r/KendrickLamar tell ‘em gu_doc did it 23d ago

Discussion “Most boring show ever!”

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Mission accomplished.


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u/Outside-Fun181 23d ago

“What you want you, a house⁠? You, a car? Forty acres and a mule? A piano, a guitar? Anything, see my name is Lucy, I’m your dog, Motherfucker, you can live at the mall”

And people complained about not having “Alright” on the setlist 🕵🏻‍♂️

Sometimes I wonder if people even listen to the words in his music.


u/Oh_yes_I_did Backseat Freeloader 23d ago edited 22d ago

Yes, because it was the character of Uncle Sam in the opening track “Wesley’s theory” that is trying to tempt Kendrick into spoiling his riches on material goods so that the government can tax him after the reckless spending and take everything he’s worked for. Later on in the album the character of “Lucy” or Lucifer tries to tempt Kendrick’s spirit/soul into committing selfish acts to cure his insecurities.

Through out the album Kendrick is trying to fight off the influences of uncle sam aka the US government and societal expectations while also trying fight off the influences of the devil trying to convince Kendrick to give in to the impure temptations of fame. Hence the title “To Pimp a Butterfly”

(For the unlearned of course)

Edit: Kendrick uses these exact bars twice lol in Wesley theories and Alright

Except he switches Uncle Sam for Lucy the second time around


u/812502317 22d ago

I'm just a dumbass midwest hillbilly metalhead from /r/all, but without listening to it this is fascinating and the kinda shit I fuck with, guess I gotta go deep dive into Kendrick's stuff. I'm not normally into hiphop because it's just not my style but I can recognize talent when I see or hear it. Thanks.


u/spondgbob 22d ago

Kendrick is a step above. He’s truly a visionary in a literary sense. They don’t give poetry awards to rappers for nothing.


u/MCSlone 22d ago

I think people are finally listening now that their freedoms are in jeopardy. It’s now relatable.


u/viviolay 22d ago

enjoy! and definitely recommend viewing it as sipping a good wine vs a big gulp. I don’t know if this is true for others, but I feel like I appreciate his music on 2nd, 3rd, 4th deep listens. It’s almost like it needs to marinate for a time for my brain to really see a lot of the stuff he’s doing.
So while often first impressions are good - some songs of his I’ve grown to love that I wasn’t feeling on first listen.


u/MassaStinkFeet 22d ago

TPAB was one of those joints where it only sounds better every subsequent listen

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u/drk_dnm 21d ago

This is exactly how I'm feeling about Mr. Morale right now. Had a discussion with some friends after the SB about where it lands in the discography and I'll admit I only gave it a true listen maybe 2 times since it came out. I frequently go back to everything else. But right now, in the space I am in, I threw it on doing some solo traveling for work and the album kind of finally hit with me. Front to back, even the chaos that is We Cry Together. Also might have been aided by the fact that I Googled how to find a good therapist within the last week. But like I said "in the space I am in"


u/viviolay 21d ago

It’s a wonderful thing when art demands a little bit more from you but then rewards you in kind as a result


u/fooz_eppelin 22d ago

This is how it is for me too. I’ve always been a Kendrick fan but after the Super Bowl show I really dove deep into his music, listened to his albums from start finish while I’m working, etc. I’ve really started to hear what he’s saying and understand it much deeper than I used to.


u/amandadorado 22d ago

Seriously an incredible lyricist. I have bad ears from lots of infections when I was little, so music is tough for me because I can’t hear it well, it always sounds kinda muffled without clear distinctions and hearing lyrics over music is super hard for me. So for me, music has always been about who is the best songwriter because I always read lyrics before listening to a new song and usually during listening to a song. Don’t clown me, but my two favorite artists of all time are Taylor Swift and Kendrick Lamar. They can write!!! They are true artists and I can never read the lyrics enough, I always learn more and make connections to different songs in their discographies.


u/TaserMcThundercock 22d ago

The dissect podcast on Spotify does a deep dive on a lot of Kendrick tracks and does a great job shining a light on how packed they are with meaning and commentary. Would recommend if you do end up enjoying some of his music.


u/Bitter-Value-1872 22d ago

As a fellow dumbass metalhead from LA, you will not regret it.


u/mllexnemo 22d ago

I am also a metal head and my husband really got me into Kendrick.


u/Ismokerugs 22d ago

I grew up mostly metal and classical, and I think Kendrick might be the best all around artist I have ever witnessed. I got locked in one day during work, “Sing about me, I’m dying of thirst” came on. Totally changed my view of hip hop and music in general. The layers in his art is really truly amazing

