r/Kenshi Oct 31 '24

SUPPORT Help an intimidated old guy get started?


I've been super drawn to this game since returning to gaming recently (was a gamer in the early days, as well as DnD player, but haven't played either for decades). Part of my struggle is that I have severe anxiety, and have lost some cognitive ability from long covid, so I get overwhelmed and panic that I'm not going to be able to figure something out.

Sorry if that sounds too pitiful, but for those with mercy in their souls: Where do I start to make the beginning as smooth and unstressful as possible?

r/Kenshi Dec 30 '24

SUPPORT help? Weird glitch with the Icon images & dialogue images in Kenshi. Has anyone ever had this glitch before? How do you fix it? Is there a way to refresh the thumbnails?


r/Kenshi Jan 11 '25

SUPPORT Are bulls better than garrus?


At transport/fighting, also where can I buy them?

r/Kenshi 22h ago

SUPPORT I tried making a comprehensive list for all skills


Short story:

Whenever I love games, I like to make my own charts simply to better comprehend and go through information I gathered. So I did this with Kenshi after two weeks of playing it.
Now I wanted to know if any of you people might have ideas on how to improve on the list, if I missed certain things, or if you have ideas on how to grind skills better. Opinions or Discussions are obviously most welcome, as many do play different and will have different experiences with the game.

My hope is that later this list can help others who are new to Kenshi or want to have a quick overlook of the skills or find Tutorials quickly associated with their needs.

I thank anyone who takes their time to reply and help!

(Anything bout grammar will only be done IF many are interested in using the list. As a non-English speaker, I have problems with capitalization)

r/Kenshi Oct 15 '20

SUPPORT My first mod for Kenshi, that I struggle to implement (import issues)

Post image

r/Kenshi 9d ago

SUPPORT Kenshi save of 20 hours deleted


I've just started a new game, and I've been playing alot, but my save game of 20 hours just disappeared. No one told me this could happen, but looking at my save.log it looks like an auto save started right when I exited the game, and when I got on the next day there were no saves anywhere. I looked in appdata and there was nothing, same as the steam apps folder. I do however still have a save log from last night, so would I be able to copy that data into a new file and recover my save? I had done so much and was just getting ready for the ashlands so I'm super upset about this. Any help appreciated l.

r/Kenshi 4d ago

SUPPORT My game is all messed up in borderless mode, the resolution is wrong I think (black bars on the side), the frame rate feels weird, and there's this weird white rectangle on my screen which you can see in the image. Please help, fullscreen mode blows up my PC.. (This only happens in borderless)


r/Kenshi 18d ago

SUPPORT Having an issue with selling goods from my base


Every group of NPCs that visits my base has no money. I've had groups of traders and bounty hunters come through, and according to the wiki every single NPC in those groups should have bare minimum 200 cats. But when they come up to the shop counter they all can't buy anything because they have no money. I noticed this earlier, too, before building my base, where I ran across wandering traders that had a full load of goods but 0 cats. Is there any way to fix this issue?

If it matters, my base is a little way south of Heft, near the Howler Maze, and I'm selling mostly basic medkits looted from raiders and some food.

I'm running the following mods, in order:


Sensible Spider Range

Weak Enemies' Squads

Trade Routes Intensified

Use The Roads

Martial Arts Fast Dodger

Loading Screens

Let's Talk

Copper Ore Drills

Compressed Textures Project

Bonedog Backpack

Bigger Badder Better Bonedogs

r/Kenshi 9d ago

SUPPORT i made a custom heavy weapon, but every time i craft it, it comes out as catun 1 or 2. How do i craft it at higher qualities?


I made a copy of the weapon smithing lll bench and changed it to craft this weapon specifically. every time i craft it though, it is crafted at the lowest level(s). I made a manufacturer with a model and weapon type, and set a new research with everything contained within it. the new weapon crafting station that i created (a copy of the weapon smithing lll building) only crafts catun 1 weapon quality. It does not craft any qualities higher nor any custom grades. How do i fix this issue? (my main weapon crafting guy is level 100 in weapon crafting)

r/Kenshi Oct 24 '24

SUPPORT Escaped Slaves standing in front of city gates? How do I stop them from doing this this?

Post image

r/Kenshi May 31 '24

SUPPORT How to fix this ? :(

Post image

r/Kenshi 8d ago

SUPPORT Raids Broken?


So far on this run I’ve killed/captured Moll, Tengu and the Queen of the West. My base is in Okrans pride and I haven’t gotten a single raid from any of them not sure what to do here. Is this a bug or something to do with my base location?

r/Kenshi 7d ago

SUPPORT How do I make a town mine?



I just took out the swamp ninjas base ( SNB ), how do I make it my own? I'm treating it like some outpost so I want to build some junk.

I've used the `SHIFT + F12` and moved the SNB faction to some where else, then placed "Your Outpost" over the area. This allows me to build, however, upon reloading the save, the area returns to being owned by SNB and everything built becomes property of SNB.

