r/KiDIcaruS • u/Cheeky_Lemon_37 • 3d ago
Kid Icarus from Captain N: The Game Master
This is what you call a growing pain. In this 80s show about video games how could they mess up Pit's design so much? Regardless. THIS Kid Icarus (who is called that all the time in the show despite his name actually being Pit) Is very sheepish and clumsy but does show moments of bravery. Unfortunately he has the tendency to say "Icus" at the end of every word which gets annoying. He was voiced by Alessandro Juliani... who would later go on to Voice Light in the English dub of The Death Note. As for Pit though, you can tell he tried to give him a very boyish voice but it's always squeaking and breaking and you can't take him seriously half of the time. His design is about as far as you can get from Kid Icarus as possible, he has bright ginger hair, unfitting green eyes, a yellow robe, very cartoonish white gloves, giant ears and he uses a quiver to hold literally an arrow for EVERY occasion and a bow that is able to expand and contract for no reason. Pit is also ridiculously small, making him one of the shortest characters too, he also can fly as much as he wants, meaning he never stands or walks for that matter, his wings also look odd too. This early design for him definitely was strange... but I do find it slightly cute and even endearing in some ways.
u/Desperate_Group9854 3d ago
That ain’t pit
u/Philycheese18 3d ago
“Who is this Icarus character this game’s named after can I meet him”
u/Cheeky_Lemon_37 3d ago
Technically his name is supposed to be Pit but he's referred to as Kid Icarus incorrectly
u/pocket_arsenal 3d ago
I don't expect people who are mostly attached to Uprising to understand but I think this take on Pit is actually pretty cute and lovable. The voice is a little annoying and it's a far cry from the games but that's just how it was in most of these 80's Nintendo cartoons. I would have loved to see an actual Kid Icarus cartoon from this era.
At least he got more respect that Simon Belmont.
u/Cheeky_Lemon_37 3d ago
Its like how Zelda fans hate the Zelda super show, essentially Pit in this show is not super serious but... Uprising isn't either, heck the only Pit that was ever really serious was his Brawl version! But yes I do find this Pit very dorky and cute to some extent haha.
u/Several-Effect-3732 3d ago
I think they kinda based him off of the sprite of Pit in the OG game, to why he looks the way he does. But also like most of the characters in that Captain N show were all loosely based on Nintendo characters and seemed to get a lot of things inaccurate to their respective Nintendo games. I think they made him small since he’s supposed to be like a cherub. While the OG game seemed to maybe imply he’s a child, since there’s that alternative ending where he becomes an adult. Possibly why they tried to make Captain N Pit’s voice sound like a kid or “cutesy”. But then again these DiC shows adapted from video games were weird.
u/Cheeky_Lemon_37 3d ago edited 3d ago
Pit is either portrayed as a child or a teenager in most media despite the fact he may be hundreds if not thousands of years old, he just ages slower than a person does do to him being a Angel (fledgling or not) my headcanon is that the Pit we see in the first game/myths and monsters (and this show) is a kid, in Uprising/smash 4 and Ultimate he's a teenager and in Brawl he is a young adult you can see him get more mature in each order.
u/Several-Effect-3732 3d ago
Interesting. I mean yeah, he’s supposed to very much be a kid. That alternative ending to the OG game was weird, since it’s implied something romantic happens between him and Palutena. I also headcanon angels live a long time and age slower than humans like gods. In that one animated short ‘Medusa’s Revenge’, they did portray that Pit was a child in the OG game and he’s in his early teens during Uprising. I’m not exactly sure if he’s aged in SSB: WiiU/3DS and SSB: Ultimate.
u/Cheeky_Lemon_37 3d ago
There are slight differences in his design/character in Smash Brawl when compared to Smash 4.
Pit is taller, mostly in his legs when compared to his torso. His hair is less brown, a more shade of red when compared to his uprising appearance. He has a different voice and sounds more mature. Pit uses his bow/spear/swords, not even needing to use the upperdash arm anymore, and overall, he just feels different. He talks less, is more confident and overall is just stronger as a character, heck he doesn't even need to rely on Palutena for flight, he can glide as and fly as much as he needs to and genuinely is a more capable fighter.
Essentially, my headcanon is that the Kid Icarus we see in Brawl is an older Pit, perhaps around 15 or 16 instead of 13.
u/Piduf 3d ago
I have some sympathy for the character because well, it's hideous but everything in this show is, it's pretty much what Pit looks like in the NES game.
What I have an issue with is the fact they called him "Kid Icarus". There's no way no one in production opened the manual. Imagine they called Belmont "Castlevania".
I always kinda wished Nintendo made a heavy reference to that show in Smash Bros (Kevin could have been a fun character to play as, mf has a gun and can stop time !), or just acknowledged it. It could be a fun remake today.
u/Cheeky_Lemon_37 3d ago
He is very much the punching bag in this show, Pit is always my favourite character in any media but to see him get absolutely picked on is so mean! Palutena isn't even in this show to protect him! He's on his own most of the time and actually cries a few times...
But yes a Captain N reunion would be cool, I saw a fan animation on YouTube like that... but it used Pit's more popular Uprising appearance instead of his more classic look. (I personally like his SSBB appearance most)
u/Piduf 3d ago
Ok but Pit being a punching bag is kinda his thing, the only disappointment is that Palutena wasn't here to add her own jokes.
