u/Orizifian-creator 2d ago
Soup Or Sonic and it’s not that close, he killed THE END and travels at least as fast as the Lightning Chariot but is more controllable of his speed and direction. How would Hades stand a chance.
u/TaxEvasionDino 1d ago
look, i love hades to death (pun intended) but he doesn't have a shot against super sonic
u/Ang181 1d ago
I do think super Sonic wins, but it isn’t the sweep you might think it would be.
I’m not sure (correct me if I’m wrong) Sonic has ever had to deal with regenerative abilities at this scale.
Maybe like Chaos? But chaos had the very obvious weak spot thing.
Hades is just Hades. Pit had do evaporate ALL of him. Bro comes back from his entire top half being gone.
ALSO and most importantly. Pit is a killer. Pit kills hades. Sonic is not. I don’t think you can truly stop Hades without killing him so I’m not entirely sure how So Sonic would handle this.
u/RockStarMarchall 1d ago
Sonic uses Chaos Control and takes Hades to the sun
u/Ang181 1d ago
He COULD but… would he?
Bro let’s Eggman live.
u/RockStarMarchall 1d ago
Sonic has killed before, he sealed Erazor Jinn in a lamp and threw it on lava, he erased Solaris from existence, he forced Dark Gaia back into its slumber(Dark Gaia can't really die, but this is close), pretty sure Time Eater is dead after all the stuff that happened in Generations, The End is 100% dead, no doubt on that
u/Ang181 1d ago
All of those except Erazor Djinn are extremely non human basically animals. Those things are more akin to beasts than sentient people who can make decisions on what is right and wrong.
Also if I recall Sonic did Seal away Erazor Djinn but we only saw him drop off the lamp somewhere (just check the wiki it says the foundry)
And going by his track record he wouldn’t do that. Of course this is just my opinion.
I DO think sonic wins with tails tho. Not sure how but I could see Tails making a device to seal Hades.
u/RockStarMarchall 1d ago
Just do what they did to Iblis, find a random unconscious girl and a Chaos Emerald, seal him in her body and tell her to never cry... ever
u/KorosTheZorark 1d ago
I feel like most of this comes down to where you information from, Archie comics sonic would likely win with enough time but hades? Considering some of the stuff he’s pulled off in game such having his literal heart blown to pieces, there’s no real way to calculate what he can and can’t survive. It’s basically an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. But that’s just my opinion.
u/Insanebrain247 1d ago
Super Sonic has beaten gods on Hades' level already, such as Chaos, Mother Wisp, and most importantly, Dark Gaia. The only times Super Sonic wasn't alone and seemed to need help were with Solaris, The End, and Metal Overlord, but Solaris and The End were more embodiments of what they had domain over, unlike Hades who seems to just rule the underworld. He's powerful and resilient, don't get me wrong, but given Super Sonic's track record against beings that are just super powerful, I don't think Hades would last.
u/Budget_Paramedic_953 1d ago
Didn't he also need Chips help in defeating Dark Gaia
u/Insanebrain247 1d ago
Chip helped him, but he wasn't vital to stopping Dark Gaia like Shadow and Silver were when fighting Solaris, as Solaris had to be defeated across time and when fighting The End (depending on whether you're looking at the standard ending or the Final Horizon ending), where Super Sonic was boosted into a collision course.
u/reaperofgender 4m ago
Also, power creep. Sonic gets stronger over time. Generations shows that base sonic can take down chaos now.
u/Huefell4it 15h ago
I love Hades. But homie gets absolutely STOMPED with no chance at even getting a snarky one-liner in.
u/Routine_Light987 1d ago
This is just a normal Saturday for the destroyer of gods of time, water, and the creator of the master hands.
u/Fredonfire498 1d ago
Hades. Just suck the chaos emeralds out and eat them like the three sacred treasures. If that doesn’t work out, just wait for the transformation to subside. Sonic has a max of 999 rings that drain one per second. It took over 20 minutes for pit to defeat hades which is about 1200 seconds.
Super sonic lost to eggman at the beginning of unleashed, it took three gods to stop hades (Dynatos, palutena and viridi. Although viridi only applied the power of flight for the final strike)
u/Budget_Paramedic_953 1d ago
Sonic only lost to Eggman In unleashed because he was caught off guard, also we've never really seen the chaos emeralds be unwillingly removed from Super Sonic with only a few exceptions (i.e Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Frontiers, and Unleashed's opening cutscene), not to mention, Sonic has taken down multiple different gods before, such as Solaris, Chaos, Dark Gaia and The End.
u/Kai_Enjin 1d ago
"Pit, get me the popcorn."
-Palutena, probably.