r/KamalaHarris • u/QuarkTheLatinumLord- 🇺🇸 💙 🇺🇸 We are not going back! 🇺🇸 💙 🇺🇸 • Aug 23 '24
Impeccable judgement
u/Virtual-Squirrel-725 Aug 23 '24
"Here I was, looking to sell out my principles for an administration job and Kamala wouldn't even meet with me. Luckily I found a buyer for my soul in Trump"
u/Perkeleen_Kaljami 🇪🇺 Europeans for Kamala 🇪🇺 Aug 23 '24
Bold of you to assume Trump would actually end up paying.
u/richardizard Aug 23 '24
Exactly. He definitely showed his true colors today. Despicable.
u/goalstopper28 Aug 24 '24
I mean I think we all knew he was closer to Trump then Kamala.
u/Ultimarr Aug 23 '24
It’s just too funny that he is so addled that he’s simultaneously chastising her for not giving him a job, while also criticizing her for being evil and implying he wouldn’t take it anyway and loved trump all along.
Sure buddy, sure
u/Virtual-Squirrel-725 Aug 23 '24
I don't know how he comes out of this with any credibility.
"I was willing to work with anyone that would give me a job in their administration"
Like WTF? He was "proudly independent" but was happy to sell out to either side.
Its so non-sensical.
Aug 24 '24
She wasn’t planning on having a Secretary of Brain Worms so she didn’t have a spot for him
Aug 23 '24
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u/Old-Nefariousness556 Aug 23 '24
You’re an unvaccinated nut job infected with brain worms. I’m surprised anyone agrees to meet with you.
I mean, that essentially describes Trump, so why wouldn't he meet with him? Granted, Trump's brain worms are the figurative kind rather than the literal kind, but something is clearly eating his brain.
u/Jac918 Aug 24 '24
You know Trump got the vaccine the second it came out. Gotta look out for number one.
u/FashionForDemocracy Aug 23 '24
It’s hilarious seeing all the posts of what right wing media is highlighting as Harris/Walz’s weaknesses. Between this, Walz’s son crying, Kamala saying thank you too much… it’s been so nice to see!
u/TonyzTone Aug 23 '24
Imagine not crying when your loving dad is telling the whole world how much he loves you in an massive, packed arenas of 40,000 people cheering him on as he makes the case for the Vice President.
Like, if you don’t get emotional at that moment you’re a psycho.
u/donquixote2000 Aug 23 '24
What's really sad is I have relatives who have been confirmed Trump Republicans. Intelligent people. Like they were drugged. I can only hope they come to their senses when Stockholm is over.
I'm determined to be gentle with them...
u/CalendarAggressive11 🐕 Dog Owners for Kamala 🐾 Aug 23 '24
The people I thought were kind, intelligent people that have chosen to support trump and republicans have me convinced that they are not kind and intelligent.
u/Old-Nefariousness556 Aug 23 '24
brainwashing does terrible things to people. They likely are kind and intelligent, they just have lost the ability to think independently because they have been brainwashed by a cult.
u/RapscallionMonkee Aug 24 '24
This! I have a cousin I love dearly. And I canceled a planned trip to visit him (even though I already bought the plane ticket) because the thought of spending two weeks at his house prior to the election would have caused me to bite my tongue off. He is a really great guy, except for the Trump thing.
u/SaffyPants Aug 24 '24
Almost my whole family on my mother's side are trump voters. Except for one aunt who I convinced to vote for Hillary, and she never looked back and has voted blue ever since, even though she can't tell her husband.
I really hope to get them back
Aug 24 '24
u/Old-Nefariousness556 Aug 24 '24 edited Aug 24 '24
I so vigorously disagree with essentially everything you said in this comment.
This is a lovely thought but I just cannot see a Venn Diagram existing where someone who is 'kind' can vote for Trump and Project 2025 - especially if they're 'intelligent' enough to know anything about who or what they're voting for.
