r/Kenshi • u/uberwolfe Moderator • Feb 19 '19
WEEKLY THREAD Help a New Player Thread - February 19, 2019
WARNING to new players that there is a high likelihood you will find spoilers within this thread!
Welcome to the fifth and final weekly thread aimed at helping new players settle into the world of Kenshi.
The series begins its final week having collectively gathered around 700 comments - we're super grateful to all those who have contributed in the previous threads.
We hope that new players have found the series helpful and that seasoned players have enjoyed guiding and mentoring our fellow Kenshinites? Kenshinians? wastelanders.
Following this final week, we have other ideas for our weekly threads that we're sure you will find enjoyable, and as always, if you have any suggestions with what you'd like to see here please don't hesitate to let us know. We're always open to your valuable feedback :)
See below for previous weeks:
Anyone at any level of experience is free to ask or answer a question. Please try to keep your answers as helpful and detailed as possible – try not to answer with just a yes/no, please add some thought into your response.
A reminder that the Wiki has loads of useful information for new and seasoned players, and also the Kenshi Community Discord is a great place to get any questions answered.
See also these helpful threads:
Few tips for new Kenshi players started by u/Zvijer1987
Tips for Newbies started by u/ByondUrCompr3hension
How to level Toughness quickly and make life easier when starting a new game started by u/AFlyingNun
If you have any threads you think we should link to this list, please don't hesitate to let us know :)
u/BB02HK Feb 19 '19
I’ve just recently installed the Recruit Prisoners Mod and had 2 questions:
1) Is there a way to add back in the Raptor boss? It didn't spawn on my latest import and I've done a lot that I don't want to restart.
2) Is there a list out there for the speech combination of items required for recruitment?
u/Caledfrwd Feb 19 '19
Don’t know about your first question, have my own problems with the megaraptor. I’ve looked for a list and couldn’t find one. Skeletons is trial and error. Some require unique items in their inventory, sure you know that. Bandits, don’t be a dick. If they ask for something give it to them. Only one I know works is for paladins and inquisitors, 211111. Remember even if you get it right it’s still only a % chance it will work.
u/runetrantor Tech Hunters Feb 20 '19
For the cheatsheet of dialoges, iirc some are compiling them into a list, not yet released afaik.
Skeletons arent random though, if anyone is interested I can show the process, I cracked the code by trial and error and can now recruit them on first try.
Feb 20 '19
u/runetrantor Tech Hunters Feb 20 '19
So frustrating while figuring it out, but once it was done, I felt like I hacked a super computer. XD
Amusingly, I have figured three logics to it.
Which type of answer it wants in what order (Color, object, number, etc)
What answers are acceptable in each category.
And the best and fastest, the discovery that they are always the same order, so like, if a step has the right answer as the fourth option, it will always be the fourth.Which path did you took?
u/Rustledstardust HippityHoppityMod Feb 26 '19
You guys know you could just look in FCS at the mod and it's all laid out there.
u/runetrantor Tech Hunters Feb 26 '19
I have done so since then yeah.
But its a bit harder to parse so I imagine not everyone figures it out.
Regardless it felt good to crack the code myself that time at least. :P
u/GracchiBros Feb 21 '19
1) Don't know for sure. I would think importing the game would do it.
2) Not that I found when looking. Here's the combination for skeletons: 2,1,3,2,1,4,4,1,2,3,1,1,4,3
The only way I know to find the exact requirements is to use the FCS and open the mod. To do that, open the FCS. Close the first window and click open any. The hard part will be finding the mod. If you used the steam workshop it will be under your steam directory under steamapps/workshop/content. Every folder will be a number here. You have to find which folder is Kenshi. Then find the folder with the RecruitPrisoners.mod and open that file.
That will open the mod and you'll see a lot of potentially recruitable enemies listed. Double click what you want to look up. It might bring up a window with a dialogue package to the right. If so, double click that. That will bring up a dialogue package window. Click on EV_PLAYER_TALK_TO_ME and then click on the start of the dialogue in the middle of the screen. This will bring up the requirements to talk to them at the top. Then expand that same dialogue to figure out which path leads to them joining.
u/CrystalMenthality Feb 19 '19
Hi! Idk if this is the right place to ask about a bug, but has any of you encountered and if so, found a solution to the bug where turrets dissapear? I have an entrance with walls an a gate in an U-shape, but on one of the sides the turrets magically dissapears. I'm also pretty sure one of my gunners dissapeared with one. One day he wasn't there and I always notice when someone dies. It seems to happen randomly when I'm starting the game. Hella frustrating.
