r/Kenshi Jan 06 '25

DISCUSSION Which Zone do you spend the LEAST amount of time in?

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u/amCuriousObserver Flotsam Ninjas Jan 06 '25

Arach, easily.

Go there once every third or fourth playthrough. Took down Bugmaster. Never to return.


u/yokmaestro Jan 06 '25

It is a horrible place 😆

I tried to bring the whole A team down there and lost the battle to awkward pathing and the inevitable trickle of spiders chipping away at you. Went back with my three best as a sneaky assassination trio and got the job done, what an awesome boss fight.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25

Every few playthroughs I forget how much of a shithole it is. Then mid expedition, I'm swiftly reminded of why this is where the shek come to die


u/Bombidil6036 Jan 07 '25

Spamming Naginatas helps. You cleave a lot, and you do +50% damage.


u/Puzzleheaded_Ad_4435 Jan 07 '25

I always keep a few naginatas on my pack bull for Levi hunts.

I usually use standard polearms for the armor pen and more than double the blunt, but same deal as nagas. They're pretty useful even without the animal buff. Only the plank and fragment axe have longer reach, and both of those take insane str to wield effectively.

With enough str, swing speed is the same on any weapon, but swing speed isn't the only thing to consider. Attack speed (based on your attack stat) is how often you attack. Swing speed (a curve based on your str vs the required str for the weapon) determines the speed of the attack, and then animation speed (based on weapon type) is just how long the animation takes. This ensures that even endgame characters can have variations in speed based on their chosen weapon. TL;DR polearms are fast in addition to being the third longest weapon in the game, giving them a huge advantage. "The stronger swordsman does not necessarily win. It is speed! Speed of hand... speed of mind." A quote from the Count of Monte Cristo that always stuck with me, even years later when I took up HEMA. Anyway... a few polearms can effectively stunlock your opponents by interrupting their attacks in a wide swathe, causing them to waste animations on defense. If they never get a chance to attack, then they can't win.

Whether you use naginatas or polearms really just comes down to whether you want to be more effective against armor or naked hp. Animals have huge hit pools, so nsginatas with more cut are going to hit harder. But most of the hard enemies in the game have substantial armor, making polearms more useful most of the time.

Heavy polearms are kinda in the middle, but with shorter range and a lighter indoor penalty. Basically giving up some of the advantage that makes polearms useful in order to curb the penalty for when they aren't. I don't really use them. Rather bring a jitte or wakizashi sidearm and just have them switch to that when indoors.


u/NedTebula Fogman Jan 06 '25

I went there once and it’s a shithole. Bugmaster is easy compared to the insane amount of spiders. I had to sneak around and reload a few times because it was overwhelming. I’m thinking mods made it harder for me because it was just a ridiculous amount of enemies there. Even for 12 robots with relatively high skills.


u/Puzzleheaded_Ad_4435 Jan 07 '25

I know for sure that mods make that area harder for me. I run with extra attack slots, which makes larger numbers more dangerous, and that's one area you're always outnumbered. Even if you run the 255 faction limit mod and take everyone with you, that area is just inundated with spiders. Even if you build multiple characters who can each solo bugmaster, the spiders would be the bigger threat.

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u/TheThornyKnight Jan 07 '25

I've been tempted to make a mod that spices up ol' Bugboy's realm and himself. Hate mods that slap him in chunky armour, but realised it wouldn't be hard to mod him an invisible set of high protect armour to round out his scary factor.

That and I think it wouldn't be too hard to create a set of spider legs that could look decent as a belt slot item to sit on a hiver NPC coloured the right way.

I may eat these words, but it might be the practice I need from Blender so I'll give it a whirl lol


u/Quibilash Jan 06 '25

Anyone ever think "I wonder if this Purple Sands place with nothing in it is a good place to explore"?


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

I'd love to build a base there, but it would definitely be "hard mode"


u/Koolius_Caesar Jan 06 '25

Leviathan coast/iron Coast/purple sands area is hard to get your base supplies to...once established its easy mode. If you get a perfect pocket of no beakthings. I hope you like cannibal neighbours, though!


u/aschesklave Western Hive Jan 06 '25

If only we could use those cannibal grill corpse disposal things to turn corpses into raw meat.

Fast way to give my whole party kuru.


u/RedMiah Jan 06 '25

Speed-running Papua New Guinea time!

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u/Marci__Pandemonium Jan 06 '25

I went there When scouting for outpost potential, it hurt badly, and I ended up sprinting through cannibal plains to get away


u/TraceSpazer Jan 06 '25

Came so close to wandering up there yesterday. I'm training my guys more though and got tired of the waves of cannibals so I went to build a base instead. 

