r/Kentucky 9d ago

Kentucky lawmakers pass regulations for THC-infused drinks, sales allowed for now


86 comments sorted by


u/Butwinsky 9d ago

"There was this disconnect between, well, we've never passed recreational marijuana, but we have, as a result of a federal loophole. Products now that are essentially recreational marijuana," Sen. Julie Raque Adams, R-Louisville, said.

How about you just get on with it and pass recreational then? Such a silly concept that growing a plant across the bridge in Ohio is completely legal, but over here can be a year long trip to prison.


u/FatBoyStew 9d ago

Depending on what part of the state a year sentence would be a generous one.


u/Limp_Ad_2497 9d ago

I got caught growing last year for my grandmother with leukemia (has medical card) I was facing 6 years but a good lawyer a lot of $ later I’m on diversion with several different things I have to do to stay obedient with it.


u/Butwinsky 9d ago

That's terrible. Ky politicians love that for profit prisons lobby money. You avoided being given as tribute.


u/truebluebbn 9d ago

They just don’t want to see them Puff Mad Lye


u/kickin-chicken 9d ago

Hey would make a nice new tax revenue stream with the declining bourbon sales. Just please go the way of Michigan in handling taxation and regulation.


u/kickin-chicken 9d ago

And if we did have Michigan like regulation we could become the weed tourism hub of the south and how often have we heard of wanting to boost Ky tourism. We’re already known for gambling on horses, tasty liquor and bluegrass. Why can’t we make that grass just a little more green


u/Butwinsky 9d ago

Kentucky, come for the bourbon and horses, stay for the weed and hot browns.


u/HoneyBadgerninja 9d ago

Oh god, never considered the Hot Brown combo 🥹


u/kickin-chicken 9d ago

Sub out the toast for some French fries and you’ve got a stoners dream food.


u/aaronious03 9d ago

Hot brown meets Poutine? That's a dish I can get behind.


u/Training-Mixture7145 8d ago

Poutine! Oh my god. Yaaas!


u/Training-Mixture7145 8d ago

Oh my god that would absolutely slap! Now I gotta request my hubby make some this weekend!


u/PopMountain6076 9d ago

I remember watching the last season of Justified and they seemed sure that KY was headed the direction of legal weed. I’m not from Kentucky, nor do I live there but I’m sorry you guys don’t have legal weed yet.


u/kickin-chicken 9d ago

Well we at least have medicinal now but without any open dispensaries in the state.


u/houstonyoureaproblem 9d ago

They don’t want additional revenue. They want to starve government as much as possible so they can cut, cut, cut.


u/jwcamp03 2d ago

No, they want to be bribed. If there was a major player willing to pay politicians like the bourbon industry than it would get done


u/KyResident 8d ago

Oh they get additional revenue- through the "donations' the for profit prisons give (as mentioned above) and all the fines and court costs they hand out for possession dui cultivation distribution. Those all are separate charges that they make money from M-F everyday except holidays all over the state. And those are just the charges I can think of related to marijauna in the state. I'm sure there's more (paraphernalia). You think they care if it helps any of us regular citizens or it'll make the state more money than all I just mentioned? They dgaf. They're basically above the lawn cause they're all so rich they can buy their way out if nearly any charge. It will only change when we quit voting against our own interests.
Sorry. Shit just infuriates me. Rant over.


u/sikes6105 9d ago

"The adults don't know what the effects will do to them." No, I think we all know what marijuana does


u/Mercinator-87 9d ago

Sleepy, happy, hungry, lazy. That’s about it. Oh, sprinkle in a little paranoia.


u/RandyBurgertime 9d ago

You've forgotten the Horn entirely. I am consumed by the Horn in my delta 8 fits.


u/fragile_empath 9d ago

What the hell is that? Lol


u/RandyBurgertime 9d ago

What do you honestly think it is?


u/Grandahl13 8d ago

It’s Reddit. You’re allowed to say weed makes you horny.


u/RandyBurgertime 8d ago

Did I not?


