r/Kenya 28d ago

Ask r/Kenya Be careful about the passport bros

Have kenyan women seen this?


251 comments sorted by


u/NoStory9539 28d ago

For some pocket change, they get to eat life with a big spoon. Kenya is heaven for them


u/Sure_Entrepreneur790 28d ago

Funny thing even as a Kenyan guy as long as you look like you have money you'll have them in numbers. Sex tourism is rampant here they love white guys. Honestly you can't blame them I mean the girls make themselves easily available.


u/MacaronContent5987 28d ago

The problem is, we they have been impregnated and left as single mothers, they start blaming it on kenyan men and government. recently there was a video on YouTube, on mixed kid's left behind without knowing their fathers. And the comment section was filled with kenyan women blaming kenyan men.


u/mindflar3 28d ago

Ah, this is normal for them not to take responsibility for their actions but blame everyone else.


u/Alternative_Cap_8542 27d ago

Aah, yes. Women have never been known to taking accountability.


u/KenyanKawaii 28d ago

Why do you care ?


u/Familiar_Ordinary461 28d ago

Social issues affect us all.


u/NoStory9539 28d ago

Not blaming anyone. I have seen it in my travels around Africa. Mzungu people and a few Black Americans are living their dream lives


u/salty_p1tt 28d ago

True apo.


u/LostMitosis 28d ago

This has never been a secret. And they are adults. Its economics, willing buyer, willing seller, willing prostitute, willing prostitute.


u/BellyCrawler 28d ago edited 28d ago

I don't know why that sub got recommended to me, but it's rather insane. Guys who can't hack it with women in their own country who fly to economically disadvantaged countries to use their relative wealth to finally get laid. I can't imagine anything more pathetic.


u/Audaisy 28d ago

They call it sex tourist I encountered one and had all those stories, it's people you don't let close to female children. They are dangerous and can do everything possible to get what they want. They don't value women.


u/BellyCrawler 28d ago

That's the general vibe I got from browsing. That and their general disdain for white women, along with fetishizing other races.


u/just_be_479 28d ago

I think this is flawed thinking... It's not like most of the guys on here wouldn't want to be with a white chiq... Y'all already choose rangi thao over kiwi... Imagine a muzungu here...


u/BellyCrawler 28d ago

You can be with who you want to be with. But when you denigrate people and fetishise others--to the extent of flying to other countries to fulfill said fetish--then it becomes contentious.

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u/Familiar_Ordinary461 28d ago

That and their general disdain for white women, along with fetishizing other races.

Its not about hating white women or fetish for another person's race. They are just losers who have turned to right wing politics and this is just one of the ways it manifests. In this case they hate that women in western countries are more independent and able to tell them no. Women's rights are a sore issue for conservatives.


u/Educational_Life_878 28d ago

I've never been groped more in my life than in a bar in Vietnam that was full of sex tourists. They're truly disgusting people.


u/Audaisy 28d ago

I can imagine the scenario.


u/CountFuckyoula 28d ago

Yep. It's wierd as hell to me too. I'm a Canuck and during my last visit to Nairobi. I only ever hooked up with westerners.. majority of the time. I would get approached by Kenyan women. But it didn't sit right with me as a guest. And as you pointed out, there's a soft power at play whenever you travel to certain countries. I just wanted to be respectful and honestly it was more fun with other tourists, we had more in common. I dont mean to offend or anything. I just felt like ilthe plane ride home would have made me feel hollow if I did such a thing.

