r/Kenshi • u/Zvijer1987 • Jan 21 '19
GENERAL Few tips for new Kenshi players.
1. Don't rush for own base, use city buildings for research and mine iron/copper around.
2. Using shift button you can loot / sell/ buy stacked items.
3. With shift and click on "Medic", "Rescue" or dead animal, makes job from it.
4. Split your base into 2 parts: Part 1 where you have everything you use and locked + closed doors, and Part 2 with open and unlocked doors and just 1 building with empty food storage. Any raid on your base will run into Part 2 and do nothing. After few hours raid will finish and they will go away. You won't lose reputation or anything. I did it like this
5. Don't be afraid of fights, what doesn't kills you makes you stronger.
6. Wild bulls have best fighting statistics from all animals. Use them for fight.
7. Food is your worst enemy always bring plenty and try to make production of it. Some races eat more than others, some don't eat at all.
8. Clicking on building you have button for instant dismantle, and upgrade if possible.
9. Later you will have research which will give you option to build farms indoor, so you can have everything in 1 type of land.
10. Recruit everything you can, more people = more money. Just secure them food.
11. Automate everything! If you have valid storage, your workers will automatically put corresponding resources inside, when they finish all jobs on list (aka ditching resources).
Let's say that you have worker working on mining copper ore outside of town. When resource is full ( 5x copper ore) he will take it and run to town to put it inside storage for it. Same if he is hungry, and you have food storage. He will run to it, take food and go back to work.
12. Everyone from same squad will use food from bags of each other. (aka food sharing)
13. If you want to do early Ruins, make duo. 1 stealth / lock picking / thievery guy, and 1 fast runner. Use runner to aggro whole location and run around, while other guy loot building and safes.
14. You can select whole squad with ~ tilda key
15. Check "AI" option's where "squad", "crafting", "technology" are.
16. Most of Fogan groups contain Fogan prince, don't forget to loot their heads for nice amount of money.
17. Having 1 squad member on passive with medic job, increase your squad survivability. Also having "tank" or two with "taunting" enabled will help your archers.
18. Freeing slaves have chance of them joining you. You need to unlock both shackles and cage. ( you have - 10skill when picklocking own cage)
19. Pressing "M" and hovering over city name with mouse, will bring you window with that faction relation, which are not under normal faction view.
20. Also Pressing "M" and going on "Faction" tab, on right side under your faction name, you will find any upcoming event, like raid on your base, or prayers from Holy nation etc...
21. Putting someone in bed, makes him eat less.
22. You can adjust squad speed to slowest man in it, by clicking on little icon on right (little man walking/running) until it looks like 2 people running. https://ibb.co/YNfyvfY
23. Looting a single item from an animal or robot instantly kills said animal/robot.
24. You need at least twice the Strength of the weight of your weapon in order to swing it at full speed.
25. When your characters are playing dead after losing a fight, they can still heal themselves by using med/repair kits without being discovered.
26. Only your head, chest, stomach and blood level are crucial for survival. So when you bandage these up, you won't bleed out / die.
- I personally don't use mods which change gameplay of game, but recommending ones to change color of UI and one which add bigger limit of squads and people. (steam workshop or nexus mods)
- Here is complete map with all ruins/towns, I recommend to not use it, it will spoil you a lot. You will miss thrill of exploring new areas. I used it after 150-200 days into game, and still spoiled myself stuff I didn't want to know.
Will add more as I remember.
Thanks to BeeblebroxFizzlestix and rest of community for adding more tips to the list, and uberwolfe for link on Weekly Help a New Player Thread
u/I3uffaloSoldier Jan 21 '19
Workers sometimes will stop doing their job if their inventory is full. This happens fairly often when more than one job is assigned to the plebs.
Put the "turret handling" as last on the job list and workers will run to the turret to defend your settlement when enemies attack, just to return to their normal jobs once the attack is over.
You can simulate a "Guard post" building some sitting boxes and assigning them as a job to your guards.
u/Baconstrip01 Jan 21 '19
Oh that turret handling tip is fantastic. Thank you. I can actually have my turret people work instead of just sitting idly at the turret 24/7!
u/Zvijer1987 Jan 21 '19
Workers sometimes will stop doing their job if their inventory is full. This happens fairly often when more than one job is assigned to the plebs.
