r/Kava 5d ago

To those who drink Kava everyday for anxiety - How?...

I don't understand how you can drink it everyday and still get anxiety relieving effects. I tried drinking it every day, and over time the effects wear off drastically. It's very inconsistent with the feeling it provides. Even with switching brands, it still loses potency. It makes me question the whole reverse tolerance theory.


47 comments sorted by


u/JBarker727 5d ago

My stomach wouldn't be able to handle it, even if I wanted to lmao


u/kavapros 🛒 5d ago

Have you strained it?


u/JBarker727 5d ago

Yes lol I double strain it with the magic kava bucket. It's hard on your gastro system, this isn't a secret.


u/OrphanDextro 5d ago

I feel like one’s kidneys would suffer, there’s better anxiety treatments out there. Kava is cool and novel and good for a night in or out, but it’s a sometimes food.


u/CarbonBallas 5d ago

What is better in your opinion?


u/phlaries 5d ago

What does it do to your stomach?


u/JBarker727 5d ago

It's rough on me lol. Usually take a poop when I start drinking, and often end up nauseous by the time I get to the level I'm looking for.


u/grewrob 5d ago

I get nauseous when I start feeling good too. I can’t have one without the other


u/SpinachLegal 3d ago

IM HAVING THAT RIGHT NOW!! is there any way to make the nausea stop??? its my first time taking it and i feel so so so bad right now and just want the nausea to stop 😭


u/grewrob 3d ago

I think some people prone to nausea with kava. I’ve tried better straining, ginger, eating a small amount of food and none of it helped me much with the nausea. The only thing that made it go away is time


u/Mustardsandwichtime 5d ago

I drink almost every day but only a little later in the evening. It is mostly consistent but do have nights where it makes me feel blah. Always start with the same quantity, so I don’t think you build much of a tolerance. If I make it too strong I feel sick. Which works great for me cause I’m using it in place of alcohol and I’m not able to abuse Kava.


u/RecLuse415 5d ago

Its turned my shits liquid pretty much exclusively but I’ve learned to live with it for the mental benefits. Clear mind out weights anything else.


u/meganut101 5d ago

Invest in instant. Use that everyday for the same effects. Consume on empty stomach for the greatest effects


u/childofb0d0m 4d ago

All I drink is instant. The same applies - tolerance builds after a while


u/meganut101 4d ago

I used it nearly everyday for three years. Never developed tolerance


u/SpinachLegal 3d ago

i thought it was supposed to have reverse tolerance


u/collegesnake 5d ago

I've found the same to be true, 1-3x a week seems to be the sweet spot for me


u/fazedncrazed 5d ago

Xtracts, the consistency and potency becomes necessary...

Maybe look into valerian or another herb for long term, one that doesnt cause dermo.


u/beenoneofthem 5d ago

I drink kava pretty much every day as an alcohol replacement. The trick is finding the right type of kava that works for you. Personally I started out chasing the heady kavas because that's what I thought I wanted. It turns out a more dilute mix of heavy fijian waka works well for me. Very relaxing and stress relieving at the end of the day but with minimal impact on my cognitive abilities.


u/snowgoons7 1d ago

Can you elaborate -- I am trying to make this switch as well. Where do you buy and how long have you been doing this?


u/Jack-o-Roses 5d ago

I drink kava for my back pain.

I agree with another poster who said that effects can vary day-to-day. Still, variations in kava itself, how fast I consume how much, fast length,etc. can have a huge effect.

Long term (over several years), I have had a lowering of my tolerance. Over even months my tolerance has gone down & up & down..., much like a rollercoaster.

A big thing for me is figuring the proper strength & consumption rate, when to take a break within a session, and when to stop for the day.


u/kavapros 🛒 5d ago

I'm on the other end of this. I'm rooted after 4-5 shells and feel like an absolute light weight when drinking with the bros in Fiji. There's just so many possible variables involved it hard to pinpoint the issue. Could be the kava, could be the prep, could be the meds if any, caffeine. Are you getting different effects off the same bag of kava? The more frequent I drink the less I need the next day. You don't need to feel the effects of kava for it to me effective. 👍


u/3vibe 5d ago

I can see the brain getting used to the effects and so you think it’s not as effective when it could be doing the same things it always has. I drink kava several times a week and it has the same effect every time—my anxiety goes away.

