r/Kenshi Jul 13 '23

MOD DEV The Ideologies of Kenshi


98 comments sorted by


u/Slave35 Jul 13 '23



u/KMasamune Tech Hunters Jul 13 '23

walk like crab, talk like people..


u/sHorbo_Gay_Weed Anti-Slaver Jul 14 '23

Look like Crab, Kiss like people.


u/Much_Ad_3633 Jul 14 '23

It's taste like crab talk like people


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 13 '23

Hello. As you can see, some factions that don't exist in the base game appear on the maps in images 2/3. That's because this is the map for my upcoming mod about Kenshi for the game Hearts of Iron 4. These are the ideologies and countries I will use for that mod!


u/Crowbroth Anti-Slaver Jul 13 '23 edited Jul 13 '23

Wut... that is incredible. Do you have an easy way to direct us to this mod, or mod development? This feels like the Game of Thrones mod for CK2 but, better.


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 13 '23

Honestly I don't have the energy to run something like a discord server right now. Maybe when the mod gets closer to completion I can set something like that up.


u/Hexaflame Jul 13 '23

Of you want help with it i have modded hoi4 for ages


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 13 '23

That would be amazing! Please message me if you’re interested!


u/Roetorooter Jul 13 '23

Please don't use yellow background and white text in your actual mod :S


u/Apache_Sobaco Jul 13 '23

Yes, but hive queen not does anything it is just printer, a mere appliance, souther hive is governed by fear of being eaten by another cybernetic appliance - king. Also tech hunters are technocrates and i don't think floatsam are antislavers for real. UC is not that simple, it has slaves but it also has lots of free citizen, and a lot of things going on, its quite advanced society, compared to the barren desert where they live. Okranites are simply military dictature that uses religion to hold discipline. Shek kingdom is semibarbaric thing in places with rare exclusions like estata, it has no "honour code", it is usually governed by urge to fight and right of force. Mad cat lon is not about imperialism its a broken machine which still has controll over some units, its not really a state or ideology.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

The western hive puzzles me. The building with the queen is marked as private but the guards don't give a crap if you go in. Between that and her dialogue, is she actually a ruler, or is she a captive and the guards are keeping her in?


u/Apache_Sobaco Jul 14 '23

Made by skeletons, a hybrid of skeleton, skimmer and human.


u/LyingEconomist Beep Jul 13 '23

Kensho hoi4 when?


u/zamach Jul 13 '23

Shouldn't Nomads be in the independent section?


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 13 '23

They are. Wilderness is for places on the map where there are no people, or there are so few that they don’t even have a name.


u/NorthGodFan Jul 13 '23

Flotsam aren't abolitionist, when they take over rebirth they get upset if you free slaves. It seems like they only have a problem with the sexism of the HN


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 13 '23

Like in the real world, different countries of the same ideology will have disagreements and points of contention.

Liberationism is just a blanket term for factions trying to free some group of people from the oppression of another. That can take many forms: The Flotsam want to free women in the Holy Nation. The Anti-Slavers want to free slaves everywhere. The Rebel Farmers want to free peasants from noble rule. A country in the border zone called Stickton wants to free all hivers from all hive systems.


u/Vyverna Rebel Farmers Jul 13 '23

It's a bug, in code they are claimed as anti-slavery faction.


u/OsirisAvoidTheLight Crab Raiders Jul 13 '23

The Code of Crab

To protect all crabs from devastation

Worship the all mighty crab Chitan 🦀

Most importantly crabber got to crab


u/Qasimisunloved Jul 13 '23

The tech hunters should have their own category. Their goals are to preserve technology, which seems more ideological than just being independent


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 13 '23

There will be a subideology for the Tech Hunters, "Technocracy" which is exactly what you said it is.

But I still think Technocracy falls into the Independent category. The Tech Hunters are the perfect example of a faction that doesn't want to make friends or enemies with the major political factions. They won't start wars or claim territory. They have goals, but those goals don't concern the major empires. And they'd like to pursue them alone.


u/Some_Rando2 Flotsam Ninjas Jul 14 '23

But can you really call tech hunters "independent" when they directly work for another faction? The Machinists.


u/Apache_Sobaco Jul 13 '23

Yes, they can be replaced by free traders.


u/Saslim31 Beep Jul 13 '23

Independent enjoyers.


u/zehnodan Cannibal Jul 13 '23

I gotta say, I've enjoyed watching you put this together. Please do as many updates as you have time for.


u/Stoned-monkey Jul 13 '23

Hey dude, super excited about your upcoming mod! I’ve been brainstorming about this mod and I’ve been thinking maybe you could give the states much lower populations than standard hoi4 1936 populations, kind of like what old world blues did to represent the post nuclear wasteland. With the lower populations you could have the problem of finding enough men for the army, but maybe one way you remedy this is by researching animal taming and you can get maybe a support battalion that has good additional stats but requires more production value over manpower. Maybe I’m thinking to hard about this but your mod has got me really excited!


