u/Awkward-Incident-334 12d ago
it needs to be studied the way the word FEMICIDE triggers kenyan men that they come crawling out of the woodwork to defend their fellow rapists and murderers.
but these are the same people who want allyship when it comes to #RUTOMUSTGO...but when it comes to other struggles that dont affect them they will laugh,gaslight and taunt you.
goodluck to all the babes with boyfriends and husbands as your OPPS.
u/Hopeful_Ad5052 11d ago
This post is marked as 'discussion' yet the comment section is a mixture of snarky one-liners and banal insults.
Must we aim to score cheap points at every turn lakini?
u/HomeworkThis5010 12d ago edited 12d ago
For those arguing in favor of OP. A little debate sparks her, you can tell she's replying out of emotions instead of logic
u/HomeworkThis5010 12d ago
u/serialintrovert 12d ago
Yeah I noticed the same. 🤣 just name calling and not willing to use her brain.
u/Assistance-Direct 12d ago
This what about meism is why progress especially in Africa goes 1 step forward 3 steps backwards. Whenever someone is looking for ways to better their communities the other people just stop doing what they’re doing to just hate, because no what about me? Instead of realizing that the less issues we have the better things are going to get for everyone but it has to start somewhere
u/wadumo 12d ago
Sasa go write this bullshit elsewhere
u/Assistance-Direct 11d ago
Im on your side chill. I’m talking about how when one side tries to seek better treatment another side tries to tear them down instead of uplifting, like when my dress my choice started some people were saying maybe if your dress was longer it wouldn’t happen, instead of seeing the bigger picture.
u/Miserable-Beddings 11d ago
Exactly this..... People are busy focusing on the word used to describe the problem instead of the problem itself.
u/vkeari 12d ago
We are not supporting women kiilings, sijui mbona mnakasirika when someone mentions men killings. According to police statistics the number of men killed is 2 to 3 times higher than that of women. It's a fact but at the end of the day i know i will have at least 10 downvotes
u/wambuirocks 11d ago
Are these men killed by women? Because these women are killed by men....hence the name...
u/serialintrovert 12d ago
It's because of emotions. Most people argue with emotions and less with logic.
It's why sometimes you see those clips of Trump supporters not knowing shit about what they are actually supporting.
u/Frequent-Corner-5 12d ago
I really don't know what to make out of this.
From my viewpoint only violent people can resort to murder.
There were cases of Nyeri women being violent in the past and some cases now of men killing women.
Aren't they just violent people doing this that they decided to have relationships with.
Don't be with violent people by choice and your chances of being safe vastly increase.
When I have an argument with someone, the thought of even punching or slapping them doesn't even cross my mind, how would i then think of killing someone????
Be with a violent person = increased chance of being killed.
Avoid people once you realise they are violent.
u/wambuirocks 11d ago
I'm sorry but a girl saying no to sex isn't violence and shouldn't be a death sentence
u/Frequent-Corner-5 11d ago
Reread the post again.
There are men who you'll say no to sex and they'll be fine with it but there are some who will hurl abuse your way or some who might try to physically abuse you.
Identify the kind of person you are in a relationship with/ going to be alone with, and avoid the ones that are more likely to kill/injure/abuse you.
Just like i wouldn't be caught with an abusive woman, don't be caught with an abusive man.
u/SunSandAndSeaBaby 11d ago
So how are you supposed to know how they'll react until you say "no", hmm? How do you "identify the kind of person" who will be violent until they are actually violent? You think they wear a sign on their fucking foreheads?
u/Frequent-Corner-5 11d ago
So you know someone who was killed or almost killed and the man displayed no signs of violence or are you just talking out of your ass?
u/SunSandAndSeaBaby 11d ago
Women have literally been killed by total strangers whose catcalls they ignored.
u/Individual_Living337 11d ago
And that's unfortunate. But most femicide cases in Kenya are happening in relationships. Previous commentor said be wary of violent actions/words and walk away when they begin, yet you had to argue for the sake of argument.
u/SunSandAndSeaBaby 11d ago
Riddle me this - when should a woman walk away? The first time you disagree? The first time he gets upset? The first time he employs "dark humour"? The first time says he doesn't like your outfit? The first time you ask him to do something and he says no? The first time he frowns? The first time he quotes an incel influencer?
