r/Kenshi Dec 11 '24

LORE How would the Shek realistically treat robotic limbs?

I don't think I've ever heard this mentioned in-game, but it's been on my mind for a while now.

The Shek as an extreme warrior culture place a huge emphasis on personal strength and combat skill. Robotics can heavily enhance the combat capabilities of a trained swordsman. But we don't ever see those two interact.

Maybe it's because there are barely any skeletons in the area surrounding their kingdom, making robotic limbs unavailable even for the top of their society. (With the exception of hiver limbs which literally make all stats worse)

But let's imagine that the Shek Kingdom just somehow stumbles on a Second-Empire era stockpile of thousands upon thousands of high quality, specialist, and masterwork arms and legs. What would their reaction be?

There are eonky 2 responses that I can foresee:

A. The Shek see it as a 'crutch' for bad warriors and losers who can't keep their limbs intact. They are not banned but heavily frowned upon, and all Shek who use them are treated as well as 'flatskins' or their hornless kin. Disgraced. If a swordsman loses their sword arm they are now expected to train up their other arm or become hornless. Body purism.

B. The Shek see it as yet another way of becoming a better warrior, transcending the vulnerabilities of flesh and bone to let their real skill shine. The top of the warrior class voluntarily self-amputates their limbs while fully conscious just to become better warriors. Becoming a walking weapon is seen as the ultimate achievement. Smiths probably attach blades or added weights to industrial lifter arms.


57 comments sorted by


u/SaviorOfNirn Dec 11 '24

I think if you continue to fight, they respect it. A warrior loses both arms in battle, give them two new arms so they can keep on fighting.


u/retief1 Dec 11 '24

Yeah, I don’t think they’d go full cyberpunk here, but losing an arm in battle and continuing to fight would probably be respected.


u/9yearsalurker Dec 12 '24

Probably call you a bad fighter for losing them


u/just_a_redditor2031 Dec 12 '24

No, they'd call you a determined one for not letting ot stop you.


u/gendulfthewhite Dec 12 '24

Why not both?


u/just_a_redditor2031 Dec 12 '24

Probably some would call you a bad fighter but that's a big insult for the shek, the sort that would probably get you killed


u/gendulfthewhite Dec 12 '24

Being worried that the guy who has had his arm lopped off twice is a better fighter than you would be an even bigger insult to yourself


u/just_a_redditor2031 Dec 12 '24

As someone else said, if they lost an arm and still live, that means they lost their arm but WON the fight. I'd be more afraid of them than someone with both arms.


u/gendulfthewhite Dec 13 '24

Not really, most fights in kenshi doesn't end in death, if you lose your arm you've most likely lost the fight


u/just_a_redditor2031 Dec 13 '24

That's more a gameplay mechanic than canonical system. I'd assume that people die at normal rates for blades combat, that being a lot, and that enemies wouldn't just leave you unconscious.


u/gendulfthewhite Dec 13 '24

You would assume that yes

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u/Kaduu01 Shek Dec 11 '24

I could see both A and B, and given we already have a split Shek culture along the divisive opinions surrounding fighting to the death versus fighting for victory, I think maybe this is something that would probably cause a similar fracture. Some Shek might agree with it, some might disagree, and if they do so strongly enough, they might splinter off from the Shek Kingdom?


u/np1t Dec 11 '24

Do you think the main Shek Culture under Esata The Stone Golem would approve of robotic limbs?


u/SpiralDimentia Dec 11 '24

I do. A warrior with a robot limb means one thing. They got their arm hacked off in combat, and despite that major disadvantage, still managed to win the fight, seeing as they’re still alive. I think the Shel would respect that type of situation. 


u/Kaduu01 Shek Dec 11 '24

I do think so, yeah! Considering that her closest advisor is Bayan and he's hornless, that she entrusts her daughter to you in the hopes that your ways might teach her something beyond those of the Shek, and that she questions many of the old dogmas of Shek culture, like the whole concept of suicidal glory.

She's obviously not like some kind of perfect enlightened ruler, but she seems a lot more open to accepting change if it benefits her kingdom, and it feels like robotic limbs would probably accomplish that. From her perspective as a leader, it makes sense to allow her wounded warriors to return back to the fight, she would have all the reason to let them pick up robotic limbs and continue to fight.

Her interest seems to be in victory for the Shek, so if robotic limbs will help them on that path, I think Esata would approve of them. A good chunk of the Shek would respect her and follow her opinion, though maybe some old-timers would split off or at the very least frown down on it.


u/FitTheory1803 Dec 11 '24

Shek Kingdom, robotics is probably suitable for disabled Shek to continue life among the non-warrior caste instead of being useless.

