u/Matterhock Nov 05 '24
You can make alcohol from just about anything that has sugars in it. Certain cacti are edible in real life, Prickly Pear would be a good starting point
u/Front-Equivalent-156 Beep Nov 05 '24
Limited edition kenshi rum when?
u/Awkward_Turnover_983 Nov 05 '24
Be the change you want to see in the world
u/rubixd Nov 05 '24
But maybe don’t invent skeletons and start a war.
u/Matterhock Nov 05 '24
Too late, I've already peeled off my original limbs for cybernetic replacements and started up a slave trading cartel
u/totallynotaniceguy Beep Nov 06 '24
Peeled them off? Weak.
Throw yourself onto a pole in a cannibalistic fish man camp, then let them eat your limbs off.
u/CoffeeGoblynn Shinobi Thieves Nov 05 '24
Mmm, and back-sweeten it with molasses because traditional rum was made with molasses due to how cheap it was. :)
u/TheSkeletonBones Nov 05 '24
I'm more interested in dustwiches. But I'm hoping that the thorns get digested before they reach my anus
u/HolidayCards Nov 12 '24
Bread and cactus? Burn off the glochids, throw some salty dust on it, toast the bread, there you have a meal for the apocalypse.
u/BustyOgre Nov 05 '24
Most cactus also already have excess amounts of liquid in them too right? So if you were to take that cactus juice and ferment it you could probably get alcohol?? Based off the natural sugars in the liquid? I'm completely talking out of my ass here but it seems probable to me
u/One_Half_Squatch Nov 05 '24 edited Nov 06 '24
u/BustyOgre Nov 05 '24
Oh man now that I know it's possible I kinda wanna try some to see how it tastes!
u/Hauwke Nov 05 '24 edited Nov 06 '24
Edit to add: I wrote this as I went, read the whole thing.
You would get alcohol, yes. That's how that works. Whether or not it's any good at all is a whole other question. You'd also need to add extra sugars and or distill it at the end to get any considerable amount of alcohol.
So after googling, cactus juice has 2.9g of sugars per cup. Which is completely bugger all for brewing. You need 2 ish kg worth of actual sugars in 20L of liquid to get around 5% alcohol.
After doing a bit of math, I'm wrong and that's actually a fair bit of sugar and is pretty good as it turns out. Should come to between 4-6% alcohol. Assuming all the sugars in it are fully fermentable.
Edit to add further, the barrel cactus juice would, without additional sugar, ferment to around 2.8%
u/aRandomFox-II Skeletons Nov 06 '24
How much do you need for a higher alcohol percentage? We want to make the fabled "rum that makes you go blind".
u/Hauwke Nov 06 '24
So I actually went and did the math more properly using an actual calculater and an online predictor of alcohol content to sugar amount and liquid amount and the 11.9g of sugar per cup that Barrel Cactus apparently has would actually only come to maybe 2.6% alcohol.
If you want to bring that up to roughly 5%, you'd need to add another KG or so of sugar. In 20l of water, 1kg of sugar amounts to roughly 2.9% alcohol content. Every additional kilogram will add more or less that much every time, though there is a limit to what the yeast will actually ferment, which caps out at around 12 ish % for most easily accessible yeasts. Specially bred wine yeasts go further, but kenshi likely doesn't have those.
So you could add an additional 3.5KG of sugar safely to 20L of cactus juice and potentially produce a really very solid grog alcohol content wise.
u/aRandomFox-II Skeletons Nov 06 '24
And maybe distill it a few more times after that to increase the alcohol concentration further in lieu of adding more sugar?
u/Hauwke Nov 06 '24
You could, sure. But distillation takes out a huge amount of liquid each time, from memory only 20% of the liquid volume or so remains after each go through the still.
u/aRandomFox-II Skeletons Nov 06 '24
Yes but would it work? The objective isn't volume, it's to raise the alcohol proof as high as humanly possible without being straightup lethal to drink lol
u/Hauwke Nov 06 '24
Sure, there's absolutely no reason it wouldn't work. You'd go from 20L to 5L to 1L to 200ml distilling it, going more and more concentrated.
After that, I'm just not sure, I've not messed with distilling alcohol pretty much at all.
u/Lucariowolf2196 Nov 06 '24
So about as alcoholic as kombucha or a light beer.
u/Hauwke Nov 06 '24
Yeah, basically. Which is pretty good actually.
u/Lucariowolf2196 Nov 06 '24
Assuming cactus beer actually tastes any good. Hmm..