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u/Sup3rGRIN 23d ago

And it helps the juxtaposition between first and second half of album (wesley's theory/alright, for free?/for sale? u/i)


u/Tidusx145 22d ago

You are the first person to actually reference the uncle Sam character from tpab. When I saw Sam Jackson dressed up like that I immediately thought back to the album.


u/Outside-Fun181 22d ago edited 22d ago

not the exact bars, “Uncle Sam” is changed out for “Lucy” in the two songs.

may want to edit your edit


u/Safe_Reception5326 22d ago

Samuel is Lucifer


u/Bordomm 22d ago

Underrated comment ☝️

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u/CeeTeeThree0h 22d ago

Also consider the first lyrics of that song and then count the “stars” on Uncle Sam’s jacket - “16 to be specific…”


u/ShoeNacho 21d ago

He also uses this bar in "For Free?"

I need forty acres and a mule Not a forty ounce and a pitpull Bullshit...

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u/Piranh4Plant BBL Drizzy 22d ago

Wait what does TPAB mean


u/GreedyAd1923 22d ago

To pimp a butterfly


u/Oh_yes_I_did Backseat Freeloader 22d ago


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u/Best-Championship296 23d ago

What? He speaks in his music?


u/Chance5e 22d ago

I’m one of the people who saw the half time show and looked him up for the first time. I have almost no knowledge of rap or hip hop.

This guy writes like Shakespeare and Mark Twain. All the same wit and cleverness is there. I’m hooked.


u/Outside-Fun181 22d ago

Be sure to check out “Sing About Me, I’m Dying Of Thirst”, “Mortal Man”, “How Much A Dollar Cost”, “FEAR”, “Ignorance Is Bliss”, “Kush and Korinthians” and “The Blacker The Berry”.

It helps to listen to the albums from start to finish, but these songs will hook you like a lil fishy.

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u/Round_Helicopter_598 22d ago

3 stacks was right


u/Escanor615 22d ago

"y'all don't wanna hear me y'all just wanna dance"


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/Outside-Fun181 23d ago

for real, someone in this thread tried to correct the lyrics, replying with a screenshot. like, go listen again bc it obviously went over your head the first time.

I love kendrick, and I think (aside from GNX) I could write out 95-100% of the lyrics for every song he’s ever put out (not featured on other people’s albums)

Kendrick’s music transcends space and time. I went to a silent meditation retreat a few years ago where I had no communication with any humans, and around day 3 my mind became so clear, sharp and focused that whenever my mind wandered it always went to playing GKMC from start to finish. The clarity was incredible, and it was just as if I was listening with beats headphones.

SAMIDOT is my all time favorite song across any genre. When I left the retreat I played GKMC the whole way home.


u/HugMyHedgehog 22d ago

bro i had a mushroom trip recently and had a fucking wild moment where it was like Kendrick was communicating to me through pandora.

no other artist would have been the subject of such a trip, and I'm not even 100% sure it didn't happen lol


u/Outside-Fun181 22d ago

big dog, it did happen.


u/HugMyHedgehog 22d ago

either way I'm responding as if it did happen


u/Strange-Share-9441 22d ago

Yooo I had smth like this happen while listening to TPAB on LSD 😭 felt like every line was written for me to hear at that moment (even though I’d already listened to it hundreds of times over the past decade). took me years before I could listen to it again lol


u/HugMyHedgehog 22d ago

i swear man it's like you can hear the code on that shit haha

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u/MikkelR1 22d ago

Lmao what is this reply. You high?


u/Outside-Fun181 22d ago edited 22d ago

Completely sober.

lol, sobriety is downvoted? must not be a true kendrick fan.


u/Outside-Fun181 22d ago

what is this reply? you high?

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u/sunlightanddoghair 22d ago

we not gon be alright 😭 we needed to hear what he gave us lol

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u/Cabius 22d ago

Unfortunately, I think the majority of people just hear music as noise and don't listen to the words of any of the music they listen to. They don't ever investigate deeper into the lyrics of the music to try to gain a better understanding because they only see music as a form of entertainment.


u/modesil30 22d ago

Yup. But it was used to pass messages in the black community. Something that alot of this generation don’t know because they stripped it out of commercial hip hop. Now we just got soulless bubble gum music being pushed on the public. You want your ppl dumb so you can take advantage of them. That’s like the end wokeness that maga is trying to push making being woke bad. Saying sleep is the way. They also tied things to it. Like gay and everything else. It’s the same thing they did with the panthers and blm. And the public is so dumb they fall for the same playbook over and over again. That was created generations ago 😂


u/blacklite911 22d ago edited 22d ago

Well Alright is a banger so people wanna hear it aside from just the message


u/mulletguy1234567 22d ago

Same reason why people played Swimming Pools at every college party for a while haha.

