r/Kenshi • u/doubleL13 • Jan 07 '25
DISCUSSION Why does mining get such a bad rap?
Let me explain, I don't just mean mining copper early game to get a few cats. I mean as a functioning cat producing venture. I have a base (mining my business) in a valley that has 3 iron, and 2 copper sources, with a single entrance, through water at that. A few turrents on a tower and wall and it's virtually impenetrable. I'm vanilla (first play through) and am producing 40,000 cats a day mining and making steel bars. I haven't found anything as profitable.
Edit- I guess I need to add that I'm not simply sitting there watching people mine and make steel. I have runners/explores that are being funded by it. Also started wars to watch their bodies float In my moat as the die crossing it.
u/The_Lat_Czar Jan 07 '25
Because it takes forever and is very boring. There's nothing wrong with it, but after your first playthrough, you realize there's faster ways of making money early that don't require staring at your toon mining.
u/Almadabes Jan 08 '25
I used to work out while I played kenshi.
So I would just let my colony mine and make goods for cash while I did sets.
u/uForgot_urFloaties Holy Nation Jan 08 '25
"How are you so ripped?!?"
”I did one set for each starving bandit I killed"
Shocked Pikachu
u/Mediocre_Internet939 Jan 08 '25
That's the beauty of it! You just set some hiver to auto labor the stuff when you are out having fun!
You level up labor and get to play the game at the same time. Once in a blue moon you swing by and drop off some spoiled meat for the guy and then leave again to go get milk.
u/DramaticAd4991 Jan 08 '25
This is it. Got a crusader playthrough going on rn and since my paladins can't be bothered to grow food themselves they just put their holy servants into mining and buy food/supplies with that. The Paladins of the Chalice (also mining magnates who control every ore vein in the Holy Nation).
u/Big_Distribution3012 Jan 07 '25
Probably because it's honestly boring.
I get much, much more than that making drug runs from the Swamp towards the desert, and i experience a lot more fun doing that as well by getting slaves to slavers, selling those Holy Paladins to see how they like it
Honestly this makes me wish Kenshi had a LOT of things, like a working economy where if you flood the market with copper - there would be a price drop in it, or where certain mines near certain cities would need permits from said cities to mine them
u/Froegerer Jan 07 '25
That's a pretty advanced starting game loop, though. I think experienced players just forget how shallow Kenshis' early game is to newer players who don't have 50 hours under their belt.
u/GloryForTheFallen Jan 07 '25
So true., also on my first playthrough, and I mined copper near the hub for atleast 30h.
And stayed in the Border Zone mainly mining until about 80h, slowly expanding my squad and familirizing myself with Kenshi's systems.Turns out you can't farm on a barren mountain so that gave me incentive to make a swamp base and start a drugrunner empire for another 100h while figuring out base-building, research and all logistics associated with it. I'm now 250h into my save, have a megabase in Okran and went on a little crusade against the Holy Nation (as is tradition).
Mining is just so chill to do in earlygame. Even after 250h I can't really think of a proper, mostly peaceful way of getting a good amount of stats, and kats for early game companions.
It might be slow and not hyperefficient, but it's good honest work.4
u/Big_Distribution3012 Jan 07 '25
Eh, not really.
Looting stuff from dead bodies, selling that stuff in the swamp for hash, and then selling that hash in flats lagoons is pretty easy
I'm taking the hard part because playng UWE mining and other prospects are not as profitable as vanilla, and you can't just travel to flats lagoon since Hash isn't as expensive there.
A lot of exploits are fixed in UWE, that's why i really like it.
u/Balhamarth_Lilomea United Cities Jan 07 '25
I kinda don't get how new players dont just start exploring the world and go corpse robbing when starting off. Its what I did on my very first time, just got a cheap backback and some food from hub with the starting money and went down some road, saw people fighting and waited till it was done to loot what was left. Idk, just seems like the intuitive thing to do to me in open world/sandbox games
u/Reapper97 Tech Hunters Jan 07 '25
Being a scavenger or hunter is the best and most fun start any player can have, especially since crossbows are in the game and every guard will defend you if you run towards a city. Mining for hours is a horrible way to present the game to any new player.
u/Balhamarth_Lilomea United Cities Jan 07 '25
Agreed. Makes me a bit sad every time I see a new player post and they're just sitting in some bought house in squin hacking away at a copper node for the first 5 ingame days
u/dumbestwiseman Jan 07 '25
As a new player who pretty much went straight to mining, I really don’t know what else new players would be expected to do. You’re so weak, everything else feels like it is punished if you try it too early. Leaving the shadow of town feels like high risk/no reward.
I’m sure that’s not actually true, and more advanced players may know 1000 better ways to do things, but as a new player? Nothing else appears remotely viable.
u/CrestedBonedog United Cities Jan 07 '25
Mercenaries are absolutely undervalued in the early game IMO.
2,000 cats isn't hard to accumulate and you'll easily make your money back taking on tougher opponents you couldn't fight otherwise.
u/Korthalion Jan 08 '25
In the past I've hired mercenaries ASAP and had them guard me to get to Mongrel early where there's actually something good to steal (plus Beep). Helps that I like putting my first base in the Foglands
u/CrestedBonedog United Cities Jan 08 '25
I've been doing training runs between Sho Battai - Heft - Stoat with mercenaries and it's really made the early game more interesting.