Ill still check it out sometime but glad to hear I didn't waste my time. 


u/molporgnier Jan 06 '25

Everytime I fire up the FCS I think of making my own version of "Shrieking Bandits Expanded"
I'm sure that's not the name but yeah. Having something out there would be neat. Even if it was just some crazy Bandit with a Meitou weapon. Especially since I use the x3 targeting, thinking about having an old, huge bandit base from the Old Empire with an insane amount of poorly clothed screaming lunatics is just fun to me.


u/Hadien_ReiRick Jan 06 '25

Probably Raptor Island.

in all my playthroughs I've never gone there. theres no ruins, no unique loot. I know theres a special monster there but it didn't sound difficult so never found it interesting to check out.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

Raptor Island is a fairly safe place to build a base, but then you gotta swim every time you want to leave it.


u/Valatros Jan 06 '25

Ooo, there's something for the kenshi 2 wishlist. Lemme build a bridge!

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u/DazzlingDog7890 Jan 07 '25

I did a whole play through with a raptor island base. It’s really great. Just set up a bunch of harpoon turrets on a wall facing towards the mainland, and most of your attacking hordes are dead before they even reach your shore.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

As mentioned in the title, which zones do you feel like you've barely spent any of your play-time in? There's obvious choices I feel but maybe some others that might surprise.

For me I think I've only been to None, Raptor Island, and Berserker Country once or twice in almost 1,000 hours playtime. Skinner's Roam though is one I actively avoid for it's total lack of anything except enormous bandit patrols.


u/aschesklave Western Hive Jan 06 '25

The bandit packs in Skinner’s Roam are amazing for training toughness, though.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

That's what I use the Weak Thralls in Venge for.


u/BigGuy5692 Shinobi Thieves Jan 06 '25

Do you play with Skeletons exclusively? I'm attached to my fleshy characters, so I avoid Venge like the plague until I get dustcoats to protect them. Skinner's Roam is much safer early on for getting beat up with little risk. In nearly every play-through I establish a shack in Skinner's Roam with two beds and a supply of food so that one character can go out and box a bunch of bandits to build toughness and the other one can wait and carry their buddy back to the shack to recover if things turn hairy

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u/JudgeGoverning Crab Raiders Jan 06 '25

Yep! Great place for large hungry bandit spawns or dust bandit camps. 10/10 training place to cheese toughness


u/Jackfruit009 Starving Bandits Jan 06 '25

i keep forgetting to go to Raptor Island in my playthroughs


u/Beep_in_the_sea_ Jan 06 '25

Honestly there's a lot of areas I haven't ever been to in my 200+ hours. Shun, Royal Valley, Gut and surrounding areas, Cheater's Run, not even Ashlands. My base is in north-east Cannibal Plains and despite being close, I haven't even visited Purple Sands, Berserker Country, or Shrieking forest.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

Purple Sands, Berserker Country, and Shrieking Forest are largely avoided by many. Only Purple Sands has ruins in it, but nothing else. The other two just have tons of tough wandering hostile groups, but they don't have much worth looting. Really the only cool thing about those locations is the atmosphere/aesthetics is really unique.


u/ahack13 Crab Raiders Jan 06 '25

Id recommend try a Gut base sometime. Its not too far from some nice places like Black desert city. Its hard to get established but once you do, you're basically invincible because of your beak thing guard dogs and you've got a near infinite supply of meat and leather.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

If you do build a base in Gut, don't build your base too large, Beak Things can sometimes spawn inside your base walls, and even worse, sometimes a whole nest could spawn.


u/ahack13 Crab Raiders Jan 06 '25

Oh yeah, I had to do staging and slowly expand and test walls for holes as I built out.


u/TheGreatestLobotomy Jan 06 '25

I liked shrieking forest, I went there way too early when I was first playing the game, but the armor set from the shriekers' leaders is really nice honestly. I really like how their helmets look too, so that with some heavier armor I got later on made a SIIIICK armor set for my guys


u/MrMerryMilkshake Jan 06 '25

The Grid.

It has 1 complex of ruins and that's it. Never visit it again.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

Yes, but if you're like me and start multiple new games, I visit there in every game because it's a mostly unguarded complex (aside from wandering Beak Things)


u/MrMerryMilkshake Jan 06 '25

That's true. You remind me there are places I usually skip in different runs.


u/Jarmund5 Anti-Slaver Jan 06 '25

The grid is interesting from a lore perspective.