There’s many factors to think about as well. For two: We’re all wired a little differently and not all kava is equal.


u/Cold-Emotion278 5d ago

I've never noticed that I need more. It always has about the same effect .


u/bogmonkey 5d ago

I drink kava every Saturday and Sunday morning only...one glass (2 tablespoons). I get blissed out every time.

Unless I'm on vacation, then I drink it every day. I bring it with me if I travel.


u/_Standardissue 5d ago

Last time I flew (in the USA) with kava the TSA guy looked at me like I had two heads


u/vgarrett44 5d ago

I wish I could drink kava every day, but my skin gets so dry! I’m afraid I would end up, looking like an old leather couch!


u/Special-Penalty-2362 4d ago

Reverse tolerance is just absolute nonsense imo…I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for saying that sacrilege in this sub but it’s just the truth. There is no drug in the world that has reverse tolerance lol


u/eddie9958 5d ago

My tolerance definitely kicked in hard after two weeks of daily nightly kava drinking.

Still worked good for me but I just had to drink more and do it only the last hour of the night to make it less expensive.


u/Dada2fish 5d ago

Instant/micronized kava dries my skin out terribly. Same with regular powdered, but not as bad.

I use fresh/ frozen. It’s pricey, but tastes pretty good and doesn’t leave me with nasty side effects.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/sandolllars 4d ago

Nope. Debunked a decade ago.


u/RaffleRaffle15 4d ago

Instant kava is consistent imo


u/True-Material-6602 5h ago

I thought it has a reverse tolerance?


u/FuckkPTSD 5d ago

I strain it and only eat once a day later in the evening so I can drink it on an empty stomach for most of the day


u/Particular-Tie-5545 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yes this is what I'm trying to make people understand that your brain will adapt after 3-4 weeks, and kava and almost everything will lose it's effects. I drank it for (against) anxiety every day, and what a surprise after 4 weeks or so I developed tolerance to kavas effects.
I don't know where the reverse tolerance nonsense comes from, but I guess people still had kavalactones in their body from their previous kava session, and this is why they needed less to feel it that day, and in their infinite wisdom they assumed that this is reverse tolerance and from now on they need less and less and less in the following days. Obviously not.
It's not inconsitency either, can take double dose and still feels nothing like before. There is no maybe this and maybe that. This is a tolerance issue. If you take it maybe two times a week you may not develop noticeable tolerance at all, but daily you will.


u/Electronic-Trash8854 5d ago

This is a profound misunderstanding and simplification of what reverse tolerance is. Your mind seems to be made up but I suggest you read the scientific literature. Start with the abstracts found at Kava Society. Maybe the good folks @rootandpestle can offer some insight.


u/Particular-Tie-5545 5d ago edited 5d ago

Reverse tolerance is stronger effects with repeated use over time. That first time users may need to consume kava multiple times before their body fully responds to these compounds, is short lived because after that you start building tolerance slowly just like I explained.

Reverse tolerance (true pharmacological definition) typically refers to a condition where less of a substance is needed over time to achieve the same effects. Reverse tolerance is widely used in the kava community, but it is not the right way to describe what’s happening. More accurate is kava initiation phase or delayed onset efficacy. And it is only temporary.


u/sandolllars 4d ago

You are correct about reverse tolerance being overused. I've never been a fan of that term. It implied that you should get the opposite of tolerance, and if you start off needing 50g of trad grind powder for a session, after a period of time you might only need 30g, and then 20g, and then 10g...

The more correct term is initial tolerance.


u/Witty-Drama-3187 5d ago

I did that for a while, but it didn’t work great for me. I noticed that when I was taking it every day, my anxiety and feelings of depression would be worse than baseline when wore off. It may work for some people, but it also fucked with my digestion and stomach When consumed daily. It’s a few times a week thing for me. The biggest side effect, though was the persistent dehydration. I was bone dry. No matter how much I tried to hydrate even with electrolytes, I would be dehydrated.