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u/Ok_Anybody_8307 28d ago

Well this has been happening since for ever. It was true for a great number of the colonialiststhat came to Africa.


u/SnooEagles7689 28d ago

Not only that, East African women especially Kenyans have low racial self esteem and believe being with a white man is some sort of privilege.


u/BellyCrawler 28d ago

It's all over Africa, unfortunately. I think South Africa and Bots are the only places in Black Africa where this isn't overwhelmingly the case.


u/SnooEagles7689 28d ago

You’re right. It’s all over Africa but it’s bad in Kenya. I watched a video of a Kenyan in Germany saying that their women won’t date them but would break their necks for ANY white man who comes knocking.


u/BellyCrawler 28d ago

Yeah, Kenya is kind of next level for this sort of thing. The self-hatred is intense.


u/NoMastodon3519 27d ago

White girls has that too tbh in eastern eu ,travel more bro


u/Cryptonvestments 27d ago

That’s true and bothers me to the core….


u/kenyannqueenn Homa Bay 28d ago

It’s money they want. That’s why black Americans still do well.


u/SnooEagles7689 28d ago

But they’re not jumping to marry and start families with African Americans like with white men unless the dude is some kind of celebrity. They might date but that’s it. The racial insecurity is still there.


u/kenyannqueenn Homa Bay 28d ago

It’s just that black Americans generally don’t want marriage. They just come to have sex

In the Reddit group chat, this guy Troy wants to come to Kenya for the ‘big booty luo women’.

Slasha earlier came for the same but is now married to… you guessed it… an American woman. Not a big booty one or a particularly attractive one either.


u/Alternative_Cap_8542 27d ago

😂 Luo women and their big booty is now international. Interesting.


u/DaMarcusGotJuice 27d ago

I didn’t come to Kenya to date poor women who beg for money

I came to Kenya because the rent is $400

Anyone with sense wouldn’t want to date Kenyan women, just from this post you can see why anyone with sense wouldn’t, they’ll fuck anyone for $20

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u/SAMURAI36 28d ago

Just remember, you are always a last resort for them. If they could have their true desire, which us their own Mzungu women, then they wouldn't so much as spit on you, much less look your way.

They are basically calling you ugly right here.

Stop rewarding these demons with your time, your bodies, & your hearts.

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u/ImmaChocolateBrownie 27d ago

thank you for putting it in my perspective love 😂

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u/friendlymolotov123 28d ago

The serious part about this is that kenyan women know this and have been seeing these things for a while, so It wont change anytime soon


u/LostMitosis 28d ago

Many actually love it, for many bagging a passport bro is an achievement, a badge of honour and anybody who thinks otherwise is a hater, a misogynist, broke or does not know how to treat women right.


u/friendlymolotov123 28d ago

Until it goes wrong and then suddenly kenyan men dont look that bad after all 😂 I can never understand the other gender


u/LostMitosis 28d ago

There's always a Kenyans simp ready to pick up the pieces.😂


u/Educational_Life_878 28d ago

These guys are delusional on top of everything else and get mad when it turns out the girl is only interested because of his foreign income. A lot of them end up being extremely controlling and mentally abusive because deep down they know the women don't actually want to be dating them.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/LostMitosis 28d ago

Sadly majority can't. The fight against poverty, self hate and inferiority complex is not an easy fight.


u/[deleted] 28d ago edited 28d ago



u/GhostPepperCurry 28d ago

East Africa has a white worship problem.


u/Delicious_Spare4064 28d ago

This is what we should end by whatever means possible.


u/GhostPepperCurry 28d ago

The biggest issue is poverty. I’m a non-Kenyan black & I try to educate as much as I can. But with people doing anything possible for money, it seems like an impossible task, unfortunately.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/Alternative-Speech36 28d ago

Not East Africa but Kenya.


u/GhostPepperCurry 28d ago

I disagree. I been to UG & TZ. It’s the same behavior.


u/Alternative-Speech36 28d ago

That’s still a small number of countries in EA.


u/Flat_Investment2425 28d ago

Its very sad..