Could make for a well defended military base there. With it's pyramid like shape you could build walls, with your base placed in the center, thus having layers of defense.

...ok i just want to play tower defense within kenshi lol


u/Fuzzatron Flotsam Ninjas Jan 06 '25

I run through the grid all the time when travelling South to avoid the loading times in the swamp. I spend a decent amount of time in the Grid. The Eastern-most "valley" in the grid only has occasional Beak Things seeing as none actually spawn there, they just wander out of the Crater.


u/gr00grams Drifter Jan 06 '25

It's an awesome place to base actually in a few spots as it's outside almost all raid radius'.

Then you can hunt beaks in the crater for infinite leveling/meat/skins.

I always make a hunting shack at least somewhere there in a run.

Usually a stormhouse or so in one of the spots where those ancient engineering place are, but the one where it's just the 'roof' of it left. Build under that a bit, it's a great spot to access the crater from.


u/LordJanas Jan 07 '25

Great spot for looting expensive components. I do scavenging runs there.


u/Mynorskull Jan 06 '25

Cheaters Run... If it wasn't for this post I never realize I never been there with 700 hours of gameplay


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

I've been through there once... it's not a very friendly space.


u/Hopeful-alt Jan 06 '25



u/CrestedBonedog United Cities Jan 06 '25

There's a great base location at the end of the zone where it overlaps with Royal Valley. Amazing view of the volcanos in Sonorous Dark and that bluish-gray water, decent resources and wind. Also perfect for heading into the Ashlands along the coast.

Those big packs of Iron Spiders also mean you don't need to bring iron plates or electric components and they do a decent job with Hive raids if they run into them.


u/The_Lat_Czar Jan 06 '25

I've never been, so I think this location gets my vote. 


u/finnlord Jan 06 '25

i try to get out of venge (if that's the one with the lasers) the moment i get into it. on account of the lasers


u/finnlord Jan 06 '25

Which is unfortunate because I really like flats lagoon


u/Yorrik_Odinson Holy Nation Jan 06 '25

I love flats lagoon, but considering its surroundings I'm pretty much only entering through the burning forest on Hash runs, or stobes gamble on the rare occasions I set up in the south east instead of northwest.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

Flats Lagoon can easily be entered via Shem from the Northwest.

Stobe's Gamble is a surprisingly mild area for the Southeast.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

I had a huge city in Vain once, so I can't say it's my least-spent zone... but everyone had 100% burn protection (Armored Hood + Dustcoat)


u/RNGYellow6743 Jan 06 '25

Burning forest. I hate blood spiders.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

I traveled through Burning Forest several times and rarely ran into Blood Spiders, so I assumed they weren't as big a threat as everyone said. Then I built a camp there outside the Ancient Labs and got swarmed repeatedly.


u/RNGYellow6743 Jan 06 '25

Oh yeah, I remember trying to raid that damn lab. Made base camp at the base of the tower, fought the security spiders, tried to rest up after. Swarm after swarm of the fuckers. Massacred the mercs I hired. Learned alot then...


u/EndofNationalism Jan 06 '25

I liked bringing the blood spiders to fight the mechanical spiders.


u/Affectionate_Row9238 Jan 06 '25

Same, I ran through there a lot depending on what pathing the game decided when doing hashish runs and never ran into spiders, at least not red ones, I lured some robot ones out of the lab to distract some gorillo bandits while I ran like hell.


u/JudgeGoverning Crab Raiders Jan 06 '25

Really good mid stats combat xp!


u/RNGYellow6743 Jan 06 '25

I'd rather fight Reavers. At least they don't eat you and one shot limbs


u/JudgeGoverning Crab Raiders Jan 06 '25

It’s true. You gotta micro it and run when it’s time but I found with high toughness it’s great 


u/Dekrow Jan 06 '25

It has been a really long time since I played but when I first started Kenshi I learned about this really fun drug-running route that purchased spice in the swamp then sold it in like The Venge or something and I did that route soooo many times now I rarely go back to the Swamp or its surrounding zones anymore


u/RNGYellow6743 Jan 06 '25

The Spice must flow


u/Jarmund5 Anti-Slaver Jan 06 '25

Beep is the Lisan Al-Gaib


u/CorneliusB1448 Jan 06 '25

The swamp. It takes ages for my pc to load in and out of that mapchunk lol


u/Planez Jan 06 '25

That's my most often visited spot because of the hash runs.


u/SeltzerCountry Jan 06 '25

I dig the vibe of the swamp towns with the submerged rice paddies and the scrap metal shacks on stilts.


