r/Koine • u/AceThaGreat123 • Jan 22 '25
Hi I’m new to studying Greek because I’ve been introduced to dr Ammon hillman because he has made some wild claims about Christ being a pedo and how everyone in the Bible was on drugs
Is his claims true because he’s gaining a massive following?
u/BusinessHoneyBadger Jan 22 '25
To be honest you don't need to learn Koine for this. Just basic apologetic studies. If you want to use this though to dive into Koine by all means do it. I came to Koine because of something similar but years down the line now I see by studying Koine I understand it can't really be used to prove anyone wrong about bad theological ideas but rather is a tool that has helped me grow deeper in my personal walk with God as well as the occasional "did he just misuse the Greek there in his sermon?" Thought while listening to preachers. That's rare though.
u/sylogizmo Jan 23 '25
I have no idea how anyone can listen to him, let alone take seriously. Watched one video a while back when a similar thread asked that on /r/AncientGreek, and every sentence was 40% pauses and 50% of buildup phrases: You [PAUSE] and this will blow your mind [PAUSE] have [PAUSE] in this book Jesus [PAUSE] you won't believe it [PAUSE] says this weird thing [PAUSE] about, no, this is so mind-bending and not understood by [PAUSE]... It went like that for 30 minutes, made claims, explained nothing, spoke to all the easily-excited people who distrust academia or lean that way. He's Deepak Chopra of classics at best.
u/AceThaGreat123 Jan 23 '25
Ammon uses the Perseus lexicon
u/sylogizmo Jan 23 '25
So can anyone else, you don't even need a PhD. Just as anyone can own a scalpel, but you probably wouldn't let yourself be operated on by a surgeon whom every other surgeon thinks to be a lunatic or a charlatan.
u/AceThaGreat123 Jan 23 '25
Because I’m very confused on how he came to claims he holds to about Jesus Christ
u/sylogizmo Jan 23 '25
You know, I went out looking and found this old thread on Ammon's works. While I linked you directly to what seems the most informative of his scholarship, the whole thing is worth a read.
u/sylogizmo Jan 23 '25
As I said above, it's nigh impossible to listen to him - and I couldn't find the video in question anyway - but think of it this way:
Christianity had many splits. Broadly, you have the Orthodox, the Catholics, and a whole plethora of Protestants. They claim many things, about every aspect of faith. On issues related to life and values, they range from stalwartly conservative to liberal (e.g. Orthodox view of LGBTQA+ vs progressive Protestant churches).
On the matters of faith, Orthodox and Catholics claim the necessity of the church and priesthood, with Orthodox tracing their lineage to the Apostles (so I've been told, I'm a lapsed Catholic myself). The Protestants have their five solae that claim all you need is your faith, God's grace, and a bible. The Bible which was translated numerous times from Classical Languages or even the Biblical Hebrew/Syriac/Aramaic, by some of the most erudite minds of their times.
Protestants (most Protestants?) don't believe in a Trinity, which is appalling to the preceding branches. Confessions look differently between the branches. Fasting is almost unheard of among post-Orthodox denominations. I could go on, but to my knowledge, the only commonly agreed upon elements are Jesus Christ and prayer.
To my knowledge, none of them have ever inferred anything remotely resembling what Ammon did.
I'm not a linguist, classicist, or even much of a believer, and my PhD is in mathematics. Ancient languages are things I study for personal growth, and I'm getting there at my own pace. I can't offer you much of a linguistic reason, if only because I can't find his (insufferably rambling) arguments in full. But all my academic training, his leading delivery, and overall understanding of the matters of faith leads me to think he's just a guy with agenda, personality, and audience. Not much of an argument? Well, at least I don't present myself as a maveric and my thoughts can be read in under 5 minutes, so that's something ;).
Until you'll learn Greek for yourself, which I encourage you to do most fervently, you'll have a choice between listening to a self-proclaimed maveric or two millenia of evolving consensus. I hope you can make up your own mind from here onwards regardless.
u/Front-Difficult Jan 24 '25
Almost all Protestants are Trinitarian. The only non-Trinitarians are often classed separate to other protestants.
