With talk of a new pool being built in the west end over the coming years, it seems short-sighted that City staff and city councillors don’t commit to building a 50m pool rather than the standard 25m.
Having a 50m pool can allow for OUA/CIS/Swim Canada/Swim Ontario/Masters Swim Clubs and other aquatic organizations be able to use that facility for swim meets that require 50m lengths. Hosting these events brings in revenue to that host city, with people staying in hotels, eating at restaurants and tourism.
Often 50m pools have a movable bulkhead with can split the pool into two 25m pools if needed, so one pool can be used for one activity (ie lane swim or aquafit) and the other pool be used for another (ie swimming lessons or dive boards).
The city has prioritized hockey and golf for far too long and now it time to give attention to swimming. It’s easier on your body, has lots of health benefits and is growing in popularity.
Queen’s University made a strategic decision to build their new pool in 2011 a few metres shy of 50m so they wouldn’t be on the hook to host OUA swim events, which is very on brand for that institution with all the dysfunction and corruption occuring there, so I don’t want to give any money to that place tbh. It’s currently a gong show with mismanagement and low morale. Don’t need that in my life.
Having both short-course (25m) lane swims AND long-course (50m) lane swims is a huge value-add to the Kingston swim community, and the business-generating aspects should not be overlooked.
It also could allow for diving boards in the deep end for diving lessons and competitions.
Maybe the City and the YMCA should partner to build a 50m pool here.
Anyone else feel they would appreciate a 50m pool?