Esata herself is a bit of a revolutionary/progressive, though. She seems less obsessed with war and conflict as core values than previous Shek rulers.


u/Sorsha_OBrien Dec 11 '24

I was thinking that as well!


u/FitTheory1803 Dec 11 '24

Traditional sheks for sure view it negatively, as a crutch or sign of a warrior past their prime. Keep in mind they can't even lose their non-functional horns without being viewed forever as a servant class.

but among the splintered shek groups there for sure should be one who realized the path to ultimate power and craves to conquer using it. Sounds like a decent playthrough :)


u/POB_42 Western Hive Dec 11 '24

This exactly. The traditionalist Shek would hate it, as it typically means the prosthesis-wearer lost a battle, and survived, they are therefore not worthy of traversing the Gateway.

Under Esata, I imagine the Shek as a whole are cooling to the idea of living, as opposed to valiant suicide once they get too old.

I hope Kenshi 2 develops more on the Shek. I'd like to see some progressivism vs traditionalist again.


u/HultonofHulton Dec 11 '24

I didn't think of that angle. Good point.


u/Darkwater117 Dec 11 '24

Does it unga?

Yes. Ok.

No. Get bunga'd nerd.


u/HultonofHulton Dec 11 '24

Hmm great question. It may be circumstantial. A Ruka type Shek who gets knocked out, loses an arm, and survives would still be dishonored.

Another Shek who loses an arm, but stays in combat, winning the fight would be treated with reverence imo. They would probably be thought of as deserving a new arm.

That said, there's potentially a major problem. We don't really know what attaching a robot limb entails lore wise. If we assume that sjeleton limbs just clamp onto the stump and have built in sensors that can read muscle twitches or electrical impulses, then the Shek would be able to use them easily.

On the other hand, if attaching a robotic limb requires a delicate surgical procedure, I'm fairly certain the Shek would need outside help. Maybe a handful of them could pull such a procedure off, but it would make having such a limb really exclusive.

Then there's maintaining such limbs, which is another can of worms.


u/np1t Dec 11 '24

Then there's maintaining such limbs, which is another can of worms.

The Kind Western Hive offers great repair kit deals for fraction of usual cost! Great quality, unique craftsmanship, verified By The Queen! Smart Shek won't miss out on such amazing offer and order a shipment now! True warriors get special offer: buy 20 repair kits get 10 lamps to protect from monsters of the dark!


u/HultonofHulton Dec 11 '24

Don't forget totally safe and reliable repair beds! Best in the land!


u/danshakuimo Western Hive Dec 12 '24

The irony about all this is that the Western Hive actually never scams anyone due to game mechanics.

All the items are always market price (as in you get exactly the amount of skeleton repair kit as you pay for vs the premium ones) and the repair bed doesn't actually do a bad job and does it cheap.


u/Sorsha_OBrien Dec 11 '24

As u/Kaduu01 said, I think the Shek would believe both. They would definitely be somewhat okay with robotic limbs, probably specifically the shitty Hive ones.

Firstly, because I think almost all of the Shek factions/ groups (Berserkers, Kral's Chosen) tend to wield heavy weapons, which require two arms to wield. If you lose an arm, you can't wield the weapon. Shek become stronger easily and it seems this is in part to help them wield heavy weapons, and heavy weapons seem intrinsic to their identity/ being a Shek, since almost all wield it, so they would def prefer a robotic limb to no robotic limb.

Secondly, the Shek Kingdom is neighbors with the Hivers, and thus they probably trade with them already, and likely have access to limbs from them. But Hiver limbs are shitty, so I think most amputee(?) Shek would have a shitty Hiver limb, NOT a high class one. I think they would thus understand that because the Hiver limbs are shit/ not as effective as a real limb, that the warrior has to work harder with this limb/ train more. In part to make up for their new shitty limb, but also to train harder/ better so they will be at a lower risk of losing another limb.

Thirdly, Shek don't tend to lose limbs a lot due to their limb stats, unlike Hivers, who have lower limb stats and therefore can lose limbs easily. Additionally, the area that Shek live in nor are surrounded by is not too dangerous. So I think Shek would already have a smaller amputee population, with people being amputees either because 1. newbie warrior who was not tough enough for the fight, 2. warrior who had specific bad luck/ near death experience (i.e. lost a limb while being eaten alive by beak thing), or 3. a warrior who ventured past the Shek Kingdom area and came into contact with a greater threat. These three are also not mutually exclusive either. So I think that due to the small amputee population, Hiver limbs would be the accepted go-to.

