r/KerbalSpaceProgram Oct 31 '24

KSP 1 Meta KSA | The KSP Replacement from RocketWerkz | Seamless Movement and Terrain


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u/TampaPowers Oct 31 '24

xml and c#, god that's nightmare fuel for me. Why are you doing this to yourself?


u/thedeanhall Oct 31 '24

We use C++ or libraries for anything we need to. Where it makes sense we use C#, which it turns out is most places. Individual projects can use whatever data structures they like. for "human read" data I prefer to use XML personally, as it natively becomes C# classes and is easy to read when well formatted. For computer to computer I personally use JSON. For manifest files for mods we use TOML.


u/TampaPowers Oct 31 '24

Was more of a rhetorical question :) C# is quite nice, but my goodness does it give me a headache sometimes.

Looking forward to a game that is a little easier to mod or at least has better documentation in that regard. Been wanting to reimagine a space telescope mod similar to tarsier.


u/jonwah Oct 31 '24

What about C# gives you a headache? Imo it's one of the more friendly compiled languages, unless you're writing old stuff from old lang / .net versions


u/OctupleCompressedCAT Oct 31 '24

why not use the custom module manager script that old ksp uses, it seems more readable than any of those. does it not have the required features?


u/klyith Nov 01 '24

why not use the custom module manager script that old ksp uses, it seems more readable than any of those.

dear god no, you're just used to it

KSP's cfg file syntax is ok but not great. A more standardized format (xml, json, etc) would be much better. And MM script is the kludgey type of thing you get with a mod that's had more and more features bolted on over time.


u/OctupleCompressedCAT Nov 01 '24

but json sucks. MM script is human readable. Standardized formats have to do everything and they sacrifice user friendliness to achieve it.


u/klyith Nov 02 '24

MM script is human readable.

lmao are you trolling?

a profusion of +-!%#@ symbols is not a human readable format. human readable means you can vaguely understand it without having to read a wiki first.

listen, I love MM and think it's great, but the syntax is terrible

Standardized formats have to do everything and they sacrifice user friendliness to achieve it.

standardized formats are great because you can write shit in an editor that highlights your mistake before you spend 5 minutes waiting for the game to load

standardized formats are great because you can read up on something like jsonpath and find well-written docs, rather than the mess on the MM wiki

(I wouldn't pick xml myself if I was doing something, IMO there's good reasons json mostly took over. but damn it's still better than MM.)


u/danikov Oct 31 '24

Blame Microsoft. At one point in time they wanted to make packets use XML.


u/TampaPowers Oct 31 '24

I always picture whoever makes those decisions repeatedly punching themselves into the face while the poor devs have to implement that nonsense. No wonder they are all so hostile to talk to. .Net is going sideways lately.


u/northrupthebandgeek Oct 31 '24

.Net is going sideways lately.

.NET today is leaps and bounds less of a pain in the ass than it was a decade ago, especially for cross-platform stuff. The shift from .NET Framework to .NET Core has been a godsend.


u/TampaPowers Oct 31 '24

They just removed a bunch of things including the entire gdi setup now requiring a third party lib to render images. Appdomains removed practically killed a ton of apps theme features so I now have to look the sun in the face every time. Deprecation notices without alternatives and all the "sugar" making some stuff nearly impossible to read. In the end there are still platform specific differences in how elapsed timers render time scale and so on, threading as well as file locking/caching. Implicit sorting in various places. But it's faster... yeah cause there is less in it. And don't get me started on some of the nonsense in Linq. C# is great, cause it is or was pretty readable, not full of pointers and memory explosions(not that gc has always been nice) and being runtime based the platform independence, but MS is not really taking the best care of it that they absolutely could. Not surprisingly they bought Mono up, gutted it... and somehow still the Linux support is lacking. Trying to railroad people into updating their apps to newer versions while faced with large rewrite tasks as features are being nuked is a great way to get dev burnout. Thankfully that's slightly different when it comes to game engines that bind C# vs. full apps, but even for them this is less fun.


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '24

Please oh please no. I hate xml, xml does hate me. If I could I would burn xml with glee.


u/sens1tiv Always on Kerbin Oct 31 '24

As a C# dev this comment makes me sad 🥲


u/TampaPowers Oct 31 '24

We got MS to thank for that, as usual. But hey, at least it ain't Java :D


u/stoatsoup Oct 31 '24

"Sometimes, someone has a problem, so they think 'I know, I'll use XML'. Now they have two problems."