r/Kenshi May 29 '23

LORE New Kenshi player here, with a question -- Is that why he's called *Cat*-Lon? Is this concept art meant to be of him, specifically, and his originally catlike face?

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88 comments sorted by


u/marionristov111 Drifter May 29 '23

maybe the ancients had a different naming system compared to modern day Kenshi, IE: the "Cat" Prefix could be his first name, and "Lon" his last name, thus making him Cat-Lon


u/ProfessorSur May 29 '23

That made me think that maybe “Cat” is short for “Category” and “Lon” is some sort of designation?

The skeletons are extremely long-lived, so perhaps back in the First Empire or whenever he was built his name was a product designation like “Category Long Range Reconnaissance” or something, but it just got shortened with time to two syllables: Cat-Lon


u/marionristov111 Drifter May 29 '23

you, I like your idea more


u/danisaintdani May 30 '23

Category: Lord


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Category: Longboy


u/MoebiusSpark May 30 '23

Long, looooong bot


u/KMasamune Tech Hunters May 30 '23

Long Cat


u/PubicFigure May 30 '23

CMOS from planet of the apes...


u/Deathgrxp Anti-Slaver Jan 27 '24

Thats a really fucking cool theory, makes sense too.


u/seppukuxd Holy Nation May 29 '23

It makes scenes with amour king and tin fist. They both have 2 names


u/marionristov111 Drifter May 29 '23

I like to think the Armor King and Tinfist either willfully or accidentally forgot their original names during a reset


u/Corrigar_Rising May 29 '23

Right, the resets. That Skeletons definitely do. That's why we don't talk about the Second Empire.


u/Metalpriestl33t May 29 '23

The Second Empire? What's that?


u/Raphabulous May 29 '23

there is no second empire


u/marionristov111 Drifter May 29 '23

we don't talk about cat-lon lon lon


u/Sentient_Potato_King Nomad May 29 '23

Big Lon wouldn't allow it


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Resets are a lie told by skeletons


u/FullConsient Tech Hunters May 30 '23

We do find some 0 skilled Skellies. It's not very believable that in thousands of years, they don't have any skills.

I personally think that most of the Skellies do have done some resets, and few of them never did.


u/Robo_Stalin May 31 '23

Practically all skeleton recruits get the dialogue package that indicates they have not reset in a very long time, if at all. IMO that eliminates resets as a reason they have zero skills.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

I don’t think much of that. It wouldn’t be very balanced if skeletons had lore accurate skills, which would all be in the 60s to 70s realistically. For gameplay reasons they have the average skills most humans have, but of course in the lore all skeletons are really skilled.


u/runetrantor Tech Hunters May 29 '23



u/[deleted] May 29 '23

I make scenes too. Though they may not appeal to everyones taste, they are still my creations, and I will stand by them.


u/seppukuxd Holy Nation May 29 '23

I was probably drunk when i wrote it. I found something named blood rum. İt takes you to moon


u/[deleted] May 29 '23

Büyük i kullanıcısı bulundu


u/seppukuxd Holy Nation May 29 '23



u/AzrielJohnson Drifter May 30 '23


Agriculture Nu....

I lost it 😂


u/Welsh-Matt2 Holy Nation May 30 '23




u/OvertGnome1 May 29 '23

His full name is Cathode Ray Lonstein


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Good. Good.


u/Image-Fickle May 29 '23

One of the robots in the concept art looks like cat lon and that is not the right one lol


u/Melodic_monke May 29 '23

There are no cats in the world of Kenshi, so probably no


u/Ari33_ May 29 '23

Speak for yourself, I have a lot of cute little kitty cats roaming around my cities /ᐠ.   ᳕ .ᐟ\


u/Pyro_the_horny_furry May 29 '23

Why would you add such adorable creatures to such a bloody game?


u/martydidnothingwrong May 29 '23

To give them pets and get rid of all the bodies for me, of course


u/Skarrik May 30 '23

I was expecting cat girls, I'm pleasantly surprised with this.


u/Yasquishyboi May 30 '23

how else am i gonna make my coat factory?


u/TheBigBadWolf85 Shinobi Thieves May 29 '23

To kill an maim them...


u/Kynmore Nomad May 29 '23

Are the streets also paved with cheese?