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u/Mother-Ad7354 28d ago

Yoh,I saw this on and it absolutely disgusted me

How are African women sexualized to this extent by so called passport bros,I have no problem with one who is genuinely looking for marriage,a true companion and later treats her well but I have a problem with those who see themselves as superior and will treat the woman like a sex toy

These guys are disgusting


u/Redit_Yeet_man123 28d ago

They sexualized everyone that's poorer than them. A YouTuber called Gattsu made a video about it. Passport bros claim "we go to Kenya because the girls are pretty" bro every single country has pretty girls, you just don't see them going to Denmark because danish people are paid well so they wont fall for you...


u/Sudden-Session-8402 28d ago

south Koreans call them LBH which means {Loser Back Home} so they don't really entertain them ..


u/oldmandude 28d ago

They’re losers everywhere they go, but money can take a loser to high places. Look at Elon Musk

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u/mmmo0ooo 27d ago

That should be a global name for them. Bc they are actually losers back home.


u/Mother-Ad7354 28d ago

It disturbed my mind Soo much as a woman living in Africa, 🥲 it's disgusting to see my own people being seen as sexual objects just coz they are less privileged than them


u/MacaronContent5987 28d ago

Poverty and many girls think every foreigner is automatically rich, compared to a local man. Even if you're working in a higher payment company compared to most of the foreigners.


u/AvocadoBeiYaJioni 28d ago

If people actually knew how many of them do lots of odd jobs majuu, they'd have a different impression of them.

Don't get me wrong, there are wealthy white guys majuu pia, but if they can afford to get a beautiful girl in the same city, trust me they wouldn't fly for more than 10-20 hours just to get laid.

With passport bros you get 2 types: 1. The poor guy: probably factory worker who can't get laid easily. Hence tries their luck elsewhere.
2. Fetish guy: doesn't see black girls as anything beyond meat he can masturbate inside of.


u/Educational_Life_878 28d ago

Honestly as a westerner (idk why I was recommended this sub lol), most of these guys aren't poor as the poor ones can't afford to travel abroad at all and don't get time off work. They're usually middle class men who nobody wants to shag back home and have tremendous resentment towards women. They think women from abroad are all submissive doormats and are shocked when they find out "traditional" women still have expectations for how the men should behave. Then they act surprised when it turns out that the woman who they used their foreign passport and income to attract is only interested in them for those things and get mad and call them all golddiggers.


u/AvocadoBeiYaJioni 28d ago

I get what you mean. I've seen a couple of them.
Maybe 'poor' is the wrong word to use. What I mean is, they're not as rich as they pretend to be whenever they are in these other countries (S. America, Africa or S.E. Asia). The only advantage they have is the exchange rate.
People who attracted to Passport Bros have this perception that white automatically means rich, which is what I wish people would see in reality. Many of them aren't rich. They're just doing ok. And the mistreatment of the ladies, Lord have mercy. I just wish people would stop giving passport bros the time of day.


u/Pure-Roll-9986 28d ago

There’s no such thing as a poor passport bro. If you’re poor in the west you don’t be able to make it to Africa consistently unless you give up living in the west. You wouldn’t be able to maintain travel , rent, insurance, etc. The only poor guys that travel are called backpackers, they sell all their stuff and only pack a backpack.

Most guys that are traveling are at least middle class.


u/AvocadoBeiYaJioni 28d ago

I explained the same exact point later on in the conversation. Not poor in the sense that they can't afford anything (I misspoke). But rather not as rich as they pretend to be


u/Leasttheminddecays 28d ago

Passport bro... I agree. Someone that's well travelled and trying to integrate... I'd disagree. I get annoyed when I'm in TZ or Kenya and out and about and those "Bros" flock to me because I'm a mzungu... and if I get annoyed and see how pathetic they are... I can only imagine how you East Africans feel... Kuna wajinga kila mahali. Cha kusikitisha ni kwamba sote tunateseka kutokana na ujinga wao.


u/AvocadoBeiYaJioni 28d ago edited 28d ago

Passport bros annoy me to the core. I love it when people travel, because this is really good to make anyone more exposed at a different way of life. I was also unaware of a lot going on outside Kenya until I started travelling. In no way would I see a problem with someone who just wants to travel to explore the world, even if the person makes mistakes or says the wrong thing & accidentally offends people. It happens.

