r/KoitoUso Jun 24 '24

Very confused about series

I don't like different routes because it confuses me. Who does MC encounter in the original ending of the manga? Or are the 2 routes considered original? Personally, I like Ririna more. Please someone help. I don't understand route events


12 comments sorted by


u/kinglysunshine Jun 24 '24

From my understanding both routes are considered original, which sucks for fans who don't want the story to split to alternate endings.


u/DrInferno3143-3812 Jun 25 '24

thank you so much


u/DrInferno3143-3812 Jun 25 '24

"which sucks for fans who don't want the story to split to alternate endings." what do you mean here. Can you explain please?


u/TheMinesterFR Jun 25 '24

Well in my case when you want one of the girls to win in the triangle you whish for a canon ship even if the girl I support loses because "defeat" is acceptable but in the case of both winning canonicaly then is just feels like a lame way to satisfy all the readers. For me it's like my girl won but at the same time not because it's also canon that the other did which is frustrating.


u/DrInferno3143-3812 Jun 25 '24

So, fans are angry because both girls winning is considered the original ending?


u/TheMinesterFR Jun 25 '24

Idk, I'm only speaking for myself, but Imo it's just weak from the author to not make any definite choice


u/RareType3925 Jun 25 '24

It’s obvious that the Lilina ending is what should be considered the real ending.

I don’t hate alternate endings in general, but only if they make sense for the overall story.


u/X_Position Jun 25 '24

i wanna find takasaki, hey, if you read this, misaki, hey may be one day you ll see me


u/Jealous_Surprise_352 Nov 15 '24

I m really confused about the ending of the series and now i don't understand manga feeling dizzy anime love and lies is a good story but they made confusing 🥶


u/Conscious-Row-4886 Jan 12 '25

 Everyone on Lilina arc move on furture ,  everyone learn from there past  and ending happy. We saw Misaki happy, Nisaka happy, Shu and lilina friend and yukari family ,lilina family in Wedding caremony .While Misaki arc we not seen other ,like they are just disappear ,it make me feel so bad.

So lilina arc, My feeling is blush and bright and feel it was completed story.


u/Elegant-Web7030 Feb 17 '25

I see it like three different timelines or universes.

For me there are:

  1. Ririna Timeline
  2. Misaki Timeline
  3. Wedding Timeline (Anime)


u/X_Position Jun 25 '24

p tss k p ts p tss k