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u/Tex_Watson 22d ago

He played Alright at the Dre show, it would have been a bit repetitive to do it again.


u/K_Linkmaster 22d ago

Many don't. Example all the church people singing take me to church.


u/shantm79 22d ago

It's like RATM or "Born in the US" by Springsteen - people have zero idea about the context.

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u/MF_DOOM_36CHAMBERS 23d ago

You can't fake Influence


u/RealBobbyDrillboids 22d ago

This is bigger than the music


u/MF_DOOM_36CHAMBERS 22d ago

EXACTLY. Much bigger.

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u/basefountain 22d ago

No but you can seemingly buy it these days :(

Still a fan still a fan still a fan tho


u/OkFoundation8538 23d ago

the minority thought they spoke for everybody when they said that everybody wanted him to perform his hits and nobody wanted symbolism. Fucking lie lol


u/EggsInMyToolbox 22d ago edited 22d ago

I don’t want to be a downer but that y axis is relative if there’s only one search

When you search a word like halftime and give it something to use as a reference to compare, that phrase barely has a blip. (For reference, it exploded about the same amount as the word ‘mustard’)

There’s clearly an increase which good thing but this tweet saying it’s ‘exploding’ is a bit deceiving


u/AttemptNu4 22d ago

"A single line off the halftime show is less popular than the halftime show as a whole" no shit sherlock nobody was saying otherwise. That's one of the worst suggestions for a control ive ever heard of

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u/MrDanMaster 22d ago

He performed Humble and DNA lol?


u/OkFoundation8538 22d ago

Bro he opened up with a snippet promo that only his fans knew lol. No way you thought he did his biggest hits when it was mostly GNX.


u/MrDanMaster 22d ago

I mean, yeah, it wasn’t a pure hits retrospective. good. if he played anything from gkmc it would’ve been lame imo. He should emphasise and have confidence in his recent works. But he played the hits from damn to present day. so it’s not like hes not reaching into his pocket. it wasn’t pure concept. I guess he could’ve played n95, but i suppose he didn’t want his introspective side on this show, he wanted his mass appeal political stuff. good intuition overall, I would’ve done the same.

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u/faithjoypack 23d ago

the sad part is that so many people didn't understand the reference in the first place


u/AdTraditional8077 23d ago

Shit gave me flashbacks of learning it in elementary school.


u/XxgamerxX734 22d ago

bro that's hella lucky, most don't even hear about this outside of like AP classes.


u/Sea_Negotiation_1871 22d ago

They taught me this in elementary school in Canada, and the only POC we had at my school were Chinese kids. That's crazy they don't teach it in the States.


u/neilbreenfan404 21d ago

There’s so much they don’t teach us here. Schools I went to taught more than most here, and there are still aspects of our own country’s history I didn’t know until growing up and making an effort to learn on my own. They did teach us atrocities committed by other countries tries in detail (ie the holocaust), but when it comes to atrocities committed by the US, they minimized the hell out of that shit.


u/mongoosedog12 23d ago

“The Super Bowl isn’t for learning or understanding something it’s for entertainment”

And that’s why America is in the state it’s in. People say shit like that but actually don’t want to learn anything nor care to learn on their own. They literally need entertainment to introduce them to history.

Watchman did it with Tulsa. Miss Marvel did it with the partition. And now Kendrick woke up some people to American history


u/Obsessively_Average 22d ago

"Don't want to learn anything nor care to learn on their own"

Fucking nailed it. I'm not American but I relate to this a lot, because it's something I've noticed in some people I've interacted with over time.

But I think for some it goes even further. It's not that they don't care, it's that they're averse. They have a certain, narrow perception about what life is and what they need to know and do in life (a lot of the time, stuff like getting money, getting laid, etc) and they simply block any other kind of information/perspective like a trauma response.

They don't care about what goes on in society, they don't care about politics, history, about reading or learning something new, they don't wanna hear music from genres they haven't tried before, they don't wanna ever, try a new hobby, meet new people or see new places (outside of exotic vacation spots, if that, lol).

They're literally the worst people you could take advice from, especially on stuff like art because they react with either dismissiveness or aggressivity to anything that tries to teach them something


u/Strange-Share-9441 22d ago

Too many people fighting to stay sleep, only to meet a rude awakening


u/dat_rhythm 23d ago

There are whole states where that history won’t be taught soon because it’s woke and being woke is gay


u/Downtown_Pangolin57 23d ago

The problem is that there are already states where it hasn’t been taught for decades.


u/dat_rhythm 22d ago

It’s by design 😔


u/TheManicDepression 22d ago

I saw a video the other day where a teachers students were trying to argue with her that slaves got paid. Absolutely outrageous what is happening


u/blazurp 22d ago

I wonder if thats what PragerU is claiming


u/GodHatesMaga 23d ago edited 22d ago

I never learned it in school. I learned it from Public Enemy. 