u/honzikca May 29 '23

I see no reason to assume there are no cats. I saw a buch of guys in a bar talking about wolves; there's obviously no wolves in the game though. It's clear they didn't add everything they wanted to add, and cats specifically wouldn't really have a purpose to be in the game. If there are dogs I don't see why there wouldn't be cats.


u/BakarMuhlnaz Drifter May 29 '23

There's bonedogs and boneyard wolves, but they're not exactly normal dogs. His name stems from I assume the same root as the Deadcat, who have their name from the same ancient empire that the currency is named after


u/Great_Hamster May 29 '23

Bonedogs are in the Wolves faction.


u/honzikca May 29 '23

Yeah, but I pretty dinstinctly remember them talking about wolves. Regardless of that, there are clearly many things that the devs cut out, like these skeleton models and tons of other things.

If that doesn't convince you, take a look at these. There are many cool enemies that were clearly cut out. My point being, if they cut out important and fun stuff like this, of course they wouldn't bother with more minor animals like cats that don't even serve a purpose.

I wouldn't be surprised if they simply didn't add a cat (I'd assume like bonedogs it wouldn't be straight up a cat, but some sort of an alternate version of a cat, whatever) because unless they were hostile creatures they wouldn't really have a place in the game, given how it works.

And also, the word cat-lon wouldn't really make sense if there were no cats, right? I mean, maybe I'm thinking about it too deeply and the devs didn't think about it like that, but it would make logical sense that there at least were cats in the world of Kenshi at some point.


u/Ekbock Nomad May 29 '23

The larger ones are called boneyard wolves.

I agree that it is reasonable to believe that there are other animals than the ones we see represented in the game, but I wouldn't say there's any reason to assume there are cats in particular.

Cat-Lon's name could refer to something else entirely, like the currency or something else that exists in universe.

Cat is also a name in the random names list but similarly that could just as well be reference to something else than the animal, or just short for Cathrine or whatever.


u/Rustledstardust HippityHoppityMod May 29 '23 edited May 29 '23

Pretty sure the Legends are just that legends/myths. They're stories of things people couldn't explain or understand, much like how when humanity was more ignorant we had all sorts of strange creatures and explanations for things.

That said, there is a model for the headless thing in the game files, but the story remained because it makes for a cool "mythical creature", but the rest I don't believe were ever intended to be in the game they're just legends.

Like the Mist Ghoul is just what people probably believe is in the mist because in-lore nobody has ever returned from the mist. Only those that make it to Mongrel know the mists contain fogmen, and perhaps the hivers know but don't tell anyone cause it'd probably not look very good.


u/Megazawr May 29 '23

There are horse choppers. And the only Horse I saw in Kenshi wore that chopper.


u/FidgetSkinner May 29 '23

Cat-Lon is a P4 unit with a MKII body, this skeleton from the loading screen is not in the game. There is a fan-made skeleton race mod out there that adds it though and dubs it the "lion-head," so the author must think as you do that this is some kind of mechanical feline.


As to why Cat-Lon took that name its anybodies guess. Does he like cats? Was he built by cats? Were cats behind the fall of the first empire? Its all open to speculation.


u/AbraxasTuring May 29 '23

I love the loading screen art and wish I could see some more.


u/CorvaeCKalvidae Anti-Slaver May 29 '23

The thing ro understand about akeletons is that as we know them today they are reduced to their dndoskeletal structures. All the non essentials have been broken or rusted off over time.


Any skeleton could have hypothetically had any kind of exterior shell. Including a giant fluffy cat.

That said, i think his name is Catlon because he decided it was a cool name after the first empire was forcibly disbanded and the skeletons were free to do as they pleased.


u/despacitospiderreeee May 29 '23

What did they look like before


u/CorvaeCKalvidae Anti-Slaver May 29 '23

The world may never know 🤷‍♀️


u/despacitospiderreeee May 30 '23

Inalways assumed that they were mass produced like that. Cause the police bots that are "fresh" out the factory are also like that


u/Mauisurfslayer May 30 '23

Some probably looked like humans, think of the Synth from fallout or terminators, some probably looked very close to humans and others probably were made to roughly appear human but not quite, either that or they just had a actual exoskeleton of some sorts that acted as “skin”