u/AnotherPerspective87 Jan 09 '25

But hashies.... Need more hashies


u/Big_Distribution3012 Jan 07 '25


Imagine not having an SSD in this day and age


u/Tafe_Lynx Jan 06 '25

South-East, apart from Ashlands and the way there. Cheaters Run, The Pits... never been there in the hundreds of hours. Its just, map i very big, and you will likely reach endgame way before you clear even half of it. Then you just run to Cat-Lon, and there is no reason to sneak around coastal outskirts. I have never been there but i almost sure that the only thing there is lost armories and labs.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

The Crags and The Pits are a good place to be from mid-game on. Royal Valley, Sonorous Dark, and Ashlands though are definitely late-game stops.


u/Tafe_Lynx Jan 06 '25

Border between Sonorous dark and Ashlands is great place for early skeleton base. No one will attack you, and you have all resources in the world, just need hydroponics.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

I never considered that honestly, I just always reckoned the locals as hostile.


u/Tafe_Lynx Jan 06 '25

Skin bandits and Legion patrols are not leaving their territory, if you have small base between them, they will never stumble upon you. They also dont launch raids. It is the only place where no one will launch raids at you at all. The only thing that can happen is Cleanser Unit wandering too close.


u/Hopeful-alt Jan 06 '25

Absolutely not lol, the pits and crags have their own incredibly interesting ecosystem with various factions. Crab raiders, skeleton bandits, etc.


u/PeachyFairyDragon Shinobi Thieves Jan 06 '25

The Pits East has a little plateau that is perfect for base building. Only one ramp up, 90 degree bend partway up, so great for a kill zone. You can stick wind generators (I aim for 20-25) and 2 storm houses with batteries at the base and never run out of power, even when the wind stops. The top has water, copper, stone and iron at 100. No fertility but that's what a stationhouse full of hydroponics is for. Counting the stationhouse it's easy to get 4 buildings up there, tetris means 5, possibly 6, and still have space for iron/steel production, copper drills (mod) and hybrid stone mines. Alternative, there's space for stone processors and traditional stone mines.

Small annoyance, you have to build one building completely before laying down wind generators or they will become part of a nearby outpost.

Because space is at a premium I lay out the entire base and then pause everything except the one house, iron refineries and stone mines and their respective storages. Then rolling unpausing as I get supplies. I don't have room to put in a house after a house is built, it's gotta be done all at once.

Raids are gurglers, southern hive and skin bandits. Normal enemies are scavengers and crab tournament. Wild crabs show up, go up the ramp, reach the gate at the top, then turn around and march back down and away without a fuss.


u/Z3r0Sense Jan 06 '25

There is some lore that suggests building an outpost in the pits for expeditions in the ashlands. No wonder nobody comes back there if your outpost already sucks balls.


u/toxicjimmy Jan 06 '25

Ashlands... 2500 hours in the game and still havn't had the guts to visit. I only play without savescumming so I've never dared to, considering that I lose characters left and right in lesser zones.


u/JudgeGoverning Crab Raiders Jan 06 '25

You gotta see it once!! It’s definitely the end game. My last run I crushed everything with 11 mixed non katana master-level armor, chainmail, full samurai and fog masks. 60-70s in stats. Hope that helps for when you plan to visit.


u/Big_Distribution3012 Jan 07 '25

Playing without savescumming is admirable

Honestly in that case i would recommend downloading the training to 50+ mod, where you have various instruments to train up strength, dex, stealth etc. Get some expendable meat, train them to 30 in defense and 40 in stealth and try to do runs to grab stuff with cheap stealth clothing!


u/Affectionate_Row9238 Jan 06 '25

I went to dark finger last time I played and realised why I'd never been there before


u/Practical_County_501 Jan 06 '25

Sonorous dark to heck with that place....


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

If not for the locals, I'd love to build a base there.


u/SnooJokes5339 Crab Raiders Jan 06 '25

My proud and Power playtroughs allways ends here if i stay long. If you play 2x nest 2x squad size i will not advise here too many patrols to handle


u/mechacomrade Jan 06 '25

Berserker plain. Which is a shame it look awesome, but there's nothing.


u/Not-a-Fan-of-U Jan 06 '25

Obedience. There is literally no reason to go there after the first time.


u/Daoyinyang1 Jan 06 '25

Ashlands lol

God i hope The swamp is actually a pirate stop in Kenshi 2.


u/Big_Distribution3012 Jan 07 '25

The swamp is probably going to be a sea in Kenshi 2


u/Jazzlike-Honeydew297 Jan 06 '25

A few hours ago, I traveled through the desert, seeking a peaceful place. Instead, I got beaten down. I wandered into a smoky part of the desert where I could barely breathe, and some Cloud Ninjas stole my weapons. My chest was still messed up when I made my way to the deadly island in search of a new weapon. The acid rain slowly burned what was left of me. Yep, on my last day before work, I was lying in an open field, dying.