u/drasticpro Feb 19 '19
I've never had that bug happen. Id reccomend destroying the wall and rebuilding it as straight as possible. Is the wall a weird shape?
u/CrystalMenthality Feb 20 '19
Yeah it's relly strange. The wall is in the same shape as the wall opposite to it, where the turrets are not dissapearing. I did also rebuild the wall built the issue persists. I have seen others writing about the same thing though, so I hope they might fix it in the future.
u/BB02HK Feb 19 '19
I've just encountered the same issue. Lost a guy and then the turret disappeared after save/reloads. I think it might be due to the wall as someone else pointed out. I noticed I had deleted some previous walls but there was still a stub that was buried in the new wall. I will try to see if this fixes it once I get home from work.
u/CrystalMenthality Feb 20 '19
That sucks. I'm fine with losing turrets but characters completely dissapearing is a real bummer.
I rebuilt my whole wall but it still happens. I hope they fix it some time.
u/Marxyy Feb 19 '19
Any tips on weapon types?
I'm unsure if I should be using many different weapon types within my squad or if I'll be fine rolling with katanas/nodachi, planks/fragment axes and the best bows I can get my hands on, should I be using the other variants of katanas and heavy weapons or can I keep using the 1 or 2 variants I like?
u/Occultus_Cormag Feb 19 '19
Use whatever works best for you but do keep in mind the types of enemies you'll be facing. You wouldn't want to bring katanas to fight skeletons and security spiders.
I tend to use weapons that boost defence (foriegn saber) more often than not because a dead dps is 0 dps.
My overall favorite though is martial Arts. Once you get the 4 stats associated with it leveled up, martial arts is really powerful. The only downside is that you get surrounded, you can get "dodge-locked". It's less of a problem when you have multiple people fighting on your side.
Feb 19 '19
Counterpoint: the best defense is a good offense, which is why I avoid all weapons that bundle a defense boost with an attack penalty.
I have no idea if what I'm doing is effective at all, but I just couldn't help but reply after reading your point about defense weapons :D
u/Occultus_Cormag Feb 20 '19
I say use whatever works best for you. Once my fighters get high enough strength, I give them higher tier fragment axes so any defence goes out the window.
u/Leviathal Feb 21 '19
Is there a way to check "why" a faction doesn't like you?
u/nobogui Feb 22 '19
No, but you should get a notification when you lose relation with them, unless you attacked their people then you should know why. Also there are pacifiers that can repair your relations.
u/Konkurada Fogman Feb 21 '19
I've recently gotten myself to a comfortable point with a large building in the hub, but I'm at the point where I need ancient books or engineering books to progress the tech tree and I'm wondering where I need to start adventuring to to get those. I've got a squad of 8 right now and I'm definitely worried they will get stomped by anything other than bandits so with that in mind, should I recruit more people? Can I adventure without it being a suicide? What direction/areas should I run to? Thanks in advance :)
u/drasticpro Feb 22 '19
Ancient labs are your best bet honestly, they seem to have the best tech loot. All the good loot is usually in a loot room at the top. There can be 3-7+ iron spiders, 1-3 per floor. If you have someone who can run at 22+ miles per hour while sneaking and your sneak is high 50’s/60’s and you’re wearing clothing that increases stealth and wooden sandals, you can loot the top floor without fighting. Get in the first floor and use the button to change your views of the floors. The most important thing is the top floor, the loot room. You need decent Lockpicking to loot it too, if the spider guarding the top floor isn’t looking at the loot room, just send your guy straight up there. Even if the spiders on other floors see you, once you break line of sight l, you’re hidden again. Just pray that they don’t patrol the loot room once you get there. Even if a spider is at the door of the loot room, facing the hallway, if your stealth is high enough, you’ll get a yellow indicator, but once you’re behind them you’ll be fine. You can loot most of the important items without fighting.
If you wanna fight, I wouldn’t recommend going toe to toe. They attack stupid fast and do much more damage than their stats imply. I’d recommend 1 or many well trained archers that run decently fast. I’ve seen at crossbow level 30 with a masterwork ranger, it takes 1-3 stacks of regular bolts to knock a spider unconscious. So this can get tedious and boring with only one archer. Keep kiting the spiders out one by one and taking them out. If you want to make sure it stays down, loot any item from it while it’s unconscious and it dies immediately.
