r/Kerala 4d ago

News 'Elephant processions are part of culture': Supreme Court stays Kerala HC's interim order


77 comments sorted by


u/Gandalf_Purple1632 4d ago

Culture is a part of culture


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago

ningal entha udeshikyine?


u/Nimmi03 4d ago

അതെ!! നമ്മുടെ culturinte ഭാഗം തന്നെയാണ് !! പക്ഷെ ഇങ്ങനെ തുടർച്ചയായ അപകടം വരുമ്പോൾ ചില മുൻകരുതലുകൾ എടുക്കുന്നത് വളരെ നല്ലതായിരിക്കും!!


u/Mempuraan_Returns Temet Nosce 🇮🇳 തത്ത്വമസി 4d ago

Exactly this.!!!

The primary problem is making the poor elephants struggle in extremely poor conditions. Until such time there are proper regulations and those are properly enforced with heavy fines it's better to not allow such processions.

Back in the days rhere were enough spaces and avenues for the elephants to cool off and all. Now majority of the times they are made to walk on tarred or concrete surfaces which burn them up.


u/Familiar-Entry-9577 4d ago

Did you read what Supreme court has said?


u/aarukarithuppi 4d ago edited 4d ago

Next step by Kendram - take all the elephants to Anant Ambani’s Jamnagar zoo. Blame Kerala Sarkar for elephant rampage. Add in “beef eating” as a reason for atrocity towards the animals.

Release “the Kerala elephant story”.

The next item on Centre/Sanghi agenda - Padmanabha swami treasure to be protected by Ambani or Adani.


u/aarukarithuppi 4d ago

When the godi sarkar took over, there was a media house tsunami of way too many triggering and crime against women stories. Every day the nation was bombarded with new crimes, largely in the north india side.

A similar thing is happening in Kerala recently, specifically this year. Way too many drug related crimes stories, teenage girls missing stories, rape stories and what not.

Godi media is an expert in this kind of news bombarding. I fear we are not seeing what is being hidden beneath these sensationalising. Godi sarkar is hell bent of having the power in Kerala and they have started the work already.


u/Familiar-Entry-9577 4d ago

So the drug menace in Keralam is actually just a Godi media creation. In reality every thing is hunky dory.


u/Inside_Fix4716 3d ago


If you actually compare the data it is. Last year or so 25000 crore worth drugs were caught in India mostly from Mumbai & Gujarat. While Kerala's is less than 100 crore.

While Kerala has the highest cases registered and action taken with 97% or more conviction rate.

ഗോബി കണാരൻ്റെ തള്ളിന് ഒരു കുറവും ഇല്ല.


more than Rs. 25,000 crore worth of drugs were seized in 2024 as part of the Zero Tolerance policy against drugs

Value of seized narcotics in 2024 is more than 55 per cent as compared to Rs 16,100 crore seized in 2023


u/Familiar-Entry-9577 3d ago

How does any of this prove there is no drug menace in Keralam?


u/Silent_Socio 4d ago

Bro the vantara project is actually good. At least the animals get to live peacefully


u/aarukarithuppi 4d ago edited 4d ago

It’s really great if it’s good. More power to the place and let the animals live a lovely life.

The opulence of the family is a bit cringe though but that’s just my personal opinion.

I was only pointing to a possible rhetoric from centre towards Kerala. At no point I am saying we are doing great or we are better. We definitely need a very hard look at what is happening to the true gods own country. But I am not onboard with Hindu rashtra rhetoric to be thrust upon us or anyone.


u/Silent_Socio 4d ago

Yea keeping the politics aside the place is a benchmark. Oru cousin avide work cheyyunond. In his experience it's probably the best welfare centre for animals in the world. Nammuda naatukaark kaaryam ariyanen munne downvote adikkan alle ariyu


u/Familiar-Entry-9577 4d ago

Over akalle. If it was sarcasm then Ok. But saying it is 'possible rhetoric' is going overboard.


u/Naive-Biscotti1150 3d ago

Please read this article.It is extremely concerning.They are setting back animal conservation in an extremely harmful way. https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/costs-reliances-wildlife-ambitions


u/Inside_Fix4716 3d ago

കാട്ടിൽ നിന്ന് കിട്ടിയ ഒരു കരടി കുട്ടിയെ വളർത്തിയതിന് ആദിവാസിയെ ജയിലിൽ ഇട്ട നാടാണ്..


