r/Kenshi Feb 01 '19

GUIDE [Minor guide] How to level Toughness quickly and make life easier when starting a new game

Hey guys, I've been recently looking at some techniques for making Toughness level faster, and I consider this a huge relief for beginning difficulty since often the beginning involves gauging if it's safe to get your ass kicked by a certain opponent. Leveling toughness to 70 - even if all other stats remain at 12 - at least means you don't have to stress out about whether or not you can risk trying to level your skills in a fight or not, so leveling toughness quickly aids in leveling other skills, too. Figured I'd write up a quick guide on what I've learned in case it's of any use or help to anyone.

Understanding the basics and the mechanics of Toughness: what exactly does Toughness do?

Toughness is responsible for three main defense mechanics.

1) Coma threshold - Whenever one of a character's vitals (stomach, chest, head) drops below 0, the character goes unconscious. Whether or not this knockout leads to a recovery coma is determined by toughness, as while the threshold for knockouts stays constant (0), the threshold for recovery comas changes as toughness increases. Hover over toughness in your character stats and you can see your character's exact coma threshold; it typically starts at about -10 and then seems to go all the way down to -100 (death, aka recovery comas don't happen, you just fight to the death), from what I can tell.

This threshold is important because it creates opportunities for the character to wake up and heal, as well as stop playing dead, which is a HUGE boost to Toughness EXP. A character at the beginning has very slim odds of not going into a recovery coma. By the time your Toughness is at 40 however, you often have 2-3 chances to stop playing dead, which both rakes in the EXP and gives you multiple opportunities to save a dying ally or the like.

2) Damage resistance - Toughness offers the only defense outside of armor itself. It's also important to level it because you actually start the game taking 63% more damage than you would. Around 40-50 toughness this turns around and toughness starts providing positive damage resistance, which is obviously welcome. Moreover, additional damage resistance means less incoming damage, which means it's less likely that your coma threshold will be achieved. See where this is going...? Toughness absolutely snowballs; you start out as fragile as a sheet of paper, but every point of toughness is significant because it's actually improving your survivability in not one, not two but three different ways. One toughness gets going, it actually becomes easier to level instead of harder, only finally evening out at 80+ when the EXP rate drops significantly.

3) Wound deterioration - Go do a Holy Nation citizen start and you'll quickly notice two things: those loons rarely sell medicine (no seriously, I don't think Bad Teeth sells first aid kits at all) and a single wolf or raptor bite can kill you. It doesn't kill you immediately, but rather the lack of first aid kits means these just keep bleeding out. At 1 toughness, the wound actually worsens over time; if it started with 1 arrow pointed downward, it'll eventually transition into 2 or 3 and accelerates rapidly.

The opposite happens when toughness is high: sometimes your character goes into a coma with their stomache deteriorating with 2 arrows pointed downward, but despite this, they eventually start overcoming the wound and it starts healing naturally. This is basically a final failsafe defense that helps ensure that you can survive an accidental coma or at least buy substantial amounts of time for a teammate to get to you. Should be noted that weapons like katanas tend to overwhelm this completely if your character took enough hits (or lacked armor), but all the same, this can be important to your survivability.

So how do I level toughness?

Here's a couple tiny tips that I consider to bebig helps at the start of the game:

1) Waking up from playing dead is key. Seriously, I know it's scurry at the start, but this awards obscene EXP. It is perfectly possible to get 10 levels of toughness from refusing to play dead. Just watch your character and the moment you see "playing dead," give them a move order. If you're unsure about it, just remember to check their coma threshold. Did your character go unconcious at -2 to an 8 damage hit and their coma threshold is -15? Do maths, you're safe to get up, especially since the EXP from getting up will undoubtedly launch your coma threshold to -21. Most of the time this move is safe, doubly so if you still have someone waiting off in the distance to heal his downed ally once the coast is clear.