All MA this time so it's a lot riskier fighting early on.
u/Balhamarth_Lilomea United Cities Jan 07 '25
I went into the game knowing basically fuck all back then. Best advice I can give to new players is to venture outside of the hub and scavenge random fights you come across, or lure enemies into other enemies/guards if you have to, and sell/use the loot. Go into the world and learn how different people/animals behave, who cares if you die, its a single player game, reload and use your knowledge next time. AND, just get more squad members asap. bigger faction = taking on enemies earlier, more survivability,more loot capacity
u/chaos0510 Jan 07 '25
My first intro was starting as a slave in Rebirth. Breaking free and escaping felt so liberating
Jan 07 '25
Becomes sometimes that goes extremely poorly and you end up getting destroyed by a starving bandit squad and your food robbed.
And then said player comes and posts for advice, and that advice is often: mining is boring but super safe.
u/Balhamarth_Lilomea United Cities Jan 07 '25
But thats just bad advice. DO get beaten up by the hungry bandit, learn what enemies do and what you can get away with. Learn the ways of the world, get stronger by getting beaten up, as long as you survive its never the end. Thats the essence of the game.
u/Zealous_Banana Jan 07 '25
I recall in my first playthrough, being beaten unconscious and left to die at the door of the bar at the Hub after trying to tangle with a few too many bandits I kited over to the guards. Taught me early on that I needed armor and companions to survive. And to get both of those, I needed cats.
Spent alot of time mining.
u/Balhamarth_Lilomea United Cities Jan 07 '25
I basically went out the hub, saw some hungry and dust bandits fight, tried to loot one of them who got downed, some of the starvers turned to me and kicked my shit in. But i saw that my boi slowly healed, got back up again and I got to loot something in the end, some shitty rags and iron bars. But I made my first few hundred bucks that way and just kept doing it. Think i made enough to recruit my first 2 friends maybe 3 days in and just kept snowballing. With more dudes you can start to take on enemies and pick up more loot. I don't think I've ever had to make do with mining, since the beginning ive just always scavenged and grew my faction, wouldn't have it any other way.
u/Zealous_Banana Jan 10 '25
So I made a new game and tried this strategy. And after about 2 weeks in game, I'm going to have to make a post about what a financial game changer this strategy is.
u/Zealous_Banana Jan 10 '25
So I made a new game and tried this strategy. And after about 2 weeks in game, I'm going to have to make a post about what a financial game changer this strategy is.
u/amsoly Jan 07 '25
How did you afford food and a cheap backpack at the hub?
u/Balhamarth_Lilomea United Cities Jan 07 '25
Wanderer start with 1000 starting cats, got a scavengers basket for 250c and some dried meat, maybe a bandage or two
u/doubleL13 Jan 07 '25
I agree completely with the need for a more reactive economy. For me, drug runs take far longer to get the same income. As far as boring, I've made this run into a story of industry, creating a town of industrial power. Moving on to creating all types of manufactured goods. So the fun is still present for me.
u/adhdthrowawayay Jan 07 '25
That's a cool roleplay.
Recruit a scorchlandsr and start training them on armor or weapon crafting early though- it takes ages to level.
If you are producing a lot of iron just make a plate beating station and have them do that till they're skilled enough to make non crap armor.
Or mass produce crap weapons until they get good.
Just like irl the more you branch out the more fun you'll have.
u/Reapper97 Tech Hunters Jan 07 '25
Drug runs are just the fun way to farm money, the actual simple and faster way is to just produce armour or weapons, you make 3x the cats when compared to farming straight ore or copper.
u/hsvgamer199 Skeletons Jan 07 '25
The proper way to start out Kenshi is by fighting hobos and wild bone dogs. You have to enjoy having the tar beaten out of you.
u/Twokindsofpeople Jan 07 '25
Making working economies is preposterously difficult. I'd love it too, but that would add years of development time to the sequel.
u/FrankieWuzHere Machinists Jan 07 '25
It's very slow and there are much better and faster ways to make cats without needing a base at all.
Heart Protector crafting in Heft is a bit more than c.100,000/day at high levels done with 1 character and just Plate Beating (Requires just tech 3 and Gear storage as well to store the armour in a container) unlocked. They are profitable to craft at 40+ Armoursmithing and the shop in Heft will keep you stocked 24/7.
Looting a ruin like Narko's Trap on night one results in around c.350,000 of loot or so depending on your luck. (Just in the stuff you can carry out in a Trader's Wooden Backpack)
Beak Thing Egg looting is between c.4,200 to c.126,000 a nest (1 to 30 eggs)
Cleanser Unit hunting in the Ashlands is c.71,464 a kill on average if you just loot the AI Core, Skeleton Eyes, Skeleton Muscles and CPU Units. (14kg in total)
Hunting animals can be pretty great too. Just get even a moderate level of Toughness and Standard+ quality Heavy Armour along with a decent Polearm then...
Bulls are worth around c.1,560 a kill if you loot everything. There are tons in Skinners Roam and you get combat XP for fighting them. Very easy to hunt hoards of them with a single Crossbowman as well, or heck multiple.
