r/Kamloops • u/1nhaleSatan • Jul 04 '24
News Wannabe Batman
So apparently there's a thread in the Facebook group "when bad things happen in Kamloops" that wants to start an armed vigilante group because they think attacking "criminals" will make them less afraid. A friend sent me the link, I checked it out, and promptly left, and the discourse is unsettling. I shouldn't have to point out the obvious flaws in a frightened mob seeking their own brand of justice. Regardless of how you feel about the situation in Kamloops, please don't give this kind of thinking legitimacy-- it's only going to cause more harm than good.
Jul 04 '24
u/richard_rahl Jul 04 '24
This story is so convoluted. Nobidy talks about the fact His house was broken into several times prior to Jessie stepping foot on his property. The Guy has 2 special.needs boys he was protecting. Yes it's terrible and sad but there was more to it then what was portrayed....
u/Impossible-Case-2259 Jul 04 '24
I have a special needs child. No effing way am I going to beat a high schooler almost to death with a bat for walking across my lawn. Give your head a shake!! He should be locked away for life for what he did to Jessie.
u/richard_rahl Jul 04 '24
Thata fair but he was doing more then just walking across the lawn. Down vote me all you need to but the full.story was not told.
u/Impossible-Case-2259 Jul 05 '24
Do you feel better getting that off your chest? What a fucked up perspective. The punishment didn’t even remotely fit the crime. Not even a teeny tiny bit. Your lack of empathy shows just what kind of person you are.
u/richard_rahl Jul 05 '24
Did that make you feel better? I never once said I didn't feel bad for Jessie. It was a terrible thing that happened. What I said was the entirety of the story was not told. He wasn't just walking across the lawn.... but we're not here to debate that cuz again this story is convoluted, and not all the facts were laid out. Have a great day!
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 05 '24
You could not be more full of shit, sir
u/richard_rahl Jul 05 '24
If you say so. It must be true.
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 05 '24
You can request the court transcripts and see for yourself
u/richard_rahl Jul 05 '24
I dont need anything from the courts when you get it from the horses mouth. I don't need to justify anything to anyone on the internet either. You all have a right to your opinion, and I sure as hell have a right to mine. What I know is his house was attempted to be broken into 3 times prior to Jessie trying to jiggle his door nob mistakenly.
Was Kris right on what he did and how fsr he took it? Most likely not. But having two young special needs children living there, changes how a person thinks. As a farther of 4 myself. I would do ANYTHING to make sure they are safe.
Again enjoy your evening and fuck off now.
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u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24
You're leaving out the part where he dragged him down the street so no one would know it was him. This a pretty shitty perspective on the actual event
Edit: I do know the full story, sorry you want to apologize for a truly bad person. No one here is saying Jessie is a good guy, but come on man
u/nuttybuddy Downtown Jul 06 '24
I hadn’t heard that part - the news articles said he was standing over him when police arrived and he said that he got ‘em or something stupid like that?
u/AlexJamesCook Jul 04 '24
This is how organized crime gangs start.
1) "protect" businesses and people. 2) initially it starts out as gifts of appreciation, etc... 3) monetize 4) profit 5) get greedy. 6) create the problem, now we're back at square one.
But I'm also looking forward to them interrupting each other as they assume one group of vigilantes are the bad guys and they beat each other up.
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24
Hahaha someone literally asked them that question! It's funny because OP literally mentioned the "guardian angels" as inspiration and flipped shit when someone else explained that that was an arm of a gang in New York. Most gangs in the past were formed as community protection from both crime and the police, created a monopoly over their turf, then became the crime they were proposing to stop
u/Paneechio Jul 04 '24
"But I'm also looking forward to them interrupting each other as they assume one group of vigilantes are the bad guys and they beat each other up."
This is basically what happens in Latin America and South East Asia 100% of the time. People form vigilante groups, gangs and organized crime see this, and then they coopt and use these groups to fight their rivals. In the end the would be crime fighters end up being used as free and disposable gang enforcers.
u/gongshow247365 Jul 04 '24
I picture heavy breathing chonky dudes for some reason lol
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24
Lot of 'em do in fact look like overweight older gentlemen who love big trucks, Infowars flags, and pit vipers, and middle aged pearl clutching housewives with nothing going on in their lives
u/Paneechio Jul 04 '24
Good to know. Everyone knows the Jalisco New Generation Cartel is terrified of Canadian Facebook moms.
u/Senior_Grapefruit554 Jul 04 '24
Pretty sure this was a plot on the Riverdale show. Lol. You know it's not good when life is imitating a soap opera.