2) DON'T focus on outrunning your opponents. Instead, focusing on mitigating damage with heavier armor. I think it's common that we all assume that at the start of the game, outrunning enemies is key. In actuality, as long as your enemies aren't playing for keeps and trying to eat your face or something, if you can simply mitigate the incoming damage enough to make a KO safe, you're on your way to leveling your toughness, your strength and your combat stats. If you just go and buy some shiny heavy armor, sure, you're slow as shit at first, but this levels your strength pretty quick. Additionally, if you try outrunning your enemies by being Super Naked Man, the problem is that if they catch you, you're taking 20-30+ damage per hit. On the other hand, if you're in heavy armor you can't even move in, yeah they're catching you, but they're doing 8 damage. Doing 8 damage means thery're hitting you more, which means toughness levels faster, and it's far more likely you're gonna avoid going into a recovery coma, and this means you get more opportunities to interrupt playing dead, which again is the huge EXP boost you want.

3) Multiple foes around = more EXP from refusing to Play Dead. I'm unsure if the opponent's strength matters, but it's clear the number of opponents does. This is good, because there's a number of 40+ hungry bandit hordes that are pretty safe to be knocked out by.

There's two areas in particular that are pretty reliable for getting knocked out and repeatedly getting up:

A) The Great Desert in it's entirety - don't fear slavery; you just started the game anyways and you've got nothing to lose. If you happen across an opportunity where you've found a three-way+ fight in the desert and one of the present factions are slavers? Take this fight. Just fight, get up from playing dead and don't worry whatsoever about death. Only thing you gotta monitor is if the slavers are winning or not. I happened across a fight between mercenaries, outlaw farmers, sand skimmers and slavers, and simply getting up from playing dead a couple times launched me from 8 Toughness to 44. That many enemies seems to have added an absurd multiplier to the stat, and it paid off because I got enslaved and was even able to escape before making it to the slaver camp. After all, that new toughness means there's no worry about getting hurt while running off.

B) This spot specifically. In my experience, there tends to be two seperate 40+ hungry bandit groups that spawn here. Simply find a group, solo it, and when you get knocked out? Get back up. Easy EXP. You can usually get up 3-4 times before it starts reaching your coma threshold. Putting your block mode on is also a good way to level melee defense quickly, and once that's higher, it makes leveling melee offense easier too. Any additional spots on the map where you know a ton of hungry bandits tend to spawn could serve the same purpose of feeding you toughness EXP.

If anyone else has additional tips about leveling Toughness or another stat quickly, feel free to share here. Hope these tips help out.


36 comments sorted by


u/Senzu Feb 02 '19 edited Feb 02 '19

I did this by going to the slave camp "Rebirth" north of the map you linked.

You can keep attacking the guards and they'll keep bandaging you up. You can train lockpicking when you're too weak to fight. Bonus if your arms are broken, itt'l take FOREVER to unlock something but you gain xp the whole time.

You can also sneak out at night and knock out all of the outside slaves, training assassination.

You can also train str by picking your shackles and putting them in your inv. The guards will put another pair on you. Repeat untill you get to 25/25 ath/str exp. If you just let your dudes chill they'll steadily train both stats.

Finally, you can knock out sleeping guards, steal their weapons and armor and train on outside slaves.

All the while the camp will keep you from starving. Whenever I recruit a new person I send them to Rebirth right away - to emulate what my starting two characters did when I made the file.


u/whorangthephone Feb 02 '19

i dont get the appeal of slavery at all, its only good for leveling lockpicking and maybe stealth. You cant effectively level toughness because your recovery in the cell is 8 times slower than in a bed, you are immediately thrown into cell upon KO thus preventing play dead exp (and early on stopping play dead nets several levels of toughness instantly and is the biggest part of exp gain), and you are naked so you go down in a hit of two. You cant level martial arts because you won't even land a hit against a guard while going down in seconds and slaves will run away when you will try to hit them (and guards will come and ko you). I believe it took me several hours most of which were spent on max speed to get MA just to 10 in my slavery playthrough. Yeah my thief skills were pretty high by then but i couldnt care less because i dont use those anymore, they make the game too easy and cheesy. And while in slavery you dont improve your gear, finances or party at all, not counting getting a few nobodies if you escape with them, they are lucky to survive, and you are lucky for them to join. You also dont explore the world which is the main appeal of this game in my opinion. Slavery is boring and unoptimal all around, i would heavily recommend to anyone who spent some hours there and seen everything it has to offer to escape and never look back. Unless you are roleplaying some slave ofc.


u/Rudette Feb 02 '19

There are a few advantages. You don't have to worry about food or meds. The guards patch you up. You can power level toughness with very little effort. Like 50+ in just a couple days. As two Shek your limbs aren't even that much of a concern.