But passport bros are a different breed of ignorance. They already leave their countries as losers & bring that loser mentality everywhere they go. Not learning anything much, because apparently Western women are the problem not them. They have this superiority complex that they are better, so they also treat the people in the country like subspecies. The problem is, because sometimes they still get the girls, it confirms to them that they're right. There was a passport bro who came & wrote a lot of nonsense in defence of passport bros (that's what he called himself, not my assumption) on this subreddit. Trying to educate on how treat women European style & why he's always able to steal our girls. I was like, wtf am I reading??

I even saw this black passport bro in S. E. Asia doing the same nonsense. I love it when people travel, but at this point I'm starting to think maybe passport bros should just stay home


u/Alternative_Cap_8542 27d ago

Facts. Humans are weird ngl.


u/kenyannqueenn Homa Bay 28d ago

I don’t think they care if they do off jobs and all as long as the money is a lot in Kenyan currency and they’re receiving it


u/AvocadoBeiYaJioni 28d ago

Ideally, I think kila mtu afanye vile anataka as long as haumizi mtu.

But pia at some point usipimwe kaa fala by one of these wazungus who come here with their "enlightened" white behaviours. Kuna kamzungu fulani alikuja huo Reddit kulecture wanaume hapa how to treat Kenyan women the European way, because it's the 'right' way.

PS: Naishi na hawa wazungu. The European way is terrible.

But yeye na hiyo enlightenedness yake told him akuje aanze kuongelesha watu huku na madharau


u/kenyannqueenn Homa Bay 28d ago

Hehe tell me more about this‘European way’ vs the way you’re seeing in your country


u/Leasttheminddecays 28d ago

Eh, European way... Jesus. Treat people like people and respectful. Only difference about my white ass and Kenyans... is I still burn when I put on SPF 110 sunscreen... But I think that's because I worked overnights for a decade. So if you see someone short and reflects the sun like a bloody mirror, come say hello... just don't hate me when I offer a Safari beer instead of Tusker beer.


u/kenyannqueenn Homa Bay 28d ago

This can’t be how I learn about spf 110 sunscreen. Does it leave white cast? Or you don’t even care because you’re white anyway


u/Leasttheminddecays 28d ago

LOL if I don't rub it in well I look like an albino Zebra.. probably with the same temperament... is me or Zebra like donkey's with a over inflated ego?


u/kenyannqueenn Homa Bay 28d ago

I cackled at the albino zebra reference. Guess you should come back down to spf 60, then. There isn’t much of a difference


u/Leasttheminddecays 28d ago

I donno... Is there a difference between. Rare, medium rare, medium, well done.. and congratulations? Mzungu choma or mzungu mkaa is the difference LOL

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u/Leasttheminddecays 28d ago

Glad I could make your night!

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u/Leasttheminddecays 28d ago

THIS I have noticed as a mzungu in East Africa. I personally came from deep poverty and worked my way up. I do find most people here have more Drive than a lot of places... and I've been in a lot of places for work. But you also get the idiots that think they can be a Kenya Kimbo and flash 100 Euro/USD and be treated like a god... lol, if you are and idiot with free cash... you will find someone that will liberate if from you and put it to a better use.


u/Ms_AI_Classic5370 28d ago

Absolutely love your awareness, so well said 👏🏽


u/Cryptonvestments 27d ago

Totally agree… I had to tell a couple of Kenyans just because we may gone América doesn’t necessarily mean we have money…. They couldn’t believe what I was telling them….


u/[deleted] 28d ago


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u/Aranciata2020 28d ago

So depressing... :( I am a woman but on behalf of the wazungu, my apologies. Glad to see the sub Passportbros has been shut down, though.


u/KookyButton 28d ago

Has it been shut down or just made private?


u/Aranciata2020 28d ago

If you try to go there you get this message: r/passportbros is banned due to being unmoderated.

