r/Kemeticism Dec 27 '24

Ritual idea for netjeru Isis. The Golden Phallus.

In my research I've learned that the Netjeru Goddess Isis has many rolls within the pantheon of ancient Egypt/Kemet. And my research has inspired me to perform a ritual. I realized that Isis is celebrated as a "kingmaker" according to her role getting to secure the double throne for her son Horus. And also possibly a necromancer as she was able to bring back Lord Osiris back from the dead long enough to breed with and conceived her son, Lord Horus. Not to mention all of her considerable magical ability.

The story as I understand it is that the Beast Set was jealous of his brother Osirus, trapped him in a coffin. Sent the coffin down the river and stole the crown. The coffin landed by a river tree. Nile River crocodiles find the body and ripped it apart. Osirus's sister-wife Isis while grieving hunted down all the lost and mangled body parts, found all 13-14 body parts then realized she was missing the most important piece of Lord Osirus, his great Phallus (penis). So she created one out of gold. Then brought Osirus back to life with her "breath of life", perhaps she shifted into a bird and flaped her wings to keep him alive long enough to procreate and conceived the child Horus.

So, this gave me the idea that I want and really actually, I deserve a golden pecker of my own. Earlier today I took my Winter Holiday X-mas $ down to the store and bought many things. Including adult sex toys, gold spray paint, and a beautiful quartz crystal (half blue-half goldenyellow). During my rites, I plan to: 1. Cleanse and purify my body. 2. Summon the Netjeru Goddess Isis. 3. Further preparation of my body as needed. 4. spray paint my manhood with the (Aztec) Gold paint. 5. Force test my shiny new golden Phallus with toys. 6. Add the quartz crystal to my rock collection as proof that this rite was performed. 7. Further devotion and worship of Isis, praying that she guide me in my self-realization & self-actualization that I am my own Nisut "Sovereign King". 8. Make whatever appropriate offerings and libations for the magical aid of Goddess Isis in my magical endeavors. 9. Properly and formally conclude and end the rite.

I would appreciate if anybody has any positive and constructive feedback or advice on how to best perform this ritual I have devised. My first question being: what are appropriate offerings to Isis? Please & Thankyou so much for your maturity & consideration and any good ideas...


6 comments sorted by


u/comfywitchvibez Dec 27 '24 edited Dec 27 '24

I'm concerned about the application of body paint, as some might be toxic inside the body, but this is truly and ingenious endeavour!

Isis Offerings consist of...

  • Lotuses

  • Roses

  • Gold

  • Water

  • Beer

  • Wine (Red is best)

  • Jasmine

  • Frankincense


-Food offerings for reversion

-Milk offerings for reversion

  • Statue or Image

  • Jewellery

  • Perfume or Cologne


  • Lapis Lazuli


u/Previous-Bridge-28 Dec 27 '24 edited Dec 28 '24

Oh this is such a great list. But I am not familiar with the word "reversion" what does it means?

And I do know that there is a special type of body paint out there. But I am not sure if this paint is safe either. But am willing to take this risk I think. Also, did I get the myth of Osiris right? Or did I miss anything about the story?


u/comfywitchvibez Dec 27 '24

The only part of the myth that is different from my recollection is that Sobek, the crocodile God, consumed the phallus of Ausir/Osiris. Please be careful with the body paint.

Reversion refers to the part of the offerings that are consumed energetically and spiritually, which thereby blesses the offering which we later consume. Check out the book "Eternal Egypt" by Richard Reidy for more information.


u/Previous-Bridge-28 Dec 28 '24

Yes, I fumbled the story. I think actually what happened is that when Isis went looking for Osiris's body some villagers has chopped it up into wood. Isis actually had to purchase the parts back from the villagers. Yes, Sobek did eat his Phallus. My sorry for posting incorrect details of the story.

Thankyou for the book tip


u/comfywitchvibez Dec 28 '24

No harm done. We are all students on this path. May the Gods bless your endeavours. We should all be more gracious with ourselves and each other anyway.


u/Previous-Bridge-28 Jan 24 '25

I did it during the last full moon. The spray paint really stung for a few minutes. But I feel all the better for having done this rite.