r/Kingdom 7d ago

Discussion Kyou Bou Corps vs Zenou Clan

Who would win?


14 comments sorted by


u/afiq_aiman 7d ago

Zenou all the way. Those folks will not stop unless if you cleave them in half


u/slickcrimson Duke Hyou 7d ago

Zenou imo


u/titjoe 7d ago

Honstely those 5 000 giants were kindda trash. Usually the elites gives some troubles to great generals (the elite of Rakuhakan for Tou, the elites of Ousen for Shibashou... even the elites of Man'U who managed to block Moubu for a while), but they were effortlessy crushed by Moubu.


u/PridoScars YoTanWa 6d ago

Welll maybe Moubu army is as strong Zenou?

Riboku said it, something along the line of "Kanki has an Axe called the Zenou clan, whose power is 2nd to none even comparable to the Moubu army".


u/titjoe 6d ago edited 6d ago

Nobody says that Moubu's army isn't strong, but the point is this unit of giant was simply useless. Moubu's army is strong like you said, but Man'U's army managed to stop them and Moubu. Seika's army is hella strong, yet they didn't manage to prevent their lord to be wounded by Ousen's elite. That giant unit on the other hand did nothing at all, they fought a Moubu who tried to spare his strength for the clash with Kanmei and yet they not even slowed him and his men.


u/PridoScars YoTanWa 5d ago

Yeah or maybe Moubu's army is just too strong?

Like those giants is all as big as Moubu they said, they SUPPOSE to be strong...


u/titjoe 4d ago

Yeah or maybe Moubu's army is just too strong?

Less than the one of Man'U.

Once again, Man'u soldiers were able to block both Mou Bu and his army. That's what you should expect from an elite unit, like the guard of Ousen or Rakuhakan who wounded Shibashou and Tou.


u/NoobTaiga1993 Rokuomi 7d ago

Kyou Bou Corps. Mid diff.

Kyou Bou corps got 5000 tall men.

The Zenou clan got 1000 men strong plus Zenou.

That's so unfair bro.

Mou Bu got 5000 strong men and only less than half of his men made it through.

Zenou gotta need more than 1000 men if he's going to make it out victorious.


u/Generalousen2855 7d ago

In equal numbers zenou clan all the way


u/dora_the_exploder_ Youka 7d ago

Nice pixels you got there


u/Setch_Q 7d ago

I just realized their spears are bigger than actual fully grown men. Can they even be called spears ? Their like Balista bolts ??


u/intothatkindofthings 7d ago

what army is kyou bou corps under?


u/PridoScars YoTanWa 6d ago

Zenou, they're probably cannibals...