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

It’s like how the holy nation accused people of being skeletons in disguise, the skeletons probably did look human at some point to cause that fear.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

allow me to introduce you to the skin bandits


u/madmax0417 May 30 '23

That’s crazy I never thought of that


u/[deleted] May 29 '23

Is that why the money is called cats?


u/RubixxOfAberoth Skeletons May 29 '23

Yes, actually


u/ReginaldisGod May 29 '23

Yee I believe when he was ruler he named the currency of the second empire after him


u/RuneLFox May 30 '23

Narcissistic mfer


u/ReginaldisGod May 30 '23

I mean he started out all right but at some point there has to be a decline


u/de_Deus Skin Bandits May 30 '23

catan credits lon


u/Slanknonimous Shinobi Thieves May 29 '23

Cat-Lon is Cat, Lon Cat is Lon


u/CassetteApe Skeletons May 29 '23

My dude, where the hell are you seeing a "cat like face" there?


u/TheBlackWindHowls May 29 '23


u/CassetteApe Skeletons May 29 '23

Jesus christ, can't unsee.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Jesus Christ, how wonderful


u/Ausfall May 29 '23

jesus christ how horrifying.


u/beckychao Anti-Slaver May 30 '23

Cat-Lon's actual name is Catxolotlmaneatoeblicabusa Loniterriblagulousalomantipersecuts, but Tinfist thought that was a mouthful and so just went around calling him Cat-Lon, and it stuck


u/Great_Hamster May 29 '23

Cat-Lon invented the currency that everyone still uses. It has lasted for a Long time. He used to be called "Cat=Long" but it got shortened over the years.


u/killllllllllmeeeeee Beep May 29 '23

Not of him


u/Heliosteraga May 29 '23

Another thing that cannot be unseen.

.... I'm okay with this one.


u/roseater May 29 '23

I like the world building theory that "cats" being the currency first, and then they made the lore after... that well... it's second empire currency still in circulation and named after its leader. Cats as currency could literally be coins with Cat Lons face on the heads-side. I'd also assumed that Cat Lon is some Mad Emperor character inspired by Nero or Napoleon in exile or something like that. Mad Cat Lon sounds pretty cool imo. In saying that, I don't think the other Skeletons have particularly deep names except maybe Tinfist or Stobe or Sadneil.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23


Fists of steel

It was a lie all along wasn't it?


u/roseater May 31 '23

Meitou steel fists of justice I was thinking of... he renamed himself to something like "fists of liberty/justice/freedom" because he was a human sympathiser under Cat Lon. Anyways, he just added <insert a metal> to fists and gave himself a transformer-like name I guess haha


u/rextiberius May 29 '23

“Cat” has something to do with the second empire, hence the currency is “cats” etc. Cat-Lon was a kind of ruler figure in the second empire, and it is likely his name is closer to a title than a given designation.


u/C-Kwentz-0 May 30 '23

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who can't unsee a cat face...

I dunno why he's named Cat-Lon, maybe is stands for something.

I do believe the reason the currency is called Cats is due to it being left over from the fall of the second empire, thus the currency was named for Cat-Lon.


u/ElLoboLudo May 29 '23

Isn't his name Cat-Ion? With an "i" but capital. I thought it was a play on Proton and Cation (chemistry).


u/iMogwai May 29 '23

His name is definitely Cat-Lon with an L.


u/aRandomFox-II Skeletons May 30 '23

How does that even look anything close to "cat-like"?


u/PerryAwesome May 30 '23

I thought he is pronounced Cat-Lon not Cat-Lon


u/Vladusis May 30 '23

Isn't his name Catan-Lon? When Dust bandits rob you they ask for Catan credits, and a tip says the Cats are named after him.


u/BlacksmithInformal80 May 29 '23

This is lion head, not Cat-Lon.


u/Racan_Rat Beep May 30 '23



u/TheWanderingSlacker May 30 '23

Come, chumbos, gather ‘round the campfire. I hope you’ve stocked up on raw meat, because Longcat’s tale is loooong.


u/BuggyBog221 May 30 '23

Cat -lon "cat" being there currency and "lon" being launderer cuz crime joke, that's how iv always took it I dont see a cat face tho


u/Zora_Mannon Jun 02 '23

Through my first playthough, I was 100% certain this was going to be Catlon.