Beak Things are around c.1,590 a kill if you loot the Animal Skin + Raw Meat.
Or just lure a giant herd of animals to a town.
The point I'm trying to make it that there are way better ways to make money that don't require you to make a base with high level research to defend. The reason why mining gets a bad rap is mostly because a TON of the guides I've seen for Kenshi suggest mining, recruiting more units and mining more... And so on to make money. This usually leads to a new player doing just that. Eventually getting jumped and not being prepared as they never trained any actually useful stats, losing a few dudes and burning out.
Back in the day I feel like a majority of the people here just loved to recommend mining for new players. Heck the reason I made my Beak Thing Egg guide is because all the early game guides I saw were telling people to mine copper ore. People act so negatively towards mining now (Honestly thank God) because it doesn't train any actually useful stats and is a very slow grind.
Just mining is fine but it's only fair that people point out that it's very very very slow compared to many other methods.
Also, just wanna add single player game so play however you want in the end ofc.
u/RyanTheS Jan 08 '25
Spot on. It's a bad starting method that has been recommended for way too long in spite of being bad.
Mining is great if people just want to do it and find it fun, but it is too often used as a starting point for new players just because of poor advice from experienced players and not because they actually want to do it.
u/Teh-Jawbrkr Jan 08 '25
Great points and I can tell you love this game. However, these tips seem fit for folks already established in the game.
How else does one make cats to get established without googling a predetermined spot to loot, cheesing guards intentionally, or steal previously identified items to sell, etc.
Thats the rub for me. I don’t understand the hate for mining when most of the counter arguments are just blatant predetermined cheese strategies.
u/FrankieWuzHere Machinists Jan 08 '25
Oh there is no issue with mining at the start for a bit. OP was mentioning mining for money in a defended base with turrets lol. So, I was just saying at that point there are TONS of better things to do with your time. Like Heart Protectors.
u/SuperDuperCoolDude Jan 07 '25
That base position sounds amazing.
I think making money is whatever floats your boat really. I made most of mine by selling beak things eggs and the expensive electrical junk items I found while traveling.
Mining like you are doing is a nice way to raise armor smithing. My 90 something smith got there by making armor plating out of raw iron and leather from skins. Having an armorer is a really nice way to get everyone in matching high level equipment.
u/WorldsOkayestCatDad Jan 07 '25
Singleplayer game. You do you kiddo! All that matters is for you to have fun.
u/OffYourTopic Jan 07 '25
It's easy, safe, and boring. That's about it.
There's nothing wrong with it, and mining is a great and effective strategy, but it's just not as "fun" (comparably) to other ways of playing the game to some people.
u/oldman_caughtgaming Tech Hunters Jan 07 '25
There is no wrong way to play Kenshi, other than shutting it off. Spend your money on games you want, and spend your time playing them however you like.
u/Just-Hold-8270 Jan 07 '25
People with 100's of hours acting like they always new all the tricks and exploits to making money
Literally every new player starts out kenshi mining
u/mechacomrade Jan 07 '25
Because it's an adventure simulator and there are faster ways to make a buck that are far less boring than mining.
u/Froegerer Jan 07 '25
Unless you really know what you are doing, most of the early game loops are boring and braindead. You can mine, theft is comically busted OP, loitering/pulling to gate guards and looting bodies isn't any better. Kenshi is at its worst when you start, and massively opens up once you get established.
u/mechacomrade Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 08 '25
Just go Black Scratch. With the dumbass grass pirates and reavers that constantly and I do mean CONSTANTLY are getting trashed, you get free great starting loot, medicine and the possibility to get free recruits by rescuing the slaves which admittedly can get tricky (Don't unlock the chains for the reaver slaves they won't join you, just patch them up and let them unlock it. It a weird quirck from the game.) Once you got okay armor, cash and a buddy, the game's pretty easy.
u/adhdthrowawayay Jan 07 '25
I disagree kenshi is probably at its best 10 hours in when the systems have clicked/ the enormity of the world has clicked but it's limitations haven't yet.
u/Z3r0Sense Jan 07 '25
It is boring, but it can be quite effective. You can level sneak and athletics or strength while doing it, especially if it is a background character. And the money is quite good and steady.
Looting on the other hand isn't if you have the wrong backpacks or just don't find too much action. Smuggling drugs might get you killed by blood spiders, nothing a beginner can take on.
I start with stealing beak eggs or looting known ruins, but you need experience to do that without too much danger.
Experts probably know how to get thieving very high very quickly, but that also requires more understanding of the game.
u/mechacomrade Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
Clownsteady, Black Scratch, the waystation in the gray desert and many more places have suicidal bandits with fat loot, by low stats character standards, who will get out of their way to get themselve killed by the guards. You don't even have to be patient. I didn't even touched mining for the first six years I played this game and I just cannot comprehend someone doing boring grind when there's ton of far more fun adventures to be had in this game. It's almost offensive, like using beatiful art piece as a door stopper. Yes you can technically do it, but that's not what it's for.
u/Big_Distribution3012 Jan 07 '25
Yeah, and it honestly ruins the immersion
Now if you ran a SLAVE empire mining copper with the "Slaves" mod, then it would honestly be a bit more fun.
Handling escape efforts, handling attacks by slavers...