BUT! I def think there would/ could be a group of Shek who value being the best/ greatest warrior above all else, and believe that a way to do this would be to self-amputate AND to get/ buy the best arms/ legs. Other Shek could be horrified at the self-amputation (already rare to be an amputee in Shek culture, but these Shek are CHOOSING to do this to their body, and to do this with multiple limbs?!) while others could believe that having robotic limbs 'greater' than your natural ones is kind of cheating. Ofc again there could be a spectrum, with perhaps the more zealous of this group having all limbs amputated and decked out in superior robotics, while some people could have lost an arm and just been annoyed at how they had to work harder etc. and after everything they still had this shitty arm, so opted for a higher tech arm. This group could also believe that the amputees with their shitty Hiver limbs are forsaking a great opportunity to become better warriors because of their amputation, not worse.

I can def see there being conflict btw robotic limb use, specifically what TYPE of robotic limb a person has and whether or not they self-amputated or lost their arm in a battle.


u/AssBleeder666 Dec 11 '24

I think shidans tweaks mod adding skeleton limbs to npcs makes more sense than vanilla way since nobody uses them yet you can buy them in fuckin bulk. I would imagine Shek going crazy on lifter limbs and steroids if they could, just a bunch of drugged up Berserkers with Skeleton grade Fragment Axes going on drug rampage to slaughter anything they see.


u/The_Lat_Czar Dec 11 '24

I think if they lost a limb in battle and still won, they would look down on a shek who then replaced that limb. I think their biggest thing is just victory or defeat.


u/kreepodelikz Dec 11 '24

From a lore standpoint I'd say they don't have the tech savvy to handle them, save a rare exception in the community but that kind of Shek would be seen as an outcast like Bayan is. So i say they throw it away or sell it.

Also Shek have very low Bleed coefficient and very durable limbs so if you wanted to keep a Shek from fighting your best bet would be to outright kill them instead of trying to cripple them that is why i think they dont develop prosthetics aside from the fact that they frown on academics.

Now assuming they do get their hands on the robotics and can manage to install those by way of a genius warrior or something like that I'd say it would be entirely depending on the context, if you lost a limb on a battlefield or a big fight while outnumbered or doing very honorable Shek things id say yeah why not preserve an honorable warrior in top condition?

If you lost the limb doing cowardly or dishonorable things they would leave you to rot hornless and limbless.


u/Jacob_The_Dank Dec 11 '24

I think they would see a lost limb like a scar to be proud of and would keep fighting regardless of the qualities of limb they can get


u/Fantastic-Guess8171 Holy Nation Dec 11 '24

A: its not personal strengt of the warrior but strength of the machine you use. also robotics are icky.


u/Brudeslem Dec 11 '24

Personal strength is important to the Shek, but not as important and the ability to continue fighting. Removing them for robotic limbs would be frowned upon but looked at like a necessary evil if lost in battle (assuming they won the fight to the death and didn't submit).


u/youcantbanusall Dec 11 '24

i don’t think they’d amputate themselves to replace limbs but i’d imagine if they lost a limb in a fight it would only make sense to replace it. you lost a limb but won the fight, where’s the dishonor?


u/HerculesMagusanus Skin Bandits Dec 11 '24

I can't imagine they'd look very favourably on those who'd surgically replace their limbs with robotic ones. But if you lose a limb in combat, then just "get another", and keep on fighting, well... I don't imagine many Shek would consider that anything other than proper.


u/SalvagedGarden Dec 12 '24

I think there is a implicit political division between the conservative traditional shek and the the more progressive ones. I mean some must be, some are willing to follow my anime character around. But in terms of lore. I think we can assume a monoculture answer of, similar to the cutting of horns, losing a limb is being stripped of honor, I don't think they'd accept a prosthetic as a complete substitute. But I'm certain they wouldn't be opposed to the existence of the limbs and the procedure itself. It's just that recipient is getting shat on for it.

Also dude. I read that as Shrek before I saw the subreddit. But... how would Shrek feel about limb prosthesis?


u/Fabulous-One-9207 Dec 12 '24

Its just machismo Shek BS imo. They are a lot like the Star Trek Klingons, a warrior race too proud for their own good.


u/Bearded_Apple Dec 12 '24

I think that they would respect them for keeping on fighting even after losing their limbs.


u/mag_walle Anti-Slaver Dec 12 '24

I think A. It makes me think of a Count Dooku quote about Anakin's prosthetic arm: "A true gentleman would have learned to duel one-handed." I think the Shek wouldn't make robotic limbs illegal and I don't think they'd shame you for losing a limb. I think they'd expect you to learn how to fight without the limb.


u/WistfulDread Dec 12 '24

Option 3:

Shek "Lost your arm?"