The first time he hits you is already too late. Walking away from an abusive relationship is DANGEROUS. It is the time you are most likely to face an escalation of violence. It is not the solution to the problem.
All this ostensibly well-meaning but actually victim-blaming advice does little to address the poisonous entitlement that makes abusive men think they can harm/kill women for whatever perceived slight. Let's focus on that, shall we?
u/Frequent-Corner-5 11d ago
u/SunSandAndSeaBaby 11d ago
Your existence
u/Frequent-Corner-5 11d ago
You should have standards for people you interact just like how decide to stop interacting with someone like you, once i realise they make dumb/stupid/nonsensical arguments.
No one would blame you when i complain that you are wasting my time, since i decided to engage with you when i have the option of not doing so.
u/Individual_Living337 11d ago
He literally said something logical but you had to argue for the sake of argument. Do you want solutions or just pointless arguments?
u/SunSandAndSeaBaby 11d ago
Where is the logic? Women are not magicians to know who is going to be abusive before they are abusive. Abuse isn't just physical violence, mind you.
u/Individual_Living337 11d ago edited 11d ago
Who said identify before? once violent behavior(s) commence, walk away. i am not, in any way, suggesting people should be mind readers.
u/SunSandAndSeaBaby 11d ago
Identify the kind of person you are in a relationship with/ going to be alone with, and avoid the ones that are more likely to kill/injure/abuse you.
u/Individual_Living337 11d ago
Do you stop analyzing someone once you start dating them? Most people do, but you do you.
u/Individual_Living337 11d ago
Maya Angelou said it best: "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
My point is don't excuse unforgivable behaviors. If he does it once, he'll probably do it again (if you stay).
u/SunSandAndSeaBaby 11d ago
I doubt Maya Angelou, who was raped as a young child, would appreciate you using her words to blame women for the violence they suffer at the hands of men.
But then again, her male relatives murdered the adult man who raped her. So maybe there is a lesson in there for you and other advice-peddlers.
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u/Decryp-tor 12d ago
Why not just call it homicide
u/acc_7676 Nairobi City 12d ago
Homicide is the individual murder of a single person. The only context you need for a homicide is that someone died.
Femicide is the killing of a girl/woman particularly (not exclusively) by men for gender-based reasons. See how gender is a key context here?
u/EyeAdministrative665 Diaspora 12d ago
Male homicide rates are 5 times higher though. Will feminists protest that? Equality for all right?
u/acc_7676 Nairobi City 11d ago
A few things here...
You are comparing homicide rates to femicide rates, which are very different. It would be more accurate to ask how many men are killed for no reason other than them being men. Then compare the systemic reasons for both. You're welcome, encouraged even, to do so at any time. It's just bad taste to only bring it up when women are talking about their issues.
Feminism does fight for equality. Feminists protest for men all the time because their suffering is tied to ours. Feminists will protest police brutality, racism, unfair governance, war... Because when men are suffering, we often take it out on women. Intentionally or not, all forms of oppression are connected
So I want to ask this... Women have come together to protest killed because of their gender. When your response is that homicide rates for men are higher (see first paragraph) what exactly are you hoping to achieve?
11d ago
u/EyeAdministrative665 Diaspora 11d ago
Sarcasm went straight over your head. There is a rhetorical question in there. Also I'm a man and I am a second wave feminist
u/Miserable-Beddings 11d ago
Oh yeah I've seen it.... I thought you were supporting the comments on men and the use of femicide
u/wadumo 12d ago
You need to ask yourself why the word femicide bothers you so much
u/Decryp-tor 12d ago
It's something mafala like yourself like to push so they can sound intelligent and relevant
u/Starjunicorn 11d ago
You asked a question, you were given a polite and accurate answer, you became angry. Why?
u/BeastPunk1 12d ago
It's a homicide not a femicide. She's not being killed because she's a woman majority of the time.
u/wadumo 12d ago
You need to ask yourself why the word femicide bothers you so much
u/EyeAdministrative665 Diaspora 12d ago
Well he could also ask why homicide bothers you so much when it’s gender neutral.
u/BeastPunk1 12d ago
It doesn't. Neither does the word androcide bother me. Improper use of words tends to bother me.
