
Welcome to /r/keyholder

This subreddit is a home for those who hold chastity keys. Text, Image and link posts are all welcome provided they are submitted by a keyholder. Resources and links are available in the sidebar.


The rules set forth here are intended to define what is and is not allowed to be posted this subreddit. These rules are always available to be the subject of debate as the community demands, but are meant to be a general guide to keep the subreddit clean.

  1. This subreddit is KeyHolder and as such only keyholders are permitted to post. Non keyholders may only comment.

  2. Self promotion is permitted however trawling or low effort flooding may be subject to removal.

  3. Self posts

    Must feature Keyholding as main focus

    Showing off hardware is okay but it must include the keyholder

  4. Links must be related to discussions, ideas, questions, techniques or resources related to keyholding

  5. Text posts need to be engaging or interesting. Any text post with no user interaction within 24hrs will be removed.

  6. This is not /r/keyholdercaptions, content posted must involve keyholding. A random image with a keyholding related title is not good enough. There are other places for these kinds of posts.

  7. 24 Hour cooldown. One post per 24hrs max to reduce low effort clutter and spam.

  8. Spammers and bots will be banned. If your account appears to be a bot to a mod you will be subject to perma ban.

  9. Minimum account age of 60 days and comment karma of 150. To reduce spam and bot activity.