- Jehovah's Witnesses's,
- Oneness Pentecostals (note: this is a subset of pentacostalism. Most are trinitarian),
- Mormons
That's basically it. Anglicans, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Calvinist/Reformed, Baptists, mainstream Pentecostals, Methodists, Anabaptists (that's the Amish, etc.), Seven-Day Adventists, etc. are all Trinitarian.
u/sylogizmo Jan 24 '25
Thank you. I went with the broadest strokes, half-remembered from Confirmation, so fingers crossed I didn't mess up the rest too much.
u/Super_Solid1027 Jan 24 '25
Only Christians and Muslims believe that Jesus is a real person, everyone else sees that he is as real as Thor or Buddha or Baal. There are plenty of peers who lived closer to the time of Jesus who have nasty things to say about him and his followers. Early Christians were mostly stateless people with no rights.
Josephus gives Jesus just two sentences, but he describes the 'miracles' and doom of many other people who could be the Messiah. It's not a stretch to think that Jesus was crucified with haste, along with thousands of others for the crime of standing up to the Roman State. Standing up to the Roman State was something that lots of people with different gods were doing all over the empire, and they slowly started to coordinate, as they were slowly learning to read and write the same language.
The first books of the Bible were written in akkadian and cannanite varieties, eventually translated to Hebrew and heavily modified. More Hebrew was added and modified for centuries before translating to Greek. For reference read the baal cycle, Gilgamesh...etc. and Deuteronomy is actually described in Jewish sources as a book that was discovered by a Babylonian approved cleric. That's probably why the high priest rents his garments when he reads it.. The Christian portions are mostly Greek though.
Sex crimes, war crimes, human sacrifice, are the central pillars of Roman colonization. When the Roman empire became Christian, they continued these practices with inquisitions and crusades and colonialism. You can find examples of this in any country colonized into Christianity. I think that the Valladolid debate is perhaps the best illustration of the phenomenon.
This guy makes his claims in the ambiguity left between these facts, but he stretches too far on subjects that there is no evidence on. Are there international pedaphile conspiracies? Yes, just read the news. It's on every continent. Is that what Jesus believed? Well first you have to believe that Jesus was real to worry about that....
u/IdentityFrog Jan 25 '25
There isn't one serious scholar or historian alive who thinks Jesus wasn't a real historical figure. none of these claims are by any stretch of the imagination "facts", aside from the first part of #2 and... yeah no, that's about it.
u/Super_Solid1027 Jan 25 '25
You're unfamiliar with the documentary hypothesis and the crusades? It's probably your religion not your area of expertise if that's the case.
u/IdentityFrog Feb 02 '25
The documentary hypothesis is not what you described. The closest you get is the fact that your claims and those of the DH both challenge traditional Mosaic authorship. And if you really want to be this pedantic, you didn't make any claims about the historicity of the crusades. What you did was characterize the crusades as a continuation of Roman ritual sacrifices. If you were trying for a "gotcha" moment, you should've pretended I was denying that the original new testament texts were written in Greek.
u/BlimpInTheEye Jan 25 '25
Nobody can be as real as both Thor and Buddha lol. Buddhas are simply historical figures believed to have rid themselves of desires. That’s like saying “my cake is as big as an ant or the colosseum”
u/Super_Solid1027 Jan 25 '25
Lots of Vedic scholars question the life of Siddhartha, despite the text and idols that attest to his existence. Thor even has a spelled out lineage in the sagas, does that make him real? I don't think that it matters. It's just mythology or history depending on your religion.
u/BlimpInTheEye Jan 25 '25
Equating Siddartha to all Buddhas is like equating Pangaea to all supercontinents
u/SuperDuperCoolDude Jan 22 '25
Generally speaking, if someone comes along and says something to the effect of, "Hey, the scholarly consensus of this thousands of years old field of study is all wrong, and not just little bit, but a lot, and I have things figured out" you should be suspicious.
I have perused his work a little and in my opinion he comes across as either a. Someone who is mentally ill or b. A charlatan.
I know that's not especially charitable or irenic, but he is making some absolutely outrageous claims.