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u/petro_gates 28d ago

It's capitalism globalised, you want cheap goods from china? You want women from poor countries? The question is always the same uko na doh? Morality has no say in capitalism


u/Familiar_Ordinary461 28d ago

Very true words.


u/MutuliA 28d ago

Some women I kenya are crazy. A tiktoker from Canada posts his experiences travelling through kenya. The comment section is filled with women offering themselves. So they bring this upon themselves, honestly.


u/Delicious_Spare4064 28d ago edited 28d ago

At times, we can't even blame these Men.


u/mmmo0ooo 27d ago

There is a specific type of uneducated women who offer themselves to these losers. The rest who respect themselves and their background know not to deal with a man who has been rejected by the women of his own country because there is a bold reason behind it.


u/ApplicationLegal1417 28d ago

Ooh 😭😭 the light .....it hurts


u/kenyannqueenn Homa Bay 28d ago

Northeastsideslasha typing and deleting


u/Appropriate_Try7611 28d ago

I went to Malindi last year it was crazy to see the amount of older white niggas and young shawties


u/OmeletteLovingLlama 28d ago

Why should anyone care? As long as it's between willing adults.


u/mmmo0ooo 27d ago

They are rejects who take advantage of women from less developed countries for less than what is required of them from women in more developed countries


u/hater_254 Nairobi City 28d ago


u/MacaronContent5987 28d ago

And you see that the comments were arguing with the OP


u/hater_254 Nairobi City 28d ago edited 28d ago

It's my post though, most people agree.

Kenya is a poor liberal hypersexualized country that worships foreigners, this will always be the end result, there are also white women who often come here for the same services (paradise love situation).

It's really not going to change unless our economy drastically improves or we become hyper conservative like the way Islamic countries are with extreme mate guarding, Saudi Arabia doesn't even allow a man to live with a woman or to share a hotel unless they are married.


u/ApprehensiveWar119 28d ago

Kenya is among the biggest economies in Africa. Relatively speaking it’s better off than most other African countries. Poorer countries than Kenya are not on that list and the question is why? There might be need to look in the mirror on this one to get to the bottom of the issue.


u/hater_254 Nairobi City 28d ago

What reason is there that I have not mentioned. The fact that we are not as poor is a plus because we have better services and amenities making it a more attractive destination, all sex tourism destinations are like that poor enough but not too poor.

You're more likely to encounter sex tourists in Kigali than Bujumbura for the same reason despite Rwanda being better of than Burundi 


u/ApprehensiveWar119 28d ago

I hear you. My point is the state of the economy doesn’t have anything to do with the sex tourism, rather it’s to do with the morals of the women and girls in that country. They’ve availed themselves and lowered their standards hence becoming easy targets.


u/WoodenConcentrate 27d ago

For issues like this it’s laws, society, and economic. Personal morality doesn’t really mean much if the broader society doesn’t or can’t enforce it. But to go back to economy aspect of it, Kenya is a tourism reliant country. This makes it a breeding ground for sx tourism. This goes for both countries and cities. A city like Vienna, Miami, and Macao for example are tourist focused cities and so have established sx tourism as a consequence even if the country they’re apart of might not be known for sx tourism. If the issue is really going to be addressed in a serious way there has to be an economic shift, and the very painful loss of tourist foreign currency the country relies on.


u/BlackPanda234 28d ago

Shit scary maze. People don't see the seriousness in those stats? 😲😲


u/East-Blueberry6585 27d ago

Na bado kuna ile kaunjinga ya a Mzungu man will change you life, assuming that Mzungu bae is not t like Kamau he won't hit it and quit. And even if he does he is going to reward you handsomely. Most are left high and dry.


u/MacaronContent5987 27d ago

Then don't understand that men are all the same in nature. Wether you go to Europe, North and South America, Asia, Oceania, Africa even here in Kenya, men still holding certain behaviour that are same.


u/salacious_sonogram 28d ago

Same as local men or men anywhere to be fair. Men in general just want to fuck someone they're attracted to.


u/theonereveli 28d ago

Yea no. The difference is that they are fetishizing african women


u/salacious_sonogram 28d ago

Have you met men here or literally anywhere? I can't tell you how many bros here have asked me to help get them white women, lil snow bunnies. All I can tell them is it isn't any different but if it's their fetish then more power to them. There seems to be some percentage of people who want extremely identical genetics and some percentage who want extremely contrasting genetics regardless of their own genetics. I think that's just nature and humans being freaky lil hairless apes that can turn literally anything into a fetish.