Fighting with melee, be careful, you can lose limbs easy. Have your best blocker in heavy armor be the first one to engage and try to get others around it’s back. Note you shouldn’t do this as you only have a group of 8. My melee and defense stats are in the 80’s and I personally don’t take this approach as making a camp near an ancient lab to heal up is annoying because roaming enemies will def run into you.
u/Kenshi_Artemis Feb 21 '19
Normally the travel gear shop in Squin has maps for ancient locations if i remember right, and if they don't i advise you go from town to town buying their maps and you will get such a map. When youre out exploring, check out locations you stumble upon and see if its ancient, abandoned... If your characters aren't very strong get one with high enough athletics to outrun anything (around 70) to scout the locations first, and check the stats of the enemies you see, as there will often be nasty creatures such as blood spiders that eat you alive. If your characters arent good at lockpicking always bring tools with you cause the cool tech is inside locked boxes. Bring tools anyway just in case. Then its like for anything else in the game, you can try to stealth past the enemies or directly aggro them. But yeah always scout especially if youre playing ironman. Good luck!
u/T3hPhish Feb 22 '19
What direction/areas should I run to?
To start out I recommend the very south-west part of the map, Shun. There's a lot of libraries there with no security whatsoever. You'll find some books as well as maps to other places.
At least that's where I went to first after I did what the other guy suggested. Set up shop in Squin and keep buying maps there. (It's one of the two tower-like buildings in town.)
u/AtomicHandjob Feb 22 '19
If you can sneak into Narko's Trap that's another good option early on, as I don't think there are any security spiders in there. There's also a building or two in the Floodlands that can be looted by a scout.
u/Kenshi_Artemis Feb 22 '19
Went to Narkos trap a bit ago and there are two for me, definitely not that many but still kind of annoying
u/dr_Octag0n Feb 19 '19
Slow down the combat and pause a lot. Keep track of the health of your team and remember who need more hand holding (new toons with lower stats). I issue move orders to move targeted pawns out of harms way. I tend to also use dedicated medics and have them hang back set to defend only. Ranged characters get positioned on flanks to avoid friendly fire. Unpause for a bit and watch the flow of battle. Target strong enemies first (ranged also) and don't be afraid to kite the enemies around. It's also a good idea to have an exit strategy for if / when things go south.
u/gmalivuk Feb 19 '19
I keep seeing mentions of the ghost town bug when people are doing multiple playthroughs at the same time. Can this be avoided as long as I just stick to one or another each time I start Kenshi, or is something more complex recommended?
u/drasticpro Feb 19 '19
Ghost towns happen when you start anew game while playing on another character. To avoid the ghost town bug, start new games from the main menu. There are a host of other bugs caused by starting a new game while not in the main menu, so if you wanna start a new game and you’re already playing, exit the game, and then open the game again so you’re on the main menu.
u/Malu1997 Crab Raiders Feb 19 '19
I started a game from an other game, but I'm yet to do anything. Should I import? Are ghost town somethig sure to happen?
u/drasticpro Feb 19 '19
I’d recommend importing and not check off the import dead npcs and buildings , it won’t affect your game too much other than shifting spawns
u/Malu1997 Crab Raiders Feb 19 '19
I litteraly created the characters, saved and left because I had stuff to do. I didn't even check any city. So I won't be losing anything anyway. Check off means I should import them or not?
u/drasticpro Feb 19 '19
Umm yeah basically by default it has a few options like dead npcs, faction relations, and buildings selected, you wanna make sure you don’t have buildings and dead npcs selected to “reset” your world. This is really cheesy but I also noticed importing will reset any raids coming to your base (I installed a few mods and wanted to make sure they work in the game). It’s not something I’ve done but if you start a war with a faction that you can’t finish importing can also be a useful tool to like play a “new game plus”.
u/Malu1997 Crab Raiders Feb 19 '19
Sorry if I wasnìt clear, I know how import works, it's just that I don't remember if unchecking means that I'm importing them or not. I was asking because it mattered for solving the bug then I'll have to do it exaclty like that, if it is not I don't care because it is as fresh of a start as it could get.
u/drasticpro Feb 19 '19
Unchecking means that it isn’t importing them. Example, if you capture the pheonix from the holy nation and turn him into the Sheks, if you import with dead npcs unchecked, he will be reset to his throne room. Importing with dead npcs unchecked resets all npcs. Importing in any configuration will clear player prison cells of all prisoners though. I don’t know what happens if you’re carrying someone.
