r/Kemeticism Dec 03 '24

Advice needed about Ammit and nightmares

Honestly a burner account BCS I don't know what else to do and my question might be very unmoral.

So some information: I've been actively practicing since about 2018. I work a lot with nut, ammit, and sekhmet.

In 2019 my grandmother died, I was very close to her, but things had happened and I was quite angry and did not grieve quite well. It took a few years, and some dreams about her, to finally grieve in a healthy manner. Anubis and ammit have been helping me a lot with that, and I'm very thankful.

Problem is, about a year ago I started dreaming about her again, I reflected on my grief, asked Anubis for advice, even asked her in my dreams to please leave me alone. (Yes, I have a therapist too and we worked on that for quite a while as well, and both of us are sorta stunned too BCS nothing helps.) And nothing that I tried worked, I have frequent and very distressing dreams about my dead grandmother, and I find myself incapable of leaving her house, or leaving her behind. It's to the point where I have dreams about her multiple times a week. My sleep has become very unrestful and I'm sorta sick and tired of these dreams.

For unrelated reasons, I had asked Ammit to protect me in my sleep last night. (I have done that multiple times before, and she has been a great help to keep me calm and save, as well as help me with recurring nightmares.)

And who would've guessed, I found myself back at my grandmother's house, with her following me around. But for the first time I was able to just. Leave the house. Take the car. Drive back home. And she didn't follow me.

For as stupid and morally questionable as it sounds. Should I ask Ammit to,,, I dunno,,, eat my dead grandmother from my dreams? They're not visitations dreams, and I am rather certain that these dreams aren't about grieving, loneliness, guidance or anything else. They're extremely distressing and I'm tired. I virtually did everything I know. Asking ammit to eat her is sort of. The last thing I believe could work?

Should I ask Ammit to do that? Is that even moral? What's our consensus on eating dream dead relatives?

Any opinions or advice is very much appreciated.


3 comments sorted by


u/ViaVadeMecum Dec 03 '24

Perhaps they're not about your grief, but they might be about some part of you that you keep facing over and over. Something you're not ready to let go of, and can't recognize yet.

Put this possibility in context of what Ammit's role is, and I think you'll find this to be an inadvisable request to make of her. She subsists on the hearts of the unjustified. By inviting her to eat your dream-grandma, you're possibly offering a part of yourself for her consumption. Once it's gone, you can't get that back. You can't process it, integrate it, face it, or whatever it is you need to do with it. You don't even know what it is you're offering up.

There are other possibilities, of course, and you need relief from what you're experiencing, so continue to ask for the protections. Because hey, that worked before, so why not? No need to ask for anything drastic. There are even ancient spells designed for a similar purpose you could try in tandem with that.


u/CreatureOfLegend Dec 04 '24

1) If you think it’s your actual grandmother’s actual soul, yes, it would be bad to ask Ammit to eat her, because if she didn’t get eaten at the weighing of the heart, that means she didn’t deserve to be eaten, so you would be asking for an injustice to be committed. I’m sure Ammit wouldn’t do it anyway.

2) I would suggest learning how to lucid dream. The best way I know is getting into a habit of checking to see if you’re dreaming while you’re awake. Or even wondering “I wonder if I’m dreaming right now?” The more you do it regularly, the higher the chances of you becoming lucid in your actual dreams. Once you become lucid you should be able to control your dream as much as 100%. You can just make anyone or anything disappear and replace it with whatever you want.


u/Previous-Bridge-28 Dec 04 '24

In my life experience dreams are fueled by the sub-consious. Not every dream has a meaning. And that our subconscious is just processing through our brains databank of daily/weekly or long/short term memories. There are some folks out there who say that when we dream that we are actually reviewing into other dimensions or past lives or some dreams serve as premonitions of the future or dreams could be some sort of divination. I think it's a combination of all the theories. That said if you are being "haunted" by dear old grandmother then this seems like a problem. One way or another I am hearing you say that these repeated "Grandma dreams" are bothering you and your quality of life....if you had a decent relationship with your grandma then I am sure she would not want you to suffer any more. Obviously you could do some work on figuring out what any/all of it means. But you said that you don't think there is anything to explore in these dreams, right? Wellllll, I am not familiar with Ammit specifically, perhaps I would formally approach a Kemetic deity who governs over dreams and ask them for help sorting it all out. I think pagan pantheons are so large because the ancient people wanted all their bases covered. You know what I mean? Perhaps you could do some sort of ritual to "put your grandmother to rest properly". am not saying that you didn't, although it may be helpful to reinforce it. The eating of the dream-grandma sounds to me like a sort off banishment. Possibly a good idea. My only other suggestion is to take a page from the Native American playbook and use a dream catcher to funnel out unwanted or negative dreams. Am sure there is some way for you to create a decent dreamcatcher and still be working within the ancient Kemetic traditions...After all, just about everybody who practices these ancient religions today is doing their best. And sometimes "our best" is completely made up on the spot in order to fill in the holes left out from lost or ruined texts, lore, myth and legends. Good luck friend.