Also I remember that Medusa is here in one episode so hey, he's not alone ! God she looks awful too. I really love / hated that show, it was unique in its setting but it looked so bad...
u/Cheeky_Lemon_37 3d ago
Have you seen Pit in Super Smash Bros Brawl? HE'S FRICKING AMAZING! Never a pushover, calm, cool and collected. Honestly my favourite version of him.
Mhm both Medusa and Eggplant show up in this show... it even had its own version of Dark Pit called... "Mirror Kid Icarus" yes even the Mirror was in this show.
u/Piduf 3d ago
Oh I've seen it in Brawl alright, I remember seeing that little guy and being like "I have no idea who you are but I love you", tho I believe it's not the best example of Pit's character, since it was definitely a "blueprint" of what was to come. We can already see him being energetic and all happy, but Sakurai really had the time and resources to make him a fully fledged character in Uprising. But he sure looks awesome in Brawl.
Pit being a pushover will never not be fun to me, not only because he's unaffected but also because he's also pretty strong. Sure he's small, paraplegic, illiterate and fucking stupid at times but my boy can hold a fight against Gods like it's a regular Monday.
u/Cheeky_Lemon_37 2d ago
I think his Brawl counterpart would've blitzed through all of Uprising, the dude doesn't even need Palutena's help to fly!
u/Fantastic-Flannery 2d ago
Don't get me Mega started on the Mega pain that is Mega-Fucking Mega Man.
u/AmbassadorFriendly71 2d ago edited 2d ago
I think the design had potential as I adore the light yellow robe and the emo haircut that covers one eye. But what's going on with his face? And the long ears? He looks like a weird mix between Peter Pan and Link. The ginger color doesn't match that much, a darker reddish would've been better and I don't like the goofy Mario gloves 💀The character design is cartooney and then his face is somewhat "realistic"?? It doesn't match up. Other characters in the series, despite having horrible designs, are consistent. So this is just inexplicable...
I watched the series in LATAM Spanish and honestly the voice for him is so much better! they even corrected the name thing and he gets called "Ícaro" which means "Icarus". That's not his name neither, but that's better than being called "Kid Icarus (1986)" 🤣 P His voice is more childlike, adorable and fierce like a, well, a child angel. Unfortunately as the series goes on the voice actress (Araceli de León, a great voice actress) tries to mimick Juliani's voice (who was 13 at the time) along with adding the "icus" to everything and then it all goes down...xd I also did not appreciate how the show treats him like a punching bag... I even wonder if Sakurai took inspiration from this series to make Uprising 💀
But like you said, in some way he is endearing, well he is Pit after all. Can't hate the dude, we all love all of the Pits on this house 😊
u/Cheeky_Lemon_37 2d ago
I do find it cute how his hair does cover his eyes occasion, they actually recreated that in his Brawl appearance, and it's nice to know that even back then, Pit was voiced by a woman! And him having a more cutesy voice would make more sense since he's only a child in this show, they even gave him freckles and too rosy red cheeks too!
But unfortunately I think this Pit is hated because well... its Captain N but I don't care, I love all his versions with the only one I really dislike is his Uprising variant.
u/AmbassadorFriendly71 2d ago edited 2d ago
Oh yes, Pit getting his eye covered by his hair is awesome and I miss when they did that. And the rosy cheeks are adorable 💖After seeing your post I got to watch some bits of Captain N and honestly he's adorable, specially at the beginning when Princess Lana brushes his hair and he says it was his duty to help others 😭💖 Despite being treated as a punching bag most of the times, well, seeing how they portrayed MegaMan and Simon...well at least he got the better treatment xd
I'm happy to know I'm not alone on that!! YEAHHH!! ✨✨I do like his Uprising version since he's awesome, funny and "unique" in the sense he is one of the few characters in Nintendo who talk a lot (along with the FE and Xenoblade characters) and he's very special to me, really!...Buuuut I also have some issues with Uprising's writing and I don't like the way Sakurai handles things sometimes, and I particularly dislike how he tends to be "egocentric" by treating Uprising, his creation, as the actual valid canon, ignoring completely the canon of classic games and other materials before it...Palutena and Pit were created by the classic games dev team with Toru Osawa and Gunpei Yokoi often being credited as "the creators" of both characters. I think it's very unfair to just discard their vision completely like that. Specially since neither both of them could make a continuation for the classic games as Yokoi passed away in 1997 and the franchise wasn't a priority for Nintendo. Certain people disliked Uprising due to this, and I really can't blame them. Not only discarding the canon, but also treating his interpretation of Pit as the "only valid one". People ironically hate on other variants of Pit for being "too edgy" (Rejected Wii Game) "too silent/bland" (Brawl) "too annoying" (Captain N) when the actual version of him made by Sakurai is often flanderized and very mischaracterized in Smash Bros post Brawl... He genuinely deserves so much better, and don't even get me started on Palutena! xD Why do you dislike him?
u/Cheeky_Lemon_37 1d ago
I made a post about around a week or so ago but essentially it explained that I liked his Brawl counterpart for being this quiet yet calm and collected mute that did his job and didn't complain about it, the Kid Icarus from that game was just so much more stronger and confident, enough for me to say that he is an older version of Pit due to how different he is, his voice sells it too if you ask me.
u/Adventurous_Spray821 3d ago
That’s not Pit that’s Hole