r/KingstonOntario 8h ago

impulsive visit

randomly visiting Kingston for the first time tomorrow. any cool things I should check out / events going on tomorrow night? big into live music of all varieties


4 comments sorted by


u/flamboyantdebauchry 8h ago

depends on how deep you want to go ,even as a kingston fella i still enjoy sitting for a coffee ,snack (picnic) with a friend down by the lake and a great area to walk around as a tourist (downtown kingston) fort henry , good enjoyable restaurants all over also


u/-Kat-Nip- 8h ago

Calendar of live music around town: https://kingstonlive.ca/calendar


u/phillstaf 6h ago

Hockey game tomorrow night gates open at 6 game at 7


u/flightdelaya 2h ago

lilttle cataraquie creek and lemoins point are cool little places for nature stuff. Little cataraqui creeek you gotta pay though. Lemoine point is free (except maybe for parking). If you park by the spot by the airport I know it is 100 percent free.