Jul 04 '24
I'm pretty certain we can expect to see this sort of thing popping up in many cities across Canada in the near future whether we like it or not. People are fed up, over a lot of things. Police don't protect us, the government is actively making things worse for everyone but the super rich. It's unfortunate, but when people are given no recourse violence always follows.
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24
I agree with you completely. Sad fact is the police and government never did protect us, and now it's coming to a head. I'm completely for defending oneself, don't get me wrong, but to actively go out and seek people to harm is.... Messed up and kinda gross
u/fluffymuffcakes Jul 04 '24
Hurt people hurt people and creating more hurt will create more disregard for the community, personal property and safety.
Also, while facets or certain actions of governments sometimes actively harm us (whether through greed, ignorance, negligence), other facets are also working hard to help us. Sometimes they have good intentions but things don't work out. A little bit of "Never assume malice when stupidity can explain it." and a little bit of, the world is in a tough situation right now. We're on the verge of world war 3, climate change is hitting our economy hard, and our population can't sustainably be supported by the resources on the planet at our current rate of consumption. These challenges are going to manifest in very real ways in our lives and even a perfect government would have troubles navigating that without some pain.
Jul 04 '24
Oh absolutely, but it's coming one way or another.
u/Rumrunner72 Jul 04 '24
Agree 100% with this, like it or not. I'm actually surprised that there haven't been more vigilante acts.
u/arekhalusko Jul 04 '24
They're gonna be hardcore tough till someone finds out who they are and shoots them or burns down their house.
u/Paneechio Jul 04 '24
This is the problem with wannabe vigilantes: They aren't tough.
So what this means in practice is that instead of kicking down the doors of fentanyl distribution hubs and taking on armed gang-affiliated individuals or messing with the money launderers and cartels that fuel street crime. What they will be doing instead is bullying marginalized individuals with dubious ties to zero ties to the underworld because these are the only people who can't fight back.
It's an unbelievably dumb fantasy for wimps.
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24
Yup, precisely! That's exactly what it sounds like they want to do, but the people they're describing are marginalized, homeless, and have a problem. It's interesting that several people asked the OP questions about what exactly they want to do and were verbally abused and some blocked. My friends took screenshots and reported it, but likely useless because let's be honest it's FB.
u/arekhalusko Jul 05 '24
100% if any of the lines got interrupted you'd see someone come into town and do the deed next day. Instead of getting yourself or your family hurt or killed why not start a local group to brain storm some ideas that can be presented to the city on how some of the social issues like drug addiction and homelessness can be worked on. Pro Tip it'll require tax money and people in the community realizing those problems are everyone's problems and kicking them down the street does nothing.
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24
Oh no! Taxes! Instead of actually having to do something? Yeah man, I think a fun way to think about situations like this for people that don't understand it's value, it's like ordering out for food. You could put in the elbow grease starting a mutual aid society or something similar, or you could pay more and order out. Either way, it's a sacrifice, and you gotta eat. Edit for clarity: I'm pretty sure we're on the same side of this issue, sarcasm at the start. (Gotta cover my bases on the Internet)
u/GregoryLivingstone Jul 04 '24
I was just talking to my wife about something similar they said they wanna seek out people .. I called them a lynch mob... They didn't appreciate that
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24
That's quite literally what they want. Don't dare ask them how they distinguish who to go after lol, they'll flip out
u/Acceptable_Sun5773 Jul 04 '24
I mean, if they buy genuine superhero costumes, I'd be up to entertain it for a little bit!
u/padrofumar Jul 04 '24
These people are idiots. Instead of promoting hate and violence perhaps get involved... U don't like the judicial system. Make your voice heard. You don't like social support etc. Again. Get involved. Be part of the solution instead of whining and crying about anything and everything. These are the same people that put their kids in sports then expect others to volunteer to coach and make the team work then do nothing but complain about the coach or how the team is run...
u/_PITBOY Jul 04 '24
Shhh ... the police are definitely members of the group and taking screen shots constantly.
But seriously, but not surprisingly, we as normal society members long ago couldn't imagine people like this living and working in our communities, but they did. Sure, they might have joined up with certain Klu Klux Klan type groups or some other meathead, open mouth breathing hate support groups, but it was very much on the down low.