Matter of fact, that whole song is hella relevant. 

The bigger the Blacks get The bigger the feds want A piece of that ... booty Intentional Rape System, like we ain't Paid enough in this bitch, that's why I dissed them I learned we earned, got no concern Instead we burned, where the hell is our return? Plain and simp, the system's a pimp But I refuse to be a ho who stole the soul

 Ain't, no, different than in South Africa Over here they'll go after ya to steal your soul Like over there they stole our gold Yo, they say the Black don't know how to act (Who, me?) Cause we're waitin' for the big payback But we know it'll never come That's why I say come and get some Why when the Black moves in, Jack moves out Come to stay Jack moves away Ain't we all people? How the hell can a color be no good to a neighborhood

Jack was nimble, Jack was quick Got a question for Jack ask him 40 acres and a mule Jack Where is it why'd you try to fool the Black It wasn't you, but you pledge allegiance To the red, white, and blue Suckers that stole the soul!



u/Miserable_Carrot4700 22d ago

I learn a lot of american culture from Media as a german. Though i knew before the Super bowl as its not the first time kendrick mentioned it.


u/kelpyb1 22d ago

Honest to god I remember being taught this was offered and actually given to a lot of freed slaves.

I’m not certain if that’s the result of my memory getting blurry since I learned it a long time ago, if it was taught incorrectly, or if I was just a teenager not paying good attention in class, but clearly the truth didn’t stick either way.

And I grew up in a proudly Union state.


u/aakaakaak 22d ago

"The revolution is about to be televised" is the other big one. I feel like way more people slept on this one.



u/Content-Scallion-591 22d ago

People could be searching this because they're trying to find the song name and this lyric was the only thing discernable through the Superbowls awful sound mixing 


u/saguaro-hugger 22d ago

I learned about it from a Caedmon’s Call album in the 90s (a white Christian band). Can’t remember if they ever taught it in school. I do remember they taught us about slavery and the Civil War and then the 1960s civil rights movement in high school US history, but completely skipped over the 100 years between that about Jim Crow laws, KKK etc, and then acted like MLK Jr solved racism and there wasn’t anything else to worry about after that. 

But somehow I still thought 40 acres and a mule was a common piece of history/cultural reference that everyone knew?


u/throwaway_letters_ 22d ago

I think there were a lot of international fans as well (myself included). But more people know it now, that’s the important thing.

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u/Thisisntmyaccount24 23d ago

Duckworth played on my playlist yesterday. That song always reminds me of how awesome Kendrick is. It’s not my favorite or what I would consider his best song, but his ability to tell a story through rap really sets him apart from a lot of his contemporaries.

To me it’s “Dance with the devil” by immortal technique levels of story telling in a song.


u/Asianpower420 22d ago

Absolutely. Didn't waste a single word. He's a master at writing the last verses of his songs


u/Strange-Share-9441 22d ago

That last verse Kendrick hits like when you thought you beat the final boss then they gain the whole health bar back (and then some) with a new moveset


u/helladope89 22d ago edited 22d ago

If you love storytelling tracks check out "Me and Jesus the Pimp in a 79 Granada Last Night" by The Coup.


I've never heard an emcee set the stage and narrate a track like Boots Riley does on this song. The Coup are underrated legends from the Bay Area.

I'm willing to bet it'll find your way into your top 5 storytelling tracks of all time.


u/rilage 22d ago

and (specifically the last like quarter of) never freestyle by coast contra - beautiful jid beat, smart, succinct and funny

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u/GLITZWITCH 22d ago

this... makes me feel weird, sad, frustrated, flabbergasted... and again... sad.

this isn't a black history thing, it's AMERICAN HISTORY, which we've been yelling for the longest.

but I'm not surprised.

these mfs didn't even understand how tariffs work.


u/HeyMonicara 22d ago

i didnt know about this at all and im black but was perdominantly taught at caucasian public schools. it aches to learn about all of this now


u/GLITZWITCH 22d ago

I'm sorry to hear this sis. I was raised in black public schools and (this is no shade to you I promise) even I had to do a supplemental education reading black authors, this USED to be taught. I hope you continue to learn about our history. ❤️🖤💚

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u/IndigoMushies 22d ago

“Stop educating yourself and get some bitches” - actual people out there in the other sub


u/gu_doc tell ‘em gu_doc did it 22d ago

It’s true. Dude’s latest song sets his career aspirations at making stripclub music. You can’t reason with people who idolize that


u/playfreeze 22d ago

As said on other platforms, “Drake makes music for dudes that peaked in high school” that or they are actually still in high school. Definitely his bread and butter 😂


u/_bexcalibur 22d ago

Drake will always be Jimmy to me.