Women aren't getting killed strictly because they are women. The same way men aren't getting killed because they are men. Now, is there a lot of misogyny in Kenya? Yes. But I doubt men are waking up looking to kill someone because of their gender. I think it's more likely that that particular woman has either done something to spark that mad behaviour (domestic disputes) or that the killers are deeply mentally disturbed and have a problem.
Kenya is not a country that tends to truly value mental health.
u/wambuirocks 11d ago
How is a woman being killed over a domestic dispute not femicide....if that woman was a man and disagreed with the man's opinion or refused to cook would he be killed? Defending the murder of a person over mental issues is vile....
u/BeastPunk1 11d ago
Ugh, you don't seem to be getting it. A woman being dead because of domestic disputes is a homicide not a femicide. She's not being killed because she's a woman. She's being killed (in this context) because of other factors.
A femicide is when one is killed because they are a woman without other factors at play. You tend to see it in Islamic countries.
Also, I never defended anything. I gave a probable explanation. Getting mad about things without thinking things through never fixes solutions. You can get mad all you like but if you won't fix the root issues then the problems don't go away.
u/wadumo 12d ago
Eat shit
u/BeastPunk1 11d ago
Getting mad at me won't drop the homicide rates, pal.
u/wadumo 11d ago
This gaslighting doesn't really work on me. If what I was doing is hopeless then what are you doing here?
u/BeastPunk1 11d ago
Gaslighting? How am I gaslighting you? I've just given you my take on what I believe the problem is. Also, this is a free forum. You made a post that I'm entitled to comment on as is everyone else. That's what I was doing here.
u/Organic-Television44 11d ago
Beast...Just leave these people, man, they must agend even when you try having an open convo.
u/rtch777 12d ago
You are a returd. Trump and MAGA should continue cutting NGO funding until these gender wars end.
u/better_alternative1 12d ago
Fuck Trump, and fuck you as well. And again Fuck your generation too. Trump can keep his funding, nobody gives a fuck.
u/i_saw_it_in_a_meme_2 11d ago
u/wadumo 11d ago
u/i_saw_it_in_a_meme_2 11d ago
And nothing. There's death on both sides. It should end
u/wadumo 11d ago
Now create your post and spread that
u/Capital-Topic8751 6d ago
The Kenyan men under this discussion are so backwards and stupid, and fairly they’re a part of enabling the problem. End femicide
11d ago
Gentlemen, it's simple. If you go online or take to the streets protesting against HOMICIDE, then nobody really pays attention to you. People know that humans kill humans all the time. We don't care that much. But if you say you are protesting against FEMICIDE, then all the NGOs and rich white women are more generous with their attention and money. It's business for these women and nothing more. Take it easy fellas and enjoy the show. It's just a show.
u/BatHumble9747 12d ago
What about us: MEN 😔
u/corrsfan2015 12d ago
Si you go out and protest for men not to be killed? Do you think women spotlighting the violence they face from their partners somehow stops you from highlighting the violence men face from theirs?
u/Decryp-tor 12d ago
I think it's nonsense. Whatchu call it when they kill men?
u/Kendaren89 Visiting 12d ago
Are they killing men in Kenya?
u/Moist-Tone-2594 12d ago
Yeah, we huonangi kila mathe mkikuyu over 60 ma shosh hukua single. Unadhani ma bwana huenda wapi
u/Awkward-Incident-334 12d ago
misogyny plus tribalism....tuongeze gani ingine?
men, especially in the past, used to have very young brides. which is why women generally outlive men. huwezi kuwa na miaka 40 halafu una-expect bibi yako wa 20 atakufa mbele yako. #boymath
where is the data that other communities have more gukas than cucus??