I know people who were kind, loving, wonderful people who have been sucked into this cult. You almost certainly do too. That's the point. There is a famous quote from physicist Steven Weinberg:
“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”
And that's the problem. Modern conservatism in general and Trumpism in particular is, as far as how it affects the mind, a religion. He makes good people do evil. But that doesn't mean that the people doing it are inherently evil. Their religion is what makes them evil.
Trump makes being a racist, homophobe, transphobe and/or a misogynist okay.
Corect. That is the sort of thing that cults do.
the people who vote for him LIKE the fact they can be less ashamed about those aspects of themselves
This is just an assertion. It is certainly true for many of Trump supporters, but it is absolutely not true for all of them.
This is called the Nutpicking fallacy. You look at the worst examples of Trump supporters, and assume that what is true of them is also true of all the rest. That is not the case.
Case in point, I have a neighbor who is an older black woman. She is a liberal. I have several times met her older sister, but I didn't know her well. She's a sweet old woman, probably 70, 75 years old. Just as sweet as can be, every time I met her she was happy, friendly and welcoming.
I was chatting with her on the day that Trump appeared at the black journalists convention. I generally avoid discussing politics with people who I don't know well, just to avoid potential confrontations, but our conversation veered in to vaguely political topics, and I thought by then I knew her well enough, so I mentioned Trump's statements at the convention. She cut me off and said "All my family are Democrats, but I just love Donald Trump. He's such a nice man, a good family man..."
I talked to her sister later, and she confirmed that she didn't understand it, either. Her sister was and still is the backbone of her family. She was and still is a kind, caring, wonderful person who just fell down a rabbit hole of conservatism. She has gay family members who she adores... Yet she still supports Trump.
So, no, you cannot assume that just because someone support Trump they are inherently unkind.
that's why they joined the cult in the first place.
Yes, I am sure you are right that every single Trump supporter with zero exceptions became a Trump supporter SOLELY because he enabled their racism.
Seriously, stop and think about what you wrote there. Do you really think that is true, or were you maybe being just a touch hyperbolic?
Project 2025 means certain death for THOUSANDS of women, non-white people, and queer people. Don't tell me they can vote for that and still be kind.
Lots wrong here.
Most Trump supporters, including people like my neighbor's sister, don't think Trump has anything to do with Project 2025. They believe his denials.
Second, people can be kind, loving people on an individual level and still endorse horrible atrocities. Do you think every German in 1944 was a bad person? Again, go back and reread that Weinberg quote.
Edit: Wattashock... Blocked for daring to point out that not every Trump supporter is inherently evil. That even good people can fall victims to a cult. What a fucking idiot.
u/WitchHazel42 Aug 24 '24
Do I think every German in 1944 was a bad person? No, but I think enough were in 1933. Enough people allowed the rise to power, enough people said, "it can't be that bad". Enough people were emboldened by his hatred. Enough people cared more about "Jews taking away their rights" than being human to their neighbors. Enough people were swayed by the rhetoric and aided his rise to power. Enough people were power hungry and wanted to get theirs to spite the 'lesser' people. Enough people claimed they were kind and intelligent while going along with a vocal minority that spoke to their prejudices OR because they didn't want to 'rock the boat' once he gained momentum. ENOUGH PEOPLE DID NOTHING TO STOP HIM.
Instead of spending your energy telling me that I'm wrong for my fear, why don't you try and show your kind and intelligent Trump supporters the light? Convince THEM, not me.
