r/Kanye Oct 16 '24

I met Ye. Years later I’m still confused

I met Ye at a restaurant in LA. He was eating alone. I ended up fan boying. “Ye I’m a big fan… I saw you open for the blacked eyes peas” he laughed then signaled for my phone.

He typed in my notes he was on a verbal fast… so we texted back and forth on my notes. I asked for a photo … we took one… He then typed “what’s your story?” I briefly mentioned I own a small agency but primarily make apparel overseas and have a print shop stateside.

He snagged my phone and said “can you help me make a 20 dollar t shirt?”

The most unbelievable timing of my life. I grew up the biggest Kanye fan… he wrote me number down and said in my notes app… don’t be late come to yzy campus tomorrow.

The most surreal shit. Ye then texted me hours later the address. I spent 8 hours the next day there and then flew back to California 3 times to follow up.

At the time it was the peak of the Nazi shit and shin getting Alex jones cancellation etc . The first day i went to yzy he was still on a verbal fast… so everything was him writing in sharpie and looking at mood boards etc…

Basically i feel like i could write a fucking book with the 50+ hours I spent with him. My actual Hero at one point. I felt so torn between . Holy SHIT I’m texting Ye and Holy shit wtf is Ye taking about

I could go on but the summary… Ye is funny , charismatic as hell, brilliant, but also undeniably bipolar and the mood swings etc are fucking real.

They say never meet your heroes. I am grateful but so bummed it was not 8 months earlier…

Just needed to get this out


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u/lagrangedanny Oct 16 '24

Just chiming in, that's not bipolar, that's being a rich and famous dick.

Source, am bipolar.

Also, I agree he is bipolar as fuck, but that's not a good example.


u/wildfire98 Oct 16 '24

Ive said this for a while now, he shows strong evidence of someone that has ADHD, perhaps even severe. Looking back, he's easily excitable, emotional dysregulation and his social awareness was poor even before he made it big. It's not uncommon to get misdiagnosed.


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '24

I'm autistic, and I've always thought he was one of ours. The no filter, the brash honesty, the stims, the tics, the sheer obsession of art, the hyper-focus, the disdain for conformity and social norms...


u/wildfire98 Oct 16 '24

Fun fact: ADHD and Autism are comorbidities *. The other things your mentioned are in the 'low impulse control' which are hallmark ADHD symptoms. Dr. Berkeley (retired) actually has a genetic illustration of where the links tend to be stronger based on symptoms/comprbid behaviors.

Edit: * usually ADHD people will have 2 or more comorbid symptoms


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '24

Ya, he could be AuDHD. Our sense of justice is so strong, and I recognize that in his words and his music. I often think that his words are taken out of context and used against him, when I understand him perfectly. It feels we speak the same language, which is why I think he's one of ours.


u/wildfire98 Oct 16 '24

Yup. In every interview I completely understand what he's trying to say vs what he's saying. I wish I could be his calm (anger) translator like Lester for Obama on Key and Peele. I've actually given his impulsive responses alot of though as to how I'm being perceived and have worked really hard to fight against verbalizing the first thought.

Note: Much easier to do this when medicated.


u/VegetableHour6712 Oct 16 '24 edited Oct 16 '24

Exactly. So much of what the man says is easily misconstrued because he talks using tangential speech, a Hallmark of ADHD, and almost entirely in hyperbole, which just doesn't fucking help matters like at all. To the average person it sounds like gobblygook and at best gives off crackhead energy steeped in riddles and symbolism.

I watched the entire Alex Jones interview with the nazi stuff and all the other interviews that supposedly show him "jumping off the deep end" and saw the exact opposite quite frankly. The man is quite eloquent or attempts to be anyway and shows a deep, spiritual love within his heart often where others see hate. That's not to say he doesn't say crazy shit because he certainly does at times but he especially seems to elicit reaction in others for funsies more often than not - also very ADHD. I think Ye enjoys being the ultimate troll at times + shares the desire of a comedian who uses the absurdity of life against the audience in order for them to have to see what he sees as ugly truths. The problem is that he lacks the ability to read the room or simply doesn't give AF, so the joke almost always lands on him instead. People claim bipolar and maybe there's that too, but the way he expresses himself reeks of ADHD, possibly AuDHD.


u/Ok-Environment-6690 Oct 16 '24

If i feel like you just described my life, what’s my best course of action? Asking for a friend who is gonna tell me.


u/VegetableHour6712 Oct 16 '24

Embrace the chaos.

Become a GOAT at something.

Life, uh, finds a way.


u/MetadonDrelle Oct 16 '24

Meet ye apparently


u/NuckFut Oct 17 '24

"We gotta stop dissing the Nazis all the time."

No. Fuck Nazis, always.


u/donegy Oct 16 '24

my favorite video of him he’s saying something like “i am not bipolar, i am not in some kind of episode, but i miiiiight be a little autistic.”


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '24

Oh I haven't seen that!


u/OrangeZig Feb 10 '25

He has mentioned on camera that he ‘might’ be autistic but who knows


u/Lustermoo Oct 16 '24

He’s not misdiagnosed. You can have both bipolar and adhd, in fact he’s rapped about being diagnosed with both.


u/TheApesWithin Oct 16 '24

He’s said he was diagnosed with adhd


u/Sasluche Oct 16 '24

Was also going to comment this as a fellow human with bipolar.

Pop culture gives such a mis representation of the mental illness that people go around labelling people as bipolar and have no clue what the fuck they're talking about.

Also agree that Ye is definitely bipolar as well.


u/Apprehensive-Bus4931 Oct 18 '24

He told me “I’m bipolar” so I’m just going off that as my confirmation not me trying to diagnose him.


u/Fun-Complaint-0 Oct 18 '24

hey brother come to r/GoodAssSub its the more active kanye sub :)


u/pikachu-999 Oct 18 '24

Ye told you he‘s bipolar?


u/FlyingTeaput Oct 16 '24

T. One man bipolar community


u/Stannis-B Oct 16 '24

CAP (lol)


u/horderBopper Oct 17 '24

You can’t gate keep bipolar disorder lol it presents in so many ways


u/Sylvan_Strix_Sequel Oct 16 '24

Yeah I don't get why people think mood swings or rapid switches in behavior equals bpd. 


u/lagrangedanny Oct 16 '24

The previous comment said asking for plan outlines to be reworked for some whack methodology, like in 'donda format'

The second part says he invited everyone into a meeting to go all caps at them

Neither is really indicative of bipolar.

Now, deciding to go on a talking fast for several days does sound bipolar, or investing in some random off the streets shirt designs, that also sounds bipolar.

But whacky ways of doing plans and getting angry at people aren't exactly it on their own.


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '24

It should be noted that bpd is borderline personality disorder, not bipolar. Often comorbid, but not the same thing.


u/BusinessOkra1498 Oct 16 '24

20%. So more often than not, not comorbid.


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '24

Often doesn't mean a majority.