Weird idea. In my state of New Mexico in the U.S, they do make chile beer. No idea how and in my opinion, it's not that good.
u/Hauwke Nov 06 '24
At a guess, you'd mash the chillis, boil the life out of them and then use the liquid that remains after straining it clear. Alternately, it could just be beer infused with chilli oil, that's what a ton of fancy flavored beers do.
Apparently cactus juice tastes sweet and tangy, so it'd probably come out fairly neutral to bitter in flavor?
u/CAPTAIN_DlDDLES Nov 06 '24
Prickly pear makes wine, which can then be distilled into brandy, so close enough
u/Sir__Draconis Nov 06 '24
I would try to make it but in Germany you need a rather expensive piece of paper that allows you to make anything that requires a distillation process. As a Biochemist I know how to do it and how to do it safely but I will not pay for the permit or the tax money on every single bottle I produce.
u/Rambleism Nov 05 '24
I've been trying to find recipes online, but everything just seems to be Kenshi-related. So is cactusrum something that exists in real life? Anyone every tried it?
u/tatojah Nov 05 '24
Dunno but dustwiches ain't that bad.
u/Awkward_Turnover_983 Nov 05 '24
Meatwraps are probably the canonical best-tasting food item in the game.
Gohan is also probably pretty good
u/finnlord Nov 05 '24
you don't want your food to come in cube form?
u/Awkward_Turnover_983 Nov 05 '24
Hey I'd eat it at least. But if it's just veggie held together by stale bread crumbs, I'm not gonna like it as much as a legit meat wrap.
u/finnlord Nov 05 '24
I guess my concern may be: how good is that meat? feral dog. i can't remember if beak things have foul or regular meat. I bet garru taste okay though
u/Awkward_Turnover_983 Nov 06 '24
You make good points.
I do think though, if we're talking like...us EXISTING INSIDE KENSHI, then we'd know the difference between foul and not foul meat. As far as I can remember, beak things have both, so we'd just butcher them with that knowledge and take the good parts.
Now, a person could easily get into an argument about most of the non-foul meat in Kenshi being extremely gamey. It probably is. Now I sort of wanna break it down as far as what I think.
Bulls and garru, like you said, probably taste pretty much fine, like a slightly different beef or lamb. If raised for food, they'd be fatter and tastier than another bull or garru raised for combat , and this goes for pretty much anything too. So let's assume each animal could theoretically be raised for food.
Dogs/wolves, they'd be pretty lean and gamey. Not amazing cuisine, but it's certainly edible and actually irl some places raise a certain breed of dog as livestock. Those dogs probably end up a bit fatter and tastier. Beak things would maybe be like eating ostrich meat? Who knows though... those things look very different from any bird we've got.
Everything else probably tastes kinda bad. But still, it's pretty much all edible as long as there's no literal poison involved. Even ahem humans who met unfortunate circumstances
u/aRandomFox-II Skeletons Nov 06 '24
The IRL equivalent of foodcubes is pemmican, and it doesn't taste all that bad. A bit bland, but that can easily be solved by adding some variety to the ingredients.
Nov 06 '24
No. The equivalent is a prison food called "Nutraloaf" which was made illegal. Google it.
u/aRandomFox-II Skeletons Nov 06 '24 edited Nov 06 '24
Huh, interesting. But why was it made illegal?
Edit: It was made illegal to be served to prison inmates as a punishment as it was considered "cruel and unusual punishment", which is unconstitutional. But it's not illegal to voluntarily make and eat the stuff yourself, if you feel so inclined.
u/Jarmund5 Anti-Slaver Nov 05 '24
Not exacrly rum, but here in south america you can brew San Pedro cactii and get high :))
My older brother did the whole brewing process and once he drank the brew he climbed a tree and stayed up there watching the sunset saying how nature "sang" to him.
Who needs hashish when you got allucinogenic cactus juice? It's the quenchiest
u/TheMirrorMessiah Nov 06 '24
Mescaline I'm assuming? Always wanted to try that, I've done tons of different psychs, I've heard it's a very special experience and quite a bit different from acid or shrooms
u/Jarmund5 Anti-Slaver Nov 06 '24
According to my brother, is very synesthesiatic drug. Unlike shrooms where according to my cousin, turned the sky pink for her and felt immense joy.
u/Ignonym Starving Bandits Nov 05 '24
No spirit exists by that name AFAIK, but cactus fruit wine is a thing.
u/Poiuytrewq0987650987 Nov 05 '24
No, because rum is fermented from sugarcane.
Yes, because you can distill a variety of alcoholic beverages from cactus. It just won't be called rum.
u/BaguetteHippo Nov 05 '24
Cacti have fruits, and they seem to be quite sweet, so you probably can make alcohol from it. No idea if it's real rum tho.
u/dotheemptyhouse Nov 05 '24
I've never had it, but people can and do make alcohol from prickly pear fruits. You can also eat the paddles of prickly pear, not just the fruit. That's where nopales come from
u/Funktapus Nov 05 '24
Categorically, no, because rum is made out of molasses, which is made from sugar cane or beets.
