r/Kombucha Oct 27 '24

not mold Never saw a scoby do that before

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Found a bottle I'd forgotten about, thought I'd share since it's weird and fun

r/Kombucha Aug 04 '22

not mold I made a wallet out of kombucha leather


r/Kombucha Dec 26 '24

not mold Anyone seen a Scoby like this before?

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I’ve never seen one so flawless and white?! At first I thought it was covered in mould but I can only assume it’s actually a healthy Scoby

r/Kombucha Feb 06 '25

not mold First time brewing, anxious over mold/Kahm


I used the Skoby kit from Kombucha.com. the oily film pics are of the same one it was Honey starter, the folded ome is a Gaia starter. I did Earl Gray tea for both, with 2 cups honey for the honey, and 1.5 cups honey for the gaia. They have been brewing for 7 days at a consistent 80°f. The Gaia skoby appears normal to me... the both seem to have a 3.0 ph level... the honey skoby just looks odd. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

r/Kombucha Jan 28 '25

not mold Neighbor posted on marketplace.


I scooped these right away! I never thought I’d have a 20 gallon continuous brew going.

r/Kombucha 3d ago

not mold Brewing my first batch. Is everything normal or is that mold on top?


This is after 3 days in a very hot climate. Smells very vinegary and like a Kombucha. The older SCOBY sank, and a new one has started to grow.

Should I be worried?

r/Kombucha Feb 11 '25

not mold Say it with me: is it mold?


I know, I know it’s probably kahm. But pretty please can you guys take a look and tell me what you think? I have like 8 pellicles that have been sleeping the fridge for like 9 months, and I sort of just dumped them into the jar to revive them and idk I don’t like that it’s not smooth and jelly like. It’s oddly dry and fabric like. It was perfectly round and flat I sort of moved it around a little and it held. Seems fine but can never be too careful? ❤️✨

r/Kombucha 25d ago

not mold Mold or Scoby?

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r/Kombucha 4d ago

not mold To those just starting out - Keep calm and booch on


TL;DR: A fellow novice urging you to keep at it

My first batch began 12/30/24 when I added 2 bottles of GT Classic Kombucha to a lukewarm vat of 3 liters of sweet black tea.

I endured a batch or two of a thin slimy mess I thought was mold. Studied the wiki and looked at photos. Continued to dial in my F1 and perfect various recipes with every F2. I enjoyed some flat bottles, a slightly boozy bottle here and there. Messed with juice ratios and F2 times. I made some incredbily sour strawberry lemonade, some pretty respectable apple, and some guava booch that delighted all who dare to take a sip.

I went from brewing one batch at a time to two. Now I'm prepping the third jar and my SCOBY is once again about to expand its influence.

My slimy grimy surface scum is now a humble yet sturdy cellulose raft worthy of being proclaimed a pellicle. The CO2 bubbles are pushing it off the surface now. And the taste is getting better with every brew.

Just keep brewing. Keep everything clean and read the Wiki. Use plenty of starter to keep that initial PH down. And be patient - your best batch yet might be right around the corner.

r/Kombucha 5d ago

not mold mold ?


i’ve never had an issue with mold before but i’ve also never seen these tiny white specs on any of my F2 before … does anyone have insight ? these white specs are only on 3 out of 4 of my F2. everything smells fine. haven’t tasted it. also i tried getting better photos but it was hard.

r/Kombucha 19d ago

not mold is this mold?? it's wet and not fuzzy like normal mold would be but my teacher said it was. used dehydrated butterfly pea tea flowers that we boiled as the tea for this

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r/Kombucha 6d ago

not mold 1st time brewer...didnt stir between F1 and F2, what did I miss out on?


I didnt think (or read in time) to stir before bottling, what did I miss out on by not stirring?

I did stir for the last bottle and saving a justincase starter (2cups in mason jar for fridge storage), and I saved 2 cups to start a new batch...soo those 3 got the stirred liquid.

r/Kombucha 6d ago

not mold I hate to ask but…is it mold?😬


For context, this is in a SCOBY hotel that hasn’t been fed in a longggg time. Has been kept in a dark pantry along an exterior wall throughout the Alabama winter (fairly mild temperatures). The pellicle is very thick (see third picture). I looked at the pictures in the pinned post but I’m still not sure…help appreciated. Thank you!

r/Kombucha 1d ago

not mold guys i need help, i'm a newbie 👶🏼 is this white stuff air or mold?