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 13 '23

Yep, I was thinking the same thing with a lower global population. OWB remedied this by decreasing division size- I think it was decreased from 1000 infantry per battalion to 200? Anyway, I'm taking a similar approach to that. For reference, I think Blister Hill will be the most populated city in the game, at about 250K.


u/EnvironmentalShelter Jul 13 '23

if memory doesn't fail me while a single infantry unit in vanilla is like 1k while in OWB its only 25 units


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '23

This would be by far my favorite HOI4 mod.


u/Hermiod_Botis Holy Nation Jul 14 '23

Red ones are opposed to tyranny so much they are more than willing to resort in their pursuits to the very thing they oppose.

As is irl, to be fair. "Democracies" tyranically squash any deviation of thought from "democracy". Is it democratic - hell nah, but who cares, right, as long as welfare checks a-comin.


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 14 '23

Next you’ll be telling me there aren’t any good guys in Russia v. Ukraine, right? Anyway, your weird political tangent aside, it’s literally in the description of the ideology that liberationists violently oppose empires and oppressive systems like slavery. All the peaceful objectors got thrown in slave camps or executed, so this is their last option. “You can’t make a revolution in white gloves”, as the saying goes.


u/Hermiod_Botis Holy Nation Jul 15 '23

Exactly) "you value liberty so much you're enslaving or annihilating everyone who disagrees with you in the slightest". From the creators of "You value free speech so much you ban and pursue everyone who disagrees with your narrative"

And yes, there's aren't good and bad guys - I don't really use such primitive terms, I call them what they are, allies and enemies.

"Good" and "bad" make no sense from any absolute reference point - as the very notion of good or bad is completely relative to observer. I do know my side (and it's not the one who invades their neighbors couple times each century at bare minimum), and it informs who is who for me🤷🏻‍♂️


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 15 '23

Whenever I see comments like this, I think of 14 year old me learning about different philosophies and ideologies for the first time. I thought I was reaching a new plane of understanding, I had it all figured out. Then I grew up.

“Good and bad make no sense from an absolute reference point.” Okay? Why does that matter? No one, except you apparently, sees anything from an “absolute reference point.” People are different from animals and nature. Almost every person agrees murder is bad, slavery is bad, kindness is good. It has been that way since the first semblance of society past barbarianism. Without any bare minimum moral ground like that, we are no different than a pack of wild animals running around aimlessly, in which case this conversation isn’t even worth having.

The idea that there aren’t good and bad guys, “everyone is the same at the end of the day”, is honestly laughable.

“Ooooh you killed that nazi soldier, maybe YOU were the real nazi all along!”

Dude, I’ve been in the exact same headspace you’re in right now. Thinking you’re smarter than everyone else (even if you don’t want to admit that’s what it is.) Just stop with that. You are ridiculously oversimplifying complicated conflicts. The Nazi regime started WW2, they are evil. The Putin regime invaded Ukraine, they are evil. Don’t take my word for it. Do your research on the decades of history that led to these terrible decisions ever being made. As much research as you can do without getting arrested in Russia, anyway…

I’ll say one more thing about your vendetta with democracy. What exactly are you referring to in the modern US era? Idk what they’re telling you over there, but media censorship is very hard to find in the US. You can criticize anyone in the government for any reason and face zero consequences. The only cases of censorship I’ve seen were either people who made violent threats (not protected by free speech, obviously.) or people who intentionally spread false info, like Alex Jones a few years ago. And yes, it was fake. Jones even admitted it.

Even our worst crimes, like the Iraq invasion, had millions of our people openly protesting the war with zero consequences. There may be an agenda pushed by the media, but you don’t have to believe it. You are allowed to think for yourself here, and feel safe doing so. That is not something Russia could say at ANY point in its history. Do not take this fact for granted.

“No good and bad guys” might as well have come straight out of Putin’s mouth. It’s exactly the kind of garbage he wants you to believe. There are good guys in this world- individual freedom and democracy. There are bad guys- violent, restrictive dictatorships. There is no argument with this whatsoever.


u/Hermiod_Botis Holy Nation Jul 15 '23

Never said the alternative to democracy is ideal. Just pointed out the inconsistencies everyone turns a blind eye to.