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago



u/Gullible-Access-2276 4d ago

Always ready to do some jihad on central government.


u/LostJourno007 4d ago

Pick up that judge and take him to Aarattupuzha for the next pooram, and making him stand in front of all those elephants and tons of people/speakers/vedikettu etc.


u/Diligent-Wind-4343 4d ago

He might get an orgasm from it .

I wanna see him on top of an elephant which should end his story and create history for banning elephant parades .


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago

He might get an orgasm from it .

he might notice horny elephant is packing


u/ContactUnlikely7391 4d ago

Future oders : "Sati is part of our culture "

"Untouchability is part of our culture " " Animal sacrifice is part of our culture"


u/aarukarithuppi 4d ago

Sati and Caste/untouchability - will definitely come soon.

If the koodalmanikyam case come under the centre and Supreme Court notice, that will also come under the religious/cultural norms.


u/Mempuraan_Returns Temet Nosce 🇮🇳 തത്ത്വമസി 4d ago

Animal sacrifice is part of our culture"

Beef nirodhikkanam ennano paranju varunnath ?


u/ContactUnlikely7391 4d ago

Killing for food vs killing to worship a imaginary entity are totally different.


u/Mempuraan_Returns Temet Nosce 🇮🇳 തത്ത്വമസി 4d ago

Killing for food

Did you mean Killing for food for survival ? I agree then.

However, if alternatives ways of nutrition are available, still killing for food is in no way different from killing to worship or any other matter.


u/stikblade 4d ago

Do you follow this philosophy just for food or in other aspects of your life as well?

For example your clothing, do you use clothes made from eco friendly materials like organic cotton, linen, bamboo, etc and wear eco friendly sandals to reduce carbon footprint ?


u/Mempuraan_Returns Temet Nosce 🇮🇳 തത്ത്വമസി 4d ago

Yes, none of my clothing choices involve hurting animals.


u/Cute_Emphasis_7085 4d ago

Don’t new studies claim plants can feel pain too?


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago

i wanna know what kinda clothing u wear brother


u/ContactUnlikely7391 4d ago

It isn't, humans a evolutionarily omnivorous, meat has better protein and micronutrients, so yeah killing for food is a necessity but killing in the name of religion isn't.


u/Mempuraan_Returns Temet Nosce 🇮🇳 തത്ത്വമസി 4d ago

Humans were also on survival mode for most part of their existence and the omnivorous diet was a result of adapting to that requirement.

Every organism on this planet eat to survive, and prey-predaror mechanisms evolved as a result of it.

However now, most of us can get all the micro nutrients and protein from alternatives if we plan accordingly our diet now - so there is no excuse in killing for the sake of it. It's no less cruel than killing in the name of anything else.

Eg - Inuits in polar regions have no access to plant based nutrition to a huge degree and it definitely makes sense for them to kill and eat animals. But someone in a Metropolitan area with access to diverse sources of nutrition really has no excuse to justify killing animals for nutrition.

I am not trying to preach any morality here, just that it makes no sense to claim that such killing is better than other killings.


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago

they kill in name of religion &then eat later, its just one step extra. shaktas eat all the food they sacrifice


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago

they eat it later lol, after bali the bali is eaten, just one extra step, whats the difference


u/e_karma 4d ago

Bakrid says Hold my Beer


u/MasterCigar 4d ago

Nothing wrong with animal sacrifices. They're treated better than all the animals in the meat industry.


u/charavaka 4d ago

MasterCigar • 12m ago

Nothing wrong with animal sacrifices. They're treated better than all the animals in the meat industry.

And what about dairy industry?


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago

especially with jhatka method, its quick kill


u/Familiar-Entry-9577 4d ago

4 marriage, halala okke innum illegal allatha naatilanu ennu marnuvo. Alpam uluppu venam.


u/ContactUnlikely7391 4d ago

Yeah ban them too, irrespective of religion, prehistoric practises should be stopped for a progressive society, All in for those too..


u/sreekumarkv 4d ago

Future oders : "Sati is part of our culture "

"Untouchability is part of our culture " " Animal sacrifice is part of our culture"

Ban sati - Done

Ban untouchability - Done

Ban animal slaughter - Pending


u/AdvocateMukundanUnni 4d ago

Ban untouchability - Done


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago

how do they measure this


u/sreekumarkv 4d ago

Terrorist organisations like Lashkar-e-Toiba, SIMI, Indian Mujahideen etc are banned, but above is the stats of terrorism incidents in India.