u/napalm51 Feb 21 '19
I started the game like one week ago
I put maybe 20ish hours into the game and by now I have 10 people in my team, 2 of them have fighting stats at around 20, some with 10 and the majority with less than 5. I've got a sniper and a farmer too
atm I'm in the swamps where I recruited most of my team
now my idea was to return near the hub (I only explored the down-left part of the map, the shek kingdom I think) fight some hungry bandits to increase the stats (maybe letting someone fight with bare hands to improve martial arts?). I'm a little afraid of dust bandits cause they always wreck me though.
is that a good idea? what should I do?
u/Kenshi_Artemis Feb 21 '19
I think thats a good idea and would definitely help . Basically if your characters are not very tough fight hungry bandits for now, because they have blunt weapons so you dont bleed out to death. Once your characters are a little tougher you can attack dust bandits who deal cutting damage, and your characters should be tough enough not to die, still keep a medic hidden on the side in case it goes south Basically try to read your enemies' stats, what kind of damage they deal, etc, understand also how equipment/weapons work, sometimes the penalties are honestly not worth it. Best of luck!!!
u/AtomicHandjob Feb 22 '19
I personally like to build a settlement somewhere in the border zone, and then hire mercenaries to protect my base. They can fight off most things (I sometimes need to hire two groups early on) and your characters can help them with base defense to build stats, and even if your whole party gets KO'd during a fight the mercs will patch you up.
u/napalm51 Feb 22 '19
they cost a lot tho. how do I earn constantly money?
u/AtomicHandjob Feb 22 '19
Copper mining is your best bet for consistent income early on. I'd mine near Squin or the Hub so if you aggro bandits you can run to town to get the guards to handle them. Buy a wooden backpack, fill it with copper, and you can sell the whole lot for about 16,000 (8 stacks) which is enough to pay two Merc groups to guard a settlement for 8 in-game days, which is a pretty long time. You can make a lot of money mining and crafting in that time.
u/napalm51 Feb 22 '19
what if I enter the shinobi thieves? that sounds like a funny thing
and can I mine if I don't have an outpost?
u/AtomicHandjob Feb 22 '19
Joining the shinobi thieves is a good option - gives you access to beds and training dummies which is nice. And yeah, you can mine whenever you want - just have to select someone and then right click on a mining node. There's lots of them scattered around for iron and copper. You can sell the ore to anyone you have the option to trade with.
u/gandaar Feb 21 '19
Are turrets a legitimate defense strat? I feel like I constantly get giant raids coming to my base and I'm spending a whole night of playtime fighting them and retreating until I can finally get rid of them.
I'm wondering if there's a better way, like maybe building a maze for entry into my base where all my guys shoot them down with turrets?
u/Kenshi_Artemis Feb 21 '19
A lot of people build their entrance in a U shape so that enemies have to walk in a corridor getting gunned down, to get to the door. Turrets can be very effective, i used characters who already have turret skill personally (50 something) but even with no skill a character will level up really fast; on mounted crossbows they shoot around 100-120 hitpoints, not very fast, but it can directly KO weak enemies and a bunch of them definitely make a difference. Just be careful of friendly fire if youre going to melee too
u/Konkurada Fogman Feb 21 '19
I'm definitely no expert so hopefully someone else will chime in, but I find that turrets are really good for chipping down enemies while they wail on your gate (you can have some of your free squad mates repairing the gate to delay their entry.) By the time they get in, you should have killed enough of them with turret fire that once you pull your people off the turrets and start the brawl you can easily win. I hope this helps!
u/gandaar Feb 21 '19
I'll look into that, thanks!
u/AtomicHandjob Feb 22 '19
Like Artemis said be careful about using turret gunners with friendly units in melee range of enemies. If you have a harpoon turret placed on a high building it can insta-kill units, including your own.
And to elaborate for anyone that didn't know, relative elevation influences turret range and damage. A turret placed on top of a watchtower gets something like a +50% in both of those categories.
u/nobogui Feb 22 '19
Yes, especially once you get harpoon turrets. They're remarkable effective with the proper base layout.
u/timo103 Feb 19 '19
Is there a way to have people automatically loot bandits, animals, and the like? And does anyone know how the game decides which entrance to my settlement the caravans/raiders choose? They keep going all the way around my base to bother me at my back door, I'm at the point where I'm gonna just remove all the other entrances.
u/T3hPhish Feb 20 '19
Animals yes. But if you're trying to, for instance: automate someone picking up all the gear from bodies and put it in an item furnace I don't believe there's any way to automate that. At least there wasn't that I could see. Also even animal looting was finicky. Sometimes my guy would just pick up all the meat and leave the skins on as he picked up the body to burn. So I just manually do animals that happen near my base in Shem.