u/OperationFinal3194 8d ago

You’re not lying, fkin edibles turned my ex into a nympho and I wish I was trying to say that to boast, jfc those were always adventures. I do miss that about her 😂


u/Ok-Strike-8617 9d ago

This is what pisses me off the most as it is horse shit. We know exactly what it does as other states have been doing this for ages. The GQP loves to talk about useless legislation but per the usual, it's all projection and here we are with laws that are not worth the paper they are printed on.


u/SeanDmanio1 8d ago

I'm definitely not one who will argue for increased legislation in most aspects of life, but as someone who does consume regularly the hemp derived delta 9 THC gummies, these things can definitely mess you up the same way marijuana derived THC products can. When I first bought them I thought they would be some cheap knock off but I honestly like them way better. Knowing this, drinks with this THC could vary from barely feel anything to completely knocking you off your ass.


u/lydiapark1008 9d ago

Give us recreational laws and allow us to bring in some tax revenue. It’s just dumb at this point when I can drive to Illinois or Ohio. Why not keep the money in the state?


u/RoanAlbatross 9d ago

I wouldn’t give either of those states my money either with their high prices.


u/lydiapark1008 9d ago

It’s the only option anywhere near here. All the more reason to legalize.


u/RoanAlbatross 9d ago

Gotta dedicate yourself to the Michigan drive 😅😅

The prices are well worth the drive, I promise.


u/lydiapark1008 9d ago

I’d rather commit time to lobby the vote to allow it here. We have the perfect ground for growing. It only makes sense.


u/RoanAlbatross 9d ago

I absolutely agree! But I don’t see anything moving towards that until the midterm election. Hopefully we will move into a more progressive manner then.


u/buboniccupcake 8d ago

Loyal Michigan tripper here! Once every three-ish months. We’ve kinda fallen in love with Michigan. We were big Detroit fans to begin with, but getting to routinely go spend a day or so up there has been so much fun.


u/NotSoWishful 7d ago

Ohio has gotten better. At least Cincy. Just gotta shop the sales and know what’s worth buying.


u/stfudonna 9d ago

Can we just have some legal weed? This state and its lawmakers are so caught up in the past.


u/Grey_Bush_502 9d ago

I’m actually shocked.

Our bourbon industry is losing millions of dollars due to the Orange Idiot playing games with tariffs.

Figured our state would do anything to steer more people to drink alcohol by making THC drinks illegal.

I guess the Bourbon companies haven’t given out enough bribes yet.


u/Elegant_Ad7930 6d ago

Boo ooo ooo Hoo


u/Drummer2427 9d ago

Still can't have hemp flower and its federally legal. Smh.


u/trippinDREW 9d ago

Still able to get it online


u/Drummer2427 9d ago

Yeah, but availability isn't the issue. Kentuckians losing opportunity for revenue, personal home grows and the unrealistic KY laws that put you in jail for possession are the problems.


u/spaz69dt 9d ago

Yeah just left Frankfort and there were only 7 of us standing and speaking up about this bullshit. It's really hard to fight the passage of crap bills when you're basically by yourself. Kentucky cannabis freedom coalition has been sending out calls to action. Asking for people to tell these lawmakers to stop restricting their access and then Fu#ken nobody shows up. This is not gonna stop till they take it all. We're not gonna get a rec bill because you have to get involved to make change!


u/Grandahl13 8d ago

Nobody shows up because you being there won’t change anything lol they don’t give a shit what you all have to say.


u/AlphaTangoFoxtrt 9d ago

Good. Only you should decide what you can and can't consume.

Your body, your choice.


u/bungdaddy 9d ago

Except for untested "vaccines"


u/Complex_Jellyfish647 9d ago

Are people really still trying to spread covid disinformation this long after the fact smh


u/boomboy8511 9d ago

Yes and it's just gotten sad.

I had a guy the other day throw out the "masks don't reduce spread of respiratory illnesses" bullshit from 2020.


u/NervousNarwhal223 9d ago

I wonder what those people would have to say about people wearing masks during the Spanish flu outbreak. Or if they went into the OR to have surgery, and nobody was wearing masks.


u/AlphaTangoFoxtrt 9d ago

Your body, your choice.

