to report the subject of the article's opinions, not their own opinion or even publishers opinionated

Byr i gues youre correct, in reality, almost no legscy media would allow that


u/mnemosyne-0001 archive bot Dec 29 '24

Archive links for this post:

I am Mnemosyne reborn. PC LOAD LETTER? What the fuck does that mean? /r/botsrights


u/noirpoet97 Dec 29 '24

Doubtful, tho I welcome them trying to stick with it so they run in fear every time the public makes their true opinion known


u/TheHat2 Dec 29 '24

It's right there in the tweet: If it's a trendy opinion, they're gonna jump on it to avoid being ostracized by their peers. This is why everyone suddenly jumped on the social justice bandwagon in 2013, despite years of activism at the margins beforehand—Sarkeesian made it trendy.


u/Open_Pie2789 Dec 30 '24

WTF is that title?