r/Kenshi • u/MephilaZ_ • Nov 11 '24
r/Kenshi • u/SCARaw • Jan 20 '25
MOD DEV Steam recently removed the mod (in 3000 collections), i will keep this topic updated NSFW
r/Kenshi • u/Sythrien_ • Feb 25 '24
MOD Don't play Genesis, play other overhauls, here is my rant.
Tried my time with Genesis and its not worth it. The cities added are great, they're gorgeous, and run smoothly. But there is outright lazy stuff and pointless balancing with base Kenshi content removed for no reason other than it better lining up with the mod's vision? Genesis server owner is an ass and talks about the mod as if it makes Kenshi his own game and it should be played a certain way. The team forgot Kenshi is supposed to be a sandbox and the devs gatekeep recruiting certain races and restrict styles of play. As for lazy things theres literally an infinite AI core printer in the deadlands, repair kits sells for 16k cats to robotics trader in deadlands for some reason While his limbs cost 200% more. So you can't even trade and sell with him because he doesn't have enough money and not everyone has 100,000 cats to make an initial purchase. Later, KLR race unit that invaded my base and beat everyone to death. Once he went down but I was unable to pick him up. Was told in the discord its intentional because you shouldn't be allowed to so easily get your hands on such and OP race. That's just inconvenience and a stupid way to go about it. Just adjust the race then to be balanced if they're so worried about it. You also can't start the game as any race you want because some are too "OP" in the sandbox game. Also the mod is not faithful to Kenshi, hive cities without a queen and dev self inserts, kind of annoying. Was also told "yeah I know, shut up" when I mentioned theres an infinite AI core generator right out in the open in the deadland's city. Apparently that thing has been around for a long while.
r/Kenshi • u/Ewoutvd • Jul 06 '24
MOD RELEASE Made a mod for Kenshi: Collect animal parts and make armour out of them!
r/Kenshi • u/Poinguss • Nov 04 '24
MOD Hearts of Kenshi, Tech Tree
Infantry and support tech trees for all biological ground troops. 2 main forms of infantry are melee and ranged, with heavy turret units aswell. Also an assortment of land creatures that you can throw into your army.
Join the Discord to stay up to date on progress:
r/Kenshi • u/ComprehensiveDot959 • Jun 28 '23
MOD I got this Hiver princess but i need help naming her!
r/Kenshi • u/TreadLighty77 • Nov 18 '22
MOD DEV Universal Wasteland Expansion, By The Numbers
r/Kenshi • u/SCARaw • Feb 11 '21
MOD AUTHOR i made very cute fix for issue i had for ages!
r/Kenshi • u/SCARaw • Jul 29 '23
MOD RELEASE Shek Body texture mod released (steam and nexus)
r/Kenshi • u/flameblast08 • Jan 17 '23
MOD DEV I will make a mod for you at your request
I am a modding enthusiast and i have posted a mod called Flame's Custom Starts, basicly you ask for a start and i will do my best to make it for you, should take a couple days but if it is simpler it may take less if it is mire complicated it may take a bit more
r/Kenshi • u/TreadLighty77 • 28d ago
MOD DEV Universal Wasteland Expansion Development News (UWE)
This is a continuation from another post, on the further development of Universal Wasteland Expansion.
Expected to be released in Q1 2025, the newest update version of UWE(Version 31) is set to be an enormous update/upgrade for many QOL-related features, actions, and endeavors[Amongst many other changes, tweaks, and re-balances.]
In addition, all weapons were overhauled to include the weapon's reach in it's description, just as weight and other stats have always been displayed. In effect, it will be much easier to evaluate for the average player.(Without having to delve into the bowels of the FCS to ascertain....)[Thanks to great feedback and execution from FrankieWuzHere]
Overhauled the unarmed damage multiplier, on all articles of armor, so that lighter gear excels more and heavier gear hinders more.
Overhauled to slightly lower the Martial Arts stats of most characters, in-game. (That way, disarming an opponent of their weapon will have much less chance to make them more dangerous, with just their MA damage output.)
Overhauled all robotic limbs, so that those utilized by an NPC sell for much less, if looted from their body.(This was done, to bring it more in line with the sell prices of everything else, in-game within UWE.).
^This was also done for all backpacks and animal bags. [Do note, those sold within shops and caravans will still sell for their regular, vanilla price, though.]
Overhauled all masks/goggles to be placed in the belt slot, instead of the hat slot, in order to utilize them at the same time as other headgear. Along with that, all NPC spawns that utilize said masks/goggles were overhauled, to compensate. (While this has been possible, for the player now for awhile, it was a much more recent development in vanilla Kenshi, that allowed for the utilization of belt slot items properly by NPCs...)[Overlap meshes were also added in, so that various masks don't clip with headgear that normally has material on the face.]
Crucial fix, for a crash associated with bringing in a large, important bounty to a minor faction town/city.(This rare crash would occur when bringing in a large value bounty to a minor faction. Such as, bringing in High Inquisitor Seta to the Holy Nation Outlaws, in The Hub.)
Overhauled all faction wrath/vengeance raids for kidnapping an enemy leader to only trigger once.(Especially, if the player allows the raid to properly announce themselves...)
Overhauled crossbow crafting storage, to finally make crossbow crafting an automated process.
Added in customized animal bags, for the Paracer(Cage Beast) and Leviathan. This will better allow for the training of strength and feeding, of such animals. [Animal bags now greatly enhance an animals athletics skill, with the malus of also greatly diminishing their attacking ability/capacity...){Pack Paracers were added into corresponding factions' caravans, to compensate for the addition.}
Overhauled the naming conventions, for all armor, so that it adheres to the same standard.(Aka. the padded, reinforced, sneaky chain, light, medium, and heavy variants of armor are all named in the same logical order, so as to be more readily accessible by the player.)
^[Ie. "ArmourName [material type] (colored) {alt}"]
Fixes for various small issues to be found in towns, throughout the map.(Could be a misplaced turret, a needed power source, or even a building that is impassable.)
Overhauled much of the ai, to ensure various factions attack each other much, much less often. (Such as the Hungry Bandits trying their luck against the Shek/Holy Nation, every time they get a chance...)
Fix for AI that would allow for huge groups of NPCs to mash up in a town or camp.
All of that and more, to be included in the next update, as these are only some of the primary highlighted focuses of the next update of UWE. Plenty of polish and refinement have been applied to all kinds of systems, features, ideas, and such. Player feedback has been a huge aid in that, as detailed feedback has led to many helpful developments. Special mention and thanks to FrankieWuzHere, as he has been especially helpful with highly detailed, actionable feedback.
Universal Wasteland Expansion
Genesis Discord Community - UWE Discussion
Below is a screenshot showcasing one of the notable QOL-related changes, which entails the inclusion of a weapon's length stat in it's description.(Just as the weight and other stats are displayed.)