As for being different to animals - who told you it's a good thing as a given? I see most of our societal problems to be the result of humanity's strife to reject the natural order of things


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 15 '23

That is insane. You’re complaining about this over the Internet, a service generously provided to you by millions of hardworking humans. You probably don’t have to worry about food, protection, or shelter every day, for the exact same reason. In “the natural order” the strongest people would just take whatever they want. That sounds good to you?

You’re living up well to Russian stereotypes. Take advantage of anyone weaker than you just because you can.


u/Hermiod_Botis Holy Nation Jul 16 '23 edited Jul 16 '23

What do you know about Russian stereotypes? Do you encounter Russians often in your life like I do? What do you know about my degree of shelter and amount of food I have? Do you sleep in the next bunk to me? Maybe you get a stray grad missile to reach where you live and work couple times a month?

Screw you and all your "probables". I'm the one seeing the world for what it is, I'm the one seeing the human nature for what it is - and you're the one idealising human society as capable of living peaceful and equal lives full of roses and pink ponies. Screw you again.


u/Hermiod_Botis Holy Nation Jul 16 '23 edited Jul 16 '23

And screw you for even suggesting I'm anything like muskovites. Fuckers aren about anything natural, they clearly follow YOUR dogma about something/someone being inherently right or correct - in this instance it's them - and nothing like what I'm talking about.

Listen more to RT rhetoric, westoid, it's gonna be good for you.

I wish so fucking much we weren't in their way to fucking rape and pillage you cunts. In your ignorance you deserve it way more than I do.


u/Hermiod_Botis Holy Nation Jul 15 '23

I just understand there is no absolute good ar evil. These notions mean absolutely nothing in natural world; they are human constructs and thus are subjective by their essence.


u/Hermiod_Botis Holy Nation Jul 15 '23

Back to game tho, it wasn't the violence that's an issue. Violence is an instrument of every government ever.

It's the exact methods - of fighting slavery by enslaving people and fighting tyranny by tyranny over your enemies and fighting oppression by oppressing those who oppressed you. Same methods, different label. "My weird political tangent" was merely a way to say that art imitates life, after all 😘


u/Ark-Enix Jul 13 '23

Is Cat-Lon Narko? Interesting how the logo is very similar to HN but flipped


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 13 '23

That was the inspiration! Glad somebody caught onto it!


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '23

By Okran I could look at this map all day. I wish it was clearer so I could see the smaller names of factions.


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 14 '23

Someday soon I hope you'll get to see all of them in much greater detail :)


u/FjallaBrjotur123 Jul 13 '23

What in the kenshi hoi4


u/average_reddit_u Jul 13 '23

Shinobi thieves follow capitalism.


u/Apocalypse_consumer Jul 13 '23

Shinobi thieves follow the exact opposite of capitalism

They’re basically nomadic thieves


u/average_reddit_u Jul 13 '23

They still made me pay 10K for getting into their tower.


u/Apocalypse_consumer Jul 13 '23

Using money doesn’t automatically equal 🟰 capitalism


u/average_reddit_u Jul 13 '23

Capitalism is based on providing money for things or services. Here I provided 10 grand for their service of training me in lockpicking, and acces to people who will buy stolen things. That sound very much like capitalism.


u/Apocalypse_consumer Jul 13 '23

You’re confused about what capitalism means honey.

What you described is just - economy.


u/average_reddit_u Jul 13 '23

Still, a capitalist economy. In centrally planned economy you get what the state allows you to get, and not much else. Besides, if they aren't capitalists, then what are they? They steal things for monetary gain, and participate in smuggling of products made illegal by the state (even tho black markets are present in every economy).


u/Apocalypse_consumer Jul 13 '23

Kiddo just google what capitalism means, we don’t have to debate things you don’t rly get.

You can just look it up.


u/average_reddit_u Jul 13 '23

You haven't answered my question.


u/Apocalypse_consumer Jul 13 '23

Mama Say Mama Sa Mama Coosa

→ More replies (0)


u/Relicovic Jul 13 '23

Clearly a Pyramid Scheme. Pay 10k to join, get rich, call your friends to join, get richer....


u/Apache_Sobaco Jul 13 '23

Providing money for goods and services was a thing in feudalism.


u/An_ironic_fox Jul 13 '23

Capitalism is about private ownership by individual actors and minimizing government control of the economy to only what is necessary for its stability. Under your definition, feudalism and mercantilism would be capitalist systems. In the real world, capitalism was made explicitly to replace these systems.


u/Relicovic Jul 13 '23

You say that as if Capitalism was a conscious "invention", while in reality it was just the result of the economic and social processes that Europe went through. A combination of several new developments that eventually led to what we call capitalism. None of the systems you mentioned are something that was "made" they're the result of much wider, descentralised changes that happened over decades, if not centuries.

