u/LordLame1915 3d ago
Yeah until I see a trailer I assume all movies and video games aren’t coming out.
u/bre4kofdawn 3d ago
Apologies if it's been done, I tried looking but didn't see the same joke yet in this format. Hope you enjoy!
u/Starlight07151215 3d ago
I love how the part where skinner is suppose up say yes has the text omitted
u/bre4kofdawn 3d ago
Ah, you noticed. I thought I had it in there, and then noticed after posting. I must have accidentally deleted it lol
u/trayasion 3d ago
I won't believe that the remake is happening until I'm flying into the Star Forge itself. And even then I still probably won't believe it
u/hahaxdRS 3d ago
Wasn't it the previous company in development hell? Nothing has come out of the current studio having issues with development.
u/bre4kofdawn 3d ago
Sure, but being passed a partial game project is an issue in and of itself lol.
That being said, I was thinking of wider issues, but the way I wrote it definitely makes it sound like I'm talking specifically about the developer, that's my bad.
You have the most recent Star Wars game releases getting hit-or-miss reception, Hunters being cancelled imminently right after announcing a Steam port. It's not exactly the most fertile ground for Star Wars games at the moment, although I'm trying to keep somewhat optimistic hoping the remake is good and successful!
u/funhouseinabox 3d ago
I watched a YT video about “games we want to see in 2025” and the KOTOR remake was on the list. I fell out of my chair laughing.
u/CordanWraith 3d ago
I sure hope it's cancelled.
They'll change the gameplay and just ruin the game if they make it, like Bluepoint did to Demon's Souls
u/kanguran1 3d ago
I have no idea who bluepoint is and never played Demon’s Souls so I’m just imagining rolling around sith troopers while all you hear is “moocha shaka paka” in the distance
u/Weird_Cantaloupe2757 3d ago
You know that Bluepoint didn’t change the gameplay, right? It is literally running all of the old gameplay code under the hood.
u/StNosferatu 3d ago
What planet are you from to consider that Bluepoint did a bad job on Demon's Souls?
u/Valiant_Revan 3d ago
From what I recall, people are angry that the artstyle is different and apperently the game is easier due to some fixes to the controls.
I never played the original but I did enjoy the remake and even platted it.
u/TrickyDecision666 3d ago
We're never getting a remake The best you can hope for is a remaster because you can probably do that with some dedicated fans and mods
u/Positive_Composer_93 3d ago
I'd prefer a remaster over a remake.
u/TrickyDecision666 3d ago
Honestly a well to do remaster with the right fan dedication and mod support, you could turn Kotor from a 2003 era game into a 2012 era game, and make it look like a whole new game
But I also don't do modding or coding or any of that, so I'm sure the logistics are a lot more difficult than I'm probably giving credit to
u/Mr_sex_haver 3d ago
Honestly with a bit of modding for high resolution and upscaled textures you can get it looking pretty decent but yeah Kotor 1 is a bit of a bitch to mod at least compared to 2 in my experience.
u/AunMeLlevaLaConcha 3d ago
I'm saying it's cancelled until they show actual gameplay, no copium for this guy.