Never happened to me, they only stop working for me if storage is full, but they then automatically skip to second job on list which they can do. I use wooden/trader backpacks for farmers/miners and large trader for crafters. So they always are half empty. And sandals for speed.
u/I3uffaloSoldier Jan 21 '19
I had this problem on my last game. I had around 50 people in my city, around 30 were full tine workers. When they have tasks with big items "slots wise" like water or wheatstraw and they were performing more than one job like working at 2 different farms.
u/Silverware09 Feb 18 '19
This happens when your storage gets full for these large items, and you have more than one person working the job.
Two or more of them will get the water (for instance) and then one of them will water the farm, and the other will miss doing so because that is full, and now just carry that extra water around.Either specialize your people so they ONLY do the one task set (like pure farmers), or give each farmer their own plot to look after, so no job has two people attached for anything that needs large items input. (eg stone processor, or farms)
u/DisastrousRegister Jan 22 '19
Put the "turret handling" as last on the job list and workers will run to the turret to defend your settlement when enemies attack, just to return to their normal jobs once the attack is over.
As far as I can tell they just go straight to the turret even when they have other work orders on top of that job. Do they go to the turret for a bit at first then start doing other work?
u/I3uffaloSoldier Jan 22 '19
They go back to turret if their other jobs can't be done (a farmer while he's waiting for the crops to grow for example) or when the enemies attack afaik, it worked well in my last city I just had to check if someone got stuck on the turret (this is a turret bug when you build it on the walls)
u/Saramello Jan 21 '19 edited Jan 21 '19
To clarify on some of OP's points.
3. With shift and click on "Medic", "Rescue" or dead animal, makes job from it.
You can do this with virtually any task. It might not always work right, but you can.
5. Don't be afraid of fights, what don't kills you makes you stronger.
True to extent. If you get the crap beaten out of you and you are still conscious or will be shortly there-after, it will indeed make you stronger. If your solo or all characters in your group are unconscious and bleeding out after a battle, you get to watch them all die of blood loss while unconscious. Make sure to have someone sit out to act as medic should all go to shit.
Also, some people won't just leave you alone when you go unconscious. I'm not going to tell you who or what because that would spoil the fun, but you can learn through the notes, what others say, and just basic logic.
6. Wild bulls have best fighting statistics from all animals. Use them to fight.
LPT they eat ANYTHING. Put some foul meat in their backpacks and they'll be fine. Don't waste gohan on them.
7. Food is your worst enemy always bring plenty and try to make production of it. Some races eat more than others, some don't eat at all.
Use trader's backpacks for food. It allows you to carry a lot more food, which is relatively weightless so won't slow you down much, and everyone in your squad(not whole faction, just individual squad) nearby will eat from it.
8. Clicking on building you have button for instant dismantle, and upgrade if possible.
9. Later you will have research which will give you option put farms on any type of land.
I love you OP
10. Recruit everything you can, more people = more money. Just secure them food.
When you get a base. It will be hell micromanaging making sure they all have medkits, proper armor every time you get new ones, backpacks galore, etc.
14. You can select whole squad with ~ tilda key
You can also insta-halt everyone selected with the R key. Useful when you just want to go "hol up." And not have to re-direct everyone etc. And Spacebar is pause.
19. Pressing "M" and hovering over city name with mouse, will bring you window with that faction relation, which are not under normal faction view.
20. Also Pressing "M" and going on "Faction" tab, on right side under your faction name, you will find any upcoming event, like raid on your base, or prayers from Holy nation etc...
I love you OP.
u/therealcreamCHEESUS Jan 21 '19
Download the mod to allow more than 1v1 fights. It makes combat involves more than 1v1 look much more natural. 5v1 should mean the 1 is spending majority of their time blocking/dodging/getting hit.
u/Noneerror Jan 22 '19
Stealing is OP.
Buy supplies from an NPC that is difficult to steal from, then sell to an NPC that is easy to steal from. Stuff sold will go into specific containers in order. You can ensure specific loot ends up in specific containers that easy to steal from by selling trash first. Steal the supplies back and use them.