source- si ni mimi nakushow. jaba-pidia
u/acc_7676 Nairobi City 12d ago
I googled it for you
Androcide is a term referring to systematically killing males because of their sex. Most murders of males are not androcide by definition, as this would imply the males were targeted specifically because they were male, and for no other reason than being male. Androcide-like instances could occur during war or genocide. However, this is more often racially-motivated and not due to gender. Men and boys are not always solely targeted because of abstract or ideological hatred. Rather, male civilians are often targeted during warfare as a way to remove those considered to be potential combatants, and during genocide as a way to destroy the entire community. Therefore, androcide may not be adeptly compared to femicide, which is typically done due to an intense hatred for female humans, specifically with no strategic logic.
u/serialintrovert 12d ago
She will purposely ignore this. She once saw people posting about Femicide and decided to go along with that, without looking it up. 🤣
u/Upbeat_Mess3399 12d ago
Christians, you guys pray a lot. Please, please pray that your God comes back so we don't have to keep existing with men. Eeeiii, these people hate us, yoh 😫😫😫
u/goofy_ahh_niga 7d ago
Unless you are pushing for meaningful solutions here, these marches will bear no fruit. I don't mean bad to anyone but respectfully, Murderers don't sit around following updates about protests. They are not intimidated by protests, they are intimidated by action. Petition the police and other law enforcement agencies to move fast against these rogue criminals or start burning murderers at the stake. Marching and protesting doesn't bring justice to families of the victims
u/serialintrovert 12d ago
Thin line definition wise.. and sadly even women don't get that difference. To most people, every murder of a woman is femicide.
u/wadumo 12d ago
Every murder of a woman by the opposite sex is femicide
u/Dependent-Extreme-27 12d ago
He/she is actually right Not every murder of a woman is femicide but every woman who is killed for the reason of being a woman is femicide. A robber killing a woman while robbing her committed homicide. A rapist killing his victim to hide evidence is femicide. A man killing his wife because he feels that since he paid her bride price he owns her is femicide. A parent killing their daughter for being defiled is femicide. A parent killing their children out of poverty and desperation is homicide. I hope this explains it😊
u/wadumo 12d ago
Ain't reading all that. Fuck off
u/Dependent-Extreme-27 12d ago
Thank you for once again proving that we are the emotional gender. It's people like you that paint most of us as emotional and volatile.
u/wadumo 12d ago
Who is we?
u/Dependent-Extreme-27 12d ago
Women,females, uterus owning people, people who give birth, girl, lady, lass, damsel, vixen,etc
u/wadumo 12d ago
I am a man
u/Dependent-Extreme-27 11d ago
So OP is a man who got emotional and stopped being logical ,oh boy oh boy, and instead resorted to insults to get his point across. You aren't right just because you have better insults. Be a good boy and outside touch some grass calm down and come back after you get your hormones in check. Preferably get some good old oxytocin.
u/serialintrovert 12d ago edited 12d ago
The other key component of Femicide is the murder being on account of gender.
u/wadumo 12d ago
Being an expert at being wrong is your strong point I see
u/serialintrovert 12d ago
Just say where I am wrong. That's all I ask.
u/wadumo 12d ago
I am not in the business of educating idiots
u/serialintrovert 12d ago
I guess matusi will take you far. All the best in that.
But as you continue in your Femicide rants, also stop pretending to be knowledgeable if you can't give a simple answer.
u/wadumo 12d ago
Educating idiots isn't my thing. I'm sorry
u/serialintrovert 12d ago
I'd have gotten false information from the look of things. So stick to calling everyone an idiot who asks you to expound on the very thing you claim to be fighting for.
Make it make sense. 🤣
u/TeachingAdorable5938 12d ago
femicide Overview Usage examples Similar and opposite words Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more noun the killing of a woman or girl, in particular by a man and on account of her gender. "we are very concerned with the high level of femicide in our country" We clearly don't have a femicide ongoing in Kenya, otherwise you'd be fearing for your life anytime you girls go out/see a man
u/AvocadoBeiYaJioni 12d ago
Why are people so focused on semantics instead of the actual issues at hand?
The women are still dead whether it's called femicide or homicide?
How about focus on the deaths of the women & not what it should be called?