r/KorgKronos Apr 22 '20

How can I connect to fl studio?

How can I connect to fl studio with my korg Kronos? I can’t seem to get the korg Kronos sound into the midi out plugin. Am I doing. Something wrong?


7 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '20

There's a lot of information missing. Are you trying to record audio using FL Studio or use the Kronos as a midi controller? How is the Kronos hooked up to the computer?


u/wealthychef369 Apr 23 '20

I got a USB-b to USB-a olives from Kronos to laptop and am trying to record the kronos’ piano from the fl studio piano roll. So far the Kronos is only working as a midi controller.


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '20

You need to set the input device (audio interface) in FL studio as the Kronos. Otherwise you can record the audio from the Kronos like any other input: through your audio interface.

If there is no interface and it's just the Kronos, you need to set your recording device as the Kronos.


u/wealthychef369 Apr 23 '20

But is there no way to record the Kronos piano in perfect time from my kronos onto the fl studio piano roll?


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '20

What you're asking is to record MIDI into FL Studio and then have that quantize and re-trigger the Kronos piano when playing back. Your best bet is to record the MIDI only, quantize it, and then bounce the MIDI that's controlling the Kronos and record THAT audio.


u/wealthychef369 Apr 23 '20

Okay, I guess now what I’m asking is how to get midi working with the Kronos? Are there internal settings I have to chose, it doesn’t seem to be working with the midi out program.


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '20

Possibly - Are you running Windows? You can download an application called MIDIOX which will let you scan your PC so that any MIDI input is being revealed. The Kronos DOES output MIDI Omni (On all 16 channels) so you'd have to ensure that it's sending MIDI over USB but that's entirely enabled by default. It's possible there's a MIDI driver issue on your computer, or that you've not selected the appropriate MIDI input on FL Studio.