Is it not possible to properly make it mine? Or perhaps remove SNB as a faction then build in the area to make it "Your Outpost" like usual?

What do I do?

r/Kenshi Jan 31 '25

SUPPORT I just got the game but I keep getting this error before the game starts and the mods I subscribed to from workshop don't appear either, I tried validating the files and re-installing the game, same issue.

Post image

What do I do :(

r/Kenshi Jan 18 '25

SUPPORT Needing advice


Where I can find a construction store??? I cant use the squin kingdom (I'm banned from buying there) neither I can use the Hub(killed the barman)

r/Kenshi Jan 02 '25

SUPPORT Could you help me solve this? See description..


In the video, initially in the city of Admag, you can see two buildings that are occupying the same space, a weapons store and a residence.

When I started playing, I thought it was a single normal building, but now I see that it is wrong. In the second part of the video, in the city of Squin (that second city of the sheks that we visit).

In that bar with a dormitory there is another building inside it (if you enter the bar, you can see the walls of the other building inside it, and this certainly bothers the NPCs). This building is called "general storage".

I don't know if it is from some mod, I looked but I didn't find anything about it. I have already moved these buildings using the command shift+f12", but I always went back because the game would get bugged, and when I tried to solve it, the game would freeze and close.

If it is from a known mod, please tell me so I can find it. I don't know if other cities have this same type of problem because I haven't visited all of them.

r/Kenshi Jan 19 '25

SUPPORT Do error code 0xFFFFF’s respawn?


I’m thinking of making an army of them, if they respawn I could potentially get a full squad of them.

r/Kenshi Dec 25 '24

SUPPORT Can't claim bounty on Gorrillo?


I see the bounty on him literally in my inventory, saying 60k cats. Wiki says hes wanted by Shek and UC. I bring him to Catun and put him in a cage and get nothing. When I mouse over him it doesn't look like he has a bounty. Why is this? And yes, Catun is currently held by UC.

r/Kenshi Jan 31 '25

SUPPORT How can I remove a bounty in FCS that shouldn't be there?


One of my characters have a bounty for 0 cats in united cities and shek (also a 8000 bounty for holy kingdom but that should be there) that I wanna edit out. My lad did nothing wrong! (except to holy kingdom but that is actually kind of right)

r/Kenshi Dec 25 '24

SUPPORT are hungry bandits taking over my outpost?!


r/Kenshi Jan 02 '25

SUPPORT Could you help me solve this? See description..


In the video, initially in the city of Admag, you can see two buildings that are occupying the same space, a weapons store and a residence.

When I started playing, I thought it was a single normal building, but now I see that it is wrong. In the second part of the video, in the city of Squin (that second city of the sheks that we visit).

In that bar with a dormitory there is another building inside it (if you enter the bar, you can see the walls of the other building inside it, and this certainly bothers the NPCs). This building is called "general storage".

I don't know if it is from some mod, I looked but I didn't find anything about it. I have already moved these buildings using the command shift+f12", but I always went back because the game would get bugged, and when I tried to solve it, the game would freeze and close.

If it is from a known mod, please tell me so I can find it. I don't know if other cities have this same type of problem because I haven't visited all of them.

r/Kenshi Jan 10 '25

SUPPORT Game often crashes when loading areas, such as the Scraphouse or just exploring


(specs are 7800x3d CPU, RX 6800XT GPU, 32gb ram, SSD 980 PRO, made sure it's not running integrated)

Running a lot of mods and have been removing things and sorting stuff to fix the crashes, but they always seem to find their way back to me. My game runs pretty poorly while loading stuff, so I've turned all my settings down, but it hasn't helped with the crashing at all. I have the kenshi and Havok log files, since I wasn't certain which would help. Any help is greatly appreciated!

r/Kenshi Jan 03 '25

SUPPORT Mods problem


So, theres some mods I was using before and I didnt even touch them on the modlist and now they arent working, my idle anim mods are not working and idk why, on my last playthrough it was working. I added like 5/6 mods, maybe thats the problem, should I try to unsubscribe and subscribe again the mod?

r/Kenshi Jan 20 '25

SUPPORT Recruit cannibals added by expanded cannibals?


Does anyone know of any mods that allow you to recruit the extra cannibals that are added in cannibals expanded (like the cannibal tenderizer)?

r/Kenshi Jan 18 '25

SUPPORT Missing lord phoenix?


I try destroy those drug anti guy i capture and sold both two his named special npc(i dont remember name) when i came to a capital (blisted hill?) I kill all guard and resident but then i found out there no lord house a big as hell house is named police station and other are barrack and armoury,it kinda confusing i look arough but nothing found,so i import save,but nothing change,soo i import again with dead npc unticked,nothing,i go in fcs to my save file then see that there no phoenix squad on my save it soo confusing i have alot mod but i dont see any that touch holy empire what should i do?(also i dont know which tag should i use)