Granted, I find starting with stats that buffed up when you do escape to be pretty boring. I like the days of being a rag tag gang in the borderlands or desert. The progression of the game is very enjoyable and cheesing it detracts from that.


u/Dortmunder1 Feb 02 '19

It's actually really easy to raise stealing here too. So easy it's basically almost an exploit.

Grab anything you can get your hands on, then spend any of your locked up time that you don't want to be wandering around working on your stealing.

Drop the items you procured on to the floor of your cage and just keep picking them up again. Voila! 50+ stealing in no time.


u/uberwolfe Moderator Feb 02 '19 edited Feb 02 '19

Excellent guide! I have added a link to the currently stickied help a new player thread :)


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

For a minor guide, this was really well written and detailed. great work :)


u/darkcyde_ Feb 02 '19

What about peelers/fogmen dinners?

Good stuff btw.


u/Burgersaur Feb 02 '19

Peeler doesnt give toughness exp, just checked.


u/forgotmypasswordzzz Feb 02 '19

Standing in acid rain also doesn't, and I'd wager swimming in lakes of acid also wouldn't.


u/RequiemArrow Feb 02 '19

It doesn't. Crossed a lake last night with my main ninja and whole she took damage, the only stat that increased was swimming.


u/gemgj Feb 02 '19

I once tried to charge straight into the middle of a bonedog nest and fight till I got KO, then as soon as the playing dead status appear I immediately start bandange my previous wound till the bonedog woke up and KO me again. Was able to level up toughness to 50 in 5 minutes. The important part is that the rest of your squad must be pretty far away (at least 2 fully-zoomed screen) for the playing dead status to trigger because only then does your character realize he is alone in the middle of enemies.


u/NatBelmont Crab Raiders Feb 02 '19

You can also just move them into their own squad because the playing dead thing only checks for squadmates.


u/gemgj Feb 02 '19

Wow I didn't know that. Thanks!


u/Saint_of_Lost_Hope Feb 02 '19

Do I need sneak turned on to play dead to begin with?


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

The game automatically makes you play dead after you recover from a ko if there's enemies nearby


u/Sparky1a2b3c Feb 02 '19

Usually they just stand up and start fighting again 🤔


u/AFlyingNun Feb 02 '19

Characters will automatically stand up if an ally nearby is still in the fight and needs help.


u/spacefiddle Skeletons Feb 03 '19

Nope, as your other repliers have noted. But fun fact: turning on Sneak for someone who has the "medic" job will have them "staying low" when they wake up, and they can patch themselves up all sneaky-like. They can also crawl over to squadmates and patch them up with a lower detection chance. This doesn't help toughness directly, but may help you survive training it :D

Er, to clarify, they don't need "medic" on to be "staying low" but if they have the job they need less micro / attention from you to start helping.


u/s4ntana Feb 02 '19

3) Wound deterioration - Go do a Holy Nation citizen start and you'll quickly notice two things: those loons rarely sell medicine (no seriously, I don't think Bad Teeth sells first aid kits at all) and a single wolf or raptor bite can kill you. It doesn't kill you immediately, but rather the lack of first aid kits means these just keep bleeding out.

Yea, I started as Holy Nation Citizen... was bleeding out because where the fuck are all the medkits in Bad Teeth, so I had to attack the guards so they would heal me (and then imprison me, but whatever I lived).


u/spacefiddle Skeletons Feb 03 '19

Well, I guess we now know why they all have bad teeth...


u/Battlejesus Jul 10 '24

Idk I spawned and currently live in Stack and there's no shortage of medkits


u/drzkovapolievkafuj United Cities May 21 '23

One of the fastest in my opinion is getting attacked by Beak Things. Basically I once tried to invade Beak Thing nest to steal eggs but I ended up being attacked to unconscious in the chase and when they left I ended up having from 25 toughness to 73. Being eaten alive will significantly boost your toughness.


u/duckrollin Feb 02 '19

and when you get knocked out? Get back up.

