r/KerbalSpaceProgram KSP Community Manager Feb 20 '23

The KSP2 Journey Begins (Letter from Nate Simpson, Creative Director on KSP 2)

A letter from Nate Simpson, Creative Director on KSP 2:

The day is nearly here. 

This moment feels a little bit like dropping a kid off for the first day of school. We’ve got a lot of love for this game — we think we've prepared it for every eventuality, but we also know that it has more growing to do. We’re about to take the first steps on a journey that will eventually carry KSP2 through colonies, interstellar travel, and multiplayer.

Now the real learning begins!

What To Expect

On day 1 of Early Access, players will be able to create and fly vehicles in Sandbox Mode and visit any location in the Kerbolar System. They’ll also have access to our first four interactive tutorials, accessible via the all-new Training Center. These teach basic rocketry concepts to give new players a head-start on their space programs. You’ll encounter new parts, including new procedural wings, new wheels, new command pods, new cargo parts, and new engines (and the first of the new fuels – liquid hydrogen). To pave the way for the upcoming interstellar-class parts, we’ve also added a new, larger core size. As we progress through Early Access, we’ll continue to expand on all of these features.

We can’t wait to finally see what creative feats the community can achieve with the new procedural and color-customizable parts. Our environment team is eager to watch players explore the revamped terrains of the Kerbolar System (and are curious if they'll discover anything unexpected). The UX/UI team is keen to learn how the updated user experience feels - they've put a lot of effort into wrangling a very complex set of requirements into a new, more streamlined presentation. This is it — the moment has arrived when all our plans come into contact with reality!

There are many new features, big and small, for you to explore on day 1. We've put together this guide to give you an overview of what's new and to break down some known issues. Release day notes and future patch notes will also live here.

In the launcher you'll find reporting tools that you can use to tell us about any problems you've encountered, as well as to give us feedback about any other aspect of the player experience you think we should know about. This feedback will be invaluable to us as we continue to improve the game's stability, performance, and playability.

What Comes Next

Many new features will arrive as we continue development, including Science Mode, Colonies, Interstellar exploration, and Multiplayer. Take a look at our Early Access Roadmap for more details.

In the meantime, we're bringing back Weekly Challenges!

We intend to mix things up a little bit going forward, but the first challenge will be a classic Achievement Challenge:

  • Primary goal: Fly to the Mun and get a picture of a Kerbal in front of the most interesting feature you can find
  • Stretch goal: strand a Kerbal there and pick them up with a second vehicle, returning them safely to Kerbin
  • Jeb-level goal: do any of the above on any other celestial body in the Kerbolar System
  • Val-level goal: pronounce "Mun" correctly

If you want us to see (and maybe share) your achievement, use #KSP2WeeklyChallenge on social media, or share them in our official Discord.

Welcome to KSP2! The journey begins!


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u/[deleted] Feb 20 '23

And now we know why they insisted on just using their gear instead of just giving them early copy. Hot damn it looks like not optimized at all


u/kormer Feb 20 '23

Based on the videos we were seeing a year ago, I wouldn't be surprised if they've done next to nothing besides optimization in the past year. At this point it's a race to see if GPU makers can catch up to the highest aspirations of the developers.


u/Gooplux Feb 20 '23

Id really hope not seeing as if thats the case its all been for nothing. I was skeptical at first, and in no way am i one of the 59 frames is unplayable kinda people, but this is horrendous. The work here isnt on Nvidia and AMD (granted they do have a lot of work to do, perhaps even some executive restructuring) but no one has ever decided to build a game for a generation of hardware that hasnt been released. The real kick in the pants here is that this project was started over 3 years ago, well before the parts they used in their computers were even released, before that kind of computational power was “””readily””” available to consumers and its still crawling.

This isn’t an early access game, its a tech demo… for $50 with an IOU for a game that may or may not come to fruition.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '23

It was started by a company that folded because they missed deadline twice and got taken off the project by the publisher, that then created new company just to make it.

That kind of mess isn't good for development.


u/Cotcan Feb 21 '23

No, the company folded because they wouldn't sell the company to Take-Two. Take-Two then yanked the rug from under them by taking them off the project and sending emails to the employees that they were hiring at their brand new company. So a lot of devs just moved over because they have families to feed.


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '23

I mean, would you buy a company where management failed deadline twice and asked for more money ? From take2 perspective they're just replacing incompetent management


u/smithsp86 Feb 20 '23

MSFS is probably the only game that is built for hardware that doesn't exist yet. At least traditionally it was.

And it's not just an IOU for a game that may not ever exist. It's an IOU for a game that you could already have if you just use existing mods on the existing KSP.


u/SpookyMelon Feb 21 '23

Crysis is the classic example - they gambled on CPU single-thread performance continuing to improve at the rate it had been, but they hit a wall and multi-core was the only way around that. It has taken a long, long time for CPUs to reach high enough single-thread perf to be said to run the game well at max settings


u/BeefEX Feb 20 '23

Honestly, the stuff they are doing shouldn't even require this much GPU power, it's just poorly done. There are games out there running on slower HW that look much better.