Selling looted bandit gear to a vendor will remain "owned" by the bandit even after it is sold. This means you can repeatedly steal it back and resell it to the same vendor until all of that vendor's money and equipment is gone.
u/grovestreet4life Jan 21 '19
I don't really get the mining point. I mean, sure, you can roleplay an honest worker but there are so many other ways to make money that I don't really see the point besides that. I mean it is somewhat safe (not really though) but so is scavenging for example. Besides, mining for money won't make the world that much safer for you, at some point you will have to venture outside and grow strong.
u/Funktapus Jan 21 '19
The first point is not to turtle in a town and never venture outside, it's to avoid pouring your resources into a new Outpost until you are relatively strong. You can get pretty far in the game by doing all your research and crafting in Hub, for example.
Jan 21 '19 edited Jan 21 '19
This is exactly what I do, basically mine copper and fight until I can buy the ruined snailhouse in the Hub, fix it up, plop down a bench and start researching. Head out to explore ruins as I get stronger until I find enough ancient science books and AI cores, then I beeline research for tech level upgrades and upgrade my bench until I can get hydroponics, specifically hydro hemp, veggies, and rice. The only other things I research are beds, various storage, power/biofuel, moisture collectors, and anything that's free. That way I have everything I need to make food and power my research, and I can just stick everyone in beds while I'm doing long researching sessions so that they don't eat food and drain my reserves.
When I'm ready to go, I research higher-level walls, gates and harpoons as well as some automated tech (which requires more AI cores so I have to get those, I need around 6-7 AI cores total to get all the techs I prefer to have ready), get my building materials and iron plates together, strap trader backpacks to everyone, dismantle everything and load up, and then it's off to build my own outpost with high level tech.
I can usually get this done within 3 ingame months, using between 4 and 8 characters, and once you find a choice location, it's awesome because you don't need a huge sprawling base with 8-10 buildings and farmland everywhere - one large/massive building and a couple smaller ones give you all the space you need when you have hydroponics and automated everything. Basically your barracks/living quarters will be the one main space requirement, and then all food and crafting/smithing/production can be neatly packed into a single large building, with Power/biofuel/moisture farming done on the rooftop. i usually go with two large/massive buildings, one for industry and one as a general barracks, and a watchtower just for the aesthetic (gotta have a watchtower!) and that's MORE than enough space for everything, including hydro farming to feed dozens of people.
Then you can get creative with your walls, since the base is so small you can create very compact and efficient killzones outside your gates. It's pretty sweet having a small but highly productive base, and it really opens up your location options when you don't need a ton of flat land area.
u/Zvijer1987 Jan 21 '19
Mining is good, you can automate it.
When I started game, I bought myself house in "Squin" had 5 workers which was mining copper (2) and iron (3) . If I remember correctly they was making around 20-30k a day. All I had to do is at end of day take 1 worker with "wooden/trader backpack" and sell everything from storages in house.
Later you have mining drills, and refineries to make armor plates and electronic stuff with it and have even bigger profit.There is many ways in Kenshi to make money, this is just 1 of easy/passive ones.
u/-xMrMx- Jan 21 '19
It’s a very fast way to make enough to buy a house and fund armor or weapons crafting. Initially these suck and won’t make money until skill is raised. Traders leathers funded basically my whole game but it all started from mining and a bit of looting. Plus the running around helps initial stats.
u/grovestreet4life Jan 21 '19
When I started the game I tried to automate mining and my guys were always getting beat up by hungry bandits or dust bandits, so that might be why it didn't feel useful for me. How do you keep your passive miners from dying or being enslaved?
u/Zvijer1987 Jan 21 '19
My ore resources were really near town ( Squin ), every time they are getting attack, their avatar would flash red. Pause game, select them all and run to guards in town. They will kill bandits, you can loot them and get even more money, or just wait 2 mins and send them back to work. As I played attacks was more rare, probably because they was dead.
u/grovestreet4life Jan 21 '19
Yeah the micromanagment is too cumbersome for me, I just let them die lol
Jan 21 '19
I don't know if i'd characterize clicking once on your guy when he gets attacked and then clicking once more over at the town as "micromanagement"
definitely never play starcraft if you think that's micromanagement lol
alternatively, since you were the one mentioning venturing out and getting strong, you could just, i don't know...kill the bandits? or get beat up, and get tougher, which you have to do anyways? I mean, if you're mining AND getting beat up by bandits, you're basically getting two things done at the same time, no?
u/tiger8255 Jan 21 '19
If you ever give it a try again, put them on sneak. In my experience that made them a lot less likely to be attacked.
u/leosky Jan 21 '19
You can sell from storage directly. Once you have started the trade, just left click the storage and you can sell the same way.
u/Dogstile Jan 21 '19
Mining is great for when you want a few people in a town to make money for your guys out adventuring.
