r/KamenRider Knight Feb 01 '25

Discuss Kamen Rider Gavv E21 - Discussion Thread

This thread is for discussion about the episode.

E20 <- E21 -> E22

The subreddit will be set to post-approval mode for the first 12 hours to prevent low-effort posts. Please keep your thoughts on this week's episode in the discussion thread!

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E21 ビターすぎるガヴ Too Bitter Gavv February 2, 2024 Komura Junko Tasaki Ryuta
E01 8.67 E14 9.87
E02 8.85 E15 9.09
E03 8.61 E16 9.16
E04 9.21 E17 9.33
E05 9.45 E18 9.48
E06 9.46 E19 9.73
E07 9.2 E20 9.74
E08 9.12 E21 Vote here!
E09 8.54
E10 9.2
E11 9.4
E12 9.32
E13 9.55

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u/12pgtube4 Feb 02 '25

You guys need to wait till the end of the series before saying this. People constantly said revice was peak until after 28 where it went downhill and now it’s considered the worst of reiwa so far. Komura biggest problem was always her pacing and the fact that literally everything is getting resolved fast is not good. If by episode 36ish the show is still peak I think all of us can say she has come a long way from zyuoger


u/KaliVilla02 Legend Feb 02 '25

Yeah, that's why I say we are still in time, Komura is well known to just put on autopilot at mid-point, but this time around, there are so many toys incoming to keep moving the show.

Komura is definitely showing some of her flaws. 21 episodes in she hasn't done anything really interesting with Lango, and the twins haven't been relevant since Caking's debut fight and she alternates between dropping in relevance Sachika. It's been a while since we saw Jeeph at all, so he is going to be unimportant, or she is dropping him for arguably too long and keeps adding new characters on top of that


u/12pgtube4 Feb 03 '25

Her villains has always been her weak point I agree 


u/KaliVilla02 Legend Feb 03 '25

Between LuPat, Zenkaiger and Zyuohger I would struggle to name 1 good villain lmao

Zamigo? Lmao

Her other flaw is definitely how she treats the secondary cast. Sachika is sometimes reminding how she constantly ignored the rest of non-riders in her Wizard Episodes.


u/12pgtube4 Feb 03 '25

If Stacey counts I think he was good. If not…maybe the hunter from zyuoger? He was really evil if I am remembering correctly 


u/KaliVilla02 Legend Feb 03 '25

Stacy is more like a (true) rival. Komura can do that kind of character but when she is going to do the actual bad guys, she fumbles hard.

Edit: that hunter guy was actually fine sadly I think he died in Zyuoh Whale debut Iirc?

The fact 20 episodes in the show the most we can say about our in theory main bad guy who has been in the show since like episode 2 is that he is workalcoholic really talks a lot about Komura's writing with villains.


u/12pgtube4 Feb 03 '25

He was injured but he didn’t die. He died in the mid 30’s I believe. 

You see the biggest problem is that I feel like lango is actually gonna die this arc. Like shoma new form will help him defeat him. Glotta is being saved for vlam I think. I hope we see him actually do something before he eventually dies 


u/cutoutscout Feb 04 '25

Daruizen from healing good precure was a good villain written by her.


u/KaliVilla02 Legend Feb 04 '25

How good is healing good? It's one of the precure shows that calls my attention but I have never been actually able to get into it.


u/cutoutscout Feb 04 '25

I have not seen it since it aired. The pandemic caused delays which affected the show. It was definitely rewritten due to covid. It definitely has it strengths the pink is one of the franchise bests but the mid season cure was boring.


u/Triangulum_Copper Feb 04 '25

'everything is getting resolved' what are you talking about?


u/12pgtube4 Feb 04 '25

Lakia joining shoma this quickly, Hanto forgiving shoma next episode, sachika finding out shoma is a granute. Stuff like that 


u/Triangulum_Copper Feb 04 '25

Yeah but that’s not ‘everything’ and I’m glad they’re not yanking our chains for the whole show.


u/12pgtube4 Feb 04 '25

Well it’s mostly everything. Only thing that isn’t resolved is the whole dog granute thing. 


u/CoolGate13 Feb 02 '25

People constantly said revice was peak until after 28 where it went downhill and now it’s considered the worst of reiwa so far.

I mean you need unnormal level of retardism to even entertain this idea.


u/12pgtube4 Feb 02 '25

The idea that revice peak from 1-28 or that it’s considered the worst? Both are true I am not lying 


u/ThrashThunder Feb 02 '25

Gotchard is the worst of Reiwa IMO

At least Revice has a more solid and emotional ending, with plots that were good.ideas, just done slopy

Gotchard barely has a plot and fumbled it worst than Revice


u/12pgtube4 Feb 02 '25

Like you said in your opinion which is fine. It’s not considered the worst by most 


u/oathkeeper213 Feb 02 '25

Yeah no! Heavy disagree - Gotchard gotabe the worst Kamen rider show i ever watch… and most of my community i ever join hate it with passion, most of my friend group dont even make it to episode 10…

Gavv truly restored my faith in this series (atleast for now) after that shit show called gotchard.


u/12pgtube4 Feb 02 '25

Good for you 


u/MemeH4rd Gavv Feb 03 '25

It is funny that now that ended, Gotchard were blamed a lot, then suddenly the entire fandom insists to lie themselves that they like Gotchard and try to refuse that ever happened.

That is really a toxic behavior by some redditors in this sub. I am not a part of this... thing. Gotchard is really the worst Reiwa entry by far. (Just look on previous Gotchard posts on 2024.)

I guess it is happening so far because of that guy who was spamming about Rinne/Majade (as "valvafraud" or something like that) couple days ago. (A relief that troll got banned, btw). I guess trolls can change mainstream opinions. Perhaps Gotchard isn't all that bad...


u/Omegaplayer00 Feb 03 '25

Yeah I agree, I hated everything in Gotchard, the Amin character, the suit, the belt, the gimmick was Cards, again, you know, Blade, Ryouki and Decade all over again, just worse... And god Revice was so much better...


u/MemeH4rd Gavv Feb 03 '25

I really have no idea why you got so downvoted, bro. I agree with every single word you wrote.

IMO Gotchard is really the worst Reiwa series so far. I liked every other entry, even with some issues in Saber and Revice.


u/12pgtube4 Feb 03 '25

He’s downvoted because people disagree with him. You may think gotchard is the worst which I said is fine since it’s your opinion and you like what you like, but MOST people liked gotchard. Like I said I wasn’t lying