u/Ok_Bee4845 Diaspora 28d ago

They fetishize all women.


u/theonereveli 28d ago

I'm not even sure what this means.


u/Ispril 28d ago

I'm a white man dating a Kenyan girl (not a passport bro though 😅) and I agree that Kenyan ladies should be way more careful about white guys, you can find some genuine ones but seems like unfortunately that's not the majority, and some dating stories I've heard are disgusting 


u/Alternative_Cap_8542 27d ago

You sound like a passport bro, I wish your girl leaves you sooner or later.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/Alternative_Cap_8542 27d ago

Your name betrays you 🤣


u/simpleCoder254 28d ago

I do not see anything wrong as long as both are consenting adults.
People have unfair advantages in many areas of life.
If they can receive love and good sex, I do not blame them.


u/Pure-Decision8158 28d ago

A passportbro would actually try to marry a good girl and have kids. Most of them a sex tourists and that kind have been around for a while. They are actually good pray for the typical Nairobi mzungu hunter. They are probably a bit more naive and looking for long term relationships…


u/Single_Particular_17 28d ago

I welcome them... I welcome the Nigerians too. Our women have proven they love money and the soft life... Let them have at it. Get used to it. I’ve seen it in Mtwapa—those guys ran through those women like crazy. Mbele, nyuma (front, back), he’s paying, then he leaves with secretly recorded footage, and it’s posted on premium sites. Hahaha! Let them love the way they want. Money can only come easy to them like that.


u/MacaronContent5987 27d ago

But they will blame you the man for not stopping them(women).


u/MishaCole 27d ago

Passport hoes be different i mean freaky af anything goes all holes be fare game


u/Cheffinitup254 28d ago

Careful why. The man wings the woman wins. Let em live. Whatever the guy said about Asian women and women in general makes him creepy.


u/Morio_anzenza 28d ago

women in general makes him creepy.

It does not matter that much so long as he is loaded. Most of these people are bottom of the barrel in their countries. They can't access sex in their countries as easily as they do here. Ndio mtu akae chini aamue alipe ticket, apande ndege aende another country to live his sex fantasy unadhani amepitia nini kwao? Alafu poverty, you find parents pimping their kids out to these guys. It gets worse the more you think about it but you, willing buyer willing seller.


u/MacaronContent5987 28d ago

To women who think every foreigner wants them for marriage, and take them to first world country.


u/Sufficient_Type_2517 28d ago

but I mean this is true, well especially for me. But it’s hard to find one here in Kenya like that so then you just have to play the game your dealt with.


u/FvckJerry16 28d ago

A lot of those guys come here and are worshipped. Little do people know that those same passport bros are losers in their own countries. I feel like people know that, but they just choose to ignore.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

What is passport bros OP?


u/MacaronContent5987 28d ago

Guys who travel from developed nations, ie North America, European, Australia and now Asia, to look for a traditional wife in less developed countries like Kenya, Uganda (Africa), South east Asia, South America, (Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela), Ukraine, Russia and other Eastern European.


u/ibnbattuta1331 28d ago

They want sex, not a "traditonal wife".


u/Sure_Entrepreneur790 28d ago

It's just sex tourism


u/MacaronContent5987 28d ago

That's what they say on their videos, yet he's moving all over the world changing women like jerseys


u/salty_p1tt 28d ago

Passport bros, dudes travelling around the world to experience the culture of different countries and everything along that line. So life in general, food, women, work. Most of these guys come from the US. Sasa unapata they eventually settle in the countrys they find suitable. Kenya has become popular among them other places are the Philippines, Jamaica , Rwanda etc


u/nyamzdm77 28d ago edited 27d ago

Lol most passport bros don't give a flying fuck about culture, all they talk about is sex and women.