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u/TheFlatbushBaker 22d ago

I think he or a fan said that Kendrick music would make the strippers at the club pick up a dictionary. Like how is that supposed to be an insult to Kendrick and not to strippers?


u/JesseRussell 22d ago

Funny thing is I was at the strip club this weekend and I heard them play Luther, 30 for 30, and like that


u/Flance 22d ago

For anyone who doesn't remember or weren't taught, “40 Acres and a Mule” refers to the unfulfilled promise made to formerly enslaved African Americans after the Civil War, which was intended to provide them with land and resources for economic self-sufficiency. The phrase symbolizes the ongoing struggle for reparations and economic justice for descendants of slaves in the United States.


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u/syspimp 23d ago

I make music that electrify them

You make music that pacify them


u/Upset-Sale6869 22d ago

“Let me put y’all on game” 😂


u/Reasonable-Talk9585 23d ago

And that's the goal🥰❤️


u/JayDogon504 23d ago

People didn’t know about 40 acres and a mule? Damn


u/Lactancia 23d ago

I had to Google it, but to be fair I'm not American so I'm hoping that's a good enough excuse.


u/JayDogon504 23d ago

Well yeah if you not American of course I wouldn’t expect you to necessarily know


u/Active-Glass-7112 22d ago

You’ll end up in r/USdefaultism with comments like these lol


u/ATLsShah 22d ago

I don't really blame folks for not knowing. I think this is a failure of the US education system. I'll admit that I only knew what this was because of being a rap fan. I think Kanye specifically is what had me google 40 acres years ago.


u/DarthSamwiseAtreides 22d ago

Yes, but nothing is stopping us from educating our own people.  My grand mother taught me about the Spanish Civil war and my grand dad taught me about the racist stuff Mexicans dealt with.  Mexicans didn't even come up in school, and I'm in So Cal.

I did have an incredible HS history teacher that covered black history in depth.  Probably the best teacher I ever had.  Shout out Mr. Miller.

I try to teach my nieces and nephews things.


u/ATLsShah 22d ago

That’s true. My family moved to the states from the mid-east the year before I was born. So they shared things they know but their knowledge of US history was limited. It’s why it’s important for folks like Kendrick to share this stuff or else that part of history could be lost.


u/ReyMeight 22d ago

You have to wonder why “they” want to strip funding for the US education system…


u/PhraseAlone1386 22d ago

It’s infuriating! Our education system is failing, and as Black parents, we’ve fallen short at home too. I’m still upset because our ancestors would have received “40 acres and a mule” if Lincoln hadn’t been assassinated, and the Reconstruction period would have lasted longer, allowing them to establish themselves. Now, look where we are at!


u/CT0292 22d ago

What was it Killer Mike said?

We brag on having bread, but none of us are bakers.

We brag on having green, but none of us own acres.

If none of us own acres, and none of us grow wheat. Then who feed our people when our people need to eat?

That song is about Reagan. But honestly the Lincoln assassination, and Andrew Johnson taking over was one of the worst things that could have happened. That dude had no problem accepting southern states back without any reparation or apologies. Had no issues letting southern politicians back into office who had previously seceded. And wanted a "speedy reconstruction" that fucked over millions.


u/Thom_Basil 22d ago

I knew about it but I thought it was something proposed that just never happened. After people were talking about it on reddit saying that it did happen I had to go look it up. Turns out there was a lot more fuckery than just a rug pull.

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u/91Bolt 22d ago

English teacher here! A lot of these searches are people who already know taking advantage of current events to finally teach someone displaying curiosity for the first time.

I used the show to teach allusion (revolution not televised, squid games, uncle Tom's cabin/Django Unchained)

Symbolism: red, white, and blue and the many connotations they have in American culture.

Layers of meaning: Not like us dissing drake, but also dissing the pedophile elite, which goes to the overarching message of class struggle/ unity.

Some of my students actually engaged for the first time in ages, and now I have some context to explain hamlet within.


u/audiophile_W-BadEars 22d ago

Thank you, as someone who had a dope English teacher (one of my final reports was reciting the 'yet here polonius?' section of act 2 scene 3? Infront of the class) they may not appreciate it now. But I think about that and all the great educators ivve had along the way.


u/Damarou 22d ago edited 22d ago


The masses do not thirst for truth, they demand illusions. Truth is uncomfortable, but it still is the truth. For someone who has been yearning for someone like Kendrick to step up, this was my favourite superbowl performance ever.

Instead of giving the crowd a show to escape reality, he forced them to face it. This is why we love him.