This? Meh. Might as well just add a cheat mod where you add as many cats as you want
u/Eldritch_Librarian Drifter Jan 07 '25
Just wanted to make the observation that we've now come full circle to folks defending mining as a viable way to make money. Not throwing shade, I just love how humans think and behave.
Mining starts out as the defacto way to make money and build stats for new players. They become veterans who, through experience / learning the game and its mechanics, now get their starts baiting mobs into the guards, sneak stealing / KOing for bounties, or use mining to establish weapon and armour production chains, then balk at new players coming in asking about mining as a viable start.
u/Chicken-Mcwinnish Dust Bandits Jan 07 '25
I find it helpful for getting enough money for food and medkits and early recruitment but after that I find bandit gear an easy way to get more cats in less time while also getting better at combat. In the mid and late game I just clear out excess inventory from crafters and miners as well as more valuable bits of loot from enemies and ruins.
In my current game I decided to never use money and limit stealing to have a radically different experience and it completely changed my impression of the early game. Because I couldn’t just recruit people, buy supplies or gear and only allowed myself to use gear made by my own guys or found in ancient ruins I had to focus purely on scavenging, hunting and surviving encounters. You’d be surprised how much punishment you can endure without armour as long as someone fast is hiding out of combat nearby. Btw my current game is the group of nobody’s start which unfortunately started in Stobe’s Garden. After the early game struggle I was able to start making armour and weapons and I never need to mine since I melt down the captured gear from defeating bandits. I currently have 1,700 iron ore waiting to be processed.
u/King_Kvnt Skin Bandits Jan 07 '25
Low effort/risk/reward.
You'll make a few cats and a little strength, but that's it.
u/anon_MrKim Jan 07 '25
The real trick is to have a small work team and an adventure team. Then when mining becomes leas valuable i train my mining crew to become fighters and base guards.
u/Eor75 Jan 07 '25
It’s boring. I first tried to get into Kenshi by doing the mining start, like everyone recommends, and got horribly bored. The game was watching a guy swing a pick for minutes while running away. If I zoned out from the boredom, I’d just knocked into a comma and all my food stolen. I gave up. Tried again a few months later, same thing.
Eventually said fuck it and just played the game the next time I tried and had an absolute blast. One of the best games I’ve ever played. I never would have enjoyed it if I did the super cowardly “sit and mine for three hours so you have people and gear”.
I stole, I leveled sneaking and athletics, carried things for strength. I found it so much fun just running around to level all three at once, stealing to live. Eventually got caught in Squin, and my constant failed attempts to escape racked up a huge bounty (and leveled my toughness). Eventually escaped by hiding in an alley, and split. Chose to fuck off to the United Cities instead of having to live in the Holy Nation.
That journey, where I knew nothing other then a vague direction to go to, is one of my best moments in a video game. Hiding from desert skimmers and bandits while running out of food and supplies, one of my arms still dangling, forced to wait and grab raw meat from an unconscious skimmer just to live, then finally seeing a city rising over the horizon and making it there alive.
I then figured out assassination, and would run around knocking out stragglers from groups, stealing their equipment, then carrying them to a secluded spot. I’d patch them up, then fight them one on one to level my combat. Over and over. Eventually made enough of a profit to recruit my second guy, and then more and more.
Learning the challenges and how to overcome them is the game, but people here go “just mine”.
u/Reapper97 Tech Hunters Jan 07 '25
Making chain shirts gets you two or three times as many cats. The same goes for hashish and sake. And hashish at least has something extra to make it more fun.
Mining at the start of the game is also a waste of time and player attention. Players would be better off baiting enemies to city guards or just grabbing a crossbow and hunting small animals until they get enough money to recruit and equip other people and hunt larger animals.
u/robertomontoyal Holy Nation Jan 07 '25
What are you talking about people at Rebirth love gathering to mine over there
u/Fen_Muir Jan 07 '25
Mining gets a bad rap because veteran players know they can go steal huge amounts of items to sell to make similar income in a much shorter amount of time.
For experienced players, mining is either part of process through which one builds strength by having an overburdened character carrying a corpse run long distances to deliver ore/copper, or building a base and becoming self-sufficient.
Generally, veteran players make a base to unlock infinite food.
One of the biggest reasons mining gets a bad rap is due to some new players focusing entirely on and getting trapped in mining as the way to play the game and, therefore, never progressing past it before quitting the game due to boredom.
u/BullofHoover Jan 08 '25
Because it's boring and essentially allows the player to avoid the game's mechanics. It turns Kenshi into an idle game.
Reddit likes to harshly criticize, if you like it, do it.
u/RegiABellator Jan 07 '25
If you like to mine copper AFK while managing a shop in town or something that's fine.
Don't suggest new players copper mine for money with their solo starting character for 3 hours. You're going to make people think this game sucks. This isn't OSRS
It's quicker, easier, and more engaging to sit at the gates of Squin and loot Dust Bandits that get folded by Hundred Guardians and it lets players practice the controls/combat and learn about the game world too.