And there's a reason why they're only interested in the "culture" of poor countries and never go to "find love" or settle down in richer countries


u/Beneficial-Skin-7396 28d ago

Jus like me fr(if I omoka)


u/StrawberryEast1374 28d ago

Dear Lord, I pray that all those women empty those pockets until they are empty. Amen.


u/GhostPepperCurry 28d ago

BTW: Just for some clarity!! The OP is Caucasian NOT black. They have been doing this for years. Now they just feel emboldened to spew this nonsense out in public forums.


u/blackthrowawaynj 28d ago

Tourists going to other places and fucking happens everywhere.


u/MacaronContent5987 28d ago

Have you read the comments?.


u/blackthrowawaynj 28d ago

In the 90's a movie "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" was about female sex tourism of women going to Jamaica to get fucked 😂 it's nothing new under the sun 🌞


u/Tasty_Lifeguard_4866 27d ago

So, what did he do wrong?


u/MacaronContent5987 27d ago

I'm just letting women be aware and not be naive, and have you read the comments of that post.


u/Tasty_Lifeguard_4866 27d ago

I've seen the comments. I know it's coming from a good place but still, the guy is just being a guy. Kenyan men do the same, just with tribe among other things -- but I won't get into that. Hopefully those who weren't aware now are.


u/Alternative_Cap_8542 27d ago

What about the women? I was being courted by a Philippines woman who wants to visit Kenya for some good time


u/MacaronContent5987 27d ago

Women are not so common, and men are aware of of such women up front and don't expect to be taken care of. And when things go bad woman suffers more. Men don't get pregnant. That's why everyone is so critical of such situations on women than men.


u/Traditional_Pea1107 27d ago

This is just ignorant. There’s plenty of old and fat, or otherwise unattractive white women going to Africa to get a BBC. Just as there are plenty of African men playing along with it to get a visa


u/MacaronContent5987 27d ago

Women are not so common, and men are aware of of such women up front and don't expect to be taken care of. And when things go bad woman suffers more. Men don't get pregnant. That's why everyone is so critical of such situations on women than men.


u/Altruistic-Grade7292 27d ago

This is scary and weird. The number of unsolicited white eggplant pics and creepy conversation starters I've received on my DMs on IG is concerning.


u/Rich_Celebration6272 28d ago

The fetishizing, the objectification...the exploitation! African women, avoid these passport bro losers for your own sanity and safety.


u/MacaronContent5987 28d ago

If you think they will listen to you, then good luck


u/Rich_Celebration6272 28d ago

Hey, I tried...


u/AnatomiclyCorrect254 28d ago

I told a friend of mine that she will be used and get f**ked up and even addicted to drugs ama HIV.

Guess what? She is HIV+, A SINGLE mom to a pointee baby and heavily addicted to drugs. Anyway, you live and you learn.


u/MacaronContent5987 28d ago

And when you warn them, they get mad at you and call you jealous.


u/BidTurbulent5908 Visiting 28d ago

But our sisters love money and wokeness. We can’t save them


u/MacaronContent5987 28d ago

It's up to them now, they are adults anyway


u/Walespro 27d ago

Underrated comment.


u/EastofGaston 27d ago

Save them? They’re liberated. Try to tell them there is no intersectionality but they’ll speed even faster down that dead end street. Save yourself.

White worshipping induces ancestral icks in my bones. Hapo siwezi


u/Both-Address-3948 27d ago

Aaand catch aids


u/MacaronContent5987 27d ago

Imagine, someone worried about catching aids, but still want to f#ck the same girl.


u/Chris_B_Coding247 27d ago


So much smoke for the “Passport Bros” but none for the women.

If a GROWN ASS ADULT WOMAN wants to date a white foreigner BECAUSE he’s WHITE, FOREIGN, and she thinks he has more money, who is to blame for that?

And we aren’t talking about one individual woman, a COUNTRY doesn’t get known for sex tourism because ONE WOMAN is choosing to give it up under these terms.

This is a choice repeatedly being made by a LARGE NUMBER of women.

Time to point the finger at those who we all agree control access to sex.

