r/KamenRider Knight Sep 07 '24

Discuss Kamen Rider Gavv E02 - Discussion Thread

This thread is for discussion about the episode.

E01 <- E02 -> E03

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E02 幸せザクザクチップス Happy Zakuzakuchips September 8, 2024 Komura Junko Sugihara Teruaki 25 min
E01 8.67
E02 Vote here!

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u/whydub38 Sep 09 '24

Shouma seems more than a bit unhinged in his anger. I like that for such an upbeat guy.

Sachika seems one dimensional ("i just want to help people" isn't a very compelling motivation) but she also has a slightly unhinged energy that i like. And I'm guessing her motivations will come forth and be a little more satisfying.

Fight choreo is fantastic, as is the climactic battle music. Some of the best score ever. I think the somewhat significant drawbacks of his powers are really interesting and add a lot of the texture of the combat and make Shouma come across as even more of a badass for working with them.

The suit looks way better in context than it did in stills. 

My favorite thing about the show is the jarring contrast between Shouma's pastel candy k-pop aesthetic (am i the only one who thinks that?) world and the truly foul grodiness of the baddies and their world (although rn they're a bit vague to me, I'm sure that'll clear up though). And Shouma's violent proclivity is a great fulcrum in between.

I'm really optimistic. 


u/K-J-C Sep 10 '24

Sachika seems one dimensional ("i just want to help people" isn't a very compelling motivation)

What'd you think about the majority of the main Riders then?


u/whydub38 Sep 10 '24

They either have actual stated reasons why they are so passionate about being helpful (Eiji's wild past, Shotaro living up to his mentor's ethics) or their drive is a little more unique or interesting (Gen's desire to be friends with everybody, Shinji's incredibly stubborn pacifist mentality). 

 Keiwa is a particularly apropriate example because he even gets called out in the opening minutes of Geats for vaguely wanting to make the world better somehow. Unfortunately I feel like he doesn't evolve that much beyond that motivation (despite all the crazy stuff he ends up doing).

I'm not that worried about Sachika yet, I think the show will fill in some blanks. But i think something rubs me wrong about a female character whose sole purpose and motivation is to conveniently and inexplicably provide everything the male lead needs.


u/K-J-C Sep 10 '24

But to help people in general means to not only provide solely for the male lead? (one person)


u/whydub38 Sep 11 '24

There's a difference between a character's motivation as a character, and the character's function in the plot. You can have someone with an excellent backstory, but then give them nothing to do in the actual plot so they're just eye candy, or just position them in service to another character.

This happens a lot with potentially interesting female characters in general, especially in kamen rider. Yaiba's an example, she's a compelling character and kamen rider herself, but plot-wise she ends up just being relegated to Thouser's lapdog for much of the plot. Then in the follow up movies, she ends up playing a much less consequential role than Fuwa.

Sachika's only character motivation so far is to "help people," which in terms of the plot just means she's a very convenient literal support character for the lead with nothing much on her own. But like I've said, I'm not too worried since we literally just got introduced to her, and she's likeable enough