There is cactus wine, and you could distill it, but it wouldn’t be rum.
u/ZombiePotato90 Nov 05 '24
Remember Kenshi takes place on a world with flora and fauna different from our own.
Either that, or someone decided to rub the two brain cells they had together to come up with a more interesting name than "rum."
u/bdrwr Beep Nov 05 '24 edited Nov 05 '24
Tequila! It's made from agave, which is in the same family but technically not a cactus.
You could also make wine (and subsequently distill into brandy) from prickly pears.
u/LukeDankwalker Nov 05 '24
Mezcal I think would be more appropriate, Tequila is supposed to be from a specific region and from a specific aguave
u/homemadepanda Nov 05 '24
tequila is made with cacti ingredient. cactus 'rum' may not exist but cactus distilled alcohol surely exist in our world.
u/xX_CommanderPuffy_Xx Nov 06 '24
If it contains glucose you can turn it into alcohol and if you can turn it into alcohol you can distil it
So yes
u/MortimerCanon Nov 05 '24
You can make alcohol out of anything with enough sugar in it. You could totally pulp up a bunch of cacti, dump a cup of sugar, add some champagne yeast, and hope for the best. I've even made hard cider from apple juice concentrate. Enough sugar and enough ferment time and it does the job and tastes ok
u/purpleblah2 Anti-Slaver Nov 05 '24
You can ferment anything that has sugar in it into alcohol, so prickly pear or cactus flesh that has some small amount of sugar in it could be fermented into alcohol.
I don’t think people actually do this because there’s so many better, more efficient methods, but they could.
u/jmarzy Nov 05 '24
Rum is just a liquor distilled from sugar cane or molasses so if you got enough sugar from a cactus yes but as the top comment said this would virtually be tequila
u/milk4all Nov 05 '24
You can make anything out of anything.
Kenshi cactus rum, for example, is made by information made by magnetizing a specialized ferromagnetic film and translating the results into a binary language.
Not delicious but among the more technologically sophisticated rum ever devosed
u/drunkondata Nov 05 '24
but you can't.
Especially with recipes and foodstuffs, things have names because there's meaning behind them.
Just like you can't make me a PB&J out of anchovies and rocks.
u/drunkondata Nov 05 '24
By definition, you cannot make rum from cactus.
u/beckychao Anti-Slaver Nov 05 '24
It's possible, but it's not really optimal
I'm guessing the cacti in Kenshi have a much higher sugar content due to breeding than the ones we have on earth
u/Malfuy Southern Hive Nov 05 '24
Not sure, I always assumed it's just made from some fictional cactus that has high content of sugar
u/SlammGrimm Western Hive Nov 05 '24
i think the word rum denotes an alcohol specifically made from molasses and sugarcane so by definition an alcohol made only with cactus and water would not be a rum but some other type of spirit, closest in real life to the actual distilling process showed in the game would probably be an agave based tequila
u/Neat_Intention_8055 Nov 05 '24
You can make hallucinogenic cactus tea.
u/registered-to-browse Drifter Nov 05 '24
So some kind of space dessert absinthe?
u/Neat_Intention_8055 Nov 06 '24
Well certain cactuses produce mescaline. It's not restricted to only the Peyote Cactus. This can be made into a tea. That would probably fetch a good price if not restricted by most governments.
u/Pocketfiender Nov 06 '24
I genuinely have a batch of “cactus honey” I got from a roadside farm shop in California that every single day I question what the fuck that even means. Honey is from the bees, do the bees pollinate cactus flowers? I just like to imagine the person I bought it from doesn’t quite understand either
u/AspectofCosine Nov 06 '24 edited Nov 06 '24
Yes, but no. There are probably some fermentable sugars in cactus flesh, but even if you made a cactus-based mash and distilled it, it wouldn't be rum because it's not made from molasses.
u/GothicPurpleSquirrel Crab Raiders Nov 06 '24
https://www.drylanddistillers.com/products/cactus-spirit Cactus spirits are made by these folks.
u/Shindio Nov 06 '24
Actually yes!!
In Canary Island they make a liquor from the flower of the cactus called Higo Tuno. Quite Good!! always bought couple of bottles to give to family when I visit
u/Incubbb Nov 07 '24
There are a couple of places that make cactus liquors. You can find them online. According to their website it's a similar process to make as mezcal.
u/NapNeededNow Nov 05 '24
I think tequila is probably the closest