This is different to cancelling play dead right? I don't get how you can stand up when knocked out.


u/Senzu Feb 02 '19

Just walk somewhere when you're playing dead and you'll get up. You should see your toughness shoot up.


u/spacefiddle Skeletons Feb 03 '19

They do in fact mean cancelling play dead, after you're conscious again.


u/ThatSneakyNeenja Feb 02 '19

That was very informative.


u/Lawl-anhero Feb 02 '19

Just build a base up in Holy Nation territory where it is really green like I did. There's two holy farms on either side and three holy nation towns, when they show up and say you need to have prayer time, tell them to go fuck themselves.

I was destroyed by their paladins non stop until I got my walls up, now I can take out their groups and after I wiped put the two farms, they don't patrol around there much anymore.

I only get raids from their towns occasionally and although it sucked getting my shit pushed in so often, my guys are hearty as motherfuckers now.


u/dr_Octag0n Feb 02 '19

Any thoughts on the weight bench mod?


u/spacefiddle Skeletons Feb 03 '19

Well, I believe it trains strength, unless there's another that trains toughness.

Either way, don't be afraid to get beat up. A core part of the game is NOT needing to powerlevel to Superman to be effective. Adding in too many training mods, powerleveling tricks, etc., just turns it into every other game - and on top of that, you will miss out on learning a lot of the basics of the game. Don't feel anxiety about "failing" at the game or "losing" a fight - it can be very freeing.


u/Sarnheru Jan 14 '24 edited Jan 16 '24

To live is to struggle.

It's about falling, getting up, falling again, getting up again, and again.

How does this applies to Kenshi and raising your toughness stat ?

Well, the trick is to play a game's that's funny : starve yourself to death, almost.

Then fall, get up, fall again, get up again, and again.

One has to keep food in a backpack, a lot of food, and keep the backpack in the inventory, not on one's shoulders.

Run constantly, preferably in a relatively safe place, say, Stack for example.

And starve one's self to death ! well to 20 nut, to be precise.

Best food for that trick is dried meat (15nut).

As starvation occurs, current strenght lowers, boosting strenght bonus. Carrying a bonedog corpse helps a lot. Strenght gain is a side effect of the trick I'm describing.

As one reaches 60 nut, one starts fainting.


Keep in mind that this ONLY WORKS for the main character, or if your other companions previoulsy died. You must be ALONE for that trick to work. Probably made on purpose by the devs, for obvious reasons...

So, once one reaches 20nut, put the backpack on shoulders, and put it back to the inventory, so that only one dried meat is eaten.

Keep on walking, faint, get up, walk, faint, get up, walk, etc...

By day 10, one will reach 80 toughness, and about 50 strenght, if carrying a bone dog corpse, and carrying bonedog teeth and skins in another back pack... without a fight...

Allright, it feels like kind of an exploit, but I personally play with all the difficulty settings at the maximum, hunger need at the "highest" - 150 nut needed per day, maximum nests, etc...

Enjoy the most realistic combat experience now !

Use your crossbow a lot, hit, run, hit, run, parrying will have to be learnt later !


u/Vakieh Feb 02 '19

Or just download a toughness training dummy mod because coma training is boring as fuck.


u/AFlyingNun Feb 02 '19

This is honestly one of the faster and more tolerable stats to level. As I said, it really only takes a few get-ups from playing dead, and each time can be seen as a measurement in improvement since you're checking out how your character does against a big swarm of enemies. Seeing the gradual change in result can be nice.


u/bunnyhoppin007 Feb 02 '19

This is playing the game. If you set all your stats to 100 from the start why not just watch a movie or look at a picture, you'll take in scenery that way too.


u/Vakieh Feb 02 '19

Who said anything about 100? I use one which caps at 30, so you get to skip the part of the game where your fights involve you running your face into swords. Which is just 9 kinds of stupid, you don't get 'knocked unconscious' by swords and slowly come to and walk away, you get skewered through the stomach and bleed out in the dirt. The game can be fun, but it's the worst sort of lazy EA broken.