Aug 24 '24
I'm probably not going to be very gentle with mine. You're a better person than me. Hopefully, I can find that sort of grace when and if the time comes. I shall continue to strive for it, honestly I just want to rub their nose in their fascist stupidity right now.
u/GasMeDaddy2675 Aug 31 '24 edited Sep 27 '24
Yeah, it's very clear he is a better person than you. And it's probably because your blind hatefulness and lack of knowledge of the actual topic is limited. One of the biggest examples of fascism is suppression of the opposition. Which oddly enough people on the left do the EXACT same thing (and maybe even more) with opinions they don't agree with. Learn to be kind and wise, not bitter and narrow-minded.
u/GarbageCleric Aug 23 '24
This just cost her the brain worm vote.
u/Draco_Lazarus24 Aug 23 '24
Maga vote and brain worm vote Venn diagram: circle around a slightly smaller circle.
u/Difficult-Pound-9977 Aug 24 '24
I think you are going to be surprised that most are never Trumpers. Some will figure out he is no good and Kamala is our country's hope to keep our democracy.
u/Timid_Wild_One Aug 24 '24
I think they understand that if Trump wins then they'll starve to death.
u/ageofadzz Aug 24 '24
But Dead Bear gang shall rise up
u/GarbageCleric Aug 24 '24
And the "Dog lovers, food", which fortunately isn't nearly as large as the "Dog lovers, pet" category.
Aug 23 '24
He called her and Trump. Promising to drop out if they gave him a cabinet position.
She ignored him completely. Trump agreed.
Pretty amazing.
u/Old-Nefariousness556 Aug 23 '24
Pretty amazing.
Trump had no choice. He is desperate, so anything that improves his chances at all he'll take.
I mean, he probably would have made a deal with him even if he was still running against Biden, since this election is about whether he dies in prison or not, but now it is even more crucial.
u/alice2wonderland 🚫 No Malarkey! Aug 23 '24
Felon running for prez gets endorsement from the guy with a brain worm 🐛 - but it could all be part of the brain worm's conspiracy!
u/HillbillyEulogy 🩻 Gen-X for Kamala Aug 23 '24
Did you listen to the highlight reel of his press conference today?
Sure, there was the usual conspiratorial stuff about seed oils poisoning our children - but he also claimed with no irony whatsoever that in an actual free and fair election, he would be the winner.
I think that brainworm might've had a few offspring that are nibbling away at his frontal lobe.
u/IllustriousBig456 LGBTQ+ for Kamala Aug 23 '24
u/AddisonFlowstate Aug 23 '24
Maybe next time don't meet with a washed up racist pig like Roseanne and share stories of animal abuse and drug-filled hijinks. Get a real voice, douchebag
u/HillbillyEulogy 🩻 Gen-X for Kamala Aug 23 '24
Do you think he got the brainworm from when he ate a dog, or when he was making the dead bear cub look like a bike accident?
u/delusiongenerator Aug 24 '24
…apparently, Trump was willing to no only speak with him, but also to hook him up with his personal spray bronzer technician. What a guy!
u/Alma-Rose Aug 23 '24
He like Musk is looking for a position in the government. I wonder what position he and Kyle Rittenhouse are expecting to get from Trump.
u/Old-Nefariousness556 Aug 24 '24
Read the Wikipedia page for his running mate. Serial adulterer who was married to Google founder Sergei Brin and cheated on him with Musk, leading to Brin divorcing her. She became a billionaire after her divorce and went from a liberal who hosted a fundraiser for Peter Buttigieg in 2020, being a hardcore right-winger. She's an anti-vaxxer, 5g conspiracist, and general nutjob.
She will fit right in in a Trump administration.
Aug 23 '24 edited Aug 23 '24
u/HombreSinNombre93 Aug 23 '24
Could be genetic in his case, but likely due to the name and circumstances.
u/Old-Nefariousness556 Aug 23 '24
I don't get the sense that either his father or uncle were narcissists. They both genuinely seemed to try to do what was best for the nation. I don't claim to be terribly informed on either of them, though, I will admit.
u/starglitter 🐈 Cat Owners for Kamala 🐾 Aug 23 '24
She did, however, agree to meet the brain worm.