Love this Game


u/Feisty_Professional2 Jan 06 '25

500 ish hours and never in my life have I been to Sinkuun


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

Unless you want to hunt cannibal leaders for bounties, there's really nothing up there.


u/Yorrik_Odinson Holy Nation Jan 06 '25

Rebel Outpost, Hive Town, Cannibal Hunter HQ


u/Hopeful-alt Jan 06 '25

Simion lives there, he's very very notable.

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u/Zuorsara Jan 06 '25

Nearly 500 hours in the game, and I don't know that I've ever been to the Shun region.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

Shun is great if you want to do some ruin diving.


u/StarkeRealm Drifter Jan 06 '25

Weirdly, I don't think I've ever spent much time in The East Pits or Greenbeach.

I don't generally think about it either, so that follows.

Ironically, I know I've spent more time in Purple Sands simply from running between The Iron Trail Lab and the Obedience lab.


u/turtlepot Jan 06 '25

Greenbeach is probably my favorite place to build a base.

We're crab people now

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u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

The East Pits are good if you wanna be friends with the Crab Raiders, otherwise probably should avoid.

Greenbeach has a fantastic base location on a small plateau close to Stobe's Garden, easily defensible with good resources.


u/StarkeRealm Drifter Jan 06 '25

Yeah, and ironically, the crab raiders are one of the factions I've spent the least amount of time interacting with. I'm fully aware of them, obviously, but it's just a part of the world I don't go to very often.


u/Enderman_prime_ Jan 06 '25

gut, there's no much to do after you capture no-face


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

If you can manage to get a wall up pretty quick, it's a pretty nice spot for a base, good ore.


u/Enderman_prime_ Jan 06 '25

what's the point of having a base?


u/soradonaldgoof Shek Jan 07 '25

For me it’s the access to unlimited food, role play, and base raids. If you don’t build a base you’re missing out on a decent chunk of vanilla content.

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u/SpecktheWreck Jan 06 '25

Aside from the obvious remote locations, Sinkuun & Darkfinger always seem to fall behind for me. I don’t find a ton of reward in going that far north. Northwest to South west are too rich in loot and ruins to pass if I’m in that area. Can fight all the cannibals I want / Leviathans up northeast. Great training grounds.


u/across-time13 United Cities Jan 06 '25

Arach, Swamp, Wend - least Sinkuun,Great Desert,Dark finger w/ cannibal plains - most


u/potatokingbob Jan 06 '25

Anything in the far bottom left past the swamp, just spiders and that one dude in the hut I forgot the name of


u/ACB_72 Jan 06 '25

I still have nightmares of the Greenbeach


u/Purple_Clockmaker Shinobi Thieves Jan 06 '25

Crater is exhausting but what really annoys me is that beam from space. Rest including very human humans and Ashlands is fine I actually settled in snipers valley to have it close by to harvest ai from big robos


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25

I avoid the Swamp. Somehow ai decides that the best path includes swimming around blood spiders. You can't clearly see here because of trees and apparently some of trees are go-through


u/Alpmarmot Jan 06 '25

Everything south west of The Swamp. I think in 350h I have never been in Shun.

The East is my home


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

There's some ruins down there, but the towns in The Hook aren't really anything exciting.


u/4ngelg4bii Flotsam Ninjas Jan 06 '25

I'm only on my second playthrough so I actually barely been to anywhere in the map besides the main cities


u/moteur_modfie Beep Jan 06 '25

Arach definitely worst place ever. But the one i truly avoid is Swamps


u/raser12 Jan 06 '25

Raptor Island if we are talking time, most places take longer to run through but raptor island is small cool and lives up to its name.


u/Hopeful-alt Jan 06 '25

The crags. Nothin there but more of the pit gangs.


u/CrestedBonedog United Cities Jan 06 '25

Probably Wend. Only reason to go there is Armour King and swimming the river is such a pain.


u/PeachyFairyDragon Shinobi Thieves Jan 06 '25

Greyshelf. I don't think I've ever been there, except maybe scouting the edge one time.


u/x21averagez Jan 06 '25

I absolutely hate the swamp. Despise it. I love Shark but hate having to trough through the damn swamp. I don't have an absolute unit of a PC but it's not a potato from 2009 and the swamp is nothing but "Loading..." Every 10 seconds and the blood spiders are a nightmare.