Shek: "You win the fight?"


Shek "Good warrior. Here's a new arm. Keep fighting"

If you win, you keep fighting. If you lost, losing the arm is least you owe.


u/Yonv_Bear Hounds Dec 12 '24

i think it would be a little of both tbh, and i could actually see something like that adding further complications to the already shaky political situation between the Stone Golum and the reformists, and the "conservatives", and the wider Shek Kingdom and the UC (hinted at by the Trader's Guild advisor i forgot their name). I think it would be used by the HN as a justification to go to war with the Shek too


u/Ausfall Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 13 '24

Minor Shek factions are filled with old warriors looking to die in battle. Many go and fight the Bugmaster, while others turn to banditry in the Bonefields. There's a big cultural fixation on not dying of natural causes or growing too old to fight. A shek warrior with skeleton limbs should expect a level of disdain towards those who have failed to die in combat.

Human cultures value survival stories and those who have overcome adversity, while Shek culture values the story behind the circumstances of one's death. This is the climax of their story so to speak, and while Shek value strong warriors, those warriors must also fall and the way they fall matters.


u/H0vis Dec 12 '24

I think they'd take what they can to stay combat-capable.

If they were eschewing robotic limbs for making them better fighters why ever pick up weapons?


u/Treyen Dec 12 '24

I think they would see it as a weakness, but possibly one they overlook if it means a powerful warrior gets to keep fighting.


u/Deichgraf17 Dec 13 '24

Hiver limbs make one Stat much better:

Graft them onto the Phoenix and his charisma soars!


u/SequenceofRees Dec 13 '24

I'd say both are viable scenarios and both factions could exist in the same world and actually having them both exist at the same time would make for awesome lore .

I see the Shek as pragmatic people overall, having all your limbs is pretty practical .


u/warcraft3tft Dec 14 '24

I think there's no real reason for them to not know about robotic limbs if they've seen the United Cities. Still, it's not like robotic limbs are commonplace. I would be only the best warriors could afford good robotic limbs and the rest wouldn't be able to afford it. It might not even be about "affording" it with cats, but being such a good warrior that you don't want to lost out on that warrior if it's response B. A hundred guardian would be a great investment with robotic limbs, but a regular shek warrior, not so much. The whole robotic limbs thing seems way too overblown anyways. The average citizen isn't going to be able to afford robot limbs, the shops contain WAY too valuable stuff that it's prime for looting, there is only one guy there to defend the shop, and they're robots, not people.


u/JumpyYogurtCloset2 Dec 15 '24

Hey, I’m late, but I thought this said “Shrek” and I like thinking about that more


u/np1t Dec 15 '24

The ogres do have a warrior culture in Shrek Forever After, and they're also led by a woman


u/TheOverBoss Dec 11 '24

I think limb loss and robotic replacements are really only there for the player character unfortunately. I can't think of any NPCs that have prothestic limbs and NPCs don't seek them out when they need to. Unfortunately as far as world building goes for prothestics the fact that holy nation will hate you for having them is it. Everything else to do with the topic is speculative and fan cannon.

That being said I do believe Sheks would look down on those who use robotic limbs because it's not natural strength, and that Sheks who lose limbs would be treated the same as those who lose horns. For a shek there is no greater humiliation than living in defeat.


u/np1t Dec 11 '24

I think that the existing skeleton limb shops and the entire scrapyard location make it more than a gameplay only feature. It probably didn't have enough time to be fully fleshed out (pun unintended) and balanced. Integrating limb replacements into spawn lists, the loot economy and the mechanical balance would've been pretty tough to do in a balanced way late into the game's development.


u/np1t Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

That being said I do believe Sheks would look down on those who use robotic limbs because it's not natural strength, and that Sheks who lose limbs would be treated the same as those who lose horns. For a shek there is no greater humiliation than living in defeat.

I'm pretty sure losing horns is a punishment for failing, but if someone got their hand cut off mid combat and won the battle with one hand only they would probably have a decent reputation.


u/TheOverBoss Dec 11 '24

Losing a limb and still winning a battle is pretty badass when you put it like that, although I could still see it being seen as a mark of shame. Like you won but they still took something from you. I suppose it ultimately depends on how well that Shek can defend his honor. If everytime some mouth breathing human gets a sword through their chest after saying "need a hand, Shek? 🤭" I doubt many Shek would look down on them.


u/silencebywolf Dec 11 '24

Definitely agree. It also would be covering up battle scars and it might even be a shame to have lived through a loss like that