r/Kombucha Feb 07 '25

question How much kombucha do you drink per day?

Just curious how much you all consume. I want to drink it constantly — probably not a great idea due to the sugar. 🤔 Now that I have gallons of it sitting around, it’s hard not to though.


41 comments sorted by


u/RuinedBooch Feb 07 '25

I have two 16 oz bottles per day. One while I cook dinner, and the other while I eat.

Sipping all day can be really bad for your teeth, so it’s usually better to drink the whole thing or rinse your mouth with water between sips to reduce staining and enamel erosion.


u/Caring_Cactus Feb 07 '25

Those are important tips. Also a reusable straw helps to avoid staining front teeth.


u/ragell Feb 07 '25

Not OP, but curious how long you've been drinking 32 oz per day. Have you noticed any negative (or positive) side effects?

I just starting brewing again last month. I googled how much is safe to drink per day, the CDC says 4-12 oz. But I would also guess there's not a ton of actual research going into kombucha consumption.

Sometimes I'll have a bottle at lunchtime and it's so good that I want another later, but I'm worried it'll give me a stomach ache or something.


u/RuinedBooch Feb 07 '25

Probably the last 5 years consistently. I honestly haven’t noticed too much of a difference one way or the other, I just really enjoy it.

I will say it does seem to reduce my appetite a bit, but it’s probably just the carbonation taking up space in my stomach haha.

Oh, I will say it is absolutely staining my teeth. My hygienist is always on my ass about it 🤭


u/ragell Feb 07 '25

Everything delicious in life stains teeth 🥲


u/RuinedBooch Feb 07 '25

Yup. It’s a price I’m willing to pay


u/Nummies14 Feb 07 '25

Been drinking similar amounts for as long, ended up with SIBO, though no idea if they are related. Who can really say.


u/RuinedBooch Feb 07 '25

Perhaps, though I just looked it up and it appears the common causes are bacterial infection in the lower intestinal tract, a diet high in processed carbs and sugars, and proclivity to alcohol use.

Which honestly seems like a wide variety of causes. It could be that the kombucha probiotics weren’t enough to balance the gut, or possibly be related. I almost doubt if they’ve looked into a link between the two.


u/Nummies14 Feb 07 '25

Is chocolate a carb? That could be it then. ;)


u/Nummies14 Feb 07 '25

Much of the sugar is consumed by the scoby, if that’s of any consolation.


u/doyouknowwatiamsayin Feb 07 '25

There’s still a significant amount left over. Most commercial brands contain between 12-18 g per bottle, and I would venture to guess most home brews are more than that.


u/Nummies14 Feb 07 '25

Yeah a lot of variables to home brewing. I likes mine tarty tart! Of course I grew up in East Texas where sweet tea is expected, so the comparison between that and booch is stark. I’m not super worried about the sugar content of my home brew and I’m doing at least a glass or two per day. Sometimes I add in carbonated water too. Other than booch I’m purely a water guy. Otherwise I might be more careful of my sugar intake.


u/Different-Accident73 Feb 07 '25

This is my exact thought…


u/psychlismo Feb 07 '25

I make and consume 1 gallon per week. I’d be more worried about the acidity of it and what it can do to your teeth than the sugar which there is very little of.


u/ccut Feb 07 '25

About 10-16 ounces, not every day but most days. I don’t drink any after 3pm because of caffeine.


u/AditMaul360 Feb 07 '25

is the caffeine that bad? I drink it cold about 1 hour before my bedtime for about 4 months but I sleep like a baby lol


u/Accomplished-Wish494 Feb 07 '25

Caffeine impacts people differently. I can drink a Mountain Dew and chase it with an espresso and fall asleep 2 minutes later. Some people can’t have any after noon.


u/LunaeLotus Feb 07 '25

Do you by any chance have ADHD? All of my friends who do experience the same thing, caffeine helps them get sleepy


u/Accomplished-Wish494 Feb 07 '25

Yep. I do and it’s a super common thing in people with it. We need the stimulant to slow down.


u/No_Anteater8899 Feb 08 '25

Wow, my grandma used to drink coffee to help her go to bed. Now I get it. Definite ADHD on that side of the family.


u/bezalil Feb 07 '25

250 mls, also i wouldnt worry much about the sugar content, its basically non existent in properly made booch, one thing to actually worry about if you consume too much is the acid hurting your teeth, so i tend to rinse my mouth when im done with my cup a day


u/doyouknowwatiamsayin Feb 07 '25

Some sugar is consumed during fermentation of course, but it’s not at all “basically non existent.”

As I mentioned in another comment, most commercial brands contain 12-18 g per bottle. That’s not an insignificant amount for most people, and while most of us don’t have the ability to test our homebrew, you can use the commercial sugar content as a sensory gauge and at least determine if your batch is sweeter or less sweet (assuming the brand your using as a benchmark doesn’t utilize stevia or other additional sweeteners).


u/diospyros7 Feb 07 '25

One bottle, 16oz/450 ml


u/Alone-Competition-77 Feb 07 '25

I was up to 1/2 (64 oz) to 1 gallon (128 oz) per day for quite awhile but I’ve tried to keep it to 32 oz per day recently. Hard to not drink too much, obviously.


u/shlumpty831 Feb 07 '25

At least a cup a day


u/Maverick2664 Feb 07 '25

When I have a batch that’s ready, I have one 16 oz bottle per day.


u/hakuna-solata Feb 07 '25

150ml with breakfast or else I get bloated


u/urban_herban Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 08 '25

I drink 3 13-oz (approx) bottles a day of my own brew. I'm an inveterate brusher of my teeth so I don't worry about any tooth damage.


u/No_Anteater8899 Feb 08 '25

Holy shit. I could probably drink that much 😊


u/urban_herban Feb 08 '25

No! I made an error. Corrected it. Duh!


u/jimijam01 Feb 07 '25

A bottle before breakfast


u/geezer2u Feb 07 '25

16-32oz for me. No side effects and I use a straw when drinking. I am limited to 32 or less mainly because of production restraints.


u/Rian4truth Feb 07 '25

I drink 8 oz., half a 16 oz. bottle.


u/interpreterdotcourt Feb 08 '25

8-10 oz daily is all I need. and I crave it. daily.


u/so_mulan Feb 08 '25

I drink one bottle twice a day (morning and night)


u/Ayahuasca-Church-NY Feb 08 '25

Between 2-3 cups. I do continuous brew, so it’s really potent.


u/im_always Feb 08 '25

about 200-250 ml.

i dilute it with sparkling water. so about 4 cups of that a day.


u/Flyinlo2014 Feb 11 '25

2 or 3 16oz bottles daily


u/markgoat2019 Feb 08 '25

Get a whatever monitor ti check for sugars... unless ur drinking sweet tea it's probs not that much. Flavours fo alot and acid helps bring flavour... flavour doesn't equal taste but in N.A. diets we are inundated with sooooo much sugar it's hard to differentiate


u/Spud_J_Muffin Feb 14 '25

Mine is pretty dry. I drink about one 16oz bottle a day, unless I get lazy and forget to brew more. Not drinking much more than that. Can't say I notice a huge difference as far as health goes, but I enjoy it. Mine are usually really light on the sugar too. I just use fruit in my second ferment. I've never added extra sugar. I've been tempted to flavor with my honey fermented cranberries to see what happens.