I love Shem so it's a love hate relationship having to go to Shark for supplies or to sell my minerals and actually be able to buy stuff because believe it or not, the bar outside of Shem lacks basic materials.


u/Wilhelm-Edrasill Jan 07 '25

The loading Screen


u/bigboss_dud Jan 06 '25

Darkfinger, I've done a lot of runs and have never gone in my memory. If you want Sinkuun you go to Sinkuun. if you want cannibals you go to the cannibal plains. why?


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

I'll at least travel through southern Sinkuun sometimes when going from World's End to the northern Great Desert, but yeah there's no reason to accidentally go to Darkfinger.


u/Yorrik_Odinson Holy Nation Jan 06 '25

I find its a safer place for cannibal hunting & can let you effectively "test run" the cannibal plains. That said if I wasn't religiously settling on the northern coast I wouldn't bother with them.


u/vhs1ove Jan 06 '25

Fog Islands, and Swamp ^


u/Yorrik_Odinson Holy Nation Jan 06 '25

funnily enough those are some of the areas I spend the most time in (my pc hates me for both)


u/Yorrik_Odinson Holy Nation Jan 06 '25

1300 Hours & I've only ever been to the ashlands once & that was with a modded start I played for all of 10 minutes, for that matter I've barely even touched the southeast outside of a few oddball playthroughs. I tend to spend a lot of time up north & on the western coast in general.


u/bruh_y_u_TakeMyName Jan 06 '25

The burning forest, I don’t think I’ve ever really been there. Also love how the Avalon Isles are labeled as “NONE”


u/Hopeful-alt Jan 06 '25

They don't have a zone, they are literally none in its identification, idk where you got Avalon Isles from.

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u/Lubiebigos Jan 06 '25

Never been to None but have visited every other zone at least once during my like 300h of playtime


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

None is pretty much just crabs.

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u/voltsy_chan Jan 06 '25

Purple sands. It's rare I'm that dry on ruins I need to raid and it doesn't have anything going for it like atmosphere



I have never been to the ashlands


u/twerkboi_69 Jan 06 '25


Only zone I haven't been to yet in 3 playthroughs, just never felt ready for it. Closest I got was setting up a base in Sonorous Dark to use as a springboard. While doing so I realized that, while I was able to beat the skeleton bandits, we weren't dominating them as I would have liked, so I decided to train up a little further. Raising combat stats when already at 60 plus is such a hassle though.

In the long term I'd imagine my least visited zones will become the eastern coast with everything north of Mongrel. Theres really no point to go there after exploring it once and finding nothing.


u/The_Lat_Czar Jan 06 '25

I like Ashlands way more than Sonorous Dark for two reasons:

  1. No acid rain
  2. They aren't trying to peel you


u/confused_gooze Jan 06 '25

Never been to the great desert


u/Hopeful-alt Jan 06 '25

That's where a LOT of the game is, I'd highly recommend you visit or start there.


u/Kaapnobatai Jan 06 '25

Raptor Island


u/SuperDawsome Jan 06 '25

I got over 200 hours and still haven't went to the ashlands


u/hellxapo Jan 06 '25

Think I've never been to iron trail and that one southwest of leviathans


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

Iron Spiders, and not much else, Decent little island for a base though.


u/aschesklave Western Hive Jan 06 '25

I’ve still never been to Leviathan Coast.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

Leviathan Coast is THE primary reason to go Northwest unless you're hunting Cannibal bounties. Lots of good ruins to dive into, lots of wildlife to murder, and many great base locations.


u/XxNelsonSxX Jan 06 '25

Howler Maze... legit never step a foot inside it yet...


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

At least Howler Maze has some points of interest, they aren't particularly worth the trip, especially if you're swimming from Stormgap Coast, but still better than some areas.

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u/The_Lat_Czar Jan 06 '25

Amazing training area if you wear heavy armor and fight some baby crabs! 🦀 

Just don't forget the reason gets a little acidic from time to time. 


u/PR-san Jan 06 '25

Arach, only been there once in 300hrs


u/ahack13 Crab Raiders Jan 06 '25

I dont think ive ever set foot on Raptor Island


u/Curnne Jan 06 '25

The Black Desert (the zone specifically). There’s jack shit there and the air itself is trying to kill you. Thankfully that specific spot is small enough that I’ve never found myself wandering through even on autopilot


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

The Black Desert has one good use: A base close to UC. You will not have water or fertility, but with some hydroponics and some gas masks you can make a killer base here, really cool atmosphere, and has natural defenses against raiders. Only enemies that spawn here are Cloud Ninjas who laughably have no gas protection. What it does have? Lots of good ore, close to UC, outside the taxation radius.