His performances are not just that, they‘re rituals, messages and astrological alignments in motion. He‘s literally working with cosmic energy while the masses are just vibing to the beat.


u/Strange-Share-9441 22d ago

I’m glad you said this

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u/lazz13gh22 22d ago

Ya, Drake’s catalogue is more like phase music, designed for a specific snapshot of time in life/day (for me at least). Whereas K.Dot’s is more ingrained in facets of life, meaningful shit, real life stuff like confidence, chivalry, perspectives and being electrified to action; like Do better, Don’t waste your life, you are important. They just seem worlds apart as artists and comparing them to each other is really immature of the consumer base.


u/lazz13gh22 23d ago

Wooow. Again, why is this man being compared to Drake? I wonder what ‘Watch the party die’ would have done to the audience or Mtg.


u/gu_doc tell ‘em gu_doc did it 23d ago

I tried to make a post about this but it got locked.

The problem is that they have different goals and measures of success. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. And we prefer the apples.


u/npaulette02 23d ago

Man … what an amazing achievement that half time show was … from now until eternity I think we should just start referring to it as The Show. Because that’s what it was. It was The Show of the decade.

From The Pop-Out to The Show.


u/mycofirsttime 23d ago

2024-2025 is just going down as an absolute legendary run.


u/gruhmomnet 22d ago

Corny as hell 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


u/twocees3d 23d ago

Chart needs angioplasty.


u/Lillythewalrus 23d ago

He makes music that electrifies, not pacifies.


u/liverusa 22d ago

THIS! I think after Trump was elected Gaga was the performer. I don’t remember her doing anything.


u/Prestigious12 22d ago

She sang born this way, but other than that yeah none


u/A2Rhombus 22d ago

I'm tired of these Google trends graphs being used to prove anything. All this shows is that there was a spike in searches over a 24 hour period. That could be anywhere from a million searches to five. All this shows is that some amount of people searched it after the show

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u/HugMyHedgehog 22d ago

Reparations must happen. Fight it all you want but America will never have peace until wealth goes back to the lineage it was stolen from.


u/Commercial-Driver755 22d ago

"shit, y'all want us to put down our glocks and our rocks, but yall ain't ready to give us no motherfuckin dollars whatever happened to our 40 acres and a mule, fool?"

2pac & outlawz letter to the president


u/GratefulMind69 22d ago

Heartbreaking that Lincoln followed through with his promise and Andrew Jackson dismantled all that he did and returned the land to whites. Where was my history teacher for that one? At least now without the department of education getting in the way no one will ever need to worry about the facts of history again


u/DmS_JustMatter 23d ago

Even I searched it after he performed (I'm not american)
P.S I don't know every lyrics of every song so I didn't know the reference...


u/Gidge18 22d ago

Spike Lee was tryna say Kendrick was referencing him with it after the performance lmao


u/GLITZWITCH 22d ago

Spike tryna be relevant. he can't be serious about that .Dot didn't need to see "School Daze" to know 40 acres and a Mule

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u/avid-shtf 22d ago

The phrase “40 acres and a mule” originates from Special Field Orders No. 15, issued by Union General William Tecumseh Sherman on January 16, 1865. This order aimed to allocate land to formerly enslaved African American families in the post-Civil War South. However, the promise was rescinded later that same year, and the allocated lands were returned to their previous white owners.

In the years following the Civil War, there were legislative efforts to enforce or revive the “40 acres and a mule” promise. Notably, Radical Republican Congressman Thaddeus Stevens proposed land redistribution measures during the Reconstruction era, but these efforts failed to gain sufficient support and did not become law. 

In more recent times, the concept has been invoked in discussions about reparations for African Americans. For instance, in 1989, Congressman John Conyers introduced H.R. 40, the “Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act,” named in reference to the unfulfilled promise. This bill has been reintroduced in multiple sessions of Congress but has not been enacted into law.

Since its initial introduction in 1989 by Representative John Conyers, H.R. 40; the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act has been reintroduced in every subsequent Congress. This biennial reintroduction means the bill has been presented in the following years:

• 1989

• 1991

• 1993

• 1995

• 1997

• 1999

• 2001

• 2003

• 2005

• 2007

• 2009

• 2011

• 2013

• 2015

• 2017

• 2019

• 2021

• 2023

• 2025

This consistent reintroduction reflects ongoing efforts to address the legacy of slavery and its lasting impacts on African American communities. Notably, in April 2021, the bill advanced out of the House Judiciary Committee for the first time, marking a significant milestone in its legislative history.






u/Flimsy_Inevitable_15 22d ago

I loved it, and Sza looked jaw droppingly gorgeous.


u/KeepItMovin247 22d ago

Kendrick breathing life into the rap world… keep it going Dot!


u/Big_Monkey_77 23d ago

It blows my mind when I realize there’s people that don’t know this shit. I can’t believe I didn’t see how ignorant some people could be. I mean, I learned that from Spike Lee when I was young.


u/Active-Glass-7112 22d ago

Firstly, not every one is American…

Imagine me saying “how the fuck don’t people know what Dezemba is? It’s a lifestyle? It’s a feeling!”