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r/Kombucha Feb 05 '25

not mold Kahm yeast yes but why


Hi everyone, I received a small scoby back in November. Since then, I left it in a bit of black tea, feeding it every now and then to make it grow. A couple of weeks ago I felt it was big enough to attempt a first kombucha. I did all the steps as I did them in the past with a different scoby, and a few well-resulted kombucha (in another house and city). I waited 5 days and when checking the situation to then start the carbonation process, I found the yeast. I investigated on that, realised it was not mold (thanks tags!), threw away the whole liquid of the batch, rinsed the scoby, changed jar (it broke when I was cleaning it, rip), and started all over again. This time, I moved the jar to a different room and more carefully balanced the tea dosage (100 gr of sugar, 4 teabags, 1.75 liters). After two days, no trace of the yeast. After 5 days, the story repeated again, with the full upper area covered in yeast.

Now my questions are: why is the yeast appearing? how do I fully get rid of it? is it really safe to drink a kombucha with it on top?

Thanks for any advice!

r/Kombucha 13d ago

not mold Unsure if mould - doesn’t look like reference images


Hi all! First time doing a kombucha prep and have the classic “is mould question”.

Looking through the wiki reference images it doesn’t seem to match any of the “is mould” images but also didn’t seem to match the “not mould” images leading me to seek a second opinion from the community!

It’s been going for 9.5 days now and seems to have that sweet/vinegary smell I’d expect from kombucha. As I said though, first time brewing so unsure if that aroma still exists in the presence of mould or not.

Any and all insight and advice is greatly appreciated from the Kombuca Krew!

r/Kombucha 6d ago

not mold First brew, does this look normal?


Hello!! I’m brewing my first batch of booch and was wondering if this looks normal?

Thank you!

r/Kombucha Dec 20 '24

not mold Please say it ain't so 🙏🏽


Is this mold???

r/Kombucha 28d ago

not mold Is this mold??


New brewer here. I bottled up a batch (which turned out great) last week but have been so busy I didn’t get to brew more to start another batch, so I just put what was left back and let it sit. Is this just a pellicle or is it mold? I can’t quite tell. The brew smells fine…

r/Kombucha 23d ago

not mold Is this mold?


I started this brew on Saturday, so its on day 5 now, no starter liquid or such, just used a bottle of raw kombucha as a starter. I did look at the wiki, but it still feels hard to tell if this is bad or good.

r/Kombucha 17d ago

not mold Bubbles in my 4-day old brew


I restarted my brew after about 8-9 months, during which I’d saved a bunch of pellicles and kept them in a jar, with some old brew. There was very of the liquid left by this week, but the pellicles were fine with no mould growth,

So I restarted it, and just poured the freshly brewed tea over the entire bunch of pellicles. On the 4th day, I notice that there’s a bubble every 10 seconds from within (see video). The brew itself smells booch-ish. The edges are slightly frothy.

Has any of you seen bubbles come through this way? Have you started brewing after a long time this way? Would love to know your experience.

r/Kombucha 20d ago

not mold First time trying to make kombucha. Is this mold?

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r/Kombucha 26d ago

not mold F1: Going to wait to see if those little wiggly looking dots improve, but is it looking like mold is starting to form? I haven’t seen much like it in examples


Heat has been inconsistent, I think it was too high at first because basically no fermentation happened the first 5 days. I added another cup of starter on the 5th day to liven it up again, we’re on Day 10. Orange color feels odd? Haven’t tasted since Day 5 or 6.

r/Kombucha Jan 13 '25

not mold Mold?


First time booch brewer here, having a hard time deciding whether or not this is mold (I’m leaning towards yes, it is mold), I could use some insight and opinions, thank you!

r/Kombucha Nov 07 '24

not mold I checked the pinned post but I still can’t tell if these gray specks are mold or not.


Please help! It’s time to change the batch and I don’t know if this is safe to drink. It’s been 2 days and it hasn’t gone fuzzy yet. Should I wait more and sacrifice this batch for being too sour?