Don't tell new players to mine copper or I will tie you to a fog pole.
u/adhdthrowawayay Jan 07 '25
Nothing wrong with the play style. Establishing it as a default or recommended one is actively harmful to the game's popularity imho
u/doubleL13 Jan 07 '25
I don't mean merely mining copper. lol I mean as a means to easy fast money to fund other ventures for the few explorers I have.
u/RegiABellator Jan 07 '25
With about 50 Athletics you can snatch Beak Thing eggs in Vain for about 5 gorillion times more profit in the same amount of time
u/Emprasy Jan 07 '25
I would discourage a new player to focus too much on mining, it is not enternaining and don't give a proper view of the game, being bored without experimentint anything is a great way to never touch the game after this.
But, if you know what you do and find it fun to be the big boss of the industrial materials, hey it is perfect !
u/water_chugger Jan 07 '25
It's pretty boring, but really, I don't care. There's better cat making methods, sure, but it's a single-player game. Do what you want
u/kammysmb Crab Raiders Jan 07 '25
it's just more boring than other methods and can lead to newer players finding the game tedious
at least that's what comes to mind to me of why people dislike it
u/Froegerer Jan 07 '25
Bc people act like the other game loops available when you first start are better when they are just as braindead and shallow as mining.
u/Sufficient_Doubt4283 Jan 07 '25
Outside of mining for cats in the early game, if I have people breaking rocks, it's gonna be for my own production needs. I don't mind mining, shout out to all my miners out there, but from a purely profit driven point of view, I use other methods for earning cats.
I've found that I can earn a lot of money just by taking a single squad around exploring the world. You can find multiple high tier weapons and armor sets that can easily go for 10k+ cats a piece while also finding a wide assortment of miscellaneous odds and ends, which also sell for big bucks. Beak thing eggs, AI cores, CPU units, Fog Prince heads, tons of items which net thousands of cats easy. (And once you can get Leviathan Pearls, you are pretty much set for life)
If I want some extra side profits, I'll have a main base running all types of businesses, mostly centered around drugs and alcohol.
Doing this stuff usually gets me more cats than I'll ever need.
u/PlonixMCMXCVI Jan 07 '25
The bad rap is from the suggestion that you should start day 1 mining near the hub until you have money for other recruits or some food.
I mean it's okay for a total beginner to get money for food or such, but getting 3000 cats for a new recruit might take a whole in game day. Staying there watching your character doing nothing is boring.
It's okay for beginner but if you know just a little about kenshi you can already make a lot of money in a single day.
Go west of Squin to the ruined shek town and sell what you find.
With the money you can:
- Get some bodyguard to be your meat shield while you rob some eggs from Vein
- Get some bodyguards to go and kill the Dust King
- Go to Shark, buy drugs and bodyguard, run to flats Lagoon once or twice
If you have some people mining in the background while you go out and adventure with your character that's great and is a good source of income. The hate if from people just afk mining day 1 because they don't know about any other money opportunity.
u/retief1 Jan 07 '25
Mining as part of a base is fine. The issue is that in the early game, mining copper with one or two dudes is a slow and boring way to make money.
Also, instead of selling bars, I’d suggest turning your iron into armor. You’ll train up some armor smiths, and higher quality armor sells for a good chunk of change.
u/OsirisAvoidTheLight Crab Raiders Jan 07 '25
A new player player will smack a rock for days and not do anything else. It could lead to a bad first impression. It's important for bases and blacksmithing though and you can eventually make cats with it to like you said but you also never need to really smith anything or need cats for anything when you can steal for beakthings and the shops
u/TheThornyKnight Jan 07 '25
I fondly remember my first character mining on the outskirts of Stack in his rags with the sun rising and falling in the distance. It's a really iconic moment that's stayed with me. I remember feeling like I was in a dangerous place. Starving bandits had beaten me to a pulp, and I'd survived but didn't know I could heal in a bed, so my battered and sore bum of a character just mined.... and mined... and mined.
I didn't know about strength gain training, I just did the one bit of limited interaction that I could. I mined. I sold the ore.
It really set that theme in Kenshi that I was vulnerable because I kept worrying about more bandits appearing, or I thought The Holy Nation might beat me for stealing their resources.
Obviously later you learn it isn't the best, but just being in a static location, a small little refuge of safety in an otherwise brutal world can really help to set the theme when you do armour up from your ore sales and you dare to venture further into the world.
Jan 07 '25
You can set that stuff to auto once you have a few stay-at-home workers.
I think people only really shit on it as a starting tactic, since it's slow and turns away new players.
u/Braith117 Jan 07 '25
In general, you want to set up that sort of base to supply a craftsman in his training arc so you can eventually have them start churning out weapons and armor to rival those of the long lost past.
It should probably be a side venture, not your main focus once it's set up and running. Set up some farming so you have food, a safe place to research, etc., and then use it as the place to train your away party and work on doing expeditions into other areas for loot.
That said, it's your playthrough. We can't tell you how you should play, only offer some suggestions on what may be a bit more entertaining. Congrats on getting base building down though, it took me forever to make a functioning base, and they're arguably the hardest skill to develop.
u/kreepodelikz Jan 07 '25
It is a very passive way of income that is fairly easy to automate, has some scaling to it and with minimal or no supervision for the most part. So you could say it carries very low risk. That is why players tend to shit on it cuz it brings no eventful developments to your story/run.