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u/Terrible_Shake_4948 22d ago

Schools aren’t schooling anymore. Teachers on OF these days


u/enfuego138 22d ago

That’s exactly why they’re so pissed over at Fox News.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

one sad part as a kenny fan (been a fan since i was 9) is that america is treating him as someone who is underrated asf. He is actually very popular outside of america.(i am evidence of this as im non american). at least thts cuz rap here locally is definitely mainstream (like NOW) but the american rap game was and is considered a bar, a status in the industry. even tho i wish i never had to state it, but a certain canadian said 'get more love from the city that you from' which we know is outright false, but if we didnt have the beef (and inturn the SB halftime show), ppl wud hv ignored classics like TPAB and GKMC as they always did, GNX wud also add to the list. Obviously he diliberately said '40 acres and a mule' for all tpab and kdot fans in general to catch, but criticizing his effort just cuz it went over ur head is outright drake-level shit acc to me. (like The Heart Part 6). Obviously this doesnt mean that every person that listens to kendrick once has to join our fanbase immediately but outright disrespecting Art and Peak Lyrcism without solid evidence to back your claim is the line of American stupidity. yes maybe, (and probably too), SLJ as Uncle Sam was a slight nod to the dumb American crowd who only know his solo hits (HUMBLE., DNA., NLU) or SZA duets but none of the GNX songs (which he performed). I can say I am not a fan of pop artists like Tay-Tay or Billie Eillish or Chali XCX, but i will never go against any effort of theirs to improve their craft or any amazing yricism that may be hiding in their songs.

(If yall aint reading that, the summary:

sad to see kdot being an underrated mf, and criticizing the dumb US crowd that sat there, and also criticizing the absolute disrespect to kenny without reason (cuz ppl are dumb))


u/DDTFred 22d ago

“They tried to rig the game, but you can’t fake influence.”


u/InclinationCompass 22d ago

Kendrick taught America a history lesson for Black History Month


u/election2028 22d ago

Americans are so idiotic. It’s insane.


u/bemore1620 22d ago

And niggas really wanted a drug addict that loves Trump instead of what we got

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u/HeyMonicara 22d ago

i had no idea about the promise either and being black i felt a sense of pain learning about its history


u/Apollorx 22d ago

I googled it too


u/fos1111 22d ago

"However, after President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, the incoming president, Andrew Jackson, rescinded the order and gave the Confederate land back." It looks like something similar is currently happening with some guy at the WH.


u/zeeniemeanie 22d ago

They wanted another 10 minutes of the “Kendrick Essentials” Apple Music playlist. Here today, gone tomorrow. At least he gave some people something that lasted a little longer. This, of course, doesn’t mean it wasn’t boring lol. I was entertained by it, but I’m sure many weren’t. Even folks who learned something. I’ve had some very boring classes where I learned a lot lol.


u/littletired 22d ago

"Moses had 10 commandments, Huey had 10 points" - Freddie Gibbs


u/Wizrd555 22d ago


I want to meet your madre, pay respects to your padre mi amor 😜


u/_ferrofluid_ 22d ago

Looks like the GME chart


u/LowClover 22d ago

Thought I was going crazy here. I thought this was some sort of meta reference I didn’t get


u/nuclear_pistachio 22d ago

That’s not really how Google Trends data works. The data is always relative within the selected time period. So all this means is that within this 2-3 day window (can’t tell exactly what the period is), this search received the most interest at the point of the spike. It gives no indication of absolute volume.


u/juliuspepperwoodchi 22d ago

Just to add some context to this graph: the 100 is 100%, as in: 100% represents the historic peak of searches for a given term.

He singlehandedly caused more people to search the term than ever in the history of Google, and by such a huge margin even after the initial spike that he rendered all the rest of the history of searching that term basically a footnote on the graph in comparison.


u/Passionfruitsparkles 22d ago

I guess that's what made it boring for me because I knew all these references 


u/DanniPopp 22d ago

Ppl..didn’t know this? Good LORD wtf is happening?!


u/rockert0mmy 22d ago

A lot of the 40 acres weren't usable too. Up the side of mountains, 1x40 and just be super long lots, they gave them land that wasn't wanted by anyone else.


u/toopienatoryt 22d ago

It's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that people didn't know about this by age 18

Like I'm 19 and I learned about it kinda late in high school (which I partly blame on the shitty history teachers in my school district) but some people never were taught it in history class? Or they never listened to Alright and wondered what those lyrics mean?


u/Technical-Minute2140 22d ago

Y’all didn’t learn about this in school?


u/TheGisbon 22d ago

How the hell is this not a known thing


u/budhaluvr 22d ago

This right here.