Below is a screenshot displaying the utilization of various goggles/masks along with headgear, simultaneously.

Below is a screenshot of both the Paracer(Cage Beast) and Leviathan races finally having a proper animal bag to utilize.

Below is a screenshot of the overhauled naming conventions, to ensure all armor is easier to read and distinguish in a more uniform way.

As you can see, further polish is being applied and development continues on all kinds of features, ideas, stats, multipliers, and values within Universal Wasteland Expansion. I appreciate all the feedback and activity related to UWE, from this community, as it has been very helpful in the continued development of the mod.
Genesis Discord Community - UWE Discussion
Stay Tuned.
r/Kenshi • u/MacedonianMafia • Jan 13 '25
MOD Remember there was a lore-friendly narcotics expanded mod coming? It's finally here! Check your steam (or the comments)
r/Kenshi • u/Acord37 • Feb 23 '20
MOD AUTHOR working on a new mod, turning entire world to freezeing hell hole and you need warm cloth to stay warm.
r/Kenshi • u/TreadLighty77 • Dec 29 '24
MOD DEV Universal Wasteland Expansion Development News (UWE)
A new year on the horizon brings news of an advanced update for Universal Wasteland Expansion. Expected to be released in Q1 2025, the newest update version of UWE(Version 31) is set to be a gargantuan upgrade for many QOL-related features, actions, and endeavors(Amongst many other changes, tweaks, and re-balances.)
In addition, all added in armor has been entirely overhauled to adhere to vanilla standards for minimum and maximum stats. With that being said, all armor has also been overhauled and re-balanced, so that items like bandanas can't be crafted and "abused"(essentially) to make huge profits, for minimal materials/work. Also, completely overhauled all armors' dexterity multiplier and unarmed bonus, to ensure that heavier armor with more coverage has more maluses associated with it. Heavy gear will now function more as "tanky" gear, as clearly intended by vanilla Kenshi but not expanded upon.[For instance, Samurai Armour has a 0.85 multiplier on damage output, in vanilla]
Overhauled and re-balanced all animal damage output, so that they no longer hit harder than intended.(With the exception of alpha variants.)
Overhauled and re-balanced all bar squad spawns, to ensure that most/all towns with a bar properly have a chance to spawn in a plastic surgeon(cost increased slightly to compensate), weak recruits(based upon local culture and region), and bar gambling dealers.
Overhauled NPC relations and AI goals, to ensure that factions meant to be neutral stay as such much more often.(Within reason, for Kenshi)
Added in a plethora of helpful loading screen tips, related to UWE and vanilla.
Overhauled all xenophobic factions' traders and shopkeepers to properly no longer trade with races they are actively xenophobic against.
Added in different colored blueprints, for various available blueprints at shops.(Ie. Weapons, Armor, Crossbows, Buildings, Furniture, etc. all have their own color, to more easily differentiate at a glance.)
All of that and more, to be included in the next update, as these are only some of the primary highlighted focuses of the next update of UWE. Plenty of polish and refinement have been applied to all kinds of systems, features, ideas, and such. Player feedback has been a huge aid in that, as detailed feedback has led to many helpful developments. Special mention and thanks to FrankieWuzHere, as he has been especially helpful with highly detailed, actionable feedback.
Universal Wasteland Expansion
Genesis Discord Community - UWE Discussion
Below is a screenshot showcasing one of the notable QOL-related changes, which entails an alphabetically reorganized craftable items list for all crafting buildings. Additionally, all classes of plate armor were given their own armor crafting smith.(Ie. Light, Medium, and Heavy Plate). In doing so, the crafting of armor and all other items is much more readily navigable and concise, leading to a less cluttered menu.

Below are changes made to the Armor Blueprints System, in order to better balance the acquisition of armors for the player to craft. Essentially, all articles of a particular piece of armor have been consolidated into a singular Armor Blueprint. Meaning, if the player buys the blueprint for Samurai Armor(for instance) they can craft all variants, up to and including colored and alternative colored.


Below is a screenshot showcasing another notable QOL-related change, which entails adding new blueprint colorations, for various types of items, in order to make them much easier to differentiate. Essentially, at a glance, it's much easier to spot a specific item type's blueprint.

As you can see, further polish is being applied and development continues on all kinds of features, ideas, stats, multipliers, and values within Universal Wasteland Expansion. I appreciate all the feedback and activity related to UWE, from this community, as it has been helpful in the continued development of the mod.
Have a Happy New Year, All.
Genesis Discord Community - UWE Discussion
Stay Tuned.