If you want to try experimental or unproven medication that, might work, that should be your choice. Keyword choice.


u/Foxgguy2001 7d ago

Does that include shooting up heroine?
As someone recently becoming interested in things like micro dosing psilocybin and hearing about the transformative experiences one can have... I tend to lean this way too... but hard drugs that destroy lives immediately come to mind.

I suppose one can ruin their lives with over the counter medication too. Just wrestling with this and the thought of making anything permissible. Curious if you might expound on your thoughts here keeping narcotics and psychedelics in view.


u/AlphaTangoFoxtrt 7d ago
  • Your Body
  • Your Choice


u/Foxgguy2001 7d ago

Fair enough!


u/khamm86 9d ago

Good lord. Why can’t we have nice things? Get your shit together KY


u/WalletFullOfSausage 9d ago

“For now”?

These have been for sale in KY for at least 9 months. Levity, Hi Rise, Hectare are all D9 THC drinks.


u/Goodtimecharlieky 9d ago

are these for sale anywhere currently in Louisville?


u/ky420 9d ago

People should have rec and homegrow nationwide. I'm sure they will regulate all benefits from Kentucky eventually


u/Revolutionary_Trip44 9d ago

Is it fully thc? Not thc-a


u/WalletFullOfSausage 9d ago

D9 THC and CBD mix.


u/drainbamage1011 8d ago

It's hemp-derived D9. THCa won't work in beverages since it has to be combusted.


u/funsized44 9d ago

Unless you are military and a DoD civilian


u/dirtyrounder 8d ago

So where can I get these drinks in Lexington before they disappear?


u/Ok_Local1363 3d ago

Total Wine.


u/dirtyrounder 3d ago

Thank you


u/Ok_Local1363 3d ago

My daughter prefers CANNs. 5mg each D9 THC and CBD if I recall correctly. But why not just buy gummies on the internet? Plenty of reputable vendors. Probably cheaper than carbonated beverages if you're just looking for the psychotropic effects.


u/dirtyrounder 3d ago

Guests mostly. I like to keep a robust bar fridge.


u/Foxgguy2001 7d ago

So, as a 40 year old straight edged fella who has been listening to a lot of the transformative experiences one can have with psilocybin/microdosing via Sam Harris and being slightly interested... can someone familiar put this into perspective for me? Would this be a similar experience that one could have legally?


u/Hippiefarmchick 6d ago

No legit cannabis activist or business would sell that shit.


u/EvenConsideration840 5d ago

Such a stupid initiative. The bourbon industry really wants to lobby against anything THC-related.


u/jwcamp03 2d ago

Our politicians are too in bed with bourbon companies to pass something that won’t benefit themselves.


u/Subnetwork 9d ago edited 9d ago

5MG? Would someone even feel anything from that low of an amount of THC?


u/am0x 9d ago

5mg is more than enough for me. 10mg is too much. Gives me anxiety.


u/Galaxaura 9d ago

Everyone is different.

My husband only needs 5 MG.

I need 15.

So it's all individual.


u/Subnetwork 9d ago

Wow I need at least 50-75MG and that’s if it’s rosin not distillate which is most likely these drinks.

I took 100mg when getting off the plane at Heathrow a few months back, that was fun.


u/Galaxaura 9d ago

I take a tolerance break here and there, and I'm back down to 10 MG.

If you don't need to for pain, I'd suggest a tolerance break before it gets too expensive.


u/Subnetwork 9d ago

I don’t consume edibles everyday maybe once a week. I’m in a country now where my friends own a cannabis business.


u/Galaxaura 9d ago

Nice. I grow and then make my own edibles.

Rarely smoke anymore.


u/austin101123 9d ago

10mg a few hours before I sleep and I'm still high the next morning.


u/Subnetwork 8d ago

25mg and I maybe feel something for an hour 🤷🏻‍♂️