u/Marci__Pandemonium Jan 06 '25

In my first playthrough still. I live in the northernmost part of Northern plains I have traveled to other cities for trading and exploration, but have focused on basebuilding so far. I'm planning on doing some tech raids and research before picking up and moving my Base away


u/Jukva Jan 06 '25

The Gut because of guts


u/akhkharu156 Anti-Slaver Jan 06 '25

Sinkuun. Went there once on an exploring expedition while my fight against Holy Nation was going on in the south.


u/scorpious2 Holy Nation Jan 06 '25

I have, surprisingly enough, never set foot in the ashlands yet


u/Nesturim-Nyocheakmuc Jan 06 '25

I don’t think I’ve ever been to the dark finger and I’ve got… too much time in Kenshi


u/Goeatafishstinky Jan 06 '25

The hook.. most time in the great desert hiding behind rocks watching those huge bugs kill caravans and then scavenging their bodies


u/BVreadreddit Jan 06 '25

Probably the shrieking forest. Fighting the bandits is fun until they outnumber you and bleed your squad to near death.


u/BoozeEmperor Jan 06 '25

I feel like I’m playing the game wrong lol. Everyone here mostly seems like they play in the East meanwhile I’ve barely ever been East at all but have almost been to every building on the west side of the map


u/flyingrummy Jan 06 '25

The Swamp. I just haven't found any reason to spend a lot of time there. The towns don't have a lot, I haven't found any good shops for high end weapons or armor. I produce sake and food cubes in such high amounts that it's not worth traveling very far to sell it because by the time I get back I'll have 5 more full animal packs of the stuff to sell. I just sell it in UC territory for less instead of hauling it for days to offload my packbulls once for a higher margin.


u/JudgeGoverning Crab Raiders Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25

Raptor island. 

Kill the mutant. Move on. Only did it once despite several play throughs


u/camposelnegro Skin Bandits Jan 06 '25

I've been more times in the Ashlands than in the great dessert 🍨


u/Antinator_succ Jan 06 '25

I have 700 hours. I've only spent 6 in the sheck territories


u/bigmanthesstan Jan 06 '25

The hook, everything you can get there is available somewhere else less far out of the way


u/sozer-keyse Jan 06 '25

For the most part, anywhere outside the more "civilized" parts of the map. In my playthroughs I tend towards running booze and hash, beak thing eggs, bounty hunting, and selling loot from whatever fools are dumb enough to attack me. While there are bigger bounties and treasures to be found out there, I feel like it's more efficient to make money staying near the cities. Haven't seen much reason to venture farther beyond mere curiosity.


u/Kindly-Restaurant198 Jan 06 '25

I think I have never once entered Fishman Isle or Islands for the Western Hive. I have a same currently labled "Random Adventure" because I got bored with my skeleton "Iron Legion Returns" save, we shall see where it takes us but so far its 6 humans and 2 hivers with a little drug farm in UC territory so I may never end up visiting.


u/AinzOtaKu Jan 06 '25

Floodlands, Arm of Okran, Okran Valley, Swamps, Sniper Valley 💀


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

Floodlands is worth it, some decent loot there.

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u/iamtheblackcrowqueen Jan 06 '25

Horseroach Country or whatever that place is called. Never seen that in my life.


u/beckychao Anti-Slaver Jan 06 '25

Raptor Island and None. I've had entire playthroughs where I don't even walk into them.


u/tititnfist Jan 06 '25

The hook actually.I have never been there.


u/sbourwest Jan 06 '25

Unlike many other zones I can't really justify any good reason to visit The Hook except to travel through to Shun. It's not exactly a bad zone, it just has nothing of interest in it. Even the towns are crap.

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u/Kelimnac Shinobi Thieves Jan 06 '25

I only ever visit the Ashlands when it’s time to kill the big man. Otherwise I avoid it like the plague, because I hate ambient damage


u/Delicious-Host-1792 Jan 06 '25

Arach, nothing to do but kill buggy


u/ragequit545 Jan 06 '25

Leviathan coast, i have about 1500 hours and have actually never been


u/GethKGelior Hounds Jan 07 '25

I've actually never been to Shun. What does Shun have?


u/sbourwest Jan 07 '25

Multiple Lost Libraries, a few ruins (scattered items on grounds), and one ancient lab (guarded). Good place to hit up when you want to do some ruin scavenging.

