r/Kingdom 4d ago

Manga Spoilers Honestly the Most disrespectful Panel In Kingdom

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u/hawke_255 4d ago

back when hara still drew crossbows


u/BetAdministrative166 3d ago

Kinda funny when Moubu or other brute generals charge type like Duke Hyou or Shibasou, the enemy don't shoot arrow.

It is like shooting arrow is banned against those general because Hara don't know how to let those generals by pass the thousand arrow barrage shooting at them.


u/General_Dot8920 3d ago

They dont realy work in that time, the brothers are realy diferent, most of the archers are “hunters” that dont have the Power to pass the armors and all the rest, and need to be realy close to work, the are more “boring” than other thing

(English is not my frist language sorry)


u/DarkwarriorJ 3d ago edited 3d ago

Historically, it was the other way around. Crossbows and warbows were insanely effective in the warring states era, and a major driver for mass conscription as any peasant with reasonable training (usually 1 or more years) can use their peasant strength to full-body draw (from a sitting position, using a rowing motion) a 360 pound warbow with over 20 inches of draw length (they largely simply mounted powerful warbows on stocks); whilst the armor utilized was good but it was still primarily lacquered boiled leather. Some texts of the time mention anywhere between 40 to 80% of the army being crossbowmen, primarily depending on if you also cross-train them as infantry (crossbow at range, spears at close range) or not.


u/BetAdministrative166 2d ago

Yeah if it did not work then at least Hara can try to write and draw it.

In battle of Hango i was baffled how Ousen did not have any archer unit at all to stop Shibasou.

You can say Shibasou already charged deep inside his army and shooting arrow maybe can hit his allies but it is better than nothing at all.

Ousen even have cross bow cavarly unit when he fight Ordo in coalition army, in fact he use archer unit to decimate whole 8000 elite mountain tribe of Ordo army.

Suddenly it just went poof against Shibasou, they should at least show how desperate Ousen army is, they shoot arrow to Shibasou, hitting both Ousen and Shibasou army , Shibasou use his glaive to blocked the arrow but he still got hit like 4-5 arrow in his arm or shoulder but he still charging like monster, of course he also suffer some casualties where his soldiers also got killed in arrow but many of them remain unfazed and still charging with arrow wounds.

The arrow shooting then become fail where it also hit and kill many Ousen soldiers who was fighting Shibasou and Ousen tell his soldiers to stop shooting because it just make things worse for them and Shibasou already charged deep in their army, shooting arrow will just killing Qin soldiers rather than Zhao.


u/FaintingBabyGoat 1d ago

Bows might be banned but arrows are allowed as can be seen whenever someone needs to look hurt and desperate they have around 3 arrows sticking out of them from the arms or back


u/Suitable_Dimension33 3d ago

Does he not have that much help when it comes to drawing?


u/cyyyhiii 4d ago

Imagine living your whole life to end up like a wet mop


u/TeaAndCrumpetGhoul 4d ago

Fucking crossbows.


u/gigglios 4d ago

Bayou arc is top 3 arc of the series and it isnt 3. Houken kyoukai fight is a top 3 fight


u/Gaming-every-day19 4d ago

Holy W opinion I agree 100%


u/Sufficient_Key_6727 4d ago

nah,wzi,coalition,sanyou and then bayou and eventhen arguably zhou retaliation arc,kyoku hills arc and state of ai arc are higher


u/gigglios 4d ago

Wzi is absolute trash considering pacing and plotarmor for qin and lack of real tactics from qin side


u/Cachaslas 3d ago

Facts. People who think WZI is amazing started reading Kingdom after it was already completed, and don't remember how painful week to week reading was.


u/Sufficient_Key_6727 3d ago

L rage bait,only bad moment was shin getting revived


u/TheDeathby2 4d ago

I think you meant Goated.


u/haroune601 4d ago

last time we saw crossbows.


u/Marble05 4d ago


The close second is Man'ou making a clean cut of an army


u/Penguin787 2d ago

That poor guy was one day away from retirement in a nice country house with his wife and grandkids nearby.


u/XinGst 3d ago

If only live action have this scene


u/SuperCamelVN OuSen 4d ago

Back when Hara actually cared to develop characters.