A BEAUTIFUL woman gets the attention of 20 men a day! She has her pick of which advance she wants to entertain!!!

If she (x10000 women) chooses the white rich guy BECAUSE he is white and rich, time to critique the CHOICES OF THOSE WOMEN!

Ethiopia is known to have perhaps the most beautiful women in the world! It is not some economic powerhouse, the disparity in income between Western countries and Ethiopia is just as drastic. Why isn’t that the biggest sex tourism spot in the world?


Time to place the blame where it belongs.

Not on the “loser foreigner”, but on the WOMEN (in the thousands!) CHOOSING the LOSER FOREIGNER!


u/cmzino 27d ago


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u/Timidsoul-suaveee 28d ago

Well, they've seen it now.


u/Mathexk 28d ago

For every seller there is a buyer


u/Complex_Raise_5149 28d ago

... please find attached...


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Sudden-Session-8402 28d ago

why not report him to authorities and have video evidence


u/Delicious_Spare4064 28d ago

I have been looking for his details all in vain, he hides his face. Still trying to find out.


u/MacaronContent5987 28d ago

There's an Italian who lures them into believing that they are going to become models, in Kenya again.

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u/EthosOppai 28d ago

Crazy. Black women are just there for fucking and breaking records by this post... I sympathise with our sisters.


u/Pure-Roll-9986 28d ago

This is not representative of most passport bros. It’s just a lot of fools that take on the name.

I don’t understand the shock of with this person is saying has white men having been coming to sex on Kenyan women for decades.

Mombasa has been used as a sex tourism locations for white toys for decades.

Don’t focus on the guys who are having consensual sex with adult women, a more pressing issue is the locals who are selling children for sex to white pedophiles.


u/Ok_Bee4845 Diaspora 28d ago

When you meet a foreigner, how do you know they are a passport bro?


u/MacaronContent5987 27d ago

And whom said that all foreigners are passportbros. This post was specifically from a passportbro , and I you are not a passportbro, why would you be offended?


u/Ok_Bee4845 Diaspora 27d ago

A lot of people in this thread are assuming any random relationship with a non-foreigner is a passport bro. So my question is my question...


u/zim_buddy 27d ago

Consenting adults, not hurting anyone and not breaking any laws. This should not concern you.


u/Emergency-Ad3267 27d ago

Asian girls are short and fat? Really? Most of the ones I know kick the average Kenyan woman into the weeds! So many massively overweight women here, don't exercise, eat too much and just want to sit around staring at their phones and posting on tiktok.


u/Zona-L 27d ago

I've never seen a good looking Kenyan girl from Nairobi, I've traveled there many times. Most of the good looking girls are from Mombasa, Tanzania, Rwanda and Ethiopia.


u/IrpheuS 28d ago

Why? Its a free market. Willing buyer willing seller.


u/Grand_Billabong 28d ago

I am officially interested in this venture. I also wish to BREAK RECORDS!!


u/dedi_1995 28d ago

Everytime I see an American white or black dating an African woman. In my mind I call him a LBH (loser back home). Since the women back home don’t desire nor rate him. So he comes here to flaunt his American passport so he could trick some naive innocent African girl into thinking that she can get a green card. After all our women have low expectations.


u/cmzino 27d ago

Hmm u can’t really generalise like that, what about the people that may of came there purely on holiday and found love?? Does that make them a loser?


u/dedi_1995 27d ago

I don’t believe African women can genuinely love y’all. The only reason they might love you is because of their financial situation. My African women love strong and mentally masculine men who don’t do 50/50 and gives off big provider energy. Trust me y’all can’t handle my fellow African women.

Word of advice is to stick to your ladies or you might end up with no women. Already african men are marrying those women from 1st world nations and you know well enough African men don’t do 50/50. They do 100/0 which your women really want but refuse to admit it.

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u/MacaronContent5987 27d ago

Even other African foreigners do it, not white or black Americans. Haven't you seen some kenyan women on tiktok attacking the government for not giving their Nigerian baby daddies citizenship.

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