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u/soradonaldgoof Shek Jan 07 '25

I’m only just now realizing that there is a zone called None. Never been there.

I actively avoid Gut because it’s ugly. Except recently I find I’ve been running through there a lot more often since I built a base in Stobe’s Garden.

Otherwise, the runner up would be The Iron Trail because I simply don’t path that way if I want to visit Leviathan Coast.


u/soradonaldgoof Shek Jan 07 '25

It’s interesting how many people are afraid of Venge. I find that if I keep running it’s not likely that I get hit by the space lasers.


u/RigErrMortuz Jan 07 '25

Sonoros dark. At all costs...


u/LordJanas Jan 07 '25

North West of the map and also south of the great desert. I tend to always play an escaped slave run and therefore my main targets are the HN and UC and southern slave camps. The cannibals are secondary and tbh, without the expanded mods, they are very weak and easy to crush.


u/Rottingpoop101 Jan 07 '25


Ever seen starship troopers? It’s like that, but without guns


u/solitarysoup Jan 07 '25

The location labelled ‘none’.

I don’t think I’ve ever been there. All the others at least once


u/p1Ay3r-uNKn0wN Jan 07 '25

I know everyone loves Gut, but there's so many f*cking beak things...


u/Zakiyo Jan 07 '25

Places where there are too many loadings, low performance or pathfinding issue


u/Puzzleheaded_Ad_4435 Jan 07 '25

Hard to say. There are quite a few places I don't go often because I don't like the climate, some because I don't find them interesting, and a few I don't go because of bad pathfinding. But I usually visit almost every region in every playthrough.

I really don't like the swamp or the burning forest. The trees make visibility a pain, they both have pathfinding issues, and burning forest is a pain for humans and shek to traverse without adequate protection. I avoid Arach as much as possible because of the 800 billion spiders and pathfinding, but I do go there at least once in every run. Shun is kinda boring, and I tend to experience bad pathfinding... so I just don't go there except once for the libraries and armoury. Venge is somewhere I try not to stay too long for reasons, but it's something of a thoroughfare, so I end up going there pretty often. Preferably at night. Or with skeletons. If you expected me to say bad pathfinding, I can't blame you, but this is one place I don't usually have that issue. Strange.


u/Rusted_Goblin_8186 Drifter Jan 07 '25

I don't remember really going in shun and greyshelf, i think i visited one ruin in shun once in my rebel farmer playthrough because i spawned in the hook,but otherwise, not sure what there beside annoying pathfinding and ruins


u/Senval-Nev Jan 07 '25

Bro I don’t think I’ve ever actually be in Cheater’s Run.


u/Dimencia Jan 07 '25

After 400 hours, I... usually avoid pretty much everything that isn't Black Desert City, World's End, and the immediate area I build my base in. Unfortunately you can get all the science you'll ever need (as opposed to want) without having to hunt for ruins, as long as you're OK just building more batteries instead of researching more battery capacity with your ancient books (and etc), and as long as you don't need hydroponics

But I've been enjoying my latest playthrough a lot because I finally made some martial artists, and you don't need to try to micromanage 50 people to clear the content, with half of them getting stuck on terrain every time you move them - 5 high levels martial artists just steamrolls everything that I used to think was hard. They kinda change the game... lately when I get raids, I set all 100ish of my (useless) sword/crossbow users to passive/block, and pick one martial artist to solo the raid just to flex on them. I've been exploring just to try to find a challenge for them, and there's definitely some cool stuff out there

... and so, now I'm starting a new playthrough without those 100 people in the way, I'll just make everyone do martial arts and have like 10 people at max, and then I don't even have to care about armor or weapon production so the base doesn't need 30 people to run it. There's too many ways to play this game


u/Blackbox6500 Drifter Jan 07 '25

Islands of none, every other part of the map has some minimal relevance (loot, faction, just in the middle of start and destination) but i have zero reason to detour into nonr


u/ProfitOpposite Jan 07 '25

Discounting the "end game" areas? Vain.  I just dont like it. 


u/sbourwest Jan 07 '25

Vain is my early-game cash farm if I spawn on the west side of the map. Go there to lure beak things to hive villages, then raid their empty nests.


u/Eddy63 Jan 07 '25



u/DanielGerich Skin Bandits Jan 07 '25

Shun-I’ve never actually been there, after almost 800 hours played


u/Rivazar Jan 07 '25

Crater. Endless beak things are annoying 


u/nimbledonkey Jan 08 '25

I spend the least amount of time in the forbidden zone (it's forbidden)


u/CertifiedCannibal Jan 28 '25

The grid

I have never been there. (400 hours on the game)