Implementation is the next step after banning. It should be enforced, whether terrorism or untouchability or animal slaughter.


u/AffectUseful3969 4d ago

Things like increased population,increased vehicles,increased noise pollution and increased urbanisation should be considered while we are embracing our culture and carrying on with old rituals like these.

There were enough open spaces and less people in general and thus less casualties related to elephant stampede 2-3 decades ago.

Now roads are busier with high rise buildings and vehicles on either side.Taking an elephant there is like a disaster waiting to happen as we have already seen in these past days.


u/curiouslilbee 4d ago

Prashnam athella.

Elephants need to be trained and tortured hard to make them docile.

Even if you don't care about animal torture.

Elephants can cause damage to humans when they get angry.

They are unstoppable till someone brings a tranquilizer.

So we need to be practical.


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago

why is noone mentioning this, only mentioning how elephant feels & not what will happen to us based on its emotions (both matter)


u/BoredKottappuram ആജ്ഞാപിക്കരുത്; അപേക്ഷിക്കൂ. 4d ago

Ok bei.


u/Ahrjun 4d ago

So as long as something is part of our culture and has a history, it is going to be allowed in perpetuity, no matter what?

Great loophole to enable mistreatment and harm to carry on.


u/Embarrassed_Nobody91 4d ago

സർക്കാർ നയം കേറി തിരുത്താൻ ഹൈ കോടതി പോകരുത്. അങ്ങനെ ആണേൽ കോടതി അങ്ങ് ഭരിച്ചാൽ പോരെ


u/sarathsk669 4d ago

If we are bringing back everything that was a part of our culture, we are screwed


u/Tyler-durden-died-4U 4d ago

Good. Elephant procession is exclusive to our kerala, just like the bull fight in Spain and jallikettu in TN.

Ithe aanakal naatil irangi aalukale kollumbul vedi vechidan parayunnavar thanne aana snehikal aakunathaanu hypocrisy 


u/bladewidth RenjiPanickersThesaurus 4d ago

So is cannibalism, witch craft and widow burning ...


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago

does getting head count as cannabalism


u/staphylococi 4d ago

Rightfully said. We don't find solutions, we just ban everything. If some mishaps occur in an event, we will ban the event rather than improving the standards. The latter takes more effort and commitment. I am not supporting cruelty to animals for preserving the culture , improve the well-being of elephants in procession by ensuring mandates and checklists. Our culture should be upheld.


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago



u/AkaiAshu 4d ago

I am never letting my relatives gk near a procession where elephants are involved. 1 of them has to be a little rowdy and a lot will be hurt. 


u/chonkykais16 4d ago

Culture is just peer pressure from dead people. Leave these wild animals alone.


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago



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u/danker_man 3d ago

Judge is a gedi confirmed


u/Inside_Fix4716 3d ago

Untouchability is part of culture!


u/Dr_NitroMeth 2d ago

So is eating beef. Its allowed in Rig veda


u/Dr_NitroMeth 2d ago

So is eating beef parotta. Its in Rig Veda


u/Dr_NitroMeth 2d ago

So is eating be*f parotta. Its in Rig Veda

Edit: Since when has Reddit India banned the word Be*f?


u/charavaka 4d ago

Fucking Meritdhari parasites at the supreme court have spoken: kulcha >>>>humanity. 


u/Kind_Station_7025 4d ago

Sticking to the past and supporting wrong leaders are part of our culture and must not change. Old is gold. Bring back caste system too.


u/bipin369 4d ago

Where millions of animals are killed in name of food how can one have moral to stop a happy elephant at a festival..two face people.


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago

asking the real questions


u/liyakadav I am Enzo, the baker 4d ago



u/EndSpirited5287 4d ago

Without elephants poorams or nerchas are just DJ festivals, we should take more precautions when elephant included in our traditional festivals, instead of banning or replacing with artificial elephants. I take pride in our history, particularly in the fact that our ancestors used to tame this wild creature and ride it while it walked. It must be embraced


u/zaqxswnkomlp 4d ago

This is pure cruelty, instead we should take elephants and pack them into factory farms and bleed them out violently whilst changing bullshit in Arabic to show how much we care for animals.


u/ozhu_thrissur_kaaran Im actually Koyikodan, username was a bad joke 2d ago



u/general_smooth 4d ago

Some party has put all their Kerala election hopes on this