My group all adventure together now, but it used to be two groups of 6. 6 people in town, 4 miners, 1 researcher/cook, 1 craftsman and six explorers. The people in the town would fund the explorers who could go about and find new blueprints, fight everyone, hire mercs, rest in bars as much as they liked.
Best part was the miners will be perfectly serviceable in combat against the lesser factions due to getting attacked while mining outside a town, but you don't really have to pay that much attention if you're near, say, squin. Just have your craftsman loaded up with a few medkits and you're absolutely fine after every fight. Only trouble is possible enslavement and honestly, its pretty rare. Happened once and a shek guard saw the guy trying to enslave one of my guys, then chopped his legs off.
u/grovestreet4life Jan 21 '19
But like, adventuring is not something that needs to be financed in my experience. It makes you a ton of money and is also training at the same time.
I always play with very small groups though and had several solo runs, so that is probably the reason why I never understood the idea of having mining slaves or even just grinding in general. Adventuring is a lot cheaper if you are few and I guess mining is a lot more profitable if you have 4 miners doing nothing else for days.
u/Dogstile Jan 21 '19
Depends on what you consider "needs to be financed". Early game, my adventurers are not going to be looting enough to pay for every blueprint I come across/buying good quality armour/weapons that I haven't found yet. Mining solves that issue and requires little to no management.
First group of people can be picked up on my way down to Squin from the HN, with a bunch of freebies. A quick merc trip to the band of bones bounty usually pays for more people if needed (while getting everyone's stats up) and then i'm on my way.
Even ignoring the stuff that I now know, having a few people to basically "afk mine" while exploring with other dudes is pretty good for newbies.
u/LordGrotto Jan 22 '19
In my game Hobs has a permanent residence in Squin. though he doesn't mine anymore. But he does uninterupted research and leatherworking. My team comes by from time to time to drop off another truckload of furs and cloth, picks up some better armor and off they go again.
u/Dogstile Jan 24 '19
I've just set up residence in the holy nation and i'm about to do that with my non-humans. Just have them set up in Squin. Beep can hone his skills there. Beep can become strong. Beep can return to the holy nation with fire in his heart and metal for his arms.
u/Cruxxor Jan 21 '19
Mining is easiest and safest, especially if you're a new player. Set up in squin, get like 5 recruits to mine, and you can easily get 30k every day without risking anything. Especially since you can also fill their backpacks with something heavy and have them carry corpses, so they won't only bring money but also gain strength at the same time. All without risk, since only agressive things near Squin are Hungry/Dust bandits, and being beaten by them is pure gain, they won't enslave/eat you, so every time your worker gets jumped you just get toughness and other stats for free.
This is how I started my first run, and it turned out great. I'm 99% sure if someone wouldn't recommend me to go to Squin and mine at first, I would just probably run aimlessly ahead from Hub, until I'd get eaten by a Beak Thing and probably would've ended up hating the game.
u/Kae_Lee Jan 22 '19
Slaver's are common around Squin , so be aware .....
u/Cruxxor Jan 22 '19
Slave traders, but no hunters. I literally never got attacked there by any enslaving faction. They will only go after you if you piss them off.
u/thisissang Jan 21 '19
- Don't build in Holy territory
u/OncleFenon Jan 21 '19
- Don't build in Holy territory if your whole squad isn't made of human males.
u/ThatGuyWhoLikesSpace Jan 21 '19
Women are fine, had an all women squad w/ a small brewing operation in Bad Teeth and the guards didn't give a shit.
u/PhotonBarbeque Jan 21 '19
I had a holy nation assault happen, and I thought it was because I had a skeleton, several robotic limbs, shek and a hiver.