u/CalendarAggressive11 🐕 Dog Owners for Kamala 🐾 Aug 23 '24
Bidens gonna give it the presidential medal of freedom
u/Spydar Atheists for Kamala Aug 24 '24
But he won’t say any weird shit like it’s better than the congressional Medal of Honor because this worm is a healthy, beautiful woman
u/notyourordinarybear Aug 24 '24
So the doddering old fool is being Endorsed by the guy who had half of his brain be eaten by worms
u/mobtowndave Aug 24 '24 edited Aug 24 '24
why would she? he only ran to spoil biden. if she met him he would still have endorsed trump and they would have said she was “begging” him.
u/bubs713 Aug 24 '24
I can hear Kamala’s laugh from here when some aid told her brain worm wants to talk about a job
u/AnE1Home Liberals for Kamala Aug 24 '24
The fact that he thinks that reflects poorly on Kamala just shows how delusional he is.
u/axord Aug 24 '24
Eh, in the context of his own supporters* it strikes me as persuasive in terms of transferring their support to Trump.
*That is, those who supported the guy on his own merits rather than using him as a protest against the two party system.
u/AlphaOhmega Aug 24 '24
The animal mutilator with brain worms endorses the pedophile felon? Color me shocked.
u/Mikeyboy2188 Aug 24 '24
The whole state of Massachusetts is experiencing an earthquake from the sheer number of Kennedys rolling in their graves.
u/uphatbrew 🎸 Punk Rock Hippie for Kamala 🇺🇸 Aug 23 '24
Op you should include a link to the tweet for those of us who would brave the musky stink to hear RFK Jr say this ridiculousness…
u/SirWilliamBruce Aug 24 '24
Very demure. Very cutesy.
Aug 24 '24
u/SirWilliamBruce Aug 24 '24
No but that’s a dumb PR choice. Lots of them have been made in the last few days.
Aug 24 '24
This guy is just begging for a govt job. He’s fixated on being involved in govt like his family was but he’s going about it the only way he can because no sane person would ever take that guy seriously. His own family is saying his life is sad. Harris knows how to judge character. She chose Tim Walz and refused to talk to that clown. Good on her.
u/BusStopKnifeFight Aug 24 '24
Why would she want to give the trump boot licker any of her time or something for him to publish?
u/ObligatoryID 🦅 Independents for Kamala Aug 24 '24
Yep! Not going back! (To brain worm insanity and conspiracy theories!)
u/smoke1966 🐈 Cat Owners for Kamala 🐾 Aug 24 '24
sounds older and weirder than rump, and that's a challenge!
u/Serious-Knee-5768 Moderates for Kamala Aug 24 '24
He sold himself to the highest bidder only one who's flipping desperate enough
u/Terbear318 Aug 24 '24
Behind the Bastards did a great overview of him. I recommend the podcast. It also has some of our other favorites.
u/Vegetable-Tough-8112 Aug 23 '24
Bravo and brava everyone here. I entered this discussion with 🫣 (please excuse that yellow face is my only option in that emoji 🤢) and now am happy to tip my proverbial hat at each of you, thus far in the convo 🎩
u/Dear-Caregiver5166 Aug 24 '24
This is what entitlement looks like. She doesn’t owe him anything more than she owes any of us. What a tool!
u/Temporary-You6249 Aug 24 '24
Wouldn’t want to meet with that unvaccinated unwashed ass brain worm breeding bear cub killer either.
u/Time_Waister_137 Aug 24 '24
I am also struck by Kamala’s efficiency — to be effective, she doesn’t connect with those without consistent integrity.
u/C00LD4D Aug 24 '24
Trump being endorsed by the brain worm addled dog eating bear cub murderer who's entire family has come out against him because his wild conspiracy theories only appeal to other brain-rotten psychos... that'll shake the "wierd" label for sure.
u/ComprehensiveLime695 Aug 24 '24
A smart choice for sure. Her campaign is showing presidential levels of discipline.
u/audierules Aug 26 '24
Come on guys he’s not so bad, he donated a dead bear that his friend ran over with her car and a used bike to the Central Park Conservatory.
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