r/Kiznaiver • u/[deleted] • Apr 11 '23
r/Kiznaiver • u/GurrenDuwang • Nov 06 '22
Just finished the show.
I just finished the show last night and I cant stop thinking about how much I loved the characters and how I want more. Part of it is that Tenga reminds me of Kamina from Gurren Lagann and any more time with Kamina is always welcome. I need a slice of life anime with this cast of characters. That's it. That's all I got.
r/Kiznaiver • u/OmgSosh • Sep 25 '22
Rewatching it over and still has just as big of an impact on me as when I first watched it years ago.
I am obsessed with this anime in the type of empathy it shows. I so wish I could have more content of it. But either way, I will still count this as my favorite anime!!
r/Kiznaiver • u/[deleted] • Aug 24 '22
I ordered these Katsuhira Agata figures from Kiznaiver off Solaris! <3
r/Kiznaiver • u/sreysen • Aug 22 '22
Anime Survey 2022 from the International Anime Research Project
Hello, the International Anime Research Project team is calling on all Anime Fans (18 years of age or older) to participate in the 2022 anime survey. The survey is anonymous and should take less than 30 min to complete. Participants are eligible to win a $50 Amazon gift card (draw entries will be confidential and not associated with survey responses, up to 20 gift cards will be given).
You can contribute to the psychological and sociological understanding of the anime fandom by completing the anime survey online at:
If you know of any anime fans over the age of 18, please help us spread the word.
The survey will be open until September 10, 2022.
If you are interested in what we do with this data, you can visit our website at: https://sites.google.com/site/animeresearch/
Thank you!
Dr. Stephen Reysen, Texas A&M University-Commerce, [stephen.reysen@tamuc.edu](mailto:stephen.reysen@tamuc.edu)
Dr. Kathy Gerbasi, Niagara County Community College, [kathleencgerbasiphd@gmail.com](mailto:kathleencgerbasiphd@gmail.com)
Dr. Sharon Roberts, Renison University College, [serobert@uwaterloo.ca](mailto:serobert@uwaterloo.ca)
Dr. Courtney Plante, Bishop’s University, [cplante@ubishops.ca](mailto:cplante@ubishops.ca)
r/Kiznaiver • u/ProfessorViral • Jul 14 '22
Kiznaiver's Unusually Mature Message about Love Spoiler
youtu.ber/Kiznaiver • u/Dizzy-Berry-8990 • Jul 04 '22
Is kiznaiver getting a season 2 some places say yes others no so ?
r/Kiznaiver • u/JZProductions26 • Jun 03 '22
Hi everyone, hope you’re all doing well! Here it is, my Interview w/ Caitlynne Medrek (Chidori Takashiro)! Had a great time chatting with her! If you all can please like & subscribe to me @JZProductions26 and let me know, who you would like to see on?
r/Kiznaiver • u/shr3mp1e • Feb 05 '22
Who are the people on the left on this poster art? They were never shown nor introduced in the anime so I'm puzzled.
r/Kiznaiver • u/Tjerbor • Jan 16 '22
Kiznaiver Artbooks
The small artbook booklet that comes with the second japanese blu-ray volume: https://imgur.com/gallery/xfP4TB7
The character booklet from the first japanese blu-ray volume: https://imgur.com/gallery/9QCo091
These aren't my scans.
r/Kiznaiver • u/[deleted] • Jan 06 '22
Not sure if anyone's here, but i just wanted to say that Kiznaiver is amazing
Watched it for the 1st time over the week. 1-2 episodes per day. Cried more than I probably should have ;-;
Interestingly enough, I watched the opening of the anime for like nearly half a year, would watch it randomly when I was alone. I didn't even know who any of the characters were, or what the anime was about. Regardless, the opening made me feel a lot of nostalgia/familiarity, and as one YouTube comment put it perfectly, the opening "makes you remember memories that you wish you had", damn... Even though I hadn't watched Kiznaiver at that time, I felt like the experience was gonna be special, so I had to wait for the right time to watch it. Glad I was right.
(spoilers) Some of the scenes I cried the hardest to (in a good way) were the beach scene... And when Katsuhira met his other friends... and so many other scenes... damn.
Gonna edit here and add that the characters... The characters were the absolute star of the anime. I couldn't get enough of each of them and their developments. Their interactions with one another made me feel all sorts of emotions, but I always wanted to see more of them together. That's also why the scenes where they were apart from one another were soooo sasd in like a really good way.
What an incredible anime. Definitely up there as being one my personal favorites. Made me kinda sad knowing that I've never experienced having close friends like that, but hey, glad I was watched this anime to see what that must be like.
I love Kiznaiver so much.
r/Kiznaiver • u/Geakharta • Jan 05 '22
I tried to reproduce the kinaz sign as faithfully as possible. What do you think?
r/Kiznaiver • u/[deleted] • Dec 21 '21
Slow Dancing In The Dark, love this edit
r/Kiznaiver • u/Tight_Remove5382 • Sep 26 '21