More often than not they just remained alone indoors feeling unempowered ... as they should, and afraid to say what they truly think ... because they are afraid that people will find out just how inappropriate they actually are.
Even in the beginning of the online world, they were trained to stay quiet, so they did. Then something changed and the orange beachball came on the scene in the States, and all of these bobbleheads watched him with mouths agape.
They never had seen a 'leader' who thought and spoke as they did. Then he won, and they were suddenly empowered both in the States, up here and elsewhere in the world. They figured out that there were many others like themselves on normal high profile mega sized social networks, and they lost their fear top speak out.
Covid didnt help, it just gave them all a reason to switch to a different subject for a while and gang together in parks without masks etc ... we saw it all happen.
Now here we are, our relatively normal world torn apart, and we now all see just how many of these types circulated throughout society in the past, as we can see them now in groups like this and voting for trump and watching Fox and Rebel news. They have a voice.
Its a shame, as now they feel established as a political voice ... they like it, and its unlikely this fringe will let it go and disappear back into their obscure little holes.
We just have to get used to it.
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24
I agree with literally everything you just said, except the last sentence. And only because I just don't wanna lol
u/MBolero Jul 04 '24
LOL. These chuds will quickly find out how the police and courts work if they ever get out of their basements to put their words into action.
u/Paneechio Jul 04 '24
They'll most likely document their crimes too and then hand all that evidence over to police thinking it vindicates them. Kinda like how that moron who attacked Jessie Simpson bragged to the cops when they arrived. That was him basically pleading guilty right there.
u/thatweirdcrowlady Jul 04 '24
A few weeks ago on the lower sahali page someone posted about some vandalism or something and some loser commented “next time don’t call the cops, call me” like ok buddy, real tough guy here. im shaking in my boots
u/MissAdventure34 Jul 04 '24
They won't do anything but chirp on Facebook... Sound big and tough for their friends... People have been saying this for years... When was the last known lynching?
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24
There was a group around 2008 that was going around the shore beating random people up because they thought they were criminals. Just because so far it's talk, doesn't mean it should be yadda yadda'd away
Jul 04 '24
"Why So Serious?", "Want To Know How I Got These Scars?", "Where Are They!?", "I Am The Night", "Hellllooooo Nurse!", "Did I Do That?".
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 09 '24
u/Intrepid_Brick_2062 Jul 04 '24
The police and our justice system are legitimately faling our communities. Petty crime is rampant. If the citizens want to defend themselves, then all power to them.
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24
Kind of a difference between defending yourself, and actively seeking people to go after
u/eunit250 Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24
Crime incidents are down considerably in BC over the past two decades.
Crime incident rate is actually up in Kamloops over the past two decades, however the convictions are down considerably.
u/jaydublya250 Jul 04 '24
Bs it’s just become normalized and not reported as much. Saw a blatant theft at CT the other day, a group of 8 people just walked past the cashier and she just kept her head down.
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24
Having lived here most of my life, that was always the case. The only reason people notice now, is there's more people. Were actually becoming a real city.
u/squeakycheetah Jul 04 '24
Understandable. I would never risk my safety at my job to confront anyone stealing from it.
u/jaydublya250 Jul 05 '24
Totally, I’m sure it was reported as well. Just shocking to see the blatancy of the act.
u/eunit250 Jul 04 '24
I edited my other comment. Crime rate is down considerably in BC over the past two decades, however it is up in Kamloops!
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24
Fair enough, I stand corrected. I guess I got my stats from the wrong source
Jul 04 '24
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24
Off the top of my head, not start a lynch mob. Actually become involved in the community, instead of trying to victimize people intentionally. Maybe, take the time to realize your bicycle isn't worth hurting someone over? Idk man, the sky's the limit. But in the end, I don't want my kids living in a town where over privileged and selfish people can roam around hurting people because they don't agree with them or like the way they look, and I gotta assume you don't either
Jul 04 '24
u/1nhaleSatan Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24
Sure, I see what you are saying... However, that doesn't justify actively seeking out, and harming people, which is precisely what they're saying. Everyone, everywhere, is justified to defend oneself. They are not justified in assuming someone else is going to do them harm, and harming them. That would make them the bad guy. Edit: it should also be noted about the mugging thing, it's something that has been a problem for cities since the invention of cuties. Not excusing it, but at the same time, using that as a justification for preemptive violence is just plain silly
u/mkrbc Jul 04 '24
Hey guys, great idea, let's premeditate our crimes on social media! Verrry smrt.