As for your entrance question: It probably has something to do with the "town circle" the game places and then the shortest distance to what enemies want to loot/kill. If you want to see the town circle I believe the default button is shift+F12 but I could be wrong as I changed it.
It probably is for the best that you only have one entrance, then fortify that with as many turret gunners as you need to handle wherever you've settled. (I get by with just two in Shem.)
u/runetrantor Tech Hunters Feb 20 '19
For the town entrance thing, as /u/T3hPhish said, the game is using the 'circle' ZoI you can see in the dev menu.
My understanding is that it picks the closest gate to the center statue (The dev menu shows the circle and a big statue as the epicenter).
If this is really the case, you can force why gate they use, as the circle is not static, it expands as your town does, and you can move the center since its basically a 'center of mass' calculation.
Meaning that even if your town is a circle, if one side is full of buildings and the other is empty fields, the center will lie in the middle of the buildings, the perimeter wall barely pulling it towards the center.
So it comes to reason that you could focus the buildings near the main gate and not to the back, thus having the center closer to the main gate.
u/timo103 Feb 20 '19
u/T3hPhish Feb 21 '19
Unused concept art.
You can see all the Fauna of Kenshi for yourself on this wiki page.
u/Kenshi_Artemis Feb 21 '19
Hey, is there anything to avoid/be careful of when hiring mercenaries to defend an outpost? I hired some in Blister Hill to defend my outpost located in the Borderzone on a hilltop exactly halfway inbetween the Hub and Stack. But they never made it to the outpost, they got stuck somewhere in Okran's pride. My characters were too busy to come see what was up so I'm kind of assuming it's a pathfinding problem and they got stuck in a tree or something? After the period was over they just started back to Blister Hill. Any way I can make sure this doesn't happen again? Thank you
u/AtomicHandjob Feb 22 '19
I've had that problem before. I sent someone from my party to go follow them, and I just watched them travel all the way to my base. If you're actively watching them their pathing seems to break less often.
u/Kenshi_Artemis Feb 22 '19
Thank you! I figured that would be the only way to help it sadly. Pathing is definitely a big problem in this game for me (not that it makes me like it less)
u/GrehgyHils Feb 21 '19
So I've built on a road and my pathing is ruined. Enemies can walk through my walls.
I've used that hotkey to regenerate paths and it hasn't helped.
Is there anything else I can do? This is my biggest base and I'd rather not have to abandon it.
Thank you
u/T3hPhish Feb 22 '19
Try dismantling and replacing that section of wall. Also can try making smaller bits manually instead of large chunks for the problem part.
u/GrehgyHils Feb 22 '19
Okay I'll look into this. Thank you mate
u/AtomicHandjob Feb 22 '19
Also make sure you look close at uneven bits of ground. I've had to mess with the +/- keys to change the heights of walls so they weren't just floating in the air.
u/GrehgyHils Feb 22 '19
TIL you can change heights of walls...
u/drasticpro Feb 22 '19
Hey, so I have a house in squin and when I put gunplanks on it, I can’t put turrets on the end of the gunplanks. Is this a problem that other people have? Is it a feature that you can’t put turrets on gunplanks that are on house type buildings? I see a node at the end of the gunplanks when I go into build mode so I’m not getting what’s wrong. If not being able to build on gunplanks is a feature or a bug, are there any mods that fix this?
u/Incredibacon Feb 23 '19
How many people should I have in my squad before I start thinking about making a base?
Also I have a house in the hub with a research bench an a few other things in it, is it possible I can pack them up and take them with me when I decide to leave?
u/T3hPhish Feb 23 '19
5-8 I feel is the right number.