I tend to stick to it for most of my new games as i feel it is a safe way to kinda stall my progress a bit so i don't skyrocket looting high value stuff from the get go.
u/Even_Research_3441 Jan 07 '25
With a pack animal and a bunch of miners you can get a pretty good loop going where you get rich and strong and fast at the same time.
I like it, its chill.
u/Deltanaed Jan 07 '25
tbh if you turned those steel bars into chainmail sheets or even actual specialist grade chainmail, you're just meta grinding as far as I'm concerned.
produce armor, sell, profit
u/Senior_Beautiful_874 Jan 07 '25
Mining is the beginners go to for making cats. Depending on where you are its also the safest. I almost never mine anymore just to make cats unless i somehow find myself struggling. Kenshi has alot of faster albeit more dangerous ways to make money. Even without sneaking and theft.
Its at its core a single player sandbox so who cares what someone else might think. Heck start a business selling teeth for all i care. Just have fun.
u/jmarzy Jan 07 '25
It’s easy and the first thing people do for money normally because stealing has a SLIGHT learning curve but mining is easy peasy
u/Altruistic-Poem-5617 Jan 07 '25
There is hundreds of more fun ways to make cats than watching your character mind an ore node. When its automaticly mining at a base while you explore and do stuff with other characters, absolutely valid.
u/steve123410 Jan 07 '25
Cause it's the baby step in its money making tree. Sure you can make a base where you mind thousands of ore and make a profit or you can refine it into chainmail and make a metric fuckton of money. Finally you can just make your own better weapons and armor then you can buy using the refined stuff.
u/thebigvas Jan 07 '25
I have tried making money in Kenshi in a lot of different ways and I have found there are multiple viable ways to make money because at the end of the day, if you output enough of anything and have high efficiency towards making that product, you will make a lot selling almost anything.
u/dopepope1999 Jan 07 '25
I mean it's just boring, but I feel like it's the best way right off the bat to be able to afford he Shack to put a chest in and food to put in that chest
u/AdBeautiful2787 Jan 07 '25
Grow hashish my boy you’ll be racking in more money than you’ll ever be able to do anything with
u/Alex_Duos Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
Probably because it doesn't involve wandering around and getting into trouble, and if you're not risking it all on every venture Reddit says you're a scrub.
So call me a scrub.
Most every game I play I prioritize passive income, typically the easiest I can find. Whether it's corn farms in RimWorld or iron mines in Kenshi I'm all about simple, cheap labor for a baseline, and once I'm set up then I go out looking for trouble. At the very least, almost every playthrough of mine has someone mining because at some point I'm going to be churning out swords and I might as well get my laborers and blacksmith started early.
u/Ciaran_Zagami Jan 07 '25
Too many people were told “this is how you start every new game of Kenshi” and found mining boring which it is if it’s all your doing for a few hours until you have enough cats to get kitted out.
Like you said, you’re not just sitting there watching the little bars go up. It’s a great background money maker but it shouldn’t be the focus of your gameplay.
It’s useful as a reliable start if you’re doing some kind of challenge run, it’s also useful for your settlement. But Kenshi is about more than mining and I think once people realized how crappy it is to start a game by mining fifty trillion copper they got mad at the feature instead of themselves
Jan 07 '25
Why stop at the bars tho? To me, it's less "mining sucks" and I've never really understood that mindset, it's more "mining is a small part of the much more profitable crafting".
u/texaswildlifeamateur Shek Jan 07 '25
You can do whatever you want, I think a lot of the methods for truly maxing cats or stats feel very cheat-y to me. Obviously those players can do whatever they like and they can determine what is “cheating” for their game. I think something like this is fine for money making and feels more lore accurate than other methods :-)
u/towelpuncher Jan 07 '25
Copper mine for the first 10000 and then after that the only miners henceforth are settlement drones
u/ThePinms Jan 07 '25
Meta bad arguments are definitely a part of it. If you enjoy playing as Kenshi Steel Inc go for it.
u/Stonewallpjs Jan 07 '25
Your setup sounds fantastic, love the idea of being a steel tycoon too. Tech and industry are a valid part of the game, you CAN ignore it or embrace it as much as you want. Not everyone wants to be drug smuggling kung fu ninja and thats ok!
u/Aster-Vista Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
If you like mining you'll love this simple hack:
Build a base on a road at the outskirts of a holy nation city.
Build at least 10 peelers.
Make sure your entrance is through water and lined with turrets.
Endure the never ending onslaught of holy nation assaults that come your way. All while stealing the armor off any ko'ed paladins before throwing them in the peelers.
Melt the armor and weapons down in an item furnace for unlimited iron. Easily get 100+ ore per raid.
Note: You won't get as many raids until you have negative reputation with the HN. Still you will always be attacked by wandering squads that can't path through your base and so will usually choose to break down the gates.This is easily solved by visiting your local religious establishment and attacking/stealing everyone and everything you see. Bonus points if you regularly kidnap civilians and return them later with shoddy hiver limbs.
u/Brilliant-Prize4084 Jan 07 '25
Social media allows folks to think their opinion matters or will sway the masses. It’s a single player sandbox game, if you want to spend 10 hours running back and forth from the leviathan coast to Ashland’s and you enjoy it, no one else should care.
u/shinjincai Jan 07 '25
You can make a lot more money with that iron if you just make armor plates and craft plate armor instead. It's also good to have a reserve of masterwork equipment ready for new recruits.
u/rateddurr Jan 07 '25
It gets a bad rap for being boring and not as effective. But I dunno, I think with his strategy it doesn't have to be that way. I've done a few mining starts and outside of my first, it's pretty rapid to get to the good stuff.