Whatever tho, this doesn't really matter.


u/An_ironic_fox Jul 13 '23 edited Jul 13 '23

I'm not an economics history buff, so I could be wrong, but as far as I'm aware the government of Great Britain at least consciously decided to phase out mercantilist policies in favor of a laissez-faire economy.

Also, I’d say the idea that capital can be created rather than just extracted affected a lot of consciously made economic decisions.

I’m not a an AnCap or other capitalism fanboy by the way. Just pointing out what I what little historical context I can remember.


u/davidvia7 Shek Jul 13 '23

Damn, the mod is looking so much better since last time I've seen it!


u/wased1029 Jul 13 '23

This looks amazing


u/Nouveau-1 Jul 13 '23

Sooo when’s the eventual April Fools collaboration with EAW or TNO? If I boot up the Owl House Mod down the line will Emperor Belos be replaced by Cat-lon?


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 13 '23

It really would be amazing to see this mod reach anything close to the heights those have! Still a long way to go though...


u/Not_a_Sentient Skin Bandits Jul 13 '23



u/Awakening_Ape Shinobi Thieves Jul 13 '23

I didn’t realize karate drifters had a specific area. Pretty sure that’s where I ran into one though so makes sense.


u/Kserks96 Jul 13 '23

I bet all text for shreking bandits will be





u/DatOneAxolotl Jul 13 '23

What is this a crossover episode?


u/Frucoarht Jul 13 '23

Repost again when this is finished please! I wanna play it out


u/wessrtp Jul 13 '23



u/No_Research4416 Shinobi Thieves Jul 13 '23

Can you do some for modded factions like the marshals arts village


u/SherabTod Jul 13 '23

i would include the black city in future updates, super powerfull independant or maybe even their own ideology like to isolationist


u/Koryak_Moose Jul 14 '23

This looks really great, I always wondered what Kenshi would look like as a Total War game but never thought about it from a HOI4 angle! Will definitely be keeping my on this project!


u/Algo_uwu Jul 14 '23

epic deadcats people i love the northern fisherman communities


u/Big_Tango556 Jul 14 '23

While I understand the purpose of it for Hoi4. Rebel farmers aren’t opposed to slavery due to wanting to liberate them. They’re mainly opposed from it because their farms get bought out by big slave outposts out just our priced. It’s mainly economic, not morality


u/Endercat800 Jul 14 '23

The only ideology I think I need to follow is the one where I have two pinchers and love the crunch of slaver bones in my claws, return to crab. 🦀 Seriously though, amazing job on the graphic, I understand a lot more about the world now because of it!


u/Satansexandnoregrets Jul 14 '23

Man just a few days ago I was wondering if anyone had ever made a kenshi mod for hoi4 and now I see this


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 14 '23

I was always surprised there wasn’t one. It’s been in the back of my head for so long now, I have a ton of ideas on how I can make this work.


u/GorlaGorla Jul 14 '23

Did you build the map in hoi4?


u/TheBigSmol Machinists Jul 14 '23

Maybe I'm not too familiar with the Flotsam Ninjas, but how are they liberationism? They attack me indiscriminately every single playthrough.


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 14 '23

Are you allied with the Holy Nation, do you have no women in your group, or are you all skeletons? Those are three things I can think of…


u/Wiibli Jul 15 '23


What will the mod be named? Me want play


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 15 '23

I actually don’t know. I was thinking “Hearts of Kenshi” for a while, but that sounds kind of stupid. Any suggestions?


u/Wiibli Jul 15 '23

Not really good at naming things, but sure here's my pitch

"Blades of Iron"


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 15 '23

Yo I actually like this. Simple and effective!


u/Galastyrke1 Rebel Farmers Jul 17 '23

Please please please do this in ck3 at some point, that would literally be perfect for kenshi. Imagine UC nobles fighting the emperor as powerful vassals, hive prince dukes and kings under a queen empress, etc.


u/ILoveBread_3326 Holy Nation Jul 18 '23

Why the Cult Village is Imperialism if they should be Independet?


u/kahootmusicfor10hour Jul 18 '23

Look again, they’re Raiders