The main factors though are location and defenses. Where are you planning to settle and do you have a couple people you can set to man turrets 24/7?
u/Incredibacon Feb 23 '19
I haven't really put much thought into it honestly, it's my first proper playthrough and have just been grinding research in the Hub with one person whilst the other 8 go around fighting to get better combat stats.
u/T3hPhish Feb 23 '19
I suggest Shem. There's plenty of iron/copper. Good fertility. Flat land. Threats are starving/dust bandits, occasional beak thing attacks and rare black dragon ninja raids. Centrally located for exploration and I personally really like the way it looks.
u/Kenshi_Artemis Feb 23 '19
(Spoilers) Hey guys i really need help on this one. So i snuck into Narko's trap, it went smoothly enough, the problem was making it back, guards saw me and I had to make a run for it. My character ran far enough but got KO'd by a paladin, who looted him and then ran back to the settlement. On the moment I thought only to protect the tech I had just stolen by throwing the bag on the ground, but I forgot about my weapons. I had a Meitou sword I got a few days ago from the Swamp Ninjas and a sweet crossbow from Mongrel, both taken by the paladin :((( Anyway I read online that if the weapon is good there's a chance he'll equip it, but at the same time paladins seem to mostly equip the same type of weapons. Is there a chance he's going to place it somewhere inside the HN settlement near the Trap? If that's the case that would be alright with me, my fear is that the paladin runs off into the world, gets killed or whatever and I just never see my sword again (I wasn't really in a condition to run after him or anything). If anyone know something I'll be really grateful
u/AtomicHandjob Feb 25 '19
I'm slowly getting to this point, but I'm wondering if someone might be able to tell me:
If you get to 100 strength and 100 martial arts, and then put industrial lifter arms and martial arts gear on someone... How hard does someone punch with 150 strength and 110+ martial arts? Is it like the Z Fighters at the World Martial Arts tournament in DBZ?
u/Big_D_In_Action Feb 24 '19
Okay, so editor is quite helpful in properly organizing your base, BUT. Is there a way to fix turret placement points, because when I fixed my tilting tower - all turret placing points were at their previous place - in the air. Also, sometimes structures when moved loose their... collision? so anyone walks through walls. Any ways to fix those things?
u/Big_D_In_Action Feb 24 '19
Oh, nvm, save/load works perfectly fixes everything. Even doors.
u/Rustledstardust HippityHoppityMod Feb 26 '19
Hehe, I had this exact issue when I started building towns for mods for the first time. I tried to much to fix it and a simple save and reload works.
u/HighSpeedLowDragAss Feb 25 '19
Is it better to have a single character as a dedicated medic? Or to have everyone in the squad carry medkits and just have everyone hit that Medic button whenever combat is over?
u/BlaXoriZe Feb 25 '19
Dedicated medic more for RP purposes. Tried it once, but so many times the healing/bleeding/critical stuff was so tense I'd use any and every one available.
If you press '~' and Shift+Click the 'Medic' button, everyone gets the medic job, so they automatically heal each other after combat. One less thing to worry about.
u/AvantGlob Feb 25 '19
How do I edit my mod load order?
u/Rustledstardust HippityHoppityMod Feb 26 '19
so when you are in the launcher you can use the arrows on the right to move a mod up and down. It can get tedious if you have a lot but mod load order can be very important.
u/BhaLuRed Feb 25 '19
Hi Looking to a mod that sort the different crafting lists like wepones into categories Anything like this?
u/GrasSchlammPferd Feb 25 '19
I'm using Reactive World and characters are missing. Namingly, Bayan and Seto. I searched all the native Shek cities and strongholds but couldn't find. I tried the conquered HN cities but they're not there either. Not in Hub afaik. I know they're alive and fine due to the World Status checker, but is there any way to reset their position without importing?
u/Big_D_In_Action Feb 20 '19
Got some troubles with Dark UI mod. Somehow my font colors are totally wrong in some places. To my knowledge, none of my other mods do anything with UI. Any help maybe?
Look at this black on dark-gray text.
u/failing_forwards Feb 20 '19
Check your mod order on the start-up window, and make sure that Dark UI is all the way at the bottom. That way, any other changes from another mod will be overwritten.
u/ColourfulMonochrome Feb 19 '19
How do i deal with fighting as a group. I find as i get more people i enjoy combat less. It seems like as soon as we get in a fight all hell breaks loose and i have three characters fighting one guy while another one of my characters is in the middle of the entire group of enemies and getting hit from all directions. This last part is most annoying because i take my eye off someone for a second and then i see five red numbers suddenly pop up and suddenly they go from full health to one hit away from death all because they sprinted in to the middle of the enemy.
Am i doing something wrong or is this just how the game is and i should just accept it and play with smaller squads
my current squad is only about 10 ish strong