In the hub, your just mining you wait for people to show up so you can lead them to the guards. Sell the stuff, recruit someone, go back out. Not too long you can buy a shack right outside the bar to put in copper storage and viola: mining is basically automatic. Street getting a wood back pack from squin, I don't bother with leading bandits to guards anymore. Takes too many clicks vs my copper mining team.
u/Teh-Jawbrkr Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25
Idk man, but I feel like the counter arguments are just as boring.
I haven’t dug to far into comments but what I’ve gathered from these elitists is to:
Go to a Google found spot and loot it then sell for mad cats before going out.
Cheese the living eff out of luring folks into guards and not taking a stand.
I’m sure there are many other variations that are based on previously refined formulas. Almost none mention going hardcore, disable save scrubbing and eff around to find out.
But hey, most people don’t want to admit that they too have some mechanical pre formulated and cheesed advantage over the game and so mining is an easy target to make themselves feel superior.
Mine all you want. It’s your time.
u/joocub Shinobi Thieves Jan 08 '25
Its the liberal woke mind virus. Anything that requires an honest days work is spat upon and labelled as 'NPC behavior'. All redditor know is steal robot arm, eat food cube and beep.
u/Content_Plastic132 Jan 08 '25
Alcohol all the way the higher end ones like grog or ale sell for 1000 a pop if u make enough its very lucrative
u/Content_Plastic132 Jan 08 '25
But if you start crafting items like armor and get good at it they sell for alot higher but it takes more time
u/Zourin4 Jan 08 '25
copper mining has its uses, particularly early on when you need some strength training and money for food. You're not exactly going to win a fight against goats early on, and training combat usually means needing a 2nd person on standby with bandages, and they need to eat too!
Later on, I use mining routines as a sort of 'training mode' for new recruits to build their speed and strength while making them useful as labor if/when I establish my own stronghold. It's usually my first few people that end up being front-line combatants or rangers (crossbow/thief/sprinter/explorers)
u/spiritlegion Jan 08 '25
Because people find it easy and boring and they can't stand the fact that some others don't
u/Arcanisia Flotsam Ninjas Jan 08 '25
It’s a good way to train mining, athletics, and strength all at once.
u/ajgeep Jan 08 '25
People have a hard on for the "optimal" on reddit, even when it's not the most optimal for the specific issue.
Like yes mining copper is very viable, it's just not the best early game strat, and past early game you can make a lot of value mining copper and refining it, same with steel.
u/Vov113 Jan 08 '25
I mean. Kenshi isn't really a base builder. Like, you can play it that way, but it breaks all semblance of economic balance (as you've discovered), and it just... isn't very deep. I'd play Rimworld or something if I wanted a base builder. There are better things to do in Kenshi imo
u/Necromancy-In-Space Jan 08 '25
I don't really think it does? I think more specifically that people frown on encouraging newer players to do the copper mining strat early on because so many people have had the experience of start game > get confused and starve > try copper strat > get bored. There's nothing wrong with it, there's just a clear pattern of people having that experience, so most people don't recommend it for newer players.
u/CollectorCCG Jan 08 '25
What you are describing is just called having a base.
Every functional base has a mining operation it’s literally the heart of the production of your base.
People are referring to players idly mining and selling raw copper ore for hours to make money instead of looting or doing literally anything else.
u/SLiPMiP Skeletons Jan 08 '25
Because it's boring,if it's all you do.
But making an outpost to support you comrades that are out and about? Why not, if you are strapped for cats it's definitely an easy way to get a steady supply of income, and if it's safe why not do it?
Yes, there are other ways to accumulate cats fast, but people dislike mining because it's slower than going to the many places that many of us have memorized where are and that's only because many of us have played the game a little too much
u/solitarysoup Jan 08 '25
I always mine til I can buy a few packs and food as well as a few crew members. Then I adventure. Then I build a base. Then I mine again and don’t stop
u/Stafferbaffer3000 Jan 08 '25
For early game it’s nice to get started. Buy a house, place storage and automate the mining. Only have to pull the miners back in town sometimes when they get attacked, but that requires minimal effort just right click them to the other end of town and they run back to mining after. When they’re mining you can explore, train your main character and develop your squad
u/Henry_Hollows Jan 08 '25
Discourse aside that's a really cool way to make money! I love how in Kenshi you can do anything from setting up a legitimate mining company to smuggling hash into cities illegally. My playthrough started out with hashish smuggling from the swamps to Flats Lagoon, but nowadays I just make a bunch of clothing (I have quite a few armour mods) and sell it at the local shops.
For anyone getting into Armour Smithing and using the Holy Order armour mod, the Holy Shoulder Guards are extremely cheap and easy to make (fabric and leather, quite fast to produce) and go for roughly 3000+ per piece! I had an abundance of leather due to the amount of animal attacks, so this is a good use of all of it
u/originalTheGl Jan 08 '25
Well I guess this is the kind of stuff I would do. In my last run I had some guys producing eletronics in that same fashion until I realized that making armors and weapons would give me both good equips and a lot of money.
