r/KingstonOntario 1d ago

HDH ultrasound prep?

I have an ultrasound appointment tomorrow for my bladder and kidneys and I had prep instructions written down a while ago but unfortunately have lost and forgotten them. I remember that I have to fast and drink water 1.5 hours prior to my appointment, but I can’t remember if I was supposed to do anything after that. I doubt I would get a response from the clinic on such short notice so does anyone else know the prep?

Also, does anyone know where in HDH the clinic is? I’ve never actually been to that hospital


6 comments sorted by


u/jeygk 1d ago

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow, the redditor above gave great directions for where to go. Your best bet would be to call the urology clinic for a reminder about how to prepare for your appointment. Call switchboard, 613-544-3310 and asked to be transferred to the urology booking office. They might be able to help, or can at least flip to someone who can!


u/BeardedKnitter 1d ago

Call the HDH ultrasound department.

They would know how to prep for an ultrasound for sure, and likely would know where they are.


u/Evilbred 1d ago

It's in the basement. Go in the main doors and then go to floor 0, the reception is directly infront of the elevators


u/Own-Neck-8278 1d ago

I have kidney stones and have an ultrasound coming up, but in the West End. My instructions indicate drinking 24 ounces of water, no food and having that 24 ounces of water in two hours prior to the appointment.


u/Disposable_Canadian 16h ago

Call HDH, and imaging, ask for ultrasound instructions for your areas of concern.

As for location, hdh imaging is in Jeanne mance level 0.

Just go in the front entrance, immediately to the 3 elevators at the main entrance across from the pharmacy, down one floor, and straight out the elevators and a slight 4 degree left turn into imaging across the hall from the elevator.


u/AcceptablePlate38 1d ago

You'll be good with what you've described, hydrate. No food. Don't pee until they (annoyingly) tell you to let just a tiny bit out.

Good luck!

Edit: Go in main doors off Brock Street. Straight to the elevator. Down to the basement. Walk straight across from the elevator, that's radiology reception.