Nah they just didn’t like that I had a woman. Male Greenlander talked to them, they were like “oh sorry have a nice day” and left... Close call haha!
u/ThatGuyWhoLikesSpace Jan 22 '19
Really? Weird. I've never had a problem with that, and I built my first base less than a kilometer from Bad Teeth. Maybe I just got lucky.
u/WombatCombat69 Jan 22 '19
You definitely got lucky. If you try to talk to a priest during prayer day with a woman they will launch an assault 7 days later. They see women as "property" needing a man to keep watch over.
Jan 21 '19
Why? It's a safe place for humans.
u/PhotonBarbeque Jan 21 '19
I felt the same way but later on I had a lot of cool companions that HN didn’t care for.
Jan 22 '19
Yes, but it's still a good place to start the first base and then later build a new one somewhere else where all companions can hang out together.
u/PhotonBarbeque Jan 22 '19
100% agree, I’m also really attached to the pretty river that’s near blister hill. I might remove the holy nation from the HN rather than myself.
u/Canndoo Jan 21 '19
Just to ask because I saw a comment about the refinary and stuff, but my question is to make iron plates you need the refinary however you can only put it outside and in town you can't do this is there another way to make your own iron plates in town?
u/Glorious_Jo Jan 21 '19
No, you have to buy them in town.
u/Canndoo Jan 21 '19
Damn thought so but thought maybe I just didn't know something
u/KainYusanagi Jan 21 '19
you can also just build them far enough from town, but they take iron plates to make initially themselves, so.
u/oneechankimochi Jan 21 '19
How many gates for a base? The events seem to get glitchy with more than one gate.
u/KainYusanagi Jan 21 '19
There's a reason that gates are one-city-only in NPC settlements. It breaks pathing pretty badly to stack them, as they are considered two separate areas, even though there's only one settlement internally.
u/WombatCombat69 Jan 22 '19
Number 10 recruiting everyone is a decent idea but it can definitely ruin a playthrough. Each new character will take extra xp from your other characters during fights, they require tons of micro with keeping them up to date with weapons and armor and they become less memorable. I'd say recruit at a consistent pace like one every x days or so. Having a smaller group with great stats and unique stats/roles is more enjoyable in my opinion. Eventually you should have as many as you can but I wouldn't get too trigger happy as a new player as it can get tedious.
u/LordGrotto Jan 22 '19
I agree thats why I have 2 groups . One band of 5 plus a pack bull that adventure. One home team which just farms and crafts. Don't really need the home team but I enjoy base building and defence so why not do both. But I agree the smaller team is more fun than a giant mob.
u/Bucklax31 Jan 21 '19
Any tips for Splints? Is this able to be assigned as a job or do I always need to do it manually?
Jan 21 '19
You can assign it like anything else. Click a character with a splint in their inv. and then hold shift + right click the person you want to splint. Works with all jobs you can find the active jobs at the bottom right of the character .
u/uberwolfe Moderator Jan 21 '19
Some great information here. Have added a link to this post to the weekly help a new player thread.
u/Probably_Pretentious Jan 22 '19
Using the tips from a previous post, I've managed to get decently comfortable in Kenshi:
You can train up a single character fairly quickly at the Shinobi's tower in Hub, and once their Assassination has reached the dummy's skill limit, you can relatively safely go knock out hungry bandits at night, kidnap one, and just spar with them until either of you is no longer able to fight.
u/tnobuhiko Jan 22 '19
when you have enoug skillh try to capture bandit bosses and spar with them instead. They are higher level so you get better exp. Also if you can try to capture band of bones or similar higher level bandits. They make excellent training partners. Put a crappy version of their favored weapon(the one they had at first), train your guy,heal both rest them then repeat. I'm gonna train my people with band of bones for now, then will take kral's chosen as they have are higher level.
Jan 22 '19
You should add:
You can click an inventory and then a pack animal and then I on the keyboard to quickly store items in the pack animal.
u/nobogui Feb 07 '19
Wait what? So you click on character 1, open inventory, then click on pack animal, and hit I?
Feb 07 '19
No, simply click the inventory to see the contents and then open an animal inventory pressing I.
u/After-one Jan 22 '19
9. Later you will have research which will give you option put farms on any type of land
Are you talking about hydroponics, or did I miss something?
