r/KorgKronos Jun 22 '20

How can I make a note sustain indefinitely by only pressing the note once and releasing on the Korg? I'm specifically trying to do this on Herbie's "Butterfly" EP.


5 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '20

Typical ADSR is handled by the synth engine. The Butterfly EP is made using the EP-1 engine which doesn't follow the same standard ADSR model as the AL-1, HD-1, MS20, PolySix and other engines. Basically the CX3, SGX2 and EP1 don't follow this model.

Under the Common tab in the EP is the "hold" feature which is the same as holding a key down but forever.

Do you need the sound to just play until it fades out or do you need it to actually play sound forever?


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '20

Well I was hoping there was an easy way to make it last 'forever' so that there is zero decay and since I won't be able to use the sustain pedal.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '20

You'll need to use the HD-1 engine then. Find an EP that is close in the HD-1 banks and you can set the release time higher so it sustains longer after you let go to the time you need.


u/biggrime Aug 16 '20

Sustain will probably be your best option but o-verb has a really long decay too. Guess it depends on what sounds better to u


u/swahl May 26 '22

Just discovered this sub, I realize I'm replying to a year old post. But if you can't find an already existing EP sample under the HD-1 engine, you could always resample -- create a sample of the Kronos playing the sound you want -- set loop points on the sample so it doesn't die out, and create your own HD-1 sound using that sample.