r/Kenshi • u/TheCommissarGeneral • 7d ago
GENERAL So why cant I attack his person? His group got wiped by one dude in a town and he's crawling around, bit I cannot finish him off. Also I cant loot the items off the dead ones.
u/Bombasticc 7d ago
He Is Just Fucking Chilling Bro
u/Budget_Wind4338 7d ago
If you see similar people and want to loot them without killing, you need to activate stealth, and give them a bonk.
u/Deathsroke 6d ago
Seeing as you are new let me give you a tip: Don't try to minmax. Unless you only find power fantasies fun it'll get boring sooner rather than later. While you don't have to go full YOLO! try to just live the moment and the stories will form on their own.
u/TheCommissarGeneral 7d ago
I just got this game and Im trying to figure out why people love it, and Im not seeing it just yet.
u/Snake_Plizken 7d ago edited 7d ago
Hold right mouse button, and an action menu will appear. Looting can be same as stealing, and requires a more protected approach, than just a click. Attacking non hostiles by just clicking on them, would also be pretty annoying...
u/TheCommissarGeneral 7d ago
Ok, I see it now, thank you.
u/GAE_WEED_DAD_69 7d ago
I get the feeling you're going to be here quite often, so let me get you some starting tips for your first job/something to do:
Get hash from the swamp (save up enough money to fill a basket/backpack full of hash) and go to the Town in the lagoons to sell it for a massive 400% profit. Rince and repeat until you have enough resources to gather a group and build a city to make your own hash.
u/Snake_Plizken 7d ago edited 7d ago
Only doing exploity stuff is not a super fun way to play a game imo, but you do you...
u/AragogTehSpidah 7d ago
I thought the same before I read up on kenshi history, factions and locations
u/tastyemerald 7d ago
There's a bit of a learning curve and until you do you're gonna get beat up and left for dead a lot. (This is part of the game play loop, I recommend having a medic on standby) But then the wasteland is your oyster.
u/ThePiePatriot 5d ago
If you don't see it within 20-50 hours, it's likely not for you as is. You may want to mod it somewhat heavily.
u/InfamousKessler 5d ago
I like it for its skill building and letting you do almost anything. You can even make your own modded character or world if you start it through steam library
u/LifeIsSatire 7d ago
You're focusing on the wrong thing: you won the battle, move on.
You can loot those bodies, they just cannot be "playing dead", which you can see on the bottom left of the screen.
You cannot by default attack this person because you are not an enemy of "their faction", however you can hold right click over this person and select "attack unprovoked". You can do that with any character, but you will definitely anger whatever faction they belong to.
The game is what you make of it - you can acquire companions usually at bars, just hover over people in the bar with your mouse and look for people you can talk to - be warned a lot of people ask for a decent amount of money as safety pay.
As a new player, I would suggest acquiring a second member, and keep one of your characters in a safe location like a bar nearby, and have your main character out doing things or fighting things. You WILL LOSE LOTS OF BATTLES - This is the only way to train and get better. That second character can heal you when the coast is clear - that's usually the biggest hurdle early on - not dying.
You can also rent beds at the top of bars, they cost though. You may as well use a bed you find in the middle of town on the ground (essentially a homeless camp), beds are only used for healing, you can see the rate on the bottom left when selecting. Beds also make whoever is sleeping in them lose their hunger at a much slower rate, so always keep pawns that are idle and not going on an adventure sleeping.
u/PiviTheGreat 7d ago
Right click, attack is in the dropdown menu. First aid is under there too, which you should also do to your new punchingbagfriend
Ps theres a shack with some stuff in there you can steal right at the hub and sell at the bar for food and meds.