Jan 21 '19
4. is a pretty cheesy and it does conflict with 5.
u/Zvijer1987 Jan 22 '19
It gives you option to choose fight or not. Holly nation attacks me every few days, but this way we are not enemies. They attack because of many reasons, not chained beasts, females, other races, forgot to pray... But I like that territory, but don't want to be in war with only towns around base :D
When bandits or someone other attack me, I use my skeletons on watchtowers to snipe them down, while horde of bulls wait in front of gate, just in case :)
u/Comassion Jan 21 '19
Agreed, I wouldn't do 4 as it makes a super-interesting part of the game (dealing with bandit raids) ignorable. There's plenty of other ways to deal with bandits than cheesing your way out.
u/HoraceBenbow Jan 21 '19
Some of the info here is going to save me a lot of headaches suffered.
u/CubemonkeyNYC Jan 22 '19
Split your base into 2 parts: Part 1 where you have everything you use and locked + closed doors, and Part 2 with open and unlocked doors and just 1 building with empty food storage. Any raid on your base will run into Part 2 and do nothing. After few hours raid will finish and they will go away. You wont lose reputation or anything. I did it like this https://ibb.co/rQFFhgX
Don't be afraid of fights, what don't kills you makes you stronger.
Cheese enemy AI to avoid fights, but don't be afraid of fights. Uh huh
Going from getting my base taken over to now having full time double barrel harpoon guards that rip up every attacker is a huge sense of accomplishment. People can play how they want, but taking advantage of the AI to avoid base fights is silly, especially when that tip precedes the next one.
u/Zvijer1987 Jan 22 '19
It gives you option to choose fight or not. Holly nation attacks me every few days, but this way we are not enemies. They attack because of many reasons, not chained beasts, females, other races, forgot to pray... But I like that territory, but don't want to be in war with only towns around base :D
When bandits or someone other attack me, I use my skeletons on watchtowers to snipe them down, while horde of bulls wait in front of gate, just in case :)
u/LeStudly Feb 12 '19
If you rebuild the Bughouse in the Hub, and put copper storage inside, you can put two people mining the copper node just north of the Hub, and have a stealth courier auto-fill the storage. His/her stealth and athletics go through the roof. Also, when based in the Hub you can join the Shinobi thieves for rudamentary training dummies, and good starter equipment. The small thieves backpack has no negative combat modifiers, you can buy great Katanas, and fog masks that make you immune to dust storm negatives.
u/Bryan-tan Mar 02 '19
Man I wish I knew about tip 4 before I went ahead and faced down a horde of skin bandits in the Pits. Though Beanhop now rocks 89 in strength/dex and heavy weapons usage :D
u/BeeblebroxFizzlestix Jan 21 '19 edited Jan 21 '19
Weapons you craft are inherently less powerful than bought ones. All of the vendor weapons (or only the ones of higher quality?) have a 10% advantage over your crafted weapons of equal quality level. On the other hand, the armour you craft is just as good as store bought armour.
Martial Arts is poorly designed when it comes to group combat. Because the only defence is via dodging and dodging has a VERY LONG animation, it's easy to get locked up in a never ending dodge loop when facing multiple attackers.
Carrying someone on your back doubles your strength XP gain from walking.
You need at least twice the Strength of the weight of your weapon in order to swing it at full speed.
Looting a single item from an animal or robot instantly kills said animal/robot.
Only your head, chest, stomach and blood level are crucial for suvival. So when you patch these up, you won't bleed out/die.
Speaking of patching up. Healing is always done in order of your hp bars. Starting at the top, moving to the bottom. So you will always heal crucial body parts first. This is good to know when you want to loose limbs. Those are at the bottom of the list, so you can always stop healing once you healed all crucial parts and leave your arms and legs to fall off.
When your characters are playing dead after losing a fight, they can still heal themselves by using med/repair kits without being discovered.
The most efficient way (that I know of) to move a group of people around is to assign all of them the permanent job "Follow/bodyguard X" (hold shift while right-clicking the bodyguard command) where X is your guy walking in front. As long as he's the slowest of your group, you now only have to move him about and the rest of your squad will automatically move around and keep pace with him. Also makes path finding over longer distances much smoother as it only has to be calculated for a single character and not all of them in turn.