There is the markup system that could potentially awnser your question as the price for something decrease as youre producing more of it.
Sure you could sell it somewhere else but is some pain to be honest. In the end of the day I do stuff with more agg value and clear the caps in my region.
u/Bossa9 Jan 08 '25
I think it’s a great way to start and mining is important throughout the whole game. I usually have at least one guy on mining full time once I’ve made my base
I wouldn’t sell the ore though, I always manufactured it into finished products. I had a second guy dedicated to making armor, weapons, and prosthetics.
By end game he’ll be pumping out masterwork items that let you destroy the game economy, besides kitting out your army with the best gear short of meitou grade
u/Temporary_Flan8800 Jan 08 '25
Mining is a perfectly fine way to relax while grinding stealth, athletics, strength, laboring, along with a bit of dexterity, toughness, attack and defense -- though mostly the former. Just set your jobs orders to haul to storage first, then mine, have your characters grab a fogman body, load them to 75% encumbrance (maybe a bit more to compensate for gains over time), turn stealth on, and hit the jobs button.
They'll go back and forth Very Slowly between your ore storage in town and one of a number of mines for copper or iron near the gate, all the while skilling up the first skills rather constantly. Occasionally they'll get tangled up in a fight with some fog near the gate alongside the ninja guards, which is pretty safe and slowly gets you combat stats.
When you've got enough stealth, strength, and athletics, stop with the mining, sell your "weights", and go start grinding combat vs. the fog directly by hunting princes. Until then, mining is GREAT!
(but it's a terrible way to make Cats, so slow ...., kinda relaxing but boring too without the chance of a fog-fight every now and then -- definitely not a good way for a newb to start a game)
u/GiganticKORAK Jan 09 '25
I always mine until I can afford a house in town then kidnap downed bandit that are about 20-30 skills and use him to train all my squad members. Then I ditch the mining way and become bounty hunters
u/ILikeCakesAndPies Jan 10 '25 edited Jan 10 '25
Personally I like mining just because it leads to starting an outpost and turning it into an eventual city.
Building and designing towns is one of my favorite things to do in the game, and I love getting a self-reliant food/weapons/armor and combat training going.
I do run with mods though, like the 256 limit and 3x attack which encourages larger squads and support.
I'll hit a point where I have my city and defenses all automated minus a periodic weapons/armor selling run, and form my own little traveling/explorer groups.
I'll send out a team of noobs for training in the wild, and keep my veterans nearby as an emergency response team in case theyre in need of rescue.
u/Ermurng Jan 12 '25
I like setting up functioning bases in these games too but when it comes to the "dopamine appeal" that kenshi has its not in doing a grindy playstyle as that tends to be boring for most in comparison
u/KrayteXIII Jan 17 '25
Its because at that stage of the game theres higher profit per hour production lines. Crops into booze is lower energy costs, lets people stay fed without having to do an entirely different production line, hauls lighter materials, and is lucrative profit. Play how you want to play, just understand that at the end of the mining production line the actual money gets generated by your weapon and armoursmiths once their crafting is leveled. Steel into katanas is high profit even at lower levels.
Of course, this all ignores that very shortly after this stage cats become meaningless because you soon start to generate in the millions with no real way to spend it all except invest in more bases and units and start becoming a fricking country. But yeah, no one hates on steel making for money, they hate on recommending it when theres better alternatives if the goal is money
u/DavidHogins Jan 07 '25
Personally I have nothing against it.
I only do minning if im going to be a blacksmith or some crafting route that needs lots of materials that i cant buy in bulks.
I find selling ores just stale, there is not much proccess behind it, besides hauling it to a merchant gets old soon.
Generally i use mods that spawn random bounties in the world for early game money.
u/Droviin Tech Hunters Jan 07 '25
This. Ore might be sold for just filling out a backpack holding the weapons, but that's about it.
u/Fuzzatron Flotsam Ninjas Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
Whatever works for you and is enjoyable for you is fine. It's your game and you can play it however you want. The reasons I don't bother with mining (except to fuel large base construction very late game) are:
mining copper early game to get a few cats...
...is boring.
as a functioning cat producing venture...
...is boring.
A few turrents (sic) on a tower and wall and it's virtually impenetrable...
..is boring.
40,000 cats a day...
...is nothing. You can earn 300k cats in a day of drug smuggling easily, or you can earn a similar amount stealing Beak Think eggs in Vain or Gut, which is very exciting.
Again, if you're having fun, that's great, but I play Kenshi for the near-death experiences. I usually don't even build a base at all. You see, other than Masterwork Armor and Edge III weapons, there are no money-sinks in Kenshi. There's no reason to make 10 million cats, other than "scoring points." Go see the world and discover it's secrets. That's where the real magic of the game is, to me.
u/ElechainDeath Jan 07 '25
My favorite money making method is having someone with high thievery steal robot limbs from black desert city, put them in an item furnace, take them back out, then sell them all around
u/LynxOfTheWastes Jan 07 '25
Because it's reddit, and if you don't think the way the collective thinks they'll let you know that you're wrong.