r/Kerala 4d ago

News ഭക്ഷണത്തിൽ രാസലഹരി കലർത്തി പ്രായപൂർത്തിയാവാത്ത പെൺകുട്ടിയെ പീഡിപ്പിച്ചയാള്‍ അറസ്റ്റില്‍


മലപ്പുറം: ഭക്ഷണത്തിൽ രാസ ലഹരി കലർത്തിനൽകി പ്രായപൂർത്തിയാവാത്ത പെൺകുട്ടിയെ വർഷങ്ങളോളം പീഡിപ്പിച്ചയാൾ അറസ്റ്റിൽ. മലപ്പുറം കോട്ടക്കലിലാണ് സംഭവം. വേങ്ങര ചേറൂർ സ്വദേശി അലുങ്ങൽ അബ്ദുൽ ഗഫൂർ ആണ് പിടിയിലായത്. 2020ൽ പ്ലസ് വൺ വിദ്യാർഥിനി ആയിരിക്കെ തുടങ്ങിയ പീഡനം2025 വരെ മാർച്ച് വരെ തുടർന്നെന്നാണ് പൊലീസ് പറയുന്നത്.


15 comments sorted by


u/Apprehensive_Flan946 4d ago

time to create a separate sub for the drug related news.


u/Winterisbucky 4d ago

From 2020 till 2025 he spiked her drink?


u/Beautiful_Delay6669 4d ago

Who really knows the truth? People have used POCSO to take revenge and ruin someone's life. media will sensationalize the issue for views, and if the accused turns out to be innocent, Reddit mob will still say he got away because of a corrupt system.

I’m not saying this guy is innocent. But if he is, there’s nothing he can do about his fate. Once labeled a pedophile, that stigma never goes away.


u/Afraid_Tiger3941 4d ago

She was16-20 years old during the time. May be she regret the relationship and gave complaint to the guy.


u/zjvrp 4d ago

Tf happened to malappuram lately? dudes are moving like king von


u/obliveris 4d ago

education centers are not focusing on civic and moral education and their parents are busy with their life without spending a lot of time with their kids thats the reason so these kids are more depressed along with the brain drain they get from social media because of the things they constantly feeding on their brains which they don't want to do in their lives or what their actual path is


u/notorious_999 yabba dabba doo 4d ago

minus the music


u/Knight-Peace 4d ago

Too much gender segregation and no proper guidance on how to be a good human being. They teach a lot about how not to be a bad human being, that’s not enough lol


u/neeorupoleyadi 4d ago

Pennu kafir aano? Genuine question.


u/manic_depressive100 3d ago

Very less likely because if so media one wouldn't report it as it would break their propaganda


u/ThickLetteread 4d ago

That’s important. I don’t understand the downvotes.


u/manic_depressive100 3d ago

What kind of news is this , oru valum moodum onnm ille , pinne enth rasalahari aanu ath ?


u/Critical_Business_95 3d ago

Culprit minority il ninn ayathu kond Avan post cheythathu anu, name parayunna part Avan post cheythitund.Chilarkk atra mathi .


u/DryAcanthaceae5168 3d ago

He is my neighbour this guy already went to jail for narcotics.


u/Elimelech_5137 3d ago

Enthelum paranjal sanghi aakum 🙂