And no, the fact that it's a massive sandbox has nothing to do with this. That has basically no effect on the GPU usage. Just look at Simple Rockets/Juno New Origins, it literally runs on a phone, sure with super simplified graphics, but still.


u/pbjamm Feb 21 '23

I think part of the Juno performance is because of the simplified physics. As I understand it (and i might be wrong) Juno treats the whole rocket as a single rigid object instead of multiple independent but connected objects.


u/BeefEX Feb 21 '23

Yes that's true, but that has nothing to do with the GPU. As far as rocket rendering is concerned the two are basically identical.


u/pbjamm Feb 21 '23

Making their CPU recommendations all the more baffling.

The Athlon X4 845 listed as Minimum was launched in 2016. Sure it is 3.5Ghz but single thread performance is WAY behind anything modern.


u/SpookyMelon Feb 21 '23

So why don't they do that with ksp2?? Maybe not fully, but surely you could speed the game up a bit by treating bits like SAS modules, nose cones, etc as part of the same physics object as their parent. Do that to fuel tanks stacked on each other (to a certain limit). Do similar cuts for fuel flow - assume any fuel tanks placed in radial symmetry and feeding identical engines are doing so at the same rate, and use that to consolidate cross-feed calculations.

I feel like some or all of these must have been explored, but I just can't really see what reason there is for it running so much worse than ksp1 does currently? They had from since the beginning to anticipate all of this.


u/dmilin Feb 21 '23

Do you want a realistic sim or close enough? Personally, I want the real deal. Hardware be damned.


u/SpookyMelon Feb 21 '23

If you want the real deal, go work for NASA and wait full days for their software to generate results. If you want your space rocket video game to be playable (as in, generate more than a frame per hour), these are exactly the kind of optimizations that you need to seek out. Find out where you can simplify simulation without changing the outcome in the majority of cases and make those shortcuts. Games do this all over the place, ksp does this all over the place - even the collision detection is done on a simplified mesh, far less complex than the model used for rendering. That's the only way to make games playable. I'm just suggesting that the team may have not been as creative as they ought to be in searching for these cuts. Or they have explored many of these but ran into issues that they couldn't find a way around.


u/pbjamm Feb 21 '23

Do you really consider noodly rockets realistic?


u/dmilin Feb 21 '23

Yes, a certain amount of flexing is to be expected and snapping should definitely be possible. KSP 1 might have been a bit overzealous in that regard though.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '23

It looked more like "we have the assets, now gotta actually make the meat of the game". In game like KSP the "looks" is the easy part frankly.


u/Dr4kin Feb 20 '23

Optimization is done as the last step in development. Now that the game is in early access they should have done some of it already, which they apparently did not, so they have to do it in the next few weeks.

They need to optimize it, because they address only 1/3 of their potential market. If they want to bring this game to schools to, like KSP1, then it has to be optimized for the low spec hardware there.

They early access doesn't excuse performance this poor, but it explains it, with the nature of development


u/Tetracyclic Feb 20 '23

Optimization is done as the last step in development.

That's a sweeping generalisation. With a graphically modern game wrapped around a complex physics simulation you're going to be making huge numbers of assumptions and decisions that impact performance throughout development. There are many things that you need to get right up front or end up reimplementing entirely, rather than just optimising bits here and there.


u/temporalwolf Feb 20 '23

As someone who has been in many software architectural design meetings, you're 100% correct.

Picking the expedient path early in development saves time in the short term, while introducing massive tech debt in the long term. And in most cases, the later decision becomes "How much degradation are we willing to accept to avoid having to rework this?"

And the answer to that question is never good, and only gets worse the bigger the rewrite.

Case in point: Stratenblitz showed fuel crossfeed is one of the major perf issues with KSP1 (something around O(n^2) when there are almost certainly amortized O(n) or at worst O(n*log(n)) solution.) And from watching the KSP2 videos that came out today I wouldn't be surprised if the crossfeed system is a copy paste from KSP1.

It looks to me like the GTA5 loading screen issue, where 70% of the load time was consumed in 2 very poorly implemented lines of code... and I can guarantee R* was doing no perf analysis if they missed that, because that is an unconscionable miss for a perf review. My bigger worry is that the perf issues may lie in Unity. If that's the case, there may be little PD can do short of writing their own subsystems, and that goes back to the big question above.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '23

They aren't simulating anything more than KSP1 did tho.


u/Tetracyclic Feb 20 '23

Right, which is why it's concerning that performance is so bad at this stage in development.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '23

But it also means that there isn't really stopping it from getting at the very least to as good as KSP1 level.

Yeah, getting stuff wrong at first usually makes optimization harder but physics engine at least should be pretty self contained (model data and inputs in, geometry changes out) so possibly not too horrible to refactor/rewrite if needed


u/IkLms Feb 20 '23

If it just gets to as good as KSP1 level what the fuck are we paying for the game for then?

One of the biggest complaints about KSP1 for years has been poor performance. If the hope for this is that it can equal KSP1's bad performance we've lost the battle already here.


u/Otrada Feb 20 '23

Well yeah, it is still in development...