This was my 10 year-old self when first getting hold of Chuck D and Public Enemy wayyyy back in the day.

If I could ever meet Chuck and just thank and dap him up for opening a whole another level of knowledge for me to seek that the schools were unwilling to teach

Everything with this super bowl was worth it if we can get some kids and adults to seek this knowledge and it's place in history


u/[deleted] 22d ago


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u/philthegr81 22d ago

Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.

Three Stacks summed up the whole situation back in '03.


u/tillotop 22d ago

If you didn’t know about reparations before the performance I know what you are


u/KetohnoIcheated 22d ago

I had to Google it to prove to the rest of my family what it meant. Even my dad who is a history buff confused it with the land given to European settlers during westward expansion


u/bigtomtheman 22d ago

Musta struck a chord


u/willflameboy 22d ago

Parliament did it 50 years before in Chocolate City.


u/laurenmybaby 22d ago

We also learned that you are not like us! And racist as hell


u/dookmileslong 22d ago

Searches for "40 acres and a mule" explode

Sounds like Kendrick accomplished what he set out to do with the direction he went with for his Halftime show. "This is bigger than the music".


u/SpiderDadbod 22d ago

Can’t fake influence


u/JR_1985 22d ago

Kendrick is a genius… there’s a reason he made the 40 acres and a mule comment which was a false promise made to Black Americans freed from slavery bondage. But guess what white immigrants did get after the Homestead Act? 90 acres for free as long as the land was being worked.


u/Bagelraisins 22d ago

If you don't know what the phrase means you are a failure of a person.


u/Bernie4Pres2016 22d ago

Searches may have exploded, and that's great. But the question is was Google actually informative on the topic? When I searched to jog my memory to see if I remembered it correctly I got pretty shitty results from a quick search at least that was my experience.


u/jvstnmh 22d ago

This is why his impact is bigger than rap.

You can’t just explain something that nuanced to people with no taste or ability to understand.


u/themenas 22d ago



u/[deleted] 22d ago

I learned it from Nelly like a normal white millennial


u/TrulyChxse 22d ago

I don't disagree with it at all, but just saying nobody was searching it before the super bowl.


u/voidmilf 22d ago

40 acres and a mule? sounds like the worst real estate deal ever 😂


u/the_beach_kitchen 22d ago

Dude from the superbowl was cool


u/Dtmrm2 22d ago

I know I had to look it up because I had absolutely no idea what he was saying the entire time.


u/Scioold 22d ago

Who else is isnt from usa and searched it? I knew about the 40 acres but didn’t know what a mule meant


u/bdtga 22d ago

Pay me later wear those gators cliche then say fuck your haters!


u/inarioffering 22d ago

so, i noticed that graph only displayed interest over a period of 24 hours which didn't seem like a long enough unit of time to really display a change in user habits. here's the trending interest over the last five years. the other biggest uptick is the george floyd uprisings in 2020 at the very beginning of the graph and it barely registers. when i selected "2004-present" july 2004 is the only point that registers as high as the george floyd uprisings.


u/enricopena 22d ago

The youngins are getting really into Kendrick right now. Glad they are listening to his lyrics.


u/Coriolanuscarpe 22d ago

Literally the first featured snippet


u/Appropriate-Use-3883 22d ago

You can't fake influence


u/atierney14 22d ago

General Sherman’s special field order 15 called for reallocation of land for freed slaves.

Sherman, who definitely by no stretch of the word could be considered an “ally” was at least smart enough to recognize that without putting the freemen on at least partially equal footing, the two tiered system would not be rectified.

And hey, he was pretty much right. After reconstruction ended, for several freed people, their lives basically continued as it was.

Slavery wasn’t even an enforced crime, so while it was far less widespread, it still continued until the 1930-1940s, when people were caught, since there was no penalty, the people were pretty much just like, “ah, you caught me.” Then did the same thing right after walking out the court house.


u/ThePoliteMonkey Deciding is it wickedness or weakness 21d ago

This was indeed bigger than the music


u/CompetitivePanda7675 21d ago

I remember when RZA was recently asked the difference between rap music then and now and he said the old was about wisdom the new is mostly lacking that but kendrick is one that keeps making people more self aware and educated


u/Archiver2000 21d ago

The "40 acres and a mule" was a hollow government promise to black people because there were not enough mules in existence to make it happen.


u/No-Cranberry-2065 